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Section 3

Unit Title Industrial Placement/Project

Unit Code F203
Programme BA (Hons) Fashion
Credits 30 Level 2 Unit Status Mandatory

Contact Time 10 Access to Resources 0 Independent Study 290

The purpose of this unit is to expose students to contemporary

professional practice in the creative industries and to a work
environment(s) similar to one in which a graduate on their pathway
might be employed. This allows students to deepen their
understanding of the industry, which they are entering. It also allows
them to apply and place in context, the knowledge and skills, which
they have learnt on the earlier parts of the course.

Students will increase their understanding of the nature of the

industry sector, which they are entering and the competencies and
attributes necessary to work successfully in that sector. This will
inform their future specialisation and career paths. The engagement
with industry normally takes the form of an individual industrial
placement but alternatively may also take the form of an industry
focused project. Students are encouraged and supported in seeking
a placement(s) appropriate to their pathway/specialism and long
term career aims.

Students are briefed on the process of getting a placement in the

previous term and supported by the College Employability Unit in
developing their CV and this is done in conjunction with the Personal
and Professional Development 2 unit under the academic lead of the
fashion department.

During the course of the placement, students will be required to

develop a profile of the company and its products. They will also be
required to maintain a journal of their day-to-day experience of the
company, which reflects upon what they have learnt in relation to the
course’s outcomes. Students who do not attain work placements will
undertake simulated projects within the College. This will take the
form of an investigation of prescribed companies or industry

Faculty of Design Definitive Document: 21 July 2006

Section 3

Topics covered in this unit may include:

• Identifying placement opportunities;

• CV writing;
• Approaching employers;
Indicative • Writing a reflective diary;
Curriculum • Learning agreement between student, employer and
Outline Ravensbourne;
• Tutorials – industry awareness, professional attitude at work;
• Interview and presentation skills;
• Portfolio and presentation preparation;
• Collating information for report compilation;
• Business awareness.

In order to pass this Level 2 unit, students must show that the
following learning outcomes have been achieved:

Knowledge and Understanding

1. Articulate a thorough understanding of how the creative

process operates in practice in a specific industry sector.

Unit Learning
Outcomes 2. Reflect on industry practice in relation to the principles,
practices, theories and concepts learnt on the course; (LO2)
3. Research and write a profile of a company in the creative
industries; (LO3)
4. Communicate effectively in a manner appropriate to the
discipline(s) and report practical procedures in a clear and
concise manner in a variety of formats; (LO4)
5. Interact effectively within a team/learning group, giving and
receiving information and ideas and modifying responses
where appropriate. (LO5)

Teaching and
Learning This unit will make use of the following:
• Informal pre-placement lectures and talks;
• Group seminars/tutorials;
• Experiential learning;
• Hands on experience of industrial design practice;
• Lectures/guidance from design practitioners;
• Guest lectures from industry.

Faculty of Design Definitive Document: 21 July 2006

Section 3

Elements The summative assessment will be comprised of the following three
elements of work:
• A Placement Report, analysing/debating the appropriateness
of the creative process and product in their
placement/engagement company. This will include the details
of the companies strategies and positioning in a complex and
changing industry;
• A Diary/Journal reflecting on the learning experience during
the placement/learning. This will be analytical and evaluative;
• An Oral and Visual Presentation to the peer group on what
has been learned.
Placement (or Industrial) Report
This will involve:
• An evaluation of company product and practice with
recommendation for future development;
• An evaluation of the appropriateness of the product within the
companies aims and competencies;
• The final report will be 2000 words in length, word processed
and bound.
This will involve:
• A day-to-day record of duties and responsibilities and factors
within the company affecting them;
• A personal evaluation of situated learning;
• An evaluation of current daily operational practices;
• Accompanying visuals that illustrate company practice;
• The Diary/Journal will be 1500 words in length.

This will involve:
• An Oral and Visual summary of the work placement
• This will be 700 words in length and it is suggested that
students spend about 12 hours indicative preparation time.

Each assessed element will contribute to the final grade, in the

proportions shown in the following table:

Faculty of Design Definitive Document: 21 July 2006

Section 3

Assessable Elements Percentage of Final Grade

Placement Report 45%
Diary/Journal 40%
Presentation 15%

Students will be assessed on the following aspects:

Placement Report
• Make effective and correct use of language and terminology;
• Demonstrate practical experience of the world of work; (LO1)
• Developed skills in research, analysis and critical reflection;
• Demonstrate the exploration of creative solutions to problems
identified. (LO1, LO2)

• Investigate, analyse, interpret, reflect and develop ideas and
Assessment information; (LO2)
Criteria • Accommodate ambiguity, uncertainty and unfamiliarity and
plan and manage personal development in these contexts;
(LO1, LO2)
• Work effectively and collaboratively with others, in a team and
across disciplinary boundaries. (LO1)

• Describe the structure of the fashion related industry and the
roles of the practitioners they meet within it; (LO4)
• Communicate and explain their experience as a responsible
member of their peer group; (LO5)
• Articulate their ideas and information comprehensibly in
visual, oral and written forms and present ideas and work to a
variety of audiences. (LO5)

Faculty of Design Definitive Document: 21 July 2006

Section 3

Unit Relevant Books

Jackson, Tim. and Shaw, David. (2000) Mastering Fashion Buying

and Merchandising Management, Palgrave Master.

Tungate, Mark. (2005) Fashion Brands: Branding style from Armani

to Zara.

Ind, Nicholas. (2004) Beyond Branding: How the Values of

Transparency and Integrity are Changing the world of Brands.
Reading List
Chan Kim, W. and Maubrgne, Renee. (2005) Blue Ocean Strategy,
Harvard Business school Press.

Unit Relevant Websites

Fashion sourcing in and around London


Fashion.net fashion portal


Faculty of Design Definitive Document: 21 July 2006

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