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Author and Developer of the Wiley Protocol
Biomimetic Hormone Restoration Therapy (BHRT)

After years of research, T.S. Wiley created Wiley Protocol® branded products based on biomimetic hormone restoration
therapy (BHRT) currently termed bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. The Wiley Protocol® is a patent pending
delivery system consisting of biomimetic estradiol and progesterone in topical cream preparations dosed to mimic the
natural hormones produced by a twenty year-old woman. The creams and their amounts vary throughout the 28-day cycle
to mimic the hormone levels of youth. The Protocol is the only biomimetic hormone restoration therapy (BHRT), currently
termed bio-identical hormone replacement therapy that has ever been developed under the scrutiny of a practicing

Wiley’s company Wiley Systems, Inc. introduced additional rhythmic dosing schedules for primary hormone restoration
programs to medical practitioners and pharmacists in January, 2008 including: Wiley Protocol for Men™, biomimetic DHEA
and testosterone restoration; Wiley Protocol Thyroid™, biomimetic thyroid hormone restoration; Wiley Protocol
Testosterone ™ for Women, biomimetic testosterone restoration; and the Wiley Protocol Face Crème™, which promotes a
more youthful appearance.

One Beverly Hills, California-based medical practitioner, Dr. Christian Renna said that he believes T.S Wiley has made,
“one of the most important discoveries in this century”- a simple molecular mechanism that up until now, everyone else
has missed. Her revolutionary discovery is the fact that it’s the rhythm that matters in the accurate physiological
replacement of hormones without side-effects for women in the second half of life. Wiley’s findings may have important
implications across a wide range of areas, from the treatment of menopause and anti-aging to all of the other diseases of
aging such as heart disease and stroke, Type II diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

The heart of Wiley’s endocrine research in women is based in chronobiology and circadian rhythmicity. Her work rests on
the simple fact that the circadian clock in every cell of every human body measures one spin of the earth, and the planet’s
constant companion, the moon, tracks 28 days 13 times in one revolution around the sun.

This light and dark cycle response on hormone receptors has evolved the 28-day menstrual cycle embedded in the
physiological make-up of all women. That’s why replacing hormones for women with static one-time-a-day, same-amount-
every-day, dosing has been so unsuccessfully lethal that most women get sick and some women die whether they take
synthetic or bio-identical hormones in such a non-natural regimen.

The Wiley Protocol formulation and manner of dosing bio-identical HRT started out as a "thought experiment” when Wiley
asked herself and the doctors she worked with the question - "if hormone replacement consisted of real bio-identical
hormones and was dosed to mimic the ups and downs of the blood levels seen in a healthy menstrual cycle of a 20 year-
old woman, would all of the symptoms and disease states of aging decline or even, disappear?" Well, to her surprise and
many others, the logic holds - it seems from mounting evidence on the Wiley Protocol, it was the rhythm that was always
missing in other regimens.

Since the National Institutes of Health (NIH) stopped the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) in 2003 because the synthetic
hormones – Premarin and PremPro were deemed too dangerous, the common assumption among women using bio-
identical regimens is that they are doing something “safer.” However, Wiley points out that the synthetics may have
caused the harm reported, not just because they weren’t bio-identical hormone molecules, but because of the way they
were statically dosed. Perhaps, bio-identicals, currently dosed in the Standard of Care mode, may, too, be in need of
study and improvement for safety.

As a medical writer and researcher, T.S. Wiley is the author of “Sex, Lies & Menopause,” Harper Collins, 2005, a
landmark work where a doctor, a philosopher, and a scientist prove that by postponing marriage and motherhood, women
have accelerated the aging process, resulting in earlier menopause and, ultimately for thousands, earlier death. The book
also examines the introduction of the birth control pill in the early 1960’s and the impact of not breast-feeding our young.

In her first book, “Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar and Survival,” Simon and Schuster”, 2000, Wiley points out how the discovery
of electricity and the light bulb put us out of sync with nature. Before Edison, people spent summers sleeping less and
eating heavily in preparation for winter because light triggers the hunger for carbohydrates. Now, with light available 24
hours a day, we can consume carbohydrates year round, and sleep less. In Wiley’s modest opinion, sleep is the best

T. S. Wiley spent eight years in private tutorial in molecular biology with Dr. Bent Formby, PH. D., and has been in clinical
private tutorial in oncology with Dr. Julie Taguchi since 1998. She has also been a guest investigator at Sansum Medical
Research Institute, Santa Barbara, CA. Her focus is on what she refers to as Darwinian Medicine or “environmental
endocrinology” and evolutionary biology as it pertains to molecular medicine, oncology and genetics.

A member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and the American Anthropological Association, Wiley often lectures,
and has been a keynote speaker at the following venues:
 International Hormone Society, "Multi-Phasic, Cyclical Hormone Replacement Therapy with Bio-Identical E2/P4"
in December 2005
 Keynote speaker, American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), “Multi-Phasic, Cyclical Hormone
Therapy with Bio-Identical E2/P4, Clinical Aspects” in May 2005
 Presenter, World Conference on Breast Cancer, “Natural progesterone and the evolution of breast cancer” in
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1997.

Wiley has made numerous national radio and television appearances and since 2000 continues to present and lecture on
Multi-Phasic, Rhythmic Cyclic BHRT and Hibernation and Metabolic States. Wiley’s CME accredited seminars on the
natural history of endocrinology entitled, Two Days Back on Earth,” are attended by physicians from all over the world.

Professional Affiliations
A member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and the American Anthropological Association, Wiley often lectures,
and has been a keynote speaker at the following venues:
 Health Freedom Expo, Multi-phasic Dosing of Hormones and Biomimetic Hormone Restoration Therapy in February 2008.
 International Hormone Society, "Multi-Phasic, Cyclical Hormone Replacement Therapy with Bio-Identical E2/P4" in December 2005
 Keynote speaker, American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), “Multi-Phasic, Cyclical Hormone Therapy with Bio-Identical E2/P4,
Clinical Aspects” in May 2005
 Presenter, World Conference on Breast Cancer, “Natural progesterone and the evolution of breast cancer” in Kingston, Ontario, Canada,

Peer Reviewed Journals

 Stern R, Shuster S, Wiley TS, Formby B. Hyaluronidase can modulate expression of CD44. Exp Cell Res. 2001 May 15; 266(1):167-76.
 Formby B, Wiley TS. Bcl-2, survivin and variant CD44 v7-v10 are downregulated and p53 is upregulated in breast cancer cells by
progesterone: inhibition of cell growth and induction of apoptosis. Mol Cell Biochem. 1999 Dec; 202(1-2):53-61.
 Formby B, Wiley TS. Progesterone inhibits growth and induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells: inverse effects on Bcl-2 and p53. Ann Clin
Lab Sci. 1998 Nov-Dec; 28(6):360-9.
 Formby B, Wiley TS. Insulin modulates expression of the estrogen-induced genes Bcl-2, c-fos and LucCa-2 in MCF-7 breast tumor cells:
evidence for association between breast cancer risk and Type 2 diabetes? Diabetes, poster presentation, American Diabetes Association,
June 16, 1997.

 “Protocol for the study of natural progesterone and its clinical effects on advanced metastic cancer.” with Dr. Bent Formby and Dr. Julie
Taguchi 1999 (not reported).
 “Randomized, placebo controlled, double blind trial of testosterone in men with elevated age specific PSA and benign prostatic hypertrophy.”
with Dr. David Laub and Dr. Julie Taguchi 1999 (as yet unpublished).
 “Natural progesterone for the treatment of multiple forms of cancer.” 1998 (U.S. patent-pending).
 "Insulin for Cosmetic Use" 1999 (U.S. patent).
 "Multi-Phasic, Rhythmic, Cyclic Dosing, The Wiley Protocol" 2004 (U.S. patent pending).
 “B.H.O.T. Bio-identical Hormones On Trial: A Comparison of Routes of Administration and Dosing of Compounded Bio-Identical Hormone
Therapy; Study Team: Julie Taguchi, MD, oncologist and clinical researcher, Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara, California, Janith Williams, DNP,
WHNP, RNP, researcher, consultant, clinician and faculty member, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, The
University of Texas at Tyler, GYN/OB MD, Functional Medicine MD, Pharm. D., two biostatisticians, 10-12 primary care providers with
expertise in care of peri-menopausal and menopausal women, Advisory Board with nationally recognized content experts and researchers,
Study IRB #Sp2007-27,: The University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, Texas April 2007”.
 "Oral versus Transdermal (cream) Estradiol plus Estriol With Sequential Oral or Transdermal Progesterone, Transdermal Estradiol Patch with
Oral Progesterone Versus A Control Arm in Peri-Menopausal Women "(IRB approved pending start date).

Kristin Gabriel, Director of Marketing
O: 323.650.2838; C: 213.840.6978
E: kgabriel@thewileyprotocol.com

Wiley Systems
P.O. Box 50734
O: 805.565.7508; F: 805 456-3939

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