CAP Portfolio Project

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Mahnaz Habib

Assignment/Activity Title
Dada Performance
Public Performance
Portfolio Category
Social Awareness
For this assignment, I worked with a partner, and created a performance reflecting a current event
which we believe is an issue. We decided to create a dance which expressed our ideas on bullying;
specifically cyber bullying. This assignment helped me learn a great deal about myself, and how I can
promote positive change in society, and my community. This project reflected the effects of bullying for
victims, since the victim in our representation eventually commits suicide. I believe that bullying is a
major issue that should be addressed right away, and although it is not witnessed to a great extent at Blair,
it should be wiped out throughout the community, and eventually even further through the world. This
performance helped me express my idea about bullying to other peers, and showed them that it is
important to promote change and positive influence. I realized how much I value respect and kindness.
This assignment shows my growth of courage and creativity because I decided to take a risk and show
who I am through a different art form. I really have benefitted from this assignment because as I was
working on it, I realized how deep and strong a message I can give through art.
Social Awareness is being able to recognize and understand the environment around us in order to
create positive change. This project helped me further recognize what is going on around me, because I
became actively involved in an issue of our community. I am thankful to be given this project because I
was able to step out of my comfort zone to be creative and confident. In addition, I believe this project is
just a small stepping stone to how far I will exceed through this program. It is just the beginning of the
creativity, confidence, and motivation that will progress as I continue through CAP. Performing a dance
based on a current issue gave me a sense of courage because I was able to express my idea through
something I was passionate about; which is dance. I learned that I can make a difference in other peoples
lives just by explaining a concern that has affected me and thousands of other people. Once people
receive the message that one tries to reach across, they can discover how to make change. So, I will
continue to use the creativity and public performance skills to create change in the community and show
others what I feel passionate about.
I believe there were some struggles and weaknesses expresses in this project. It is near the
beginning of freshman year, and I have just begun to learn how to perform with confidence and courage.
Therefore, I was not as passionate and expressive as I should have been. I plan on becoming more bold
and daring in my decisions. I was faced with many challenges because I was nervous and did not have
enough confidence to step out of my comfort zone and raise the stakes. But these struggles actually
helped me learn because I used these mistakes as a way to guide me to the direction of improvement. I
can work on becoming more confident, and I should worry less about what others think of me. Just
through this one performance, I have a greater perspective on the world because I know now that I can
create change through informing others and communicating myself.
I never realized how much this program will change who I am, and what my role is in this world.
Although my journey has just begun, the opportunities that I have already received so far has opened my
eyes up to a new perspective on the world, and on the strong leader I can become. This dada performance
is a beginning to the creative projects that will relate to my passions and concerns in the community. I am
slowly becoming more aware of my surroundings and will continue to advocate positive change in this
community through public performance and other communication skills.

Mahnaz Habib

Student Signature


Teacher Signature


Advisor Signature


Mahnaz Habib

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