DR Motsoko Pheko Books

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order. Account Number will be supplied to you upon your enquiry. Read books that
reveal hidden knowledge and increase your self-confidence and wisdom.These
books are on African history, politics, law and religion.


Write the Vision... that he may run that reads it... for at the end it shall speak and not lie.

The Hidden Side of South African Politics

March 21 Day of Destiny soaked in Blood

Its message changed South African politics and the thinking of the world drastically,
dramatically and irreversibly.

A fascinating piece of writing by a courageous writer

Prof. A.J. Moloi State University of California
Without such book, the liberation history of South Africa remains a distortion
The Honourable N. Mphanya Member of Parliament Lesotho

Price: R 40

Price: R 100
Apartheid The Story of a Dispossessed People

African Renaissance Saved Christianity

Here is a man writing the history of mainly South Africa

It is a most unusual and valuable and in fact precious book.
Prof C.L.R. James, Harvard University

Africa must not present herself as an insolvent debtor to the Western World.
Africa is indeed, the very initiator of the western civilisation that is flaunted before
her people today. The first renaissance on this planet began in Africa by Africans.

Price: R 180

Price: R 140
South Africa: Betrayal of a Colonised People
A case study of how Britain manipulated international law to avoid decolonising
an African country it had colonised.

The True History of Robben Island must be preserved

The history of Robben Island is running the risk of permanent mutilation that hides
it true historical significance.
Price: R 85

Price: R 150
How Africans can regain their Lost Power

The Early Church in Africa (1st To 7th Century) and Today

...goes to war in the African mind. It aims to strike out wrong impressions many
people hold about the history of Christianity on African Continent.
Price: R
Sam Phiri a Zambian journalist

The book takes its title from the key address by the author that he gave at the
100th anniversary of the Pan African conference in London in July 2000.

Price: R 70


The Land is Ours- The Political Legacy of Mangaliso Sobukwe

The book is about a political leader in South Africa for whom there was a special law called
''Sobukwe Clause'' to keep him in prison this side of eternity.
The apartheid regime said he was heavy weight when compared with light weight ANC leaders.

Price: R 180

Soweto Uprising: The Trial Of Zephania Mothopeng

You Mothopeng acted to sow seeds of anarchy and revolution; the riots you organised
and predicted eventually took place in Soweto on 16 June and at Kagiso the next day.
Judge Curlewis, Supreme Court of South Africa 26 July 1979

Price: R 70

How Freedom Charter Betrayed The Dispossessed The land Question In South Africa.
1.African Kings knew Land is source of Good Life
2.African Kings led Wars of National Resistance Against Colonial Dispossession

Land is Money and Power

The author writes that political power without economic power is a delusion.
It is a gigantic political fraud.

Price: R 70

Price: R 96
Towards Africas Authentic Liberation
Western Countries that are supposedly giving aid to
Africans are themselves getting their riches from Africa!

Price: R 180

Who are the Africans? Indigenous names and identity

Free People Name Themselves. Dogs Are Named By Their Masters.

Price: R 70

Why Azania? Scholars expound on Azania and Azanian poets
ventilate on Azania.

Price: R 135

The True History of Sharpeville must be told

There are political opportunists and mischievous mutilators of history who have a vested
interest in the falsification of the history that began Monday 21st March 1960.

Price: R 50

A Dream that was true

What Will Happen On God's Judgement Day? Is There such a Day? Find Out For Yourself

Price: R 66

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