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God of Creation

Jonathon R. Peters & Dusty W. Love

A campaign through Surmasyn

You are walking along a dirt road and are surrounded by a dense forest on either side. You can
hear the woodland animals going about their daily tasks and paying you no mind. As you continue to walk
you can hear a noise off in the distance, it sounds like the rustle and bustle of a town ahead. After a few
more minutes of walking you finally see a clearing ahead of you and begin to walk with a renewed
purpose. As you walk through the clearing you see that the forest is still present on either side but has
been cut away from the road by roughly 10 on each side. From the clearing you can see a sign post
farther up the road as well as a town in the far distance.
As you walk along the road and approach the sign you see that the road forks off to the south.
Upon reaching the sign you can read that it says Town of Irons-Run: East, Church of Creation: South

If Irons-Run is picked switch to Irons-Run: Day 1

If Church of Creation is picked continue reading
If the party has been to Iron-Runs continue reading

As you walk south towards the church you notice that the sounds of the forest have silenced
themselves allowing for an oppressive silence to rule over the path. After a while the church begins to
appear in the distance. The silence seems to make its self-more present with each step down the path.
Soon you reach the doors of the church and the silence is replaced with a dull groan of unrest by
something in the church. There is a sign on the door of the church that reads Closed by order of Mayor
Tristan Hems. Do not enter!

If party wishes to see mayor switch to Irons-Run: Day 1:

o With your decision to seek out the mayor you follow the road north and the silence
does not pursue you, but rather waits for your return.
If the party wishes to try the door:
o The door is locked tight and does not budge in the slightest.
If the party wishes to look for another entrance:
o You search the church grounds but you find that all windows are nailed shut and that
there are no other entrances.

Day 1

As you follow the road east you see the town drawing closer and closer, and hear the rustle and
bustle growing louder and louder. As you near the town gates three armed men rush out to meet you. One
of the men is clothed in fine linens and wears an elegant breast plate that bears an emblem of a two
crossed pick-axe set behind a rock. The other two men are each wearing basic chest plates with plumed
helmets. The nice dressed man steps forward and begins to speak:
I am Sir Tristan Hems, the mayor of Iron-Runs, what business have you here?
A. If the party tells the mayor they are in search of adventure:
a. Well I must say that its been a long time since weve had adventure seekers in these
parts, but luckily for you we have had a few problems arise here of late and I am in need
of help. You may enter my town and enjoy the festivities as it is the towns birthday today
and so we shall share our goods with you. You may retire for the night at the inn, just tell
the inn-keeper that you there on official town business. But remember that you are to
meet with me in the morning at my home.
B. If they ask the mayor of the sign on the church:
a. I see that you have been out exploring. . . The church has been off limits for a week or
so. There is something evil in there and has begun to corrupt the holy ground of the
church. If you wish to inquire more to the church then my guards will escort you to the
inn where you may sleep and I will send for you in the morning.
With this the mayor turns and leaves you. [No other questions may be asked of the mayor till the
The Festival: [A]
Much of the towns people are located directly inside of the gate. You notice that much of the town
has been roped off to keep drunks and visitors from walking the streets during the festivities. From a
glance around you can see an eating contest, a few games that involve hitting targets, as well as the local
tavern and inn being located within the limits of the festival.
1. Most of the games cost 1 Gold Piece to play and require you to hit targets of varying distances,
4/5 target hits net a prize of a unique gift from any of the shops in town that will be reopened
tomorrow, a miss at more than 1 target is a loss.
a. Target 1: 1-5 on d 6, Target 2: 1-4 on d 6, Target 3: 1-3 on d 6, Target 4: 1-2 on d 6
2. The eating contest has just concluded
3. The tavern is selling all brews and meals for half off for the duration of the festival.
The Festival: [B]
Much of the towns people are located directly inside of the gate. You notice that much of the
town has been roped off to keep drunks and visitors from walking the streets during the festivities. From a
glance around you can see an eating contest, a few games that involve hitting targets, as well as the local
tavern and inn being located within the limits of the festival. You dont have much more than a glimpse
before the guards push you on to the Inn.

As you come up to the inn you see a hanging sign just above the door that reads The Lazy
Miners Retreat. You see a warm glow coming through the inns doors as you walk towards it. You reach
for the handle to pull the door open so that you and your companions may relax and escape the roar of the
festival. Right before your hand makes contact with the handle, the door flies open suddenly and you see
an angry dwarf just before he starts to shove past you and your party. [If the dwarf is followed he will be
lost in the crowd, if talked to his response will be I aint got the time nor the patience for ye right
You lead your party into the lit inn; you can see that it is sparsely decorated and is larger than it
appears from the outside. The room appears to be 30x40 with the length being from west to east. The
door from which you entered sits in the northwestern corner of the building and you can see six doors
lining the southern wall evenly spaced apart by a distance of about 5. The inn keeper is stationed behind
the bar located in the northeastern corner. The inn keeper appears to be an elf that has the appearance of
being close to 700 years of age due to the silvering hair and creases in his face.
Inn Keeper: [A]
As you look at the inn keeper he motions you to come closer. As you approach you can tell that
something troubles this man but you know that elves do not freely divulge their fears as men do.
Greetings my dear patrons, I hope that you enjoyed the festivities that Irons-Run has to give this
night the inn keeper seems to lose his train of thought for a few minutes but soon regains control of
his thoughts because it only comes once a year. So what can I do you all for? I have six empty rooms for
the six tired adventures that stand in front of me. The total cost for all the rooms will be 12 Gold per
night. The inn keeper seems to have a one track mind for the moment and eagerly awaits your decision.

The party can choose to pay the 12 Gold per night and go to bed now.
o The inn keeper reaches out for the money with one hand and gives you six keys with the
other. You all have wonderful nights sleep, theres a complimentary wakeup call at
The party can now choose to tell the inn keeper that Tristan Hems has told you that you are on
official business.
o Ooooooh, that means you get to stay here for free as long as you are here on official

Inn Keeper: [B]

As you look at the inn keeper he motions you to come closer and the guards nudge your back to
keep moving. As you approach you can tell that something troubles this man but you know that elves do
not freely divulge their fears as men do.
Greetings my dear patrons, I hope that you enjoyed the festivities that Irons-Run has to give this
night but one of the guards cut him off and begins talking. Sir Hems says that these are to stay here
due to the issue with the church. As the guard finishes talking the inn keepers eyes widen and he quickly
turns to get the keys for the rooms and gives them to the guard. After the exchange the guard begins to
give a key to each member of the party, and you notice that the elf has left to enter his own room located

behind the bar that you failed to see from the door when you entered. With the exchange of the keys to
your party the guards usher each member to their respective room. As you enter your room the guard tells
you Well be back at sun up tomorrow, be ready for the mayor hates to be left waiting!
The Morning [A]:
You awake the following morning, greatly refreshed but anxious as to what the mayor has to say
to you once you see him. You can hear the inn keeper talking to himself. You cant quite make out as to
what he is talking about but he keeps mentioning a church.
You open your door and the inn keeper immediately stops talking and tells you good morning and
that the mayor has already sent for you this morning and that you need to hurry and gather the rest of your
team. As you wake the rest of your team you feel like there is an evil presence glooming over your
shoulders. You finish waking your companions and meet outside the inn. You can see that the festival that
was there last night has begun to be disassembled and the drunks have started their zigzag walk back to
their homes and their stern wives that wait. While you are outside a guard soon walks up to you and your
party. Sorry for my tardiness, I meant to be here sooner but there were drunkards to attend to he says,
please follow me the mayor is eagerly waiting to have an attendance with you.
As you follow the guard you are able to view more of the town. You notice that there are multiple
vendors throughout the town. You notice a blacksmith, an armor smith, a banker, in addition to the inn
and tavern that have already seen. Soon you find yourself at the entrance of an elegant looking two-story
log cabin. There is a curvy cobble stone path way leading up to the front door where there hands a plaque
the reads Sir Tristan Hems Mayor. The guard turns to you and your party and says Mayor Hems is
expecting you, just walk in and follow the hallway to your left to enter the den and speak with him.
The Morning [B]:
You awake the following morning, greatly refreshed but anxious as to what the mayor has to say
to you once you see him. You can hear the inn keeper talking to himself. You cant quite make out as to
what he is talking about but he keeps mentioning a church.
As you lay in bed trying to concentrate on the Elf you hear the inn door swing open and loud
thudding making its way to your door. The thudding stops for a brief second as the door to your room
swings open and the guard that escorted you to the inn stands in front of you. Mayor wants to see you...
NOW!! he says as he bends down and yanks you from the bed. You can hear the doors to your fellow
companions being forced open and they being raised from bed themselves. The two guards force you and
your party outside and tell you to follow them. As you follow one guard the other follows closely behind
to insure that there are no stragglers. You can see that the festival that was there last night has begun to be
disassembled and the drunks have started their zigzag walk back to their homes and their stern wives that
As you follow the guard you are able to view more of the town. You notice that there are multiple vendors
throughout the town. You notice a blacksmith, an armor smith, a banker, in addition to the inn and tavern
that have already seen. Soon you find yourself at the entrance of an elegant looking two-story log cabin.
There is a curvy cobble stone path way leading up to the front door where there hands a plaque the reads
Sir Tristan Hems Mayor. The guard turns to you and your party and says Mayor Hems is expecting
you, just walk in and follow the hallway to your left to enter the den and speak with him.

The Mayors House:

As you enter the house you can see that the mayor is very well off. His house has many
decorations that you have never seen before, many are stuffed monsters that look like they were born of
the nightmares of seasoned adventures. Soon you see the hallway that the guard spoke of and start the
journey down toward the den. As you enter the den you can see that it is quite dim due to the curtains
being pulled to and a sole candle burns. You can see that there is a lonely high backed chair sitting beside
the candle. Greetings, I hope that you enjoyed your night, after all Tryfall has very few guests nowadays
as it is. But with the introduction out of the way let us move on to the main reason for this meeting.
Reason: [A]
You said that you seek adventure? Well due to some very odd occurrences that is just what this
town is full of. You see, in the center of town lies a statue to Hohn, the God of Creation, and around

his statue there are to be eight orbs for each of the gods and goddess that he created from his own
being. These orbs have been removed one by one throughout the week before your arrival, with
the last being stolen last night. Each of these orbs are powerful on their own and require their
opposite to keep them in check, without this the gods and goddess begin to return to the material
plane and continue the work they started before Hohn locked them away. I have managed to
locate one of the orbs shortly before you arrived, so if youre looking for a fight this is a good
place to start. What say you?

If they ask for more history of the gods and goddess:

o Read from the mythos
If they accept the quest:
o I am glad that you will help my town, the first orb is located in the Church of Creation
to the south west of town; you shouldve past the road on the way here. When you arrive
to the door speak the words Doth al quim and it will allow the door to be opened
If asked why he placed a spell on the door:
I am not much of a fighter, and neither is my towns people. So I sealed
the church till I could find someone that fears no fight.
If they ask to see the rest of the town:
o I am sorry but this cannot be allowed at this moment in time. For many of the shops
keepers have not yet reopened their shops due to the festivities. Perhaps after you return
from the church my town will be back up and running as it should.

Reason: [B]
So youve been to the church? Well it seems that Hohn has found help before I was able to find
it myself. The door of that church have been locked due to an evil that has found its way into my land.
You see, in the center of town lies a statue to Hohn, the God of Creation, and around his statue there

are to be eight orbs for each of the gods and goddess that he created from his own being. These
orbs have been removed one by one throughout the week before your arrival, with the last being
stolen last night. Each of these orbs are powerful on their own and require their opposite to keep
them in check, without this the gods and goddess begin to return to the material plane and
continue the work they started before Hohn locked them away. I have managed to locate one of

the orbs shortly before you arrived. The first orb rests somewhere within the church. So you are
tasked with cleansing the church and retrieving the orb. The doors are magically sealed, the
phrase you need to speak is Doth al quim and the doors should open easily afterwards. I do not
know what lies beyond the doors, so I bid you Hohns praise and good luck. The guards will
escort you to the road that leads to the church and will stay there till you return.

Things that
Should be

As you stand at the front door of the church you can still feel an oppressive force around you. You
utter the words that Mayor Hems mentioned to you at his cabin. There is a sudden surge of energy around
you as the last word leaves your mouth. This energy lifts the oppressive silence from around you and the
doors slowly swing inward to show the churchs interior. You and your party see that this is but one of
three levels in the church. The pulpit and main lobby of the church are what lay in front of you. You can
see a stair case that leads down to your left and a stair case that leads up to your right. In front of you is a
room of roughly 10 x 10 and is bare; beyond this room lies another in which you can see a few pews and
the pulpit from which men preached. You can hear moans coming from in front of you, chanting from
downstairs, and the floor creaking above your heads.
A. Chose to go forward:
a. As you walk across the main lobby the moans get louder. Soon you find yourself in the
door way to the main area of worship. The pews have been tore up by some kind of
creature, their wood has been gnawed and the seat stuffing ripped out. Out of the corner
of your eye you see something rush toward you. [Roll Intuitive]
i. [Rat x 5]
b. With the rats dispatched you turn your focus on to the moaning at the pulpit. The
moaning seems to have grown significantly louder after your fight with the rats. As you
make your way to the stage that consists of the pulpit you can see 4 humanoids bent on
their knees as if in a trance. [Any action to inspect them or get on the stage causes an
Roll for Intuitive]
i. [ Zombies x 4]
c. As the last zombie falls you hear a maniacal laugh fill the air around you Kill them, kill
my puppets! Their deaths only give me strength. In fact why dont you strike them down
again! As the last word fades you can hear moans all around you. The zombies you have
just slain have been reanimated. [Roll Intuitive]
i. [Zombies x 4]
d. With the last zombie slain for the second time the air is filled with a voice again Its no
fun if you dont die too! I wish to face you myself, but youve got to find me ha ha ha
ha ha ha!
B. Chose to go upstairs:
a. As you walk to up the stairs you hear the floor boards creak and a hushed whisper.
i. The party can send one player to try and listen to the conversation, but the most
be hid in shadows and moving silently.
1. You slowly move up the stairs leaving your party to wait for your return.
As you begin to near the top of the stairs you are able to start making out
what is being said.
a. He said that we would be able to get in and out with the loot
before everything start to come back to life. Now the treasure is
gone and we are stuck up here to die and then get eaten by all the
zombies down there. As he finishes another voice starts to talk,
You fool! We knew that there would be trouble, and the boss
never said wed make it out without a fight; so I say we go down
there and kill the zombies, get the loot, and get out before this
church is damned!

2. This is all you can hear before the people talking grow more quiet and
hushed. You know that there are at least two people up there and that
they are more than likely armed.
ii. If the party chooses to go as a group up the stairs the bandits will hear them and
wait to ambush them at the top of the stairs.
1. [Bandit x 5] (Each bandit carries 25GP and a note that says Kill the
others once the onyx orb has been acquired and be rewarded with
C. Chose to go downstairs:
a. As you begin to walk down the stairs you hear the chanting grow louder and louder.
i. The party can send one player to investigate the scene downstairs, but the most
be hid in shadows and moving silently.
1. As you reach the bottom of the stairs you can see that there is a ring of 6
humanoids around what appears to be a black from cloaked in a dense
black mist. There is also 2 armed guards standing on either side of a
hallway entrance, and the end of the hallway you can see a figure
standing there with its back toward you.
ii. If the party goes down as a group the guards will notice you and rush toward you,
the cultist will not attack unless the group causes harm to any of the cultists or
tries to enter the ring. Once the ring is disturbed the black form will fly down the
hallway in to the figure standing in the room. [Roll Intuitive]
1. [Bandit x 2] [ Cultist x 6]
b. With the guards (and the cultists slain) you can have time to notice that the orb is located
at the middle of the circle.
i. If any player tries to pick up the orb:
1. Yay the game is almost done, youve found the orb, now to meet its
owner. Just walk down the hallway and come feel my cold embrace as
the last word lingers in the air you can see the figure at the end of the
hallway turn around and hold out its arms, as if ready to receive a hug.
D. The Final Room
a. As you and your companions walk down the hallway toward the figure you can start to
hear a laughter coming from the room that houses the figure. With each step closer the
laughter seems to grow more maniacal in nature. The figures arms are still held out
reached toward the group. As you enter the room a silence falls over you and the laughter
stops instantly. The figure drops one arm to its side and raises one to its head to remove a
hood that is casting enough of a shadow to keep its face covered.
i. Allow me to formally introduce myself hahaha, I am Death and with that the
figure removed the hood that covered the face of Death. Deaths hair flowed out
of the hood, it was black, straight, and fell to about navel length. The skin was
that of a pale white, as if it had never seen the light of day. I must say that it is
nice to finally have a crowd to show my true form to. Allow me to change into
something more fitting. The figure then spun around and the long formless robe
that the figure was wearing had be replaced with a blackened silver pieced armor
suit being worn by a woman. Yes I am Death, the Goddess of eternal slumber,
and you all are about to have a nice long nap Death then stomped her foot on the
ground thrice and a sword erupted forth from the ground. This is Kharon, and he

shall slice you a path to eternal slumber hahahaha. Now who wants to take their
nap first?!
b. Death:
i. AC: 3 THACO: 10
Weapon: Bastard Sword +2
HP:60 XP:3,000
ii. Combat with the GoD is unique, she will fight in that you can fight here
physically for 2 rounds and then she will go invisible and summon 3 zombies.
She will regenerate 2HP per round that the zombies are alive. Once the zombies
are slain she will then be able to be attacked for another 2 turns. This repeats
until dead.
E. Death of Death:
a. Well it appears that I am in need of sleep more than you all. I will return to my orb and
leave Kharon in your hands, use him well; for as long as he is used by one who prays to
me I will be more willing to hear your pleas. As her last word leaves her mouth, Deaths
body then drops to the floor but right as it hits the ground it turns into a dark grey vapor.
The vapor begins to float toward the orb and slowly seeps into the orbs surface. As the
last of Deaths vapor seeps into the orb; the orbs surface feels warm but cold at the same
F. Whats Left:
a. The party may now decide to either go back to town or finish clearing the church.
i. If the orb is found before they clear the pulpit there will only be 4 dead bodies
instead of zombies.
ii. If the upstairs is not searched before the downstairs the bandits are gone.

Day 2

As you and your companions leave the church you feel the wind on your faces, the dark and
oppressive silence has now been replaced with the sounds of nature. You walk north along the road to
reach the main road to town. As you near the fork in the road you can see a man standing there waiting for
someone. The man has yet to notice you and your party
A. The party can walk up and greet the individual.
a. Ah just the people I had hoped to see walking out of that cursed place. I have
become aware that you went into that church on behalf of the Mayor. Well I have
a request on behalf of my employer; Hand over the orb and you live to fight
another day for some other forsaken reason!
i. If the orb is handed over:
1. Ah I thank you for your kindness. As soon as the man has the
orb in his hand you takes off running toward town, and 6 bandits
step out of the woods with smiles on their faces. [Roll
a. [Bandits x 6]
ii. If you chose not to hand the orb over:
1. Have it your way, Time to get dirty boys! 6 bandits step out of
the woods with smiles on their faces. [Roll Initiative].
a. [Bandits x 7]
B. The party may choose to kill the man:
a. Melee:
i. As you walk up to the man he starts to talk but you pull out your weapon
to kill him. The man yells and 6 bandits step out of the woods with their
weapons in hand. [Roll Initiative].
b. Range:
i. Your party readies their bows and let loose a volley of arrows at the
target. As the man is hit you hear an explosion of yells and screams
erupt from the surrounding woods. A band of bandits start yelling out of
the trees toward your party. [Roll Initiative].
c. The party can choose to enter the woods and evade the man:
i. As your party enters the woods you look around and see two men
standing behind trees looking in the direction of the man as if waiting
for a signal.
1. Your party can choose to fight the two men or head back to
As you draw closer to the town gate it parts and you see that the interior of the town has
recovered from the festivities. You can see towns people walking from building to building on their daily
business. You also see the guards that escorted you to see the mayor are located on either side of the gate.
The mayor is at his home waiting for you, he wishes to see you before you decide to wander the city.
You make your way to the mayors house and you see Tristan Hems outside his house conversing
with a towns person. As you draw nearer Tristan notices you in the corner of his eye and excuses himself
from his conversation with the towns person. I see that you have returned, in one piece on top of that.
So did you find it, the orb that is?
A. If you tell the Mayor that you have the orb:

a. Let us retire back inside to my den as this is a talk which must not fall on
common ears. You and your party follow the mayor to his den. As you all enter
the den you can see that the mayor has opened the curtains in this room and you
can see many books opened and scattered around the room.
i. Roll INT check, need 15 or better
1. If check successful, you can see that many of the books are all
opened to pages containing information on the God, Goddesses,
and orbs. (Refer to mythos)
b. If INT check was unsuccessful, Hems begins speaking, The darkness that
surrounded that church was unbearable to this town. Tell me of your victory
young adventure seekers!
i. You choose to tell Hems of your glorious fight with Death and the
countless enemies she summoned.
1. Ahhhh, so Death is a female, I have always pondered on what
Death would actually look like. I am honored to be in the
company of such brave and ferocious companions to come to aid
for this town. I am in your eternal gratitude.
ii. You decide that it is in Hems best interest to not know the details.
2. Ah, well if you think it is in my best interest, I will trust your
judgement. You six have been through a lot it seems, so maybe
another day.
B. If you do not tell the Mayor that you have the orb:
Well, it seems my sources were incorrect as to the location of the orb. I
apologize for the misinformation and the useless effort you bunch had to go
It seems in your absence, another crisis has arisen. The metal in which our town is known for has started
profiting less and less even with our miners working overtime. I do not know the details, but our local
Blacksmith Griswold Dragonarm might know more. I know it is much to ask of newcomers to this town,
but could you please see if you might be of some assistance? I and my town would be in your debt.
You leave the house and walk outside to notice the townsfolk walking around doing their daily
business. You see that the townsfolk are only going to one particular tent and that there is a rather large
crowd outside of the tent.
A. The party can investigate what the crowd has gathered around:
a. As you walk toward the crowd of people you can over hear yelling about lateness
of product, and wanting money back. Soon you are within 10 of the crowd and
can see a man and a woman trying to comfort the crowd and explain to them why
a problem has arose. Good people of Irons-run the man starts to say The
Dragonarm family has been making you the finest quality of arms and armor
since we arrived nearly ten years ago. The iron from the quarry has started to
come in smaller and smaller quantities, and so our time to make items for you all
has increased. The crowd seems to quite slightly with this reasoning. The
woman standing beside him then speaks up As soon as we find the reason as to
why the metal is now rare we will let you know. The crowd starts to disperse
and only you and your party stand in front of the Dragonarm family.

B. The party may choose to walk around the rest of the town:
a. As you walk through the rest of the town you see that there are signs on the doors
that read a variety of things but all more or less say that the shop owners have
gone to the next town to stock up on supplies due to the iron shortage in town.
The only building left open are the bank, the inn, and the blacksmith where the
crowd has gathered.
You must be the adventures that came to town during the festivities, I and Griswold and this is
my wife Esmerelda. We run the smithies here in town, Esmerelda runs the armor smith across the street
and I run the weapons smith. What may the dragon arms do for you?
A. Tell them that Mayor Hems sent you:
a. Thank the gods, an answer to our prayers! We are in dire need of your help, as
you could see from the crowd there has been a problem with our metal supply
from the quarry, in fact we have not had a shipment since last week. Which in
turn has caused a great stress on our production, and thus has angered more than
half of the town. My wife and I have rode out to the quarry to see if the miners
were still at work and we saw carts full of ore and heard the tink of their picks
deep inside of the mines. We just assumed that they were just gonna dig till the
vein was dry, but that was 4 days ago and they have yet to return. Griswold
pauses and Esmerelda picks up where he left off We were wondering if you
could go and see what is taking the miners so long to return. We would be forever
in your debt as this mine is our lively hood. If you are able to find the cause and
restore our ore supply, my husband I will craft you items that instill fear into your
foes and protect you from the hardest blows. The mine is located east of Ironsrun, just follow the road and you will soon be there
B. Ask them for arms and armor:
a. Were sorry but we are currently unable to produce and items of that sort as we
are out of the materials to do so
i. If asked why see [b]
b. As you could see from the crowd there has been a problem with our metal
supply from the quarry, in fact we have not had a shipment since last week.
Which in turn has caused a great stress on our production, and thus has angered
more than half of the town. My wife and I have rode out to the quarry to see if
the miners were still at work and we saw carts full of ore and heard the tink of
their picks deep inside of the mines. We just assumed that they were just gonna
dig till the vein was dry, but that was 4 days ago and they have yet to return.
i. If asked what you can do to help see [c]
c. We were wondering if you could go and see what is taking the miners so long to
return. We would be forever in your debt as this mine is our lively hood. If you
are able to find the cause and restore our ore supply, my husband I will craft you
items that instill fear into your foes and protect you from the hardest blows. The
mine is located east of Irons-run, just follow the road and you will soon be there

More Than Just


As you leave the town behind and follow the road east you feel the breeze flow through your hair
and can hear the animals in the woods paying no heed to you and your party in the slightest. After nearly
three hours of walking you begin to hear a rhythmic tink in the air, the quarry must be drawing near you,
you think to yourselves. The longer you walk the louder the tink becomes. After about another hour of
walking you can see the edge of the quarry.
The quarry is a larger rectangular strip mine that is nearly an acre across and approximately 8
stories deep. From the edge of the quarry you can see that there is a path that runs the edge of the interior.
This path seems to be the only way across the quarry outside of walking around it. At the far side of the
quarry, the path branches off to allow passage past through the quarry to continue east, but the path also
follows the inside edge of the quarry with a slight downward slope to allow miners to access the lower
levels of the strip mine. You can see carts full of ore scattered amongst the bottom of the quarry and small
humanoid figures going in and out of a passage located in the northern wall of the lowest level. There
seems to be around ten located outside the entrance at any one time.
A. The party can choose to make its way down into the quarry:
a. As you begin to make your way down the path toward the humanoids you begin
to notice an odd stench that intensifies the lower you descend into the pit. Soon
you arrive at the base of the path and can see the humanoids walking back and
forth to the passage. Entering in holding nothing and exiting holding a huge rocks
that glisten in the sunlight. The stench is quite strong at this level is almost over
powering. As your party crouches at the base of the path one of the humanoids
grabs the handles of the ore cart nearest you and starts to wheel it toward you. As
the cart draws nearer you can see two green triangular objects flopping over top
of the cart. Soon the pusher of the cart draws close enough for you to identify
that the pusher of the cart is none other than a goblin. At about the time you
recognize the goblin he also recognizes you and lets out a fearful yelp. [Roll
i. [Goblin x 10]
1. After the fight you hear a noise echoing from deep inside of
where the goblins have been retrieving the ore.
B. The party can wait till night fall to make its way down into the quarry:
a. You and your party sit around and wait till night while also observing the scene
below. The humanoids carry about the same task till nightfall. As the nights sky
replaces the days the humanoids retire into the passage and the ting of mining is
replaced by the hooting of owls and the chirping of crickets. You and your party
raise up and start to descend into the pit. You begin to notice an odd stench that
intensifies the lower you descend. Soon you are at the base of the path on the
quarrys lowest floor. You see no movement amongst the carts laid out in front of
you, but you do hear a noise echoing from deep inside of where the humanoids
retired for the night.

The Mine:

As you step into the mine you see a dimly lit tunnel in front of you it is roughly large enough for
3 people to stand side by side in. the tunnel snakes to the right and you can see a light coming from a door
way located on the right wall side of the tunnel just pass the bend.
1) A large room that served as a storage location for the miners picks and ore carts, as well as the
few personal belongings that they brought with them. The room appears to have be torn apart as
you can see items thrown all about the room and there is a slight stench of decay hanging in the
a. Upon farther inspection of the room you find a dead dwarf in a corner with cut wounds
and deep scratches upon his flesh.
b. There are 10 pick axes in the room as well as 4 bulls eye lanterns.
2) This area has been cut from the tunnels wall recently as you can still see rock chippings along
the floor. As you walk into the room you are hit with a smell that causes your stomach to roll.
a. [ 3 x Goblins]
b. After the fight you can see three bodies along the southern wall of the room and that the
goblins had taken over the mining.
3) This area appears to be a vein of ore that dried up hence its not being more than 5 to 8 feet deep
4) As you walk into this area you can see 2 ore carts full of rubble and a handful of pick axes laid
against the carts.
5) This tunnel comes to an abrupt end even though you can see the glisten of ore in the wall.
a. Upon a close inspection you see that there is a patch of dried blood on the floor of the
6) This area appears to be a vein of ore that dried up hence its not being more than 5 to 8 feet deep
7) As you walk into this area you can see a light farther down and hear a rhythmic tink. The farther
you walk down the hall the louder it gets. Soon you find yourself in a room that is roughly
circular with a radius of roughly 5 feet. In front of you there are 5 goblins mining away at the
rooms walls working to either expand the rooms size or extract a vein of precious ore. They
have not yet noticed you due to being occupied with the task at hand.
a. [ 5 x Goblins]
8) This tunnel comes to an abrupt end even though you can see the glisten of ore in the wall.
a. Upon a close inspection you see that there is a patch of dried blood on the floor of the
9) As you walk into this area you can see 5 ore carts full of rubble and a handful of pick axes laid
against the carts.
10) As you walk into this area you can see piles of rubble and a handful of pick axes scattered about
the floor.
11) As you walk into this area you can see 2 ore carts full of rubble and a handful of pick axes laid
against the carts.
12) This area is like many you saw before except that it is empty of carts and picks.
13) This tunnel comes to an abrupt end even though you can see the glisten of ore in the wall and a
dead miners body lays against the wall.
14) As you walk into this room you smell an over whelming stench of death hit you. In front of you
lays a mound of dead dwarven miners.
a. Upon inspection you can count a total of 6 bodies.
15) This tunnel comes to an abrupt end even though you can see the glisten of ore in the wall.
16) As you walk into this area you can see a light farther down and hear a rhythmic tink. The farther
you walk down the hall the louder it gets. Soon you find yourself in a room that is roughly
circular with a radius of roughly 3 feet. In front of you there are 3 goblins mining away at the

rooms walls working to either expand the rooms size or extract a vein of precious ore. They
have not yet noticed you due to being occupied with the task at hand.
a. [ 3 x Goblins]
17) As you walk into this area you can see 2 ore carts full of rubble and a handful of pick axes laid
against the carts.
18) This area appears to be a vein of ore that dried up hence its not being more than 5 to 8 feet deep
As you finally reach the end of the tunnel you see a large wooden door in front of you. As you stand
there the door begins to lift with a certain dysfunction showing its constant use. The darkness of the mine
shaft before you allows the smells of must and ore to creep into your noses and you try to calm your
stomach as you notice tracks that suggest that something or someone was dragged this way. A small light
illuminates the end of the mine shaft dimly but in turn does not allow you to grasp the true length of the
shaft (Giggity). As you and your party begin your decent down what seems like miles of glistening ore
filled walls the light that you are walking towards slowly increases in magnitude.
As you reach the source of the light you see 5 creatures standing there in front of you all of which
seem as if though they were expecting you and your companions. Greetings travelers, it seems that
perhaps you have wandered a little too far, despite your great and meaningless journey into the depths of
my chieftains land. You see I am the Warden, and so also in charge of the mines and I cant have anyone
just running free and messing up my operation while my chieftain is busy with other matters. The
creature talking to you is a larger and taller goblin that is wearing an odd looking suit of armor and
carrying a large sword in his left hand. The 4 goblins behind him are not much smaller than the main
goblin and all seem to be wearing the same suit of armor as their boss.
This mine provides an abundance of ore that we need in order to maintain our operation as well
as keep our allies happy. The world of man is not fit to have such fine metals for their enjoyment. We
need to protect ourselves from the darkness that lingers around every corner, but surely you knew that
before you journeyed down here. I digress, you have two options, you may go back from whence you
came or you may be slain where you stand by me and those under my command. The goblin and his men
raise their weapons into a battle ready stance and await your answer.
A. Choose to leave:
a. Good choice, you and your companions stood no chance. Now leave and forget of this
B. Choose to Fight:
a. Very well The goblin then rolls his neck and you hear a series of cracks I have gone
without a good fight for a long while, no one who makes it this far ever has the loins to
fight a warden of the mine!
The Goblin Kingdom
1) After the fight you can see that the room is roughly 20 x 30 with an opening in each of its walls.
a. Upon searching the goblins you find a map on the warden and 30gp between the 5 of
2) This room is well lit due to a torch hanging from a hook on the northern wall. There are two
goblins conversing with one another as they stand near a small chest.
a. [2 x Goblins]
b. The small chest contains a piece of torn paper that reads only light

3) This room is bare and has an opening in each of its walls

4) As you enter into this area you see that there are 4 long tables with old wooden stools lining each
of their sides, there are leftover food and drinks scattered about the tables. Seated at the most
northern table are 8 goblins eating and talking to each other in hushed tones. As you enter the
room you see a figure quickly leave through the door opposite of you.
a. [8 x Goblins]
b. Searching the goblins will yield you 8 daggers and 50 gp.
5) This room serves as the kitchen to the goblins, you see pot and pans scattered about the room and
you see a tail swinging back and forth from under a pantry.
a. [2 x Rats]
6) You walk into this room and can see that is a room whose purpose is that of storing the excess ale
and water of the goblins.
7) This room serves as a storage place for the goblins equipment and plunder
a. Pick axes, mining helmets, and ragged jackets found during inspection.
8) This room serves as a storage place for the goblins equipment and plunder
a. Pick axes, mining helmets, and ragged jackets found during inspection.
9) This room serves as a storage place for the goblins equipment and plunder
a. Pick axes, mining helmets, and ragged jackets found during inspection.
10) This room consists of a stair case that seems to lead up to heaven its self. At the top of the stair
case you see a bright red and orange light. As you climb the stairs and draw closer to the lights
source you see a single figure standing at the top of the stair case. The closer you come to the
figure the more you can tell of him. It is covered head to two in a bright metallic metal that bears
the symbol of a three eyed beast, each eye a different color. One red, another blue, and the last
green. Its blade planted firmly in the ground as it waits for someone. Upon reaching the top of the
stairs you hear a voice from the figure Stop there mortals, for no one is allowed here unless my
master allows it. Master is not here and has yet to return so if you wish to use his forge then you
must find him or defeat me.
a. If you leave to seek the master
i. My master has been gone for many days, may your gods bless your search
b. If you choose to fight
i. At last I may serve the purpose I was made for, may my masters work not be in
11) As you walk into this room you are taken by the many weapon and armor racks fully stocked and
furnished throughout the room, there are also heads placed on pikes lined along the wall, the
heads are that of dwarves and men, perhaps belonging to the miners you are looking for.
12) From the door way of this room you can barely see a goblin sitting in a throne that is far too big
for him and 2 more goblins, one to each side of the throne. Aha! Travelers! And so far down into
the mine at that! Did you meet the other warden when you came in? He is a bit of a pain if you
ask me. He thinks hes in charge, but the truth of it is that there are three of us keeping everything
in order down here. Why am I just lounging around and not doing my job you ask? Well because I
DAMN WELL PLEASE, but quite frankly I have grown bored of this job. Therefore you and
your companions shall entertain me The goblin warden then snaps his finger and the goblins to
his side lunge forth.
a. [2 x Goblins]
i. Ah! That was quite entertaining!! Haha! But it seems it is my turn now, since
I am one of the three, well two wardens now, after all and I cant have you
roaming my halls.

1. [Goblin Warden (2)] (Has the keys for 16-18)

13) This room serves as a storage place for the goblins equipment and plunder
a. Pick axes, mining helmets, and ragged jackets found during inspection.
14) This room serves as a storage place for the goblins equipment and plunder
a. Pick axes, mining helmets, and ragged jackets found during inspection.
15) Spears and large stakes puncture countless dead miner bodies and line both sides of the room. In
the eastern wall there is a door with an insignia of a wolfs head with piercing blue eyes. Above
the insignia reads the words The House of Winter
a. Upon opening the door refer to The House of Winter section and map
16) Behind the bars of a prison door you can see a skeleton chained to the wall.
a. Piece of torn paper in hand that reads will open
17) Behind the bars of a prison door you see a man captured by the goblins, he pays you no attention
but rather paces his cell mumbling to himself.
a. Holds a piece of torn paper that reads the door but must be slain to get the paper
18) Behind the bars of this prison you see a fat short goblin wearing an apron and googles on his
head. He looks at you with great interest and motions you to come near the bars. I am the master
of the forge and am in need of your help. I have been wrongly locked up due to my not telling the
bosses about my creating a body guard. I am not too keen on asking the race of man for help but I
am in great need of it. I can offer you a deal in return for your help. I have enough resources left
at the forge to imbue one weapon with magical properties.
19) This room seems to serve as a lounge of sorts, there are tables and chairs scattered about. As you
stand in the door way you can see a table of 4 goblins playing some sort of card game. One of the
goblins looks up from his hand and see you in the door. He lets out a snarl that draws the attention
of the other three
a. [4 x Goblins]
20) In this room you see a group of goblins playing horseshoes, each goblin is snarling and yelling at
his teammate in anger as he misses his shot. The goblins are too busy with the game to pay you
any heed, but you see a shadow slip into a door in the south wall.
a. [4 x Goblins]
21) Upon entering this room you are hit with smells of ore, dust, and goblin. This room seems to store
all the carts full of ore waiting to be smelted. As you scan the area you see a long green object
waving in the air above one of the carts.
a. Upon closer inspection you find a goblin cowering behind the cart. As you stand there
looking at the goblin he notices that he has been found and starts to talk quickly H
hello travelers. It seems you have found me. I I have been making my patrols
i. If both Wardens have been slain:
1. and Ive seen the other Wardens and dont want to suffer the same fate.
ii. If only one Warden has been slain:
1. and I have seen you around, and wish to stay out of any trouble
b. Please, I can take you anywhere or tell you anything you need to know. Please just
spare me! I only took this job for the pay, I hate what I do and who I serve.
i. Players agree:
1. Thank you, what is it that I can help you with?
ii. Players ask any question:
1. I need time to think, please leave me for a little while I need time to
gather myself and my thoughts.
iii. Players disagree:




1. Please please I mean you no harm!! Just please let my help in

exchange for my freedom and life!
c. As the players turn around the Warden gets a sneak attack on one of the party members
i. Ha ha ha ha, I cant believe that you fell for that this is priceless. Do you
honestly think that I the Warden that instilled fear into the others would be afraid
of a few pests? Please draw your weapons and I shall soon make sure you that
the next thing you draw is your last breathe. The Warden then holds a giant
hammer in one hand and gestures at you to advance with the other.
1. [ Goblin Warden(3) ]
This room houses many random chests that seem to serve as a kind of personal storage
a. A total of 100 gp can be found as well as 5 pale yellow vials (Potion of Healing).
This room has hammocks spread around its interior and a few lanterns hanging from wall hooks.
a. The party may stop here and rest to regain a total of 10 HP
This appears to be the room that serves as the garbage area for the goblins. A profuse smell
lingers in the air and everywhere you step you fell a crunch or crack under your feet. As you walk
through the room the trash seems to be following you.
a. [Rats x 10]
An aura of light shines dimly in the dark small damp room. The light seems to radiate from three
points. A low snarl comes from the dark and the three points move towards you.
a. [ Trident Rat]
This serves as the storage area for empty ore carts.
a. There is nothing of interest in this room.
This serves as the storage area for empty ore carts.
a. There is nothing of interest in this room.
This room has hammocks spread around its interior and a few lanterns hanging from wall hooks.
a. The party may stop here and rest to regain a total of 10 HP
This hallway has a small out room cut into the wall. You see a small shrine covered with various
metals and random weapons that are covered in dried blood.
Stacked in this room are a pile of humanoid bodies. The bodies appear to be that of human and
a. Upon closer inspection you notice that some of the bodies twitch ever so slightly.
i. [Zombies x 3]

Hells Mouth:
A door stands in front of you, with three key holes laid in its reflective metal surface. Upon
placing all three keys into their respective locks and turning the keys, you and you party feel a sudden
gust of wind sweep from the door as it begins to crack and swing inward. As the door shows more and
more of the room you see a dim light cast over the entirety of the room. There are 3 pillars casting a slight
glow about them, one red, another green and the last blue. Behind the pillar lies a door of pure metal, its
surface covered in rivets and chains in a way to ensure that it is not opened. As the players enter the room
the feel as if their weapons and armor has suddenly increased in weight.
Each pillar has a spot for its respective stone gathered from a light puzzle.
As you place the last stone, the chains on the door start to break and fall away and the rivets begin
to shoot out. With the last rivet out, the door falls to the ground and a voice fills the air around you. At
last, I have visitors. Do come and see me I would like to meet you all. From behind the newly fallen

door you see a stair case that leads downward. As the party makes its way down to the stairs lanterns
come on to light the way and go out as you make it to the next.
At the base of the stairs you arrive in a room covered in a glow that is a cool blue. Ore of a
variety of colors scattered about the ground and a singular throne set at nearly 20 from the stairs. The
throne is made of looks like a multitude of weapons all smelted together to form a seat and armrest, with
the blades of the weapons serving as the thrones backing A lone figure lounges in the throne, the figure is
cloaked in a black metal armor that have a silver trimming and an ancient language etched into its surface.
The figures head is covered by a blacked plate helm. As the figure lounges in the throne it has a hand
held lazily up in which an orb floats, bobbing up and down in the air.
Was it worth it? Making this great journey and slaying all the goblins that kept me company and
served as entertainment. I do hope is was a not on purpose that you have wondered down here, for it is in
my domain that you now reside. I have waited inside this pathetic orb waiting to be released so that I may
finish my job. But it seems that I now have you to deal with as you have stopped my goblins from
carrying out the tasks at hand. So now my attention turns from the sight that my godly eyes have been
after, to you.
The figure removes its helmet to reveal a pale grey masculine face that has veins of silver running
up his neck; eyes glowing off an empty white. I am the God of Metal, iron and silver run through my
veins. He then reaches to his waist with both hands and pulls two scimitars from his own body, These
are Purgatory and Limbo, for they are the places my blades will make you wait. Metal is not inherently
good or evil, only its controller may chose its alignment. But I am afraid that you shall soon call these
places your home An evil smirk comes across his face, but he quickly collects himself. Now let me show
you a taste of my power He holds out his hand and you can feel your armor grow even heavier and your
blade seems to grow too heavy to lift. I control everything metal! I can make a single grain of metal dust
light as a feather or as heavy as a castle. Now let you try and strike down the God of Metal!! with that
the God replaces his helm and assumes a dual weapon battle stance. I promise to make sure you do not
suffer much!

A. God of Metal:
a. AC: -3
Damage: 2[1d6+2]
B. Phase 1: 120-91 HP
a. Combat is normal except that players suffer +3 to intuitive.
C. Phase 2: 90-61 HP
a. GoM paralyzes hardest hitting player each turn for one turn.
i. I told you I control all metal, did you think that the fight would be that easy?
Now please stop wasting my time.
D. Phase 3: 60-31 HP
a. 3 Iron golems with an additional added each turn until 5 total have been created
i. Well it seems that you slightly stronger than I had first thought, but no matter
I have other ways to deal with you!
1. The ore scattered around the floor begins to shake violently and soon
moves to form 3 piles around the room. The piles begin shake more

violently as a form rises out of it. Before you stands 3 ore golems and the
E. Phase 4: 30-0 HP
a. The GoM is incased in an iron cocoon and regens 5 HP for every attack on the cocoon
that does not break it, cocoon has 60 HP and AC 2
i. Ugh this battle has turned out to be far more difficult than I had ever
expected, Youll had to excuse me for a moment
1. The throne that the GoM was sitting on when you first entered the room
has now begun to envelope the God with in it.
a. The cocoon can be broke be Warden(3)s hammer
F. Phase 5: ??-0 HP
a. Fight continues like Phase 2 till the death.
i. Ha ha, what seemed like minutes to you were years to me; alas I am renewed
and ready to end you and this battle now.
As the final blow is struck, the God drops his weapons and falls to his knees. His helm slowly
slides from his head and falls to the ground. It it appears you have won. I have always wanted to die in
a battle. Now that I have lived that dream I am content in my soul being locked into an orb for now. Take
my blades and use them, and if you truly worship me I shall grant you my power in times of need. Fare ye
well, for this is only the beginning of a long and hard road.
The God of Metal slowly begins to corrode and fall to pieces and turn into metallic
rubble. In the rubble you can see an orb that is made of a glistening metal.

Day 3

As you leave the mines you notice that the scent of the goblins has started to dissipate and the
smell of lavender has found its way down to the quarrys base. You and your companions begin the
journey back to town. As you travel you hear the birds chirping and various woodland animals scurry
along the underbrush. Soon you find yourselves nearing the towns wall and you see that the gate is open.
As you walk into the town a guard meets you within 10 of your entrance.
Glad to see you all made it back alive! The mayor asked me to keep a look out for you and tell
you that he wants to see you as soon as you can manage. The Dragonarms would like to see you as well. I
suggest seeing the Dragonarms first being as they worried to death about their mine and miners.
Choose to see Dragonarms:
As you round the corner to the Dragonarms tent you can hear the tink of hammers on anvils,
along with the occasional hiss of hot metal being submerged into water. As you walk into the blacksmith
tent you see Griswald pounding away at a molten metal bar, he soon notices you and throws the bar into a
water bucket to his side. Greetings friends how were the mines, I hope that you found my miners just
napping and being lazy
A. If only Goblins are mentioned:
a. Did you slaughtered every one of those green devils?
i. Yes:
1. Did you find their leader?
a. Wardens:
i. There had to be someone above them
1. God of Metal
a. You need to go seem Hems now!
b. God of Metal
i. You must go see Hems now!
ii. No:
1. Such a pity, they are a vile race that deserves to die
B. God of Metal
a. We can talk later, you need to see Hems now!
Choose to see Hems:
You head off to the Mayors house. Upon arriving, you see that the door is open, and you can hear
someone rustling about inside. Upon entering the house the rustling seems to grow more hurried. As you
walk through the house you notice that the sound is coming from the den of the house. As you enter the
den you can see Hems pacing from one stack of books to the next, flipping pages and reading aloud
various sections, and then moving on to the next stack. As he is walking he notices you and drops the
book he is reading from.
Aha, you have returned alive and well. What was the problem in the mines?
A. Goblins
a. I do hope you rid the mines of them, they are quite a pain to deal with. Well in any case
the taverns owner, Boris Stonesledge, needs to have a word with you about what was
going on at the mines.
B. God of Metal

a. Really? That explains the sudden stop in the mines production. It correlates with the time
frame of their disappearances. Let me see the orb please.
i. Upon examining the orb the Mayors face grows dim and he quickly gives you
back the orb
1. Take the orb to the Creation statue immediately, and then go to the tavern
and see a dwarf by the name of Boris Stonesledge. He has more
information about the mines.
As you approach the tavern

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