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Indian July 10, 2009

Log on to Volume 1, No. 9
New Zealand’s first Indian weekend magazine
For free distribution

Indian classic goes Moshim’s | 4 Bollywood | 21

Pacific | 11 Big expansion plans Soha Ali Khan
woos small
Thirukkural in Fijian

At a glance
Refocusing on immigration
New Zealand may be missing trade
opportunities because it is targeting
the wrong sort of immigrants, recent
research commissioned by the New
Zealand Institute of Economic Re-
search has concluded. Page 3

From IT to ID
The Indian government has tasked
software giant Infosys’ chief, bil-
lionaire Nandan Nilekani, to create
a new identity system for Indians as
chairman of the new Unique Identifi-
cation Authority of India. Page 6

What went wrong for

gays in India
Earlier this month the Delhi High
Court overturned a 149-year-old law
dating back to 1860, which though,
was rarely enforced. Indian Week-
ender looks at how the law came to
be foisted on India by an alien sense
of morality.Page 15

Investing in CFDs
CFDs- the new way to trade markets
up or down. If you’ve not looked at
or considered trading CFDs, you
may be missing out, says Indian
Weekender financial columnist and
draws a comparison with other
investment avenues. Page 27

Today’s Exchange Rates

1 NZD =
USD 0.62
INR 30.39
FJD 1.30
EURO 0.44

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Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 1

New Zealand
Innovative climate change assessment Manukau wants new
alcohol law now
software released for India Manukau Mayor Len Brown is urging the Gov-
ernment to immediately adopt a new law to
control alcohol.
Hamilton based CLIMsystems, has developed area but also use rates, tank size, and critically, Manukau City Council is concerned the Sale
climate change assessment software for India. the impact of climate change on rainfall and and Supply of Liquor and Liquor Enforcement
India is increasingly in the spotlight for its vul- hence rainwater harvesting potential. There is Bill may be delayed while a Law Commission
nerability and exposure to natural disasters that also a shoreline erosion model that is linked with review on liquor legislation is carried out.
are driven by climate change. Food security, the sea level rise scenario generator. The council presented its submission on the
water supplies, infrastructure and health issues CLIMsystems also maintains an educational bill to a select committee last week. The submis-
are just some of the main sectors that could be version of the SimCLIM system called Train- sion calls for the bill to be adopted by September
affected by longer term climate change and CLIM. The software includes an array of hands- this year.
related extreme events such as droughts, floods on educational modules that have been applied The bill will provide additional powers to the
and high and low temperatures. with huge success in countries around the world. council to control alcohol in the city.
“Often government agencies, NGOs and The United Nations has used the software and Included in the council’s submission is a
private industry ask ‘what can we do to assess modules to educate climate change leaders request for local alcohol plans to be formally
risk and adapt our social, ecological and built and universities around the world are using the recognised. Currently, a number of councils
environments for the dangers posed by climate package for educating the next generation in the have these documents which do not have any
change?’” says managing director Peter Urich. implications and adaptation options that must be statutory status.
“CLIMsystems from New Zealand has been considered in the face of climate change. Mr Brown is confident that the council’s
working for 15 years, through its research arm The SimCLIM system has been widely submission has been well received by the select
at the International Global Change Institute of Peter Urich: India bound applied and numerous country and regional committee.
the University of Waikato, to address these very versions are in use. The USA version is being “The bill needs to be adopted and should not
issues.” tools within the system. Also users with local used to assess sea level rise for the areas around be delayed because of the wider review on liquor
The unique software system the company has data can either through their own initiative or Washington, DC and is also to be used in con- legislation by the Law Commission.”
developed, called SimCLIM, has recently been with assistance from CLIMsystems import local junction with Wallingford’s InfoWorks to model The deadline for the review of liquor legisla-
released for India and is packed with useful and high resolution digital elevation models and the storm and sewerage systems of the City of tion is mid-2010.
scientifically robust tools for assessing climate other digital data to produce a highly specialised New York as the first stage in a comprehen- “This bill provides common sense provisions
change impacts and adaptation options from a system that suits their specific needs sive redevelopment and climate-proofing of the that can make a difference to people who live
global to local scale. The system is preloaded As Professor Colin Woodroffe, an eminent megacities vital infrastructure. SimCLIM has in communities affected by alcohol”, says Mr
with a digital elevation model for India and each coastal scientist commented, “SimCLIM enables been used to map the climate risks posed to the Brown.
of its states and can be easily enhanced through examination of potential erosion and flooding most rapidly growing part of Australia, South- The council is currently in the process of
the importation of geographic information in response to future climate scenarios includ- east Queensland, and the outputs will form the reviewing its alcohol strategy. It has asked
system data in the form of shape and vector files. ing sea-level rise due to climate change, global basis for region-wide planning that shall in- Waikato University to research the concerns of
SimCLIM is a customised geographic in- warming as well as changes resulting from local corporate vital elements of climate change and the community and the problems it causes in
formation system (GIS) that can be built for land movements.” extreme events such as drought and flood. terms of health and crime.
any area. The new version developed for India Other widely used impact models included in The same SimCLIM technologies used “The purpose of the research is to help de-
includes a study area of the whole country and the SimCLIM system include the rainwater tank around the world are now available for India. termine the impact of controls such as location,
individual areas for each state. The system sup- model. This innovative model allows the user to For a more details about this article, visit hours and price on alcohol-related problems,”
ports the creation of different geographical areas design rainwater catchment systems with con- Mr Brown says.
as special study areas through the application of sideration of not only the roof or other catchment - Indian Weekender news desk - Indian Weekender news desk

2 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |

New Zealand
Refocused immigration policy ‘This is as good a time as any for
would boost trade real estate’
The paper, Trade, Diaspora and Migration to New ferent things from policies which see migration as
Zealand, says immigration boosts both merchandise a way of facilitating international trade. Given our
trade and tourism but current immigration policy relatively poor performance in terms of international
that focuses on skills shortages overlooks the part linkages, perhaps a revision of the strategic objec-
that migrants play in linking New Zealand into in- tives of immigration policy is warranted.”
ternational markets. While there are more than half-a-million New
David Law, Murat Genc and John Bryant au- Zealanders living overseas, their impact on trade and
thored the paper with funding from the Institute’s investment is difficult to measure, but is likely to be
50th Anniversary Research Award. more muted.
Using a model that adjusts for influences such as “In common with migrants from destinations
distance and the size of economies migrants come such as the UK, we don’t believe the diaspora of
from, the authors found that immigration does have New Zealanders overseas make such a significant
a positive impact on trade. contribution to trade as migrants from non-English sold: The crowd waits expectantly as bid-
On average, if New Zealand receives 10 percent cultures. ding proceeds at the Papatoetoe property.
more migrants from a particular country, exports to “One exception may be in wine exports which Inset: Don Ha and Mandeep Gill
that country grow by 0.6 percent and imports from it have grown strongly in recent years, particularly
by 1.9 percent. to the United Kingdom where there is a significant
“The trade benefits are greatest when migrants ex-pat population,” Jean Pierre de Raad said. The residential real estate market is bouncing way.
come from developing countries where English The paper’s authors examined data from more back, according to Don Ha Real Estate-Ray And what is the key to success in auctions?
language is not dominant,” NZIER chief executive than 190 countries from 1981 to 2006. Sources in- White Manukau’s Mandeep Gill. “The number “Marketing is everything,” Mr Gill said. “The
Jean-Pierre de Raad said. “Their ability to speak cluded Statistics New Zealand, the United Nations of sales show robust growth,” Mr Gill told Indian vendor at Papatoetoe spent just $3,200 in market-
languages other than English, navigate legal systems Statistics Division’s Comtrade Database, the Global Weekender after the successful auction at Buck- ing efforts in which we gainfully assisted given
and draw on social and commercial networks in their Migrant Database, the World Trade Organisation, ingham Crescent in Papatoetoe. our wide experience – and that’s brought in the
origin countries are all valuable tools in stimulating and the Research Centre in International Economics. “The property was lapped up for several thou- results. The vendor reaped an excess of $12,000
trade.” Responding to a question from Indian Weekend- sand dollars more than the reserve price, which over what he had expected to gain from the sale.”
Migrants from non-English cultures also have er about the new findings, Mary Dawson, Executive shows the market is definitely recovering,” he Don Ha Real Estate is well known for its mar-
the greatest impact when it comes to stimulating Director of the Auckland Regional Migrant Services said. keting because of the experienced guidance of Mr
tourism. “This may be because they transmit a posi- (ARMS) said, And it was not just this month that the market Don Ha, one of New Zealand’s most successful
tive image of New Zealand to their home countries “It is essential that our immigration policy and is looking up: Ray White Manukau sold 43 prop- real estate entrepreneurs who is also a NBR rich
and because country-specific knowledge of food, processes are aimed at enhancing our economic erties at 15.7 million in March; 57 at 22.42 million lister and well known horse breeder. His mentor-
language and protocols is particularly important in productivity, trade opportunities, and competitive in April, 56 at 20.9 million in April and an im- ing goes well beyond his real estate business in
tourism. edge, in a challenging global economy.    Some of pressive 81 properties at 25.6 million in May. “If that he now shares his rich experience in achiev-
“To capture the benefits, we could think about countries with the largest population and economies this is not an upswing, what is?” Mr Gill said. ing success in real estate investment with semi-
targeting these migrants more. The current empha- in the world do not have English as their dominant A steady increase in vendors taking the nars for potential investors across New Zealand.
sis is on skilled migrants with good English. They language.  In order to benefit our economy, our im- auction route usually indicates a strengthening Mr Gill advised potential vendors to go with
are attractive because they assimilate easily, but migration policy needs to continue to take account market. “Auction is the way to go,” Mr Gill said experienced marketers and set up a marketing
they may not have the same links into fast-growing of this fact.” pointing out to a number of highly satisfying auc- budget if they are aiming at maximizing their
economies. For Arms full response, visit www.indianweek- tions that his team has conducted in the past few gain from the auction or sale of their properties.
“Immigration policies that see migration as a months. It gets handsome returns if done the right -Indian Weekender news desk
way of addressing skills shortages emphasise dif- - Indian Weekender news desk

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 3

New Zealand

Passport ‘hassle’ frustrating Moshims on

expansion spree
Arvind Kumar
Magnaging direc-
Auckland health authorities are hopeful gibility at every visit. Once evidence has been tor Mohammed
migrant patients will not have to face the sighted by revenue staff and entered into our Hashim Khan.
hassle of producing their passports every time system it is part of ADHB records.
they visit public hospitals in future. “However, there can be a delay between
In response to queries by the Indian Week- staff getting a copy of the evidence, it being
ender that some migrants have had to produce sent to be scanned and the permanent entry
their passport on every visit to hospitals, the into the records.
Auckland District Health Board hopes this will “In the meantime, ADHB staff may ask the
be addressed in the future. patient to bring in another copy, not realising
A Mt Eden accountant, who has been in that one has already been given. We appreciate
the country for two years on a permanent resi- this can be frustrating for patients.”
dence visa, told recently told the Indian Week- When an NHI number is issued, isn’t that a
ender that he has had to produce his passport national record of a patient’s health/residential Moshims Discount House Group’s next major
at least six times when visiting the Greenlane status, and shouldn’t that information be in the shopping complex will be based in Otahuhu,
Hospital in the past four months. hospital computer at all times? magnaging director Mohammed Hashim Khan
Satendra Kumar (no relation to the writer) “The Ministry of Health issues the NHI said.
said the procedure was frustrating. (National Health Index) number. Mr Khan told the Indian Weekender that after
“What makes it worse is that not everyone “Currently the ministry’s system does not the opening of its Moshims Plaza at 64 Stoddart
is asked to produce their passports,” Mr Kumar allow the patient’s eligibility to be entered Rd in Mt Roskill, Otahuhu was the company’s
said. against the NHI number but we are hoping this next big project.
“While sitting in the waiting room waiting will be addressed in the future.” The Otahuhu complex will be located op-
for my turn, I observed that not everyone was One member of the community has even posite the Repco auto parts shop, but it is not
required to show their passport.” suggested that only Indians and Asians are certain when work is expected to start.
Brent Wiseman, the ADHB’s chief finan- being asked to present passports or other forms The Stoddart Rd complex opened its doors
cial officer, said the Health Ministry’s system dence of residential status at every visit? of evidence of residential status and to fill out on June 20, with the plaza housing a supermar-
at present does not allow a patient’s residential “The requirement for all providers of pub- appropriate forms. Isn’t that discriminatory? ket, Indian video outlet, a $2 Shop, a pizza shop,
status to be recorded on it. licly funded healthcare to establish eligibility Why isn’t everyone asked to verify their resi- butcher, restaurant, fish shop, beauty parlour, to
“The Ministry of Health issues the NHI has been set down by the Ministry of Health, dential status? How do hospital staff know who name a few.
(National Health Index) number. with the comment: Providers are responsible is a migrant and who isn’t? The supermarket opened its doors on June 20,
“Currently the ministry’s system does not for advising patients about evidence required “All people are required to prove their right as did Continental Meat Shop. Mr Khan said he
allow the patient’s eligibility to be entered to demonstrate eligibility. Until a patient pro- to receive publicly funded healthcare - includ- expected to have the restaurant up and running
against the NHI number but we are hoping this vides proof that they are eligible, they may be ing all that state they were born in NZ. Ac- as early as next week.
will be addressed in the future,” Mr Wiseman charged the non-subsidised rate. cordingly, it is ADHB policy and practice to The Moshims Plaza is the biggest Indian
said. “When the evidence of residential status ask for evidence of residency status for all shopping complex of its kind in the country. The
Here are Mr Wiseman’s responses to Indian is within the Auckland District Health Board those patients for whom the information is not group now has 24 stores throughout the country
Weekender queries: (ADHB) system there is no need for a patient already on file.” and in Australia (two) since starting out from
Why is there a need to present passport evi- to present a passport or similar evidence of eli- humble beginnings in Auckland 20 years ago.

4 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |

New Zealand
Police complaint against Worth is Documentary on Sikh historian
withdrawn; no charges will be laid premieres on Asia Downunder
The unlikely story of one New Zealander, the
The Auckland busi- The other allegation that followed was the Pakeha son of a sheep farmer from Feilding, who
nesswoman who had one about Dr Worth sending some 40 contro- has spent a lifetime researching the Sikh people of
lodged a police com- versially worded text messages to Indian Labour India is one that is waiting to be told.
plaint against former Party worker Neelam Chaudary, whose cause Hew McLeod conducted ground breaking re-
Internal Affairs Min- party leader Phil Goff had relentlessly champi- search into Punjabi immigration to New Zealand,
ister Richard Worth oned in a bid to embarrass the ruling party and preserving the early history of this sizeable group
has withdrawn it, the Prime Minister. for generations to come.
police have con- In that case, too, Chaudary, a Labour Party An internationally recognised expert on the
firmed. stalwart whose husband is a convicted immi- history and religion of the Sikhs, Dunedin-based
A friend who had gration fraudster, refused to reveal the actual McLeod is virtually unknown in his own country.
helped her lodge the complaint earlier told media content of the texts, much less press any charges The softly spoken emeritus professor, who has In love with Punjab: NZ-Kiwi
that said she now “wanted out” because she felt against Dr Worth. That pulled the rug from under inflamed controversy and blazed a trail for other historian Hew McLeod with his half
that the political fallout of the episode that caused Mr Goff’s feet. He later said that Labour would scholars to follow over four decades, speaks for the Punjabi daughter, Ruth Fleury
Dr Worth to first step down from his ministerial drop the campaign since Dr Worth had resigned. first time about his life and work.
role and then resign as Member of Parliament So, with one case of withdrawn complaint “Anyone interested in Sikhism starts by reading mentary includes interviews with family, academ-
last month was “punishment enough”. She no and one in which the supposedly aggrieved W H McLeod. He basically started the whole con- ics and New Zealand Sikhs.
longer wanted the matter investigated, he said. person and her high profile champion failed to temporary study of their history, from a Western Asia Downunder’s ‘Hew McLeod: A Kiwi Sikh
News reports also said that the Police had divulge the contents of the two way communi- academic point of view, and he’s still the one every- Historian’ screens on
told the woman that there was no evidence on cations to support her allegations, it is hard for one’s arguing with – or agreeing with – today,” says TV ONE, Sunday 12 July 10.30am.
the bases of which charges could be pressed. anybody to know or even guess why Dr Worth director Jasmine Pujji. - Indian Weekender news desk
“I said it then and I am saying it now – my lost the Prime Minister’s confidence. Now, 76 and in indifferent health, the documen-
conscience has always been clear,” Dr Worth Dr Worth has been closely associated with tary provides a rare glimpse of the life of one of The programme repeats on:
told Indian Weekender shortly after it was re- the Kiwi Indian community over several years New Zealand’s unsung success stories. TVNZ 7 - Wednesday 15th July 6:30pm,
vealed that the police complaint had been with- and has been respected by a large section of the “Living in Punjab, Northern India, as a Chris- Thursday 16th July 10:10am, Saturday
drawn. He did not wish to comment any further. community. Earlier, as reported in Indian Week- tian missionary with his wife and child in the 1950s 18th 8:35am. MAORI TV Monday 3
His lawyer, Paul Dacre, later told media that ender, several Indian community leaders had ex- had a really profound effect on him,” says Jasmine. August, 2009, 10:00pm. CTV (Christ-
the former minister was happy with the positive pressed surprise at the action taken on Dr Worth Leaving the church, McLeod went in pursuit of church) Sundays 11:30am 19th July
outcome, but now wanted time to reflect. before any charges were brought against him. He what became a lifelong passion for understanding CHANNEL 9 (Dunedin) Monday 13th
Prime Minister John Key has consistently has been widely seen as the fall guy in the un- the colourful, but little known group, the Sikhs. July 9:00pm & repeats Thursday 16th
refused to say what exactly it was that made him seemly political stoush unleashed by Labour to The New Zealand-born half Punjabi director July 9:00pm. TV HAWKES BAY (Napier/
lose confidence in Dr Worth leading to his resig- embarrass National. had not realised McLeod himself was a New Zea- Taupo) Tuesday 14th July 9pm.
nation from Parliament. While denying any wrongdoing throughout, lander, until recently. ‘I couldn’t believe how well FAMILY TV (Rodney) Monday 13th July
The withdrawal of the complaint precludes Dr Worth had said, he had no choice but to resign known he is elsewhere, especially in Sikh circles, 5:30pm, Tuesday 14th July 7:30pm,
the possibility of any charges being laid on Dr from Parliament because of the “avalanche of but no-one here has ever heard of him – despite Saturday 18th July Midday. TARARUA
Worth, so that premise can no longer be seen as rumour and innuendo” surrounding him. what he’s done for Indian history here in New TV Sunday 19th July 7:30pm. SIT -
the reason for the Prime Minister to have lost his - Indian Weekender News Desk Zealand,’ says Jasmine. EDUCATIONAL TV NATIONWIDE - CUE
confidence. In the event that it indeed was, it was Richly illustrated with archive footage, photo- TV NETWORK - SKY 110 & FREEVIEW
clearly misplaced. graphs and the religious art of the Sikhs, the docu- CHANNEL 23 Monday 13th July

Manoj wants to revolutionise

health-based IT globally
New Zealand’s newest Fulbright Scholar Manoj Patel
is a bit of a puzzle – a medical doctor with a business
bent wanting to revolutionise health IT worldwide.
The 28-year-old Aucklander, educated at The
University of Auckland, has recently been awarded
the $US100,000 Fulbright Platinum Triangle Schol-
arship in Entrepreneurship at a special Beehive event
in Wellington, and will attend Harvard Business
School’s MBA programme in Boston for the next
two years.
Manoj, who graduated from the University’s
School of Medicine in 2005 and was chief executive
of the student-initiated entrepreneurial challenge
Spark, beat tens of thousands of applicants from
around the world for one of the positions on offer this Manoj Patel: Going to Harvard
year and is believed to be just the 25th Kiwi to be ac-
cepted for the MBA programme at Harvard. He chose Harvard because it was close to Boston,
“My approach is a bit unusual, in that I’m a which is the hub of medical research, he said. The
medical doctor with an intense interest in business, medical profession fascinated Manoj ever since
which is a combination I believe can allow me to help he was a boy when he was hospitalised for a knee
many more people than I would have been able to do injury. That’s when I decided to become a doctor.
as a doctor alone,” Manoj said. “But as you know we come from a traditional
“There is significant opportunity for people who business family. So there was always to home the
can appreciate both health and business, and my business side as well and that’s what has got me
focus will be to address international health chal- started on this journey,” he told Indian Weekender.
lenges through the application of innovative technol- Manoj turned 28 this week.
ogy solutions. As well as being selected as one of 24 young
“I not only want to help improve systems in leaders to participate in the Future Leaders Pro-
countries like New Zealand, but also in developing gramme at the New Zealand Leadership Institute,
nations such as India, where my family originates.” Manoj visited Japan last year as part of a Future
Currently working in Palma, Spain, for New Business Counterparts Programme and has played
Zealand company Orion Health International as a senior men’s hockey for the New Zealand Indian
clinical lead for an internationally significant elec- Under-23 team.
tronic health record project, Manoj also co-directs He is the third Spark-affiliated student in four
the website which supports junior years to win a Fulbright Platinum Award for Entre-
doctors to achieve a work/life balance, and promotes preneurship,
quality of care and retention of doctors in New “Manoj has been accepted into the world’s most
Zealand. Scrubs is about to expand with the launch renowned business school, and New Zealand should
of two additional websites for pharmacists and op- be extremely proud of him. I have no doubts that
tometrists in the coming months. he will be part of this country’s future leadership,”
When Indian Weekender met with him at his Business School commercial director Geoff Whitch-
Blockhouse Bay home, Manoj was busy preparing er said.
for his trip back to Spain where he will continue - Indian Weekender News Desk
working until he relocates to Harvard in September.

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 5

From IT chief to ID chief Sarod maestro Ali Akbar Khan is no more
New Delhi: Nandan Nilekani, for a billion population means Sarod maestro, Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, the The duo with Ustad Allah Rakha’s accompa-
54, co-founder of India’s a multi-billion dollar business master Indian musician and composer who is niment on tabla regaled packed audiences around
second largest software export- opportunity for domestic IT widely credited with introducing Indian classical the world in the 1950s and 1960s. Allah Rakha,
ing firm, Infosys Technologies, companies. music to the West, passed away in his California the father of maestro Zakir Hussain, died a few
was appointed chairperson of Some estimates suggest home in the Bay Area on June 18 at age 87. years ago.
the Unique Identification Au- that the project will create at He had been keeping poor health and was a Ali Akbar Khan made his first public perfor-
thority of India, a Rs 1,990- least 100,000 additional jobs dialysis patient since 2004 but was still teaching mance at 14 in Allahabad, and in his early 20s
crore national project to build in the country in the next three at his Ali Akbar Khan College of Music in San made his first recordings and became a court
India’s database of her billion- years. The government had Rafael until about two weeks ago. musician for the Maharajah of Jodhpur, a post he
plus people over the next three earmarked Rs 100 crore in the Ali Akbar Khan was held for seven years until
or four years. He will join the interim budget to kick start the born April 14, 1922, in the King’s death.
government in the capacity of a UID project. The entire ID card Shibpur, East Bengal Ali Akbar Khan re-
cabinet minister’s rank. project is estimated to be in the (now in Bangladesh). He corded over 95 albums,
Nilekani, India’s most re- MY ID? Nandan Nilekani range of around Rs 1.5 lakh began playing the sarod was nominated for five
spected corporate czars, has been counted in the crore, with the first phase – which will cover and other instruments Grammy Awards and
world’s 100 most influential persons in 2006 and ultra urban, urban, and semi-urban populations while he was still a young composed music for
again in 2009. Forbes Asia also named Nilekani, – offering a Rs 6,500 crore business opportunity. boy. His father was Ustad both Indian and Western
estimated to have a net worth of US$ 1.3 billion According to the plan, government proposes Allauddin Khan, who is films.
(Rs. 63 billion) as ‘Business Leader of the Year’ to issue a unique identification number to all widely considered the Considered a “Na-
in 2006. citizens by 2011. The Unique Identification Au- greatest figure in Hindu- tional Living Treasure”
The move from the IT hub in Bangalore to thority of India shall own and operate the unique stani music in the 20th in India, he was con-
power hub New Delhi means moving around in identification number database and also look century, and who is ru- ferred several awards by
a white Ambassador with a red light flashing on after its up gradation and maintenance on an moured to have been able the Indian government
top? “I may get the white Ambassador – I like the ongoing basis. In the beginning, the UID number to play over 20 musical as well as nations from
car – but without the light or siren,” he said. will be assigned based on the National Popula- instruments. all over the world.
This seems good news for the recession hit IT tion Register or electoral rolls. Photographs and His father later moved In the early 1950s,
industry as it is expected to provide the much- biometric data will be added to make the identi- to Maihar in central India the great violinist
needed impetus to the domestic demand for IT fication foolproof. and that is where the Yehudi Menuhin visited
products and solutions. A billion smart cards bulk of Ali Akbar Khan’s ustad ali akhbar khan India and became keenly
musical learning took aware of the power of
place. Under his instruction, young Ali Akbar’s Indian music. Menuhin invited Ravi Shankar to
What is the Unique Identification Number (UID)? training would often extend to as much as 18 the United States in 1955 to present a concert at
hours a day and was vigorous, even brutal, as he the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
would recall in some of his interviews with noted But Shankar declined, and a reluctant Khan –
The project involves creating a database where a UID will be Times of India music critic Mohan Nadkarni. whom Menuhin called “the greatest musician in
He was under his father’s tutelage for decades. the world” – took his place.
assigned to each citizen and would remain with the individual The world’s most celebrated sitarist, Pandit Ravi He leaves behind his wife, Mary, and his
Shankar (father of Norah Jones and Anoushka 11 surviving children from his present and two
from birth to death. It will identify citizens from non-citizens and Shankar), is also a disciple of Ustad Allauddin former marriages, besides hundreds of disciples
remove the hassle of multiple proofs of citizenship. Khan and at one time was married to his daugh- around the world.
ter, Annapurna Devi. - Indian Weekender news desk, agencies

6 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |


India’s budget disappoints Guru’s Kalgi reaches holy city

investors as Mukherjee Amritsar: A plume (Kalgi) worn by the last and to the manner in which Maharaja Ranjit Singh
tenth Sikh guru, Guru Gobind Singh (1666- daily paid obeisance to the plume,” they reiter-
1708), has been brought back to the Golden ated.

postpones hard decisions

Temple, Amritsar, after nearly 160 years since The Kalgi which was brought to Amritsar by
it was taken away. a chartered plane was examined by the research
It was handed over to to Akal Takht jathe- team and has claimed it to be genuine. Some
dar Giani Gurbachan Singh by a team compris- Sikh scholars also suggested that the plume
ing Police Service should be subjected
India’s Finance Minister Pranab ment has failed to provide a clear (IPS) officer to scientific tests like
Mukherkee announced India’s path towards fiscal consolidation Harpreet Singh carbon-dating to make
2009/2010 budget earlier this and postponed tough decisions Sidhu and Kamaljit sure it belonged to the
week. Highlights of the budget on subsidies; the budget speech Singh Boparai, on guru.
include: further dented hopes of swift 30 June. The fact that Lord
• Fiscal deficit raised to 6.8% reforms and privatisation after On Wednesday, Dalhousie took the
of GDP, up from 5.5% forecasted the UPA’s election victory. July 1 the plume possession of the Kalgi
in the February interim budget The overly optimistic me- was formally and later purchased
(6.0% in FY08/09) and against dium-term economic forecasts handed over to the the same from the
market expectations of 6-6.5%. underpinning the fiscal projec- Gurdwara Pra- Directors of the East
Total expenditure will rise 36% tions in the February interim bandak Commit- India Company was
(y/y) to INR10.2tn, largely financed by rupee- budget were toned down, but the balance of risks tee (SGPC) presi- also proved from cor-
denominated debt. remains skewed towards further deterioration in dent Avtar Singh respondence between
• Gross market borrowing projected at the fiscal outlook given the rather upbeat fore- Makkar who took it the two parties.
BACK HOME SAFELY: Golden Temple,
INR4.51tn, up from the interim budget estimate casts. over from the Akal That the posses-
of INR3.62tn and against market expectations of While the revised trajectory calls for above- Takht, to enshrine Amritsar, where the Kalgi was taken away sion of the Kalgi
INR4tn. target deficits until FY11/12, post-budget com- it among relics of from. passed to the daughter
• No clear roadmap on fiscal consolidation. ments by ratings agencies suggest a negative the Sikh gurus at of Lord Dalhousie and
The government plans to achieve its 3% fiscal rating action might not be imminent. the takht. through her to her husband Col WH Broun. Its
target ‘at the earliest’; plans to introduce fiscal Market participants were clearly disappoint- Some people including the former head possession by Colonel Broun is evident from his
reforms to control future deficits. Deficit project- ed. The stock market index closed down 5.8%, priest of Akal Takth however have raised doubts correspondence with the Victoria and Albert
ed to remain above target until FY11/12. while US-Rupee exchange rate rose 1.4% to over the authenticity of the plume. Although Museum, London, dated 1898.
• No rollback of fuel subsidies. Instead, 48.56. the SGPC has accepted it as genuine, a commit- The keeper of the Asian Department at the
another study panel will be set up to review the The budget seems largely to address the rural tee formed by former Akal Takht head priest Victoria and Albert Museum, in a letter dated
current fuel pricing mechanism. poor who returned the Congress-led coalition to Joginder Singh Vedanti to check the plume’s au- January, 2006, made it clear that after Lord
• No major reform or pro-market initiatives power. Consequently, the government is extend- thenticity had failed to verify if it was genuine. Dalhousie’s death, the Kalgi, along with other
announced. Greater ‘people participation’ is en- ing the rural debt waiver plan that was first an- Lord Dalhousie, who was in India from relics of Guru Gobind Singh, passed on to in
couraged, but disinvestment of banks and insur- nounced in 2007. Also, the rural employment 1848-56, reportedly took the plume along, his family.
ance companies was ruled-out. guarantee scheme that provides 100 days of work which was then in the possession of Maharaj The correspondence with the present descen-
• Fiscal support for rural and infrastructure for impoverished farmers got a huge boost in the Ranjit Singh. They said possession of the plume dants of Lord Dalhousie (through daughters)
sectors stepped up, but there were no new major new budget of 144%. by Maharaja Ranjit Singh had been proved from proves that the Kalgi was indeed sold by Col
fiscal measures announced for other sectors. - Indian Weekender news desk records of the Lahore Durbar and many other Broun, either privately or through an auction.
Commentators have widely said that govern- sources. “Court records of the Lahore Darbar (Additional reporting from the Tribune news
and the daily diary of Faqir Azzizuddin testify service)

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 7

Karunanidhi’s U turn on Prisoners to sell snacks
Last survivor
Lankan Tamils Ahmedabad: In an innovative initiative the
IG of Prisons in Sabarmati jail has mooted
of Jalianwala
Bagh dies
Chennai: In a dramatic shift from his an idea where convicts serving terms will
Wedding of Raja and Rani,
earlier position, Tamil Nadu Chief Min- be gainfully employed in the evenings – by the frogs
ister M.Karunanidhi, declared that the selling snacks across the city.
best way the Tamilians in India could The idea is aimed at rehabilitating pris- Nagpur: Saturaday morning, June 22,
help Sri Lanka Tamils was by cooperat- oners and adding to the funds for their saw a unique wedding ceremony being Chandigarh: Shingara Singh the last known sur-
ing with the Sri Lankan government. welfare. solemnised in a distant suburb of Nagpur vivor who had witnessed the Jalianwala Bagh
Replying to a call attention motion in in Maharashtra. The bride and groom massacre in 1919, passed away on Monday, June
The maiden venture was tested on July 1,
the assembly he said “If we want to named Rani and Raja were married off 29.
when citizens of the secretariat area were
play a positive role in protecting Sri with full vedic rites in front of a sizeable The 113 year old who was 20 then was witness
mildly surprised to see a mobile “pakora” to the merciless killing of unarmed Indian pro-
Lankan Tamil interests, we should avoid stall. Ganaji Devji Thakor, who is in the 12th crowd of mainly women and children.
testors, including women and children, at the
stoking the anger of the Sinhalese,” year of his life sentence for murder who Only the bride and groom were two frogs. Jallianwala Bagh who were fired upon by British
Karunanidhi also added that ‘Eelam’ or was part of the project says “I am happy to The ceremony was conducted to please forces led by Brigadier Reginald Dyer.
a separate Tamil state, within Sri Lanka go into the city and serve the delicacy to the rain god and usher in the monsoon as Singh popularly known as Bapu, claimed
which the Tamilians had been dreaming the public.” soon as possible, a belief that is popular he had been shot in the hand and was honoured
and fighting for was no longer possible The State Bank of India has donated a van with the people of this region. With the by the former President, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam,
and that “The best the Tamils can hope worth Rs.4 lakhs for the purpose as part rains playing truant the people of the during a visit to the Bagh in March 2003. In
for is an autonomous Tamil province of its corporate social responsibility. Every region as trying out traditional methods recent years, he rued government apathy towards
within the framework of a united Sri evening the van will leave the jail premises in spite of the met departments fore- him and his family.
Lanka,” he said. with the goodies and move to different casts that the monsoon would be slightly In that year on Baisakhi day thousands of
During the run up to the Lok Sabha delayed. protestors had gathered at the Jalianwala Baug
areas in the city.
elections all parties including the DMK Many of the organisers are professionals near the Golden Temple to protest against the
While some have raised doubts about the British rule. British Army officer Dyer had com-
had competed to take positions sup- convicts escaping, the jail superintendent, who believe that they have heard stories
manded his troops to the bagh and opened fire
porting the Tamils, even as the Lankan V. Chandrashekar is confident the prison- from elders about frog marriages. If not without a warning on the unarmed protestors.
army advanced. . Some parties, like ers won’t escape while selling pakoras in anything they feel it brings about a feel- The place was enclosed from all four sides
the opposition AIADMK, had promised the city. “These convicts have served a ing of caring for nature and animals! with buildings, and had only one main entrance
to send the Indian army into Sri Lanka major part of their term and are part of the Pandit Pradeep Kumar who solemnised that was blocked by Dyer’s troops. Dyer’s troops
to carve out a separate Tamil Ealam, if open jail. They would not attempt to run the wedding, said that all the rituals were fired and killed hundreds and stopped only when
they won. But all this was before the away as it would only increase the punish- performed as in any normal Hindu mar- they ran out of ammunition.
completer rout of the LTTE and the ment if caught.” Still jail authorities are not riage. Though he added “This is the first The British had officially put the casualties
death of V.Prabhakaran. taking any chances and a guard would time that I have solemnised such a mar- at 379 dead and over 1,100 injured but local wit-
Observers feel that the DMK being a always accompany the prisoners on their riage and I am confident that rains would nesses had claimed that nearly 2,000 people
major ally of the ruling Congress party, surely arrive soon as it’s been done with were killed in the massacre.
sojourns into the city
it is slowly shifting its stand to a more great devotion by the people and for a The Jalianwala Bagh is now a national me-
practical and balanced view on the good cause.” morial highlighting the sacrifice of hundreds of
unknown men, women and children for Indian
Tamil problem.

Euro 5 million for life-saving

assistance for Sri Lanka
Brussels: The European Commission has allocated Euro 5 million to provide life-saving humanitar-
ian assistance to internally displaced people, mostly ethnic Tamils, placed in camps in Sri Lanka.
All funds are channelled through the Commission’s Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO). The
projects are implemented by non-governmental relief organisations and specialised UN agencies.
Louis Michel, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, said: “Europe
cares deeply about the welfare of Sri Lanka and its citizens and we have always stood ready to help.
After the tsunami in 2004 the European Commission provided Euro 42 million in humanitarian aid
to those most affected.
“In the current humanitarian crisis with more than 280,000 people displaced from their homes
and living in very difficult conditions in camps, we are demonstrating our willingness to complement
the efforts of the Sri Lankan authorities in meeting the enormous humanitarian challenge. However,
in order to properly implement assistance, European Commission relief experts and international aid
agencies must have regular and consistent access to the displaced.”
The Commission’s humanitarian support covers water and sanitation, health and nutrition and
non-food relief items ranging from clothes, hygiene kits and mosquito nets to infant kits. Since 2007,
the Commission has given a total of Euro 42 million in aid for the victims of humanitarian crises in
Sri Lanka, including today’s allocation. ECHO has a support office in Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo.
It closely follows developments in the humanitarian situation and monitors the use of the Commis-
sion’s relief funds.

Grave trends
Lucknow: A custom which is already a trend in
the lives of many in western countries is soon
catching up in smaller Indian towns as well, that
of reserving a spot in a graveyard to rest in peace
after death.
In Lucknow, Christians and Muslims are re-
serving land in burial grounds, well in advance
as cemeteries are running out of land and people
fear that they may not find a place in the cem-
etery next to their loved ones.
A Catholic cemetery in Lucknow city charges
about Rs 2,500 per booking for five years, and
for Rs 500 for every renewal. It’s a reasonable reserve burial ground. The booking rates at
amount so people don’t mind paying this much,” Muslim burial grounds reportedly costs between
says Anthony the caretaker of the cemetery. Rs 25,000 and Rs 50,000. However many Shia
There are four cemeteries for Christians in clerics are against this practice and feel booking
Lucknow. of graves should be discouraged as this would
Among Muslims, it is mostly the Shias who deprive poor people burial places.

8 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |


Poor rains cause havoc in Punjab Much awaited Mumbai

sea-link inaugurated
Chandigarh: With a delayed monsoon and the met department predicting a weak monsoon, North
India is reeling under one of its worse summers as the water in the Bhakra Nangal reservoir is re-
ceding. Water shortages and long power cuts have become routine.
Scheduled and unscheduled power cuts have become the order of the day forcing even the gov-
ernment offices to change the office timing from 7.30 am to 1.30 pm. Earlier the state electricity
board had asked all government offices to switch off air-conditioners. With no respite from the
sultry weather and ACs switched off, office life had become miserable.
Meanwhile in Ludhiana the members of the All Industries and Trade Forum, Punjab, took to
Gandhigiri to make their voices heard. Members of the forum presented a bouquet of roses to
Cabinet Minister Hira Singh Gabria, who was taken by surprise by this gesture.
The Forum also thanked the minister for imposing the power cuts and forcing them to shut down
industries. The minister who lost his temper at the turn of events said, “The state is facing a crisis
and everyone should cooperate, instead of humiliating me in this way.” Later, however, he calmed
down and held a meeting with the members.
In a related incident in a village near Karnal, irate villagers locked up the Junior Engineer in
the power house to protest against the chronic power shortage in the area. About 200 villagers
whose paddy cultivation was being adversely affected locked up the engineer, till the Senior Dis-
trict Officer and the police arrived. They let out the JE only after a firm assurance from the district
officer that power supply would be normalised.

Daylight painting heist at Mysore

Mysore: For the first time in the history of the nearly 100-year-old Sri Jayachamarajendra Art
Gallery in Mysore, a famous painting has been stolen in broad daylight.
The painting depicting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, by French artist Peter Paul Rubens
was one of the proudest collections of the Maharaja Nalvadi Krishna Raja Wodeyar. Rubens
had painted it in 1852 and presented to the Maharaja.
Authorities are baffled as the painting has been missing since the afternoon of June 26, and
all security staff present there. An official complaint has been filed and police are questioning
all staff.
According to gallery sources the two and half foot high and two and a quarter foot wide
painting was quoted over one million dollars in the international market.

Scientists’ cloning glory

Karnal: Scientists at the National Dairy Research
Institute (NDRI), Karnal in Haryana were the
first to produce the world’s first cloned buffalo
calf in February 2009. However their joy was Mumbai: The long awaited Bandra-Worli sea link bridge was inaugurated by Congress president
short-lived when the calf died six days later. Ms.Sonia Gandhi, on June 30. Touted as an engineering marvel, the first of its kind in India, the
Now four months later scientists have bridge aims to ease some of the traffic on the notoriously choked Mumbai roads.
achieved a major breakthrough by producing It is hoped that the 16.5-billion-rupee (US$340 million), 5.6 km long, eight-lane freeway will
the world’s second cloned calf, born on June 6, help cut the 40-minute (in ideal conditions) journey between the suburbs of Bandra and Worli to
through the advanced hand-guided cloning tech- just eight minutes. India’s first 8 lane freeway, has taken nine years in the making and ten years
nique. since its conceptualisation, with teams of engineers from Germany, China, Canada, Britain and
The female clone named Garima was born Hong Kong.
through caesarean operation, conducted by a The cable stayed mega structure weighs equivalent to that of 50,000 African elephants and steel
team of six doctors. wire used is equivalent to the circumference of the earth. It is 63 times the height of the Qutub
NDRI director A.K.Srivastava said that after Minar and has consumed 90,000 tonnes of cement, which would suffice to make five buildings of
the death of the first clone, they had been very 10-stories each, a Mumbai State Roadways Development Corporation official said.
cautious this time. He also said that the second cloning technique he added. The cost of illumination of the bridge would be Rs.9 crores and the authorities plan to make it a
clone was different from the first one.” The donor Scientists feel this new cloning technique tourist spot as well. “A businessman or an executive while driving to his office can enjoy the view
cell in this case was used from the foetus, while once optimized would go a long way in produc- of the Bandra-Worli sea link but what about the common man how can he see it,” asked Mumbai
in the first case the cell was taken from the ear ing an elite breed of milch animals that would road transport organisation BEST Chairman Dilip Patel.
of a new born calf”. The technique used is an contribute in further increasing India’s milk pro- The Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) has five open deck buses, which
advanced modified version of the conventional duction. it plans to utilise for the citizens’ tour of the bridge.

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 9

Fiji constitution to be ready Tourism Fiji says Vinaka Vakalevu
by 2013, says Bainimarama for NZ’s support
Tourism Fiji CEO Josefa Tuamoto made a flying visit to Auckland last week to personally thank
Fiji’s leader Commodore Frank Bainimarama will be encouraged to learn and understand
key members of the New Zealand travel industry for their ongoing efforts in helping to promote the
has issued another invitation to its people the new document, it will be translated into
destination. Speaking at a function at the Stamford Plaza Auckland Hotel, Mr Tuamoto paid tribute
and the international community to seize the vernacular languages and made available in
to his NZ industry colleagues for the “professional and sympathetic approach” they have taken with
moment and help build a better island nation. pocket book sizes.
Fiji throughout 2009.
In an address that was televised nation- He also promised a radical overhaul of the
“We are extremely grateful for the support our industry colleagues have applied during what can
wide, Commodore Bainimarama said work on island nation’s complex land tenure system.
only be described as a difficult first six month period,” he said. “But our Kiwi numbers are coming
a new and fair land rental system would begin He promised to produce a new rental regime
back and we are confident with the continued efforts of our New Zealand industry colleagues, par-
in 2010, a new constitution would be in place that rewards the indigenous owners of the land
ticularly the airlines and wholesalers, we will reach our target of 120,000 Kiwi visitors within the
by September 2013 and free and fair elections and provides security to the lessee.
next two years.”
held under that constitution in September 2014. Distribution of lease money which cur-
Mr Tuamoto also took the opportunity at the function to launch the national tourist office’s newest
He said work on the new document – which rently benefits only an elite few Commodore
trade DVD. The DVD footage is based on Tourism Fiji’s recent and very successful national TV
will be Fiji’s fourth since it gained indepen- Bainimarama said, would also be reviewed
campaign designed to re-connect New Zealanders with the Fijian people and their uniquely famous
dence from Britain in 1970 – will commence under this exercise.
‘Bula spirit’.
in 2012. On the economy, Fiji’s leader said his gov-
“The ‘Bula spirit’ is traditionally one of Fiji’s most endearing qualities,” Mr Tuamoto said. “It’s
Recommendations of his government’s ernment is a government for change and called
what sets us apart from the rest of the world and is one of the main reasons why Kiwis have travelled
people’s charter would form the basis of the on his people to seize the opportunity to mod-
to the destination for more than 40 years.”
new constitution, said Commodore Bainima- ernize it.
rama. He claimed the 20 percent devaluation of

Lautoka Hospital gets a spot of colour

“It will include provisions for a voting the Fiji dollar in April has worked in that im-
system that allows for common and equal citi- provements had been seen all around in foreign
zenry, it will no longer be communal type of reserves, liquidity, balance of payments and
voting,” Commodore Bainimarama said. tourist arrivals. Youths from the artistic network of Fiji-based Pauliasi – a local screen printer has
As proposed by the people’s charter, he said Foreign reserves now stands at $660 million NGO, FRIEND are getting together to paint a worked with the group on the principles of
voting age will be reduced to 18 from 21. (US$320 million), a huge improvement Com- series of murals inside the Lautoka Hospital. cutting Tapa designs.
Also to come under review in the proposed modore Bainimarama said when compared to In an endeavor to renovate the signs at the Four of the participants say they are han-
constitution would be the size of the parliament the $440 million (US$213 million) before de- hospital and promote better navigation, each dling paint brushes for the first time.
which used to be 71 seats, the appropriateness valuation. ward is being assigned a local flower and One of the young girls who is also paint-
of a bi-camel system of a house of representa- Prudent management of public spending painted with relevant imagery. For example, ing says it is unfortunate that the youths do
tives and a senate, the term of office of govern- over the past five months he said has also saved the women’s surgical ward may be themed not have more opportunities for creative
ment and the systems of check and balance. the country $190 million (US$92 million). with the ‘Tagimaucia’ and will be decorated development in secondary schools. For Soko,
Consultations about the new constitution Commodore Bainimarama’s address was with the famous Taveuni flower. Other wards this is also her first opportunity to use the
would be comprehensive Commodore Baini- given at the Raffles Tradewinds Hotel Con- will become Kakala, Frangipani, Sandal- brush .
marama assured, and his government would vention Centre just outside the capital Suva wood, Lagakali, Makosoi and Marigold. Mural painting at the hospital has started
seek the assistance of the international com- and attended by his cabinet ministers, senior The youths are working on designs for the from the first floor and the project is expected
munity in accessing experts and resources. officials, diplomats, and business and union murals experimenting with pencil and water to take around six weeks.
Since the plan is to have the new constitu- leaders. colour paints and coming up with some beau-
tion ready one year before elections, the people tiful results.

10 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |


And now, Thirukkural in Fijian

Dev Nadkarni

An Irish-English linguist based at Dr Geraghty has lived and

the University of the South Pacific worked in Fiji all his adult life. He Dr Benwick’s Thirukkural
in Suva, Fiji, has translated Thiruk- has an MA in modern languages
kural, the celebrated ancient Tamil from Cambridge and a PhD in This was not the first time that Thirukkural has been translated into the Fijian language.
classic, into the Fijian language. Linguistics from the University Dr Samuel Benwick wrote an earlier translation in 1962. Unfortunately there are no cop-
Dr Paul Geraghty, an associate of Hawaii. He has a way with lan- ies of the book available publicly today. But there is a chance that there might be one
professor of linguistics, has been guages and when I was in Fiji I available at the National Archives in Fiji.
teaching and researching at the uni- have often been amazed at his Swami Rudrananda, who established the Ramakrishna Mission in Fiji in 1953, got Dr
versity for several years and is re- perspicacity while discussing the Berwick to translate the Thirukkural to mark the birth centenary of Swami Vivekananda,
spected in Fiji and the Pacific Islands
G erag ht y finer points of the grammar and the foremost disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.
region as an authority in Fijian and Dr Paul syntax of Indian languages.
Dr Berwick, at that time, used to be the editor of the Fijian section of the Pacific Review, a
several other Pacific languages. “I don’t read or speak Tamil,
newspaper that used to be published from Nadi by Swami Rudrananda and A. D. Patel.
“The object was to simply make this beau- so I worked from existing English and French
tiful classic available to speakers and readers of translations. Not ideal obviously, but necessary Half of it was in English and the other half in Fijian, which was called Vakalewa ni Pasifika.
Fijian, so it could reach a wider audience,” Dr under the circumstances,” he said. It took him Dr Berwick also translated the Ramayana into Fijian by serialising it every week in the
Geraghty told Indian Weekender in an interview two years to finish the translation. “I worked at paper and later publishing it as a book with the help of R.O. Sharma of Nadi.
from England – where he is currently visiting home in my spare time at night,” Swami Rudrananda was perhaps the first to introduce multiracial/multicultural activities
his family – when asked what got him to choose Before coming to the university he was di- in Fiji as a means of bringing the different ethnic groups together. Ratu Sir Kamisese
Thirukkural. rector of the Institute of Fijian Language and Mara, who admired and supported Swami Rudrananda, later made multiracialism/mul-
Thirukkural is one of Tamil’s most important Culture for many years. He is well known in ticulturalism the official policy of his Alliance government for integrating the nation.
literary works that was composed by Thiruval- Fiji as a broadcaster and columnist specialising Swami Rudrananda’s multiracial/multicultural initiatives included establishing multi-
luvar some time between 2200 and 2500 years in the languages, culture and history of Fiji and racial schools at a time when the colonial government forbade such schools. Swami
ago during what is considered as the last of the the Pacific, and author of numerous books and Rudrananda, who had originally come to help the TISI Sangam, made sure that the
three Sangam eras – the golden age of ancient academic articles. In 1999 he was made Officer Sangam schools and the Sri Vivekananda High School that he established were open
Tamil literature. of the Order of Fiji by the then President, Ratu
to children of all ethnic groups. He also organised interfaith services. As mentioned
It is a collection of just over 1300 rhyming Sir Kamisese Mara, for services to the Fijian lan-
couplets that are more in the manner of apho- guage. earlier, he also had newspapers in English and Fijian (and also Hindi).
risms: a timeless collection of thoughts on living Dr Geraghty’s new translation has been pub- – Padmini Gaunder
a practical, righteous, contented and happy life. lished by the Reddy Group of Companies, one
It is one of the earliest works on ethics, though of Fiji’s leading business houses with interests
some historians believe it to have been written in hotels and construction. While declaring the
Pears from Thirukkural
just after Kautilya’s Arthashastra, perhaps the book published, former Vice President of Fiji • Humility is a precious quality in all people but it becomes a priceless possession in the wealthy.
most ancient Indian work on ethics and state- Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi said, “In order for the • Whatever you may fail to guard, guard well your tongue, for flawed speech unfailingly invokes
craft. But like most things ancient Indian, it is Fijian language to continue to survive, it was im- anguish and affliction.
hard to prove on definitive dates and scholars portant that such works were translated and read • Unless painstakingly performed, a task will not succeed even if men in multitudes support it.
could argue till the cows come home. by people.” • Load too many of them and even peacock feathers Would break the cart’s axle.
The Thirukkural also happens to be one of the “The reaction has been very favourable from • Even faultless and deeply learned men, when closely examined, Are rarely found to be entirely
most translated Indian classics and is available in all quarters,” Dr Geraghty said. “Radio Fiji’s free from ignorance.
dozens of languages around the world. Curious- Fijian programme has devoted quite a bit of time
ly, Dr Geraghty’s latest published effort is not the to quoting from the book.”
first in the Fijian language. “There had been an – With additional reporting by Padmini
earlier translation from the 1960s I believe, by Dr Gaunder
Samuel Berwick, but has long been out of print,”
he said. (See box – Dr Benwick’s Thirukkural.)

Minimum wage rate rise to go ahead

Fiji’s interim Government has given the green slowing domestic economy.
light for the proposed percentage increase in Fiji’s Sentiments in the business community remain
minimum wages to be implemented amidst objec- mixed on the increase.
tion from employers, according to Fiji Live. Fiji Retailers Association (FRA) president
The increase, enabled by a new wage order that Himat Lodhia said the FRA members would have
was to have come into effect in February, but was no choice but to toe the line.
deferred to July 1st, sees a rise in minimum wages “Some are saying they will lessen working
by 20 percent across nine industries. hours while others say they will rotate their workers
Wages Council chairman Father Kevin Barr on a week on/week off basis,” Lodhia said.
confirms that after meeting with government offi- Other business commentators are saying that
cials this week, interim Minister for Labour Filipe the increase went against last week’s plea by the
Bole announced that the July 1 implementation Reserve Bank of Fiji hinting that inflation to be
date will still be going ahead. kept in check.
“All workers can be grateful for a small increase
in their pay packets, although it’s a minor adjust- The proposed increments for the various sectors
ment in wages for years it has not been changed,” are as follows:
he told Fijiive. * Garment - up 20 percent
“I hope this will in a small way help to stimulate * Wholesale & Retail - up 20percent
the economy because the workers will be spending * Printing - up 50c an hour for learners
a little bit extra locally.” * Building, Civil & Electrical Engineering - up
Mr Barr, who has long been a champion of 40cents-50cents
poverty in Fiji, told FijiLive there had been word * Hotel & Catering - up 35cents
that the Fiji Employers Federation had asked that * Manufacturing - up 50cents
the implementation be deferred again. * Security - up 30cents
The wage rise is coming at a time when infla- * Road Transport - up 5 percent
tionary pressures look set to rise in the face of a * Saw Milling - up 40 cents.

Teacher shortage hits Fiji

The Fijian Teachers Association says hundreds of teachers forced to retire in April have still
to be replaced.
About 940 teachers retired on April 30 after the country’s interim government slashed the
retirement age from 60 to 55.
It was part of plans to cut government spending. Association president Tevita Koroi said
many of the positions have been temporarily filled by trainee teachers. He told Radio Australia
the situation has compromised the quality of the service, and work was still under way to find
permanent replacements.
“It’s a question that number we have lost; but also the quality - particularly,
we’re having people who have not obtained their teaching qualification,” he said.

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 11

add calypso song words

Cricket’s enduring idol notches up 60 sunny years

Known all over the world as the original little blasted the New Zealand attack in the 1987 World Idols, Runs and ruins, One day wonders and his
Master, this prodigy born on July 10, 1949, was Cup in Nagpur for a quickfire 103. bestselling autobiography – Sunny Days.
the first cricketer in the world to cross the 10,000 He was feared and admired by even his He has since taken up various responsibilities
run mark in test cricket. He broke Don Bradman’s staunchest adversaries, for there was nothing with ICC, BCCI and the media. He is now with the
record of 29 centuries besides dozens of other more pleasing than to watch Sunny playing a ESPN STAR commentary team. He was recently
records and was the best opening batsman of his perfect stroke in the ‘V’ and the ball running inducted as one of the three Indians in the ICC
era. past the bowler to the boundary line. I have yet Hall of fame (with Bishen Bedi and Kapil Dev)
Sunil Manohar Gavaskar is 60 today. to see a better player of the bouncer or Yorker. Lord Relator’s Calypso:
Sunny, as he is known to his fans, was the best With a deft touch of soft hands he would jump “It was Gavaskar,
schoolboy cricketer of India in 1966 and made up in the air and the ball would touch the top The real master
his debut in the Mumbai Ranji team in the 68/69 of the bat and come down smoothly without Just like a wall,
season against Karnataka. His exploits in that evening bouncing for the second time or We couldn’t out Gavaskar at all,
season earned him a berth into the Indian team moving anywhere near the close in Not at all;
touring the West Indies in 1970. History was fielder. His flick off the toes, when You know the West Indies
created when he scored 774 in the series, a record facing a Yorker would always fetch Couldn’t out Gavaskar at all”
that still stands tall today. His exploits against the him runs. Many may not know this but We at Indian Weekender pray “that
West Indies earned him a tremendous fan follow- he was also an opening bowler along all of us couldn’t out Gavaskar at all”
ing there and Trinidadian Calypso singer William with Abid Ali for the Indian team, when – May he score a century of years!
Harris (Lord Relator) even penned a song in Ga- he was required to take the shine off the - Prashant Belwalkar
vaskar’s honour. ball, before the spin quartet could take
Gavaskar was a prolific scorer of runs and the over. He was also an excellent slip fielder
English fans who had earlier refused to accept and a very quick runner.
the talented youngster, were in awe when he re- He is outspoken and wears the colours of
turned to English shores in 1974 and belted the India on his sleeves. He even refused MCC
attack all over the place. His world record break- membership as a steward returned him from
ing 106 consecutive appearances started from the the gates of Lords. His controversial recall-
Mumbai test in 1976. In between, he also suffered ing of Chetan Chauhan in Australia is still
the ignonimity of scoring 35 runs in 60 overs in vivid in everybody’s memory, but today,
the first limited overs World Cup (1975, Pruden- the Australia-India matches are known as
tial Cup against East Africa). Gavaskar-Border trophy, a tribute to his
Gavaskar’s brush with captaincy came in greatness.
1976 in Auckland when he was standing in for the Married to Marshneil, Sunny has one
injured Bishen Singh Bedi. He scored a century as son; Rohan who represented India in ODIs
captain and enabled India to win by 8 wickets. He but failed to cement his place as his father once
was famous for being a conservative captain and did. Sunny always did things on his own terms
was always looking for a draw in test matches. and is one of the few cricketers who left the
That was perhaps because the famous spin quartet scene when they were on a high. He delayed the
of Indian bowling Bedi, Prasanna, Venkataragha- announcement of his departure from interna-
van and Chandrasekhar were about to retire and tional cricket as he wanted to play for the World
a new breed of bowlers was emerging. Among XI and achieve the only blemish he had in his
them was Kapil Dev, who would emerge a hero career – of not scoring a century at Lords. He
ished with 34, a record finally broken by another
on his own. hit a spectacular 152 against the English team in
Mumbai prodigy, Sachin Tendulkar years later.
Meanwhile Gavaskar continued his glorious that match and bowed out of the game.
He was the first batsman to score 10,000 runs in
streak of scoring runs and managed 1000 in a Gavaskar is known for his quick wit, satire
test cricket. He was not known for his exploits in
calendar year on four successive occasions. He and writing abilities. He penned four books
the one day arena, however, he wanted to prove
crossed Bradman’s record of 29 centuries and fin- which have been international best sellers,
that he still had it in him as a one day player and

India’s Caribbean cruise ends on a happy note

Prashant Belwalkar
India, after a disastrous T20 world cup, was scraped through for a 1-0 lead. the match was delayed and it was reduced to a
looking forward to a tour to West Indies to regain West Indies extracted their revenge in the 27 overs affair after the ninth over interruption.
some pride and prove that they are not a spent second game at Sabina Park. More than 750 runs West Indies managed to score a decent 186 for
force. Tendulkar, Sehwag, Raina and Irfran were were scored in the first game and the crowds were 7 in the allotted 27 overs, thanks largely to a 62
all resting and it was an opportunity for the new expecting the same in the second. West Indian by Sarwan. Ashish Nehra justified his recall
guns to prove their worth. It was also a time for bowlers were in no mood for charity and new boy and took 3 wickets for just 21 runs. The Indians
Dhoni to reflect on his own performance and get Rampaul ripped through the top order of India. started the chase in quick fashion and for once the
back to the winning ways of past years. Prior He was ably supported by Taylor and Bravo. openers were spot on, with their chase. Between
to this tour India had won 4 ODI series on the Dhoni played a captain’s knock and scored 95 them, Dinesh Karthik, Gambhir and Dhoni con-
trot and were looking at extending that winning and Yuvi supported him with 35, but the rest of tributed to the chase and the second rain inter-
streak. The West Indies were coming back on a the Indian players could not even reach double ruption reduced the target to 159 in 23 overs.
strong performance in the T20 series, where they figures. RP Singh scored 23 at the end to take India managed to cross that with more than an
had managed to reach the semi-finals, when ev- India to a plausible 188 in less than 49 overs. It over to spare and thanks to Messers Duckworth-
erybody had written them off. was always an uphill task to defend such a small Lewis, India took an unbeatable 2-1 lead.
Chris Gayle, their maverick captain, was total and West Indies mauled the Indian attack The fourth match was a washout after a very
looking forward to squaring off with the Indians led by Gayle and Morton. They surpassed the tight start by India and it gave them their fifth
and had predicted that the West Indies should be Indian total in just 34 overs and levelled the series win on the trot, bringing back smiles to the
wary of the wounded Indians! How, prophetic series 1-1. The action now moved to St Lucia for Indian fans. Dhoni rightly attributed the success
were his words to sound in a couple of days. India the remaining two matches. to his bowlers who were disciplined through-
was to play the West Indies four times in a week The weather had held up pretty well for the out the series. Nehra had a fabulous comeback,
with two matches being played at Sabina Park, partnership with the in-form Yuvraj Singh. Yuvi first two matches, but Tony’s predictions were Ishant was more focussed on his bowling rather
Jamaica and two at Gros Islet, St Lucia. Toni was in his destructive mood and scored 132 from coming true for the next match. The start of than eyeballing the batsmen, RP Singh was tight
Cozier, the famed West Indian commentator, was just 101 balls. Dhoni, Yusuf Pathan and Harbha- as usual and Yusuf Pathan was useful. The area
wary of the tour at this time of the year as it is jan ensured that the momentum was not lost and of concern however, is still in the batting depart-
the Tornado session. He was not sure if all the India finished with a mammoth 339 for 6 in their ment. Dinesh Karthik grabbed the opportunity
matches could be completed without interrup- allotted 50 overs. given him with both hands, Dhoni came good
tions. Sabina Park had never witnessed such a with bat and Yuvi was devastating as usual. But
The first match ended dramatically at Sabina high score and it looked set for India to take a Gambhir continued to struggle and so did Rohit
Park, with the West Indies falling short of a 1-0 nil. However, West Indies had other ideas. Sharma. With Tendulkar, Shewag, Raina bound
mammoth run chase by just 20 runs. India won They started the chase earnestly with the danger- to return, it is an exciting time for Indian cricket
the toss and elected to bat. They however, lost ous Gayle scoring quickfire 37 of just 33 balls. where for once we have enough reserve power
the out of form Gambhir and Rohit Sharma in Morton on the other side scored 42 and Sarwan to take on any team, which is taking a deserved
just 7.2 overs and with the score reading 32 for chipped in with 45, but wickets kept falling regu- break before the champion’s trophy in September
2. This was the opportunity for Dinesh Karthik larly. It was upto the veteran Chanderpaul and the and then the all important ODI series with Aus-
to seize with both the hands, and indeed he did lower order to chase the Indian total. But Nehra tralia. Go, Men in Blue!
it with style by scoring 67 runs and a 135 runs and Yusuf Pathan did the job for India and they

12 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |

Global Indians

Spearheading Tonga Telecom’s international presence

Indian Weekender columnist and seasoned market- The Job came to me purely by chance. As reces- Fiji. Indians generally enjoy a very good reputation country faces?
ing professional Rajesh Krishnamurthy (pictured) sion hit New Zealand and the local economy took a in Tonga as honest, hardworking and peace loving As a developing nation Tonga is faced with huge
heads the marketing and sales operations of the nosedive, it rather severely affected the consumer people. The first Indians to come to Tonga were two challenges on various fronts like infrastructure, edu-
Kingdom of Tonga’s telecommunications company, durable industry which I was part of. I got this offer Gujarati families from Fiji who arrived in Nuku’a cation, healthcare, etc., to name a few. These chal-
Tonga Communications Corporation, heading a at that time and decided to take up the challenge also lofa (Tonga’s capital and headquarters of the King) lenges are amplified due to its small size and small
team of 50 staff. because Tonga Communications in 1917 at the invitation of the King of Tonga. population base. The Government of Tonga though
He is currently visiting New Corporation (TCC) was planning to What about life in general – how different is it is working closely with New Zealand in particular to
Zealand to launch a special calling go for the next generation network from living in Fiji? take necessary steps in this direction.
card for affordable calls between and I would be involved with the I live by myself in Tonga (my family lives in What is it that brings you here now?
New Zealand and Tonga as the first project from start to finish. New Zealand) and we are vegetarians. It is very New Zealand is home so it is always a joy to be
of a series of international launches What is it like for an Indian tough being a vegetarian in Tonga as the local diet back. This time I am here to launch the “Malo e lelei
for similar calling products. Indian expat to work in the technology is heavily meat based. Moreover the non-availability Call Tonga” card. This is the first international initia-
Weekender caught up with him to service sector in Tonga? Are there of a variety of fresh vegetables and lentils adds to tive from the TCC and we aim to have similar roll
find out what it is to live and work many Indians there and how do the difficulty. I have trouble getting something to outs in other Pacific countries in the coming months.
as an expatriate Indian manager in people view Indians? eat when attending parties or public functions, as This card is designed for Tongans in New Zealand to
the South Pacific’s only kingdom. Tonga has very few Indians and there is generally no vegetarian dish except a leafy keep in touch with friends and family back in Tonga.
Though this is not his first even less in the technology oriented salad that is on offer. So I’ve worked out a solution to The cards are of $10 and $20 value and unlike other
Pacific stint (he has earlier worked information technology and com- that problem, now I don’t go to any function without calling cards the Malo e lelei delivers the promised
in a similar capacity with Telecom munications industry. I am the only having food at home that way I am not starving and number of call minutes irrespective of the number of
Fiji) life in Tonga is very differ- Indian in this industry in Tonga. can pass the event with just a glass of juice. I also calls. This means that there are no hidden charges,
ent from what it is in Fiji, he says. Incidentally, it is interesting to note carry a lot of ready to eat vegetarian food back with which eat up your minutes if you use the card to make
Rajesh has also worked in India, that it was a team of four Indians that me whenever I travel back from New Zealand. It multiple calls. We are launching the card in Auck-
where he comes from, and on the African continent. installed the very first telephone exchange in Tonga a sometimes makes me feel like one of the contestants land, Wellington and Christchurch. The Tongan
How did you end up with the job on the exotic few years ago. There are about 20 families of Indian on the television series “Survivor”! community has heard about the launch and we have
island of the Kingdom of Tonga? origin in Tonga, most of who have come over from What are the challenges that Tonga as a received a lot of positive feedback from them.

Grooming to be a queen Romita

and Ritika
and Amrita Thapar Femina Miss India Universe
So what is it that she worked on especially with
Romita Das, a twenty one year old girl born in Cal- the two worked beautifully, and helped Romita to Romita? “ I took her through the paces of pageant
cutta, but a Singaporean citizen for many years make a mark in the highly competitive pageant world. competition from her image consultation and groom-
rocked the ramp of the Miss Singapore World Semi- Apparently Romita did so well, that she was in fact ing, to current events, question handling, mental
Finals on June 6 taking her into the finals. asked by the Singaporean media if she had groomed preparation, public speaking, pageant walk and
All of 5 feet 8 inches tall Romita has done a great herself for the pageant. stance and other techniques to keep her ahead of the
deal of modeling work in the past including the Nike Ritika, her Pageant coach, runs The Tiara, a competition”, Ritika says .
Summer Fashion Show, Marc Jacobs Fall Collection pageant training studio and her success story includes What’s next on the anvil for Romita? Even though
Fashion show and print ads for Sony Ericson , Sin- the likes of Pooja Chopra Femina Miss India World she is very pleased with making it to the finals of the
gapore Tourism Hub and Health Promotion Board,. 2009, Ankita Mohapatra Gladrags Megamodel 2009, Miss Singapore World 2009, she plans to partici-
Romita came down for pageant training especial- Mann Sukhija Mr. India International 2009, Sandip pate in the Femina Miss India pageant subsequently.
ly to India because she had heard about Ritika’s vast Soparrkar Grasim Mr. India Finalist and Young Turk “After all my heart belongs to India,” she says.
experience and past successes. The synergy between in 1998, Gauhar Khan Femina Miss India Earth 2002


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Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 13

We received several letters in response to the article “Chairty? Thanks but no thanks.”
While most agreed with our columnist’s views, there was one that raised interesting points.
We reproduce it here along with columnist Rakesh Krishnan’s response
Dev’s View – Editor.

I read the article, “Charity? Thanks but no thanks” by Rakesh Krishnan. It is clear he does not under-
stand the “40 hour famine” that Christian nations practice. They are not saying there is famine in India.
They, adults and children, forego food for 40 hours and give the money the food would have cost to Chris-
tian organisations that work tirelessly for the poor of the world. As for 40% of the money going to pay the
staff, I am surprised it is as low as that. Mr Krishnan needs to understand the people that work among
the poor need to eat, educate their children, etc. I am told that majority of the money that goes to help
the poor is from Christians. So i don’t see what Mr.krishnan’s gripe is about. Let us not forget that India
gained much from the education, hospitals, humanitarian works that these people brought to us. I am
told there are many Indians in India who are rich enough to buy the whole of New Zealand. If our people
who are so rich will spend their money for the upliftment of the outcastes so that they become integrated
with the upper castes, it will be good. There will be no difference between the Brahmin and the outcaste
and the Christian organisations can divert their money and talents to other nations that need help.
Geetha, Mt.Roskill, Auckland

Indian Weekender columnist Rakesh Krishnan responds:

The article is about a whole new industry that can be called ‘India bashing’. Words and images are very
powerful and have the utility of implication, which has several times more impact than a direct statement.
A huge “famine” banner in the background while talking about soliciting funds for school desks in India is
enough to give the impression to people in New Zealand that there is famine in India. The bundling of India
with extremely poor countries is something that we Indians cannot and should not accept. India is such a big
country it has a US, a Europe, a Middle East and a Somalia and Bosnia within it. However, the West only
shows the poorest side of India. It is this stereotypically negative depiction of India that my article is against.
Take this example: When India’s first lunar vehicle, Chandrayaan, achieved orbit around the moon, Fox
News headlined it: “Where’d They Learn to do That?”
Indian industrialists are engaged in the business of business. They don’t need to practise charity, though
many of them do. Their dharma is creating wealth. Reliance, for instance, has such a vast number of share-
holders that its AGMs are held in sports stadia. Millions of their shareholders have built palatial homes,
married off their daughters in style, and retired rich because Reliance consistently gave good dividends and
the share price has always travelled north. (Clarification: I and my family don’t own Reliance shares!) Indian
industrialists create millions of jobs every month, creating wealth of a magnitude unimaginable in western
countries. When NR Narayana Murthy was CEO of Infosys, India’s largest IT company, his company driver
became a millionaire because every Infosys employee had stock options. These are the movers who will
remove poverty from India.
As the article says, charity has not lifted countries out of poverty. It is a fact that some, but not all, Chris-
tian charities are fronts for proselytising churches. As Kenya’s father of the nation Jomo Kenyatta told the
From the Editor British: When you first arrived, we had the land and you had the Bible; now you have the land and we have
the Bible.”
Sensible immigration policy needed urgently As for caste, it is a convenient handle for western nations to berate India. Modern India hasn’t shut out
the lower castes from any sphere of national or social life. Mayawati is the elected leader of India’s largest
The recent report titled Trade, Diaspora and Migration to New Zealand, commissioned by the state. Backward caste chief ministers rule many states in India. Just as India’s economy grows, slowly but
New Zealand Institute of Economic Research, actually goes to confirm anecdotal evidence of the steadily, caste is losing its grip. India doesn’t need foreigners to tell what is right or wrong. India welcomed
positive effect sensible migration policies could have on the host country’s economy in so many ways. Europeans in the 16th and 17th century with disastrous results. Nearly 190 years of European rule and pros-
Statistics show there is a direct relationship between the number of migrants coming in from a elytising by missionaries did nothing for the outcastes. Their condition is changing for the better only under
country and the positive effect that has on New Zealand’s import-export trade with that country. With a free democratic India, as it rightly should be.
increased migration from India, Indian stores and restaurants are now ubiquitous and imports from
India have grown by leaps and bounds – something that was not the case 15 or 20 years ago. Indian English as a referendum on National Government’s perfor-
Pretty much the same can be said of exports. With India opening up to foreign investment and An excellent assessment of the linguistic power and mance, they put forward somebody who would keep
because of the sustained near double-digit growth of its economy, Indians living here have been potential of India. Indian English and Indians with media busy with other frivolous stuff.The defeat has
helping channel both investments and exports into India. ClimSystems, the company that has devel- English seem to have a brilliant furture. been blamed on Ms. Lee’s tongue
oped disaster scenario generation software (featured on page 2) is one such example where a Hamil- - Prof. G.C. Tripathi - By With malice towards none
tonian Indian is helping the company find its feet in India.
There are several other examples as well. And this is equally true for other countries from where Romancing the passion, living the dream You have reported very correctly and I do feel
migrants have come to New Zealand in significant numbers – particularly from the fast growing I have just read the article “Romancing the passion, strongly about it as we are now 8% of the popu-
Asian and South Asian countries. The report goes on to say that non-English speaking migrants from living the dream”. It has been written very well. I lation and National or the govt. needs to take the
developing countries bring big benefits to the economy. had never heard of Nalini Singh until I read it. It is Indian Population seriously.We are a great con-
But New Zealand’s existing immigration policies have for long left a lot to be desired. The dis- amazing to read about this budding young writer tributor to the country and its economy and we
jointed skills-based policy has grossly under-delivered typified by the oft-quoted example of doctors and interesting to know about young talented demand our fair share.A right of centre govt usually
driving taxis while there is a huge shortage of medical practitioners. people like Nalini. ingnores minorities and National has proven that
In the wake of the economic downturn these policies have especially come in for severe criticism - Khush Contractor despite their pre poll promises.If Indians can vote
not only here but also in the UK, according to news reports from that country. for National & help it come to power - then Indians
Migrant groups raised concerns to Immigration Minister Jonathan Coleman this week about the Proud To Be Fiji Indian if ignored can also ignore National in the next elec-
way New Zealand was still projecting itself as a destination for skilled migrants when hundreds of So true, so true... we have a to be grateful to our an- tions.
them on temporary work visas were losing their jobs and facing the disappointing prospect of going cestors. Fiji Indians have a culture that is unique to - By A self respecting Indian
back home with nothing to fall back on. the world because its Indian mixed with Melanesian
New Zealand immigration policy and the bureaucracy itself – which has recently been criticised culture and we are a bit of both and Fiji is home. If On the cusp of global success
as one of the worst departments in the government – need a thorough revamp if the suggestions in only we had better politicians and chiefs like before Ingenious and dynamic are two words that immedi-
NZIER’s research can be made to work. but we will get there. Fiji will rise again. Go bless ately come to mind when you read about Dr.Anand
Hopefully, the government will take cognisance of some of the recommendations in this report to Fiji. Kai Noqu. and Sarita Kumble who as the article says are on
come up with a sensible immigration policy taking a leaf out of several other western countries that - Nehraaz Mustapha the `cusp of global success.’ And thank you IW
have in recent years revamped their policies with the objectives of benefiting their economies and for highlighting this terrific duo who have such a
external trade while adding richly to their cultural diversity. National Govt, Indians and the Musuku Affair big breakthrough on their hands---that is going to
The decision to abandon Masuku in Mt Albert was make a big difference to lives of others.They make
a calculated political mistake by the National Party. us proud to be Indians and am really happy to know
Indian Weekender Volume 1 No 9 It had little or nothing to do with any anti-Indian that they have got the right support and backing
Publisher: Kiwi Media Group Limited feelings within the party. It seems they never were from the New Zealand government for their first
Group editor-in-chief: Dev Nadkarni serious about putting up a fight. So, fearing the pos- round of funding.
sibility of Mt Albert loss being framed by the media - Farida Master
Online editor: Arvind Kumar
India Correspondent: Shobha Rao
Chief Technical Officer: Rohan Desouza rohan@
Design: Tanmay Desai /
Advertising: Reggie Singh - 021 160 6704,
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14 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |


What went wrong for gays in India


The big news spinning out of India is that homosexuality has been legalised in the country. Earlier this month the
Delhi High Court overturned a 149-year-old law dating back to 1860, which though, was rarely enforced.
The historic court ruling in response to a gay such is not defined in the Indian Penal Code, and and application of warm cow urine and dung for tion of homosexual attraction, can be primarily
rights petition, declared that treating consensual it will be a matter of great argument whether it is a person who has had sexual intercourse with attributed to the Hindu concept of rebirth. Instead
same-sex sexual intercourse as a crime was a ‘against the order of nature’.” anyone other than a woman. Compare that to of condemning the couple, others can explain
violation of fundamental rights protected by the While the Christian church has committed what homosexuals and lesbians got in medieval their mutual attraction as involuntary, because it
Indian Constitution. unspeakable cruelties on homosexuals and pur- Europe: burning at the stake and other tortures. is caused by attachment in a previous birth. This
While many observers declared that India had suers of alternative sexuality, and Islamic laws Art-curator Alka Pande says alternate sexual- attachment is presumed to have the character of
finally entered the 21st century, the fact is that this prescribe harsh punishment for them, India, ity was an intrinsic part of ancient India. In her an “unfinished business,” which needed to be
is just another instance of India getting rid of its in keeping with its liberal Hindu heritage, has soon to be released ‘The Androgyne: Probing the brought to a resolution in the present birth.
colonial baggage. Homosexuals were never per- always been a haven for homosexuals. Gender Within’ she says, “Right from literature According to psychoanalyst and writer Sudhir
secuted in classical India, but things changed for The Kama Sutra, a classic written in the first to mythology and religion, homosexuality in Kakar, “When a brave homosexual couple defies
the worse when the British took over. millennium by Vatsyayana, devotes a whole ancient India is considered to be the ultimate and all convention by openly living together, its toler-
The 1860 law was the result of a repressive chapter to homosexual sex. The sage writes, “It is acceptable form of the sacred kind.” ance by the two families and the social surround
Victorian moral code. It was the Englishman generally takes place in the framework of the
Thomas Macaulay who, while drawing up a rebirth theory. In 1987, when two policewomen in
civil code to supplant India’s ancient and medi- the state of Madhya Pradesh in central India got
eval laws, decided that “whoever voluntarily has ‘married’, the explanation often heard from those
carnal intercourse against the order of nature with Art-curator Alka Pande says alternate sexuality who could no longer regard them as ‘just good
any man, woman or animal shall be punished
with imprisonment”. was an intrinsic part of ancient India. In her friends sharing living accommodation’ was that
one of them must have been a man in a previous
Macaulay was acting on his Victorian mores.
But lazy, corrupt and self-serving Indian politi-
soon to be released ‘The Androgyne: Probing the birth and the couple prematurely separated by a
cruel fate.”
cians have since then refused to repeal such out-
dated cobwebs on one pretext or the other. It took
Gender Within’ she says, “Right from literature Even the arrival of Islam did not vitiate the
atmosphere for homosexuals. In his autobiogra-
G. Vahnavati, India’s solicitor general, to expose to mythology and religion, homosexuality in phy Baburnama, Babur, the first Mogul emperor
that position at the UN Human Rights Council of India, writes about his indifferent love for his
last year. ancient India is considered to be the ultimate and wife and his infatuation for a “rosy-lipped” lad.
He told the council: “Around the early 19th
Century, you probably know that in England they acceptable form of the sacred kind.” However, these and similar passages in ancient
Hindu texts were latched on to by early European
frowned on homosexuality, and therefore there colonialists to heap scorn on Indian culture and
are historical reports that various people came morals. This “lack of morals” was even cited as
to India to take advantage of its more liberal at- justification for the colonisation of India so the
mosphere with regard to different kinds of sexual to be engaged in and enjoyed for its own sake as What else explains the fact that the pivotal vast country could be brought up to par with “Eu-
conduct. one of the arts.” The Kama Sutra categorises men character of the world’s longest and oldest epic, ropean values”.
“As a result, in 1860 when we got the Indian who desire other men as of the “third nature” and The Mahabharata, is Shikandi, a hermaphrodite, So far the only groups that have opposed the
Penal Code, which was drafted by Macaulay, they refers to long-term unions between men. who plays a key role in the victory of good over High Court’s move are hardcore members of the
inserted Section 377 which brought in the concept Ancient texts including the Rig Veda, sculp- evil. In the same text, Arjuna, ancient India’s most BJP, the leading Hindu nationalist party, which
of ‘sexual offences against the order of nature’. tures and vestiges depict sexual acts between celebrated archer and warrior, disguises himself got a drubbing in the last elections, Catholic
“Now in India we didn’t have this concept of women as revelations of a feminine world where as a eunuch during the last year of his exile. Christian bishops and the Muslim clergy. It’s
something being ‘against the order of nature’. It sexuality was based on pleasure and fertility. In Same Sex Love in India, Ruth Vanita nice to know they can take a united stand, but of
was essentially a Western concept, which has The Manu Smriti, a book of rather conserva- argues that the relative tolerance, the gray area course, only when it suits them.
remained over the years. Now homosexuality as tive Hindu laws, merely prescribes ritual bathing between simple acceptance and outright rejec-

New Zealanders Have Made a Mark in Fiji

Subhash Appana

New Zealand’s involvement with Fiji goes back Rugby had become the other big bond between lowed institution. Cutting a commanding figure eminent referee to get a prestigious government
beyond 1874 when Fiji was ceded to Britain Fiji and New Zealand. This relationship started he was constantly on the move between meet- scholarship. Ron’s response was unexpectedly
and became a part of the Empire where “the off as keen rivalry, then dismissive noncha- ings and offices of the inner sanctum. A member quick and complete; he raised his contact, Pro-
sun never set”. Prior to cession, beachcombers lance, and now a focused attempt to ensure that of every decision-making forum at USP at the fessor Kimitada Miwa, and placed me in his
combed the South Seas for adventure, treasures, Fiji rugby never threatens the All Blacks and by time, any function without the good professor capable hands like magic.
release, renewal and the ropes for a new begin- extension, the nation’s peace of mind. was easily noticed. Eight years later, when I finally met him in
ning. The backgrounds of these overflows from In 1939 Fiji had blitzed through New Zealand This “go-getter” side of the professor made Rarotonga and thanked him for the help, Ron
Europe were as colourful as their motivations. unbeaten with a 14-4 shellacking of the Maori one student scribe refer to him as “Professor revealed with a chuckle that he remembered me
After the colonial structures were better in the final match. It Crocile” in the weekly from the night I attended his party uninvited!
established and Fiji became an economic was during that tour student newsletter, USP He said he’d seen enough that night to gauge
entity, the notorious Colonial Sugar Refinery that Ratu George In 1961, a Kiwi teacher with the Beat. A loyal friend and that I was an inquisitive student with a keen
Company, which had refineries in Melbourne
and Auckland, recruited kulambars (supervi-
Cakobau introduced
the cibi for the first
inevitable rugby background feared foe, Professor
Crocombe had another
Pacific sense of humour.
Five years after that Mariko Street party,
sors) from Australia and NZ. This was the first time to counter the came to Fiji and two years side that only his closer Ron had arranged Japanese connections in re-
formal large-scale private recruitment of Kiwis Maori haka and it has associates saw at the sponse to an SOS from me. Others like Profes-
into Fiji and many surnames and genetic mani- ever since been part later became a radio sports time. I say “at the time” sor Brij Lal and Dr. Morgan Tuimaleali’ifano
festations bear witness to this relationship. of the national team’s because this side of Ron have talked emphatically about Ron’s keen in-
On the national front, aid programmes were repertoire with some commentator. His name and was private and became terest in helping Pacific Island students. I also
set up and lots of New Zealanders saw Fiji as misguided attempts much more evident in am a recipient of that generosity.
a good alternative place to work in. Fiji’s judi- being made to remove fame grew with Fiji rugby and later years. Professor Ron Crocombe will be long re-
ciary and the school system had New Zealand
written all over. Kiwi judges presided in Fiji’s
it in the name of reli-
gion every now and
Graham Eden is now a veritable I recall vividly how
I managed to “spy”
membered by those who knew him. This Cook
Island-New Zealander has left footprints in the
Courts and the two main school exams were then. encyclopedia on Fiji rugby. this side of Ron. It was South Seas that will be hard to fill. It is with
the respected NZ School Certificate and New In 1961, a Kiwi semester-end party wistfulness that I look forward to our next
Zealand University Entrance exams. teacher with the in- season and somehow I meeting and know that he will surprise me
In one of these programmes, a young volun- evitable rugby background came to Fiji and two managed to get into Ron’s den in Mariko Street again by remembering details that I myself may
teer Catholic teacher was deployed to Wairiki years later became a radio sports commentator. across from the USP main gate through a Tongan have forgotten.
Secondary School on the island of Taveuni. His name and fame grew with Fiji rugby and friend. There he was, the man himself, wearing
Maria Theresa Jones taught me mathematics in Graham Eden is now a veritable encyclopedia a flowery Bula Shirt, a Fiji Bitter stubby at his - The opinions contained here are Subhash
1975 and was one of the kindest prettiest teach- on Fiji rugby. He will forever have his name in- elbow, and stories to keep anyone enthralled for Appana’s own and not necessarily shared by
ers I’d ever known. I’d be delighted to meet up delibly linked with rugby in the country. the night. any organizations that he may be affiliated
with her again as the last I heard was that she When I joined University of the South Pacific Some 5 years later, I presumptuously con- with, both here and overseas.
was in New Zealand. (USP) in the 1980s, another Kiwi, Professor Ron tacted Professor Crocombe through USP from Email:
In the backdrop of this, the All Blacks and Crocombe was already an institution in that hal- Tokyo where I was desperately looking for an

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 15

Yaadein Vision’s dream for Fiji kids Bollyworx kicks off to brilliant start
Nine years ago, a group a regular tie or corpo-
of like-minded people rate.
developed a glimmer of a The New Zealand
vision that set out to help group is also seeking
the under-privileged chil- to send a container of
dren of Fiji. books to needy chil-
Today, that vision is dren in Fiji in October
a burgeoning dream that by container.
has time again delivered Maney said anyone
on its promise to strive wishing to donate their
to educate the children of pre-loved books should
Fiji. contact one of the team
Yaadein Vision New members who will
Zealand, set up in 2007, is come around for the
now a staunch charitable collection (see list of
organisation devoted to Serving it up: Yaadein Vision New contacts below).
the improvement of the Yaadein Vision
education for the children Zealand members, from left, Bernard Maney, was developed along It WORX: Bollyworx-It worx the crowd at the inaugural Bollyworx
of Fiji. Radhaman Kumar and Reena were manning the lines of the inter-
So much so that now the kitchen at a fundraising function last Sat- national charity World This was proven by the turnout of participants from tors.
a prominent Fijian chief urday and (below): Bobby Mishra, the man Vision. Starting out in all walks of life -toddlers, elders, females, males of They demonstrated moves that were religiously
has come out in support behind the Yaadein Vision charity Australia in 2000 with all shapes, sizes and fitness levels. This group of followed and thoroughly enjoyed by young and
of the charity’s mission, Bobby Mishra, Afroz over100 adults and 30-odd kids jump jammed to a old alike on the floor. Ella Kumar of TANI had the
Yaadein Vision NZ sec- Ali and Sheraaz Ali, feverish pitch for the full three hours of Bollyworx!! crowd hopping and working out to the catchy tunes
retary Bernard Maney Yaadein Vision New Bollyworx, SPROUT’s first ever workout for of “Jai Ho”.
said. Zealand was set up in Indian families took place on the June 27 at Allan Amidst other enthusiastic instructors,
Ratu Sairusi Nagaga- 2007 and is now also Brewster Recreation Centre, Papatoetoe, and was a SPROUT’s die-hard members led by Anjana Bone-
voka, the Tui Ba, has established in United success without doubt. setter put up a solid choreography of “dancercise”
donated 20 acres of land States and Canada. SPROUT’s low-key advertising and reliance on set to the tunes of swashbuckling Bollywood music.
for the Yaadein Vision As with World word-of-mouth surprised all as the eventual turnout Anjana incorporated day-to-day movements like
to build a training school Vision, one can also was overwhelming. The event was well-received sweeping, mopping, hopping or simply hugging
and a retirement village. sponsor a child with and thought of as something the participants want into the dance and this was applauded and appreci-
Maney and his team Yaadein Vision for as SPROUT to carry out periodically. ated by the crowd.
are now in the process little as $100 a year. “It was great fun. I loved the rhythm of aero- The session was concluded by a cool-down time
of fundraising and doing The money, under strict bics with Bollywood songs. No complaints about taken over by Deepika followed by Tania Mehra,
their bit to continue the aid supply to Fiji. control of executives is handed over to the school those muscles strain and body aches so far as I have again a passionate freelance instructor.
He said so far more than 50 schools and almost directly and if they want to, a sponsor can write to enjoyed stretches with my full strength. Looking Toward the second half of the session, the organ-
1000 students in Fiji had been the recipients of help the child or visit them whenever they want. forward for similar events soon,” said homemaker isers decided to reward the driven participants on
from the Yaadein Vision group. For more info, contact: Bernard Maney / Rad- Sujata Nandal, who is in her mid thirties. the floor by opening up the food counter to all, free
Last Saturday, the Yaadein Vision NZ team haman Kumar 09 834-2927; Dinesh Chand 09 Bollyworx kicked off with a warming up session of cost. Such was the impact of the drive and passion
braved the chilly conditions and sold food and 2787344. conducted by Dev Dhingra who is a trained com- seen on the exercise floor.
drinks at a local qawwali function in Auckland to - Story & photo Arvind Kumar munity coach. His session prepared the participants For more information on SPROUT visit www.
raise funds and attract membership, which can be for a pulsating, hi-energy 20 minutes led by Tony
and Lea, both trained professional fitness instruc- - Indian Weekender news desk

16 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |

Indian nights get hot in Auckland
For Indian nightclub enthusiasts Saturday nights
are getting crazier by the week.
and guys are in for $10. Club Nachle has one of
the highest ratios of female to male patrons so
Look good, feel better
Experience the world of incredible India at the So tie saris, don turbans and don’t forget a
There was a time when 2 to 3 Indian night- this is the place to be for all you ‘single’ guys. 2009 Look Good Feel Better Dream Ball and bindi. Another fantastic Dream Ball awaits that
clubs would struggle to get people through their What has really grabbed my attention is one of Auction in Auckland next month (August). will make guests look good and feel better and
doors and now we see up to 7 or 8 Bollywood Auckland’s most extravagant LED dance floors Bollywood is the theme for the Dream Ball help women with cancer do the same!
or Fusion themed nightclubs or public events – you will literally feel like you’re Rishi Kapoor evening - a fantastic annual event that supports Look Good Feel Better is a registered na-
running across Auckland on a Saturday night. dancing in a 1970’s Bollywood Disco number... women with cancer. This glamorous black-tie tional charity that works for women with cancer.
As your resident nightlife ‘expert’, a title ok maybe that’s a stretch but who wouldn’t want soiree promises to transport guests to “Bolly- At special makeover workshops throughout
bestowed upon me by several club owners and that feeling. wood” – the land New Zealand, hair
managers who have consulted me on ideas to The crowd in attendance is very diverse and where dreams are and makeup experts
improve visitor experience, I will be reviewing constantly changing so there’s lots of new faces made and slum- donate their time to
events that I felt were worth the money spent as every Saturday. I must say that this is one of the dogs become mil- guide women with
well as any future events that promise to be an few Indian nightclubs that play a fantastic fusion lionaires. cancer on their ap-
exceptional experience for our readers. of Bollywood, Hip Hop, R&B and Bhangra. It’s Step into a pearance.
Let me begin with a also the only nightclub where magical world, The women not
new entrant in the market I ‘ve heard DJ’s spinning breathe in the only get a brand
‘Club Karma’ in the CBD The crowd in attendance Medival Punditz and if you spices and take new look, but learn
and their ‘Traffic Light
Party’ on Saturday June 20.
is very diverse and know who they are then this is
the place for you!
in the soothing
sounds from a
how to do it them-
selves at home with
A very interesting concept constantly changing so <http://www. traditional Indian complimentary cos-
that grabbed the attention> Sitar, before en- metics donated by
of a public that has become there’s lots of new faces Aja Nachle Nightclub joying the co- the beauty industry.
accustomed to stale night- in Epsom held a DJ battle lourful spectacle It’s a vital boost to
club events that simply every Saturday. between DJ Bobby (Purple that is Bhangara self-esteem at a time
have a DJ playing through Haze – Fiji) and DJ Nigel – the Dancing with the when they need it
the night. Once again, DJ Manchoo graced the outcome was inconclusive but a decent crowd ap- Punjabi Virsa. most.
DJ booth and there was a decent crowd in atten- preciated the contest nonetheless. Guests can try
dance, a few (including yours truly) even dressed Of course there are several other nightclubs their luck fishing
according to the theme of the night –Green, and events running every Saturday. However, in the Taj Mahal
Orange or Red – The color that best describes one can only visit so many. If you would like pond, visit the
your intentions. Indian Weekender to visit your event or function, Indian bazaar for unique, authentic gifts or have
They even went the extra mile to stick up please email their future told by a traditional Indian astrolo-
props such as traffic cones and a streetlight so big Indian Weekender is a proud media sponsor ger. When: Saturday 22 August, 2009
ups on the effort. Ladies were in for free before of DJ SUKETU LIVE in Auckland on August 7 With a live and silent auction, fabulous prizes Where: SkyCity Convention
midnight and guys were $10. The organisers had and Wellington August 8. More details will be up for grabs and fantastic entertainment, the Centre, Federal Street, Auckland.
planned on sending us a few pictures to publish published in the next issue and on indianweek- Dream Ball promises to be a night of excitement, 6.30pm. For tickets: $225 each or
in this issue however that may have to wait until and you will be able to enter to win colour and spice. All proceeds will go to Look
their next event. Certainly a force to be reckoned tickets online at Good Feel Better to help women with cancer
$2250 for a table (both excl GST).
with in the near future. <> soon! If transform their lives. Look Good Feel Better on 09 308
Next up is Club Nachle in Newmarket who you have pictures of your Saturday night that you Tickets include a delicious three-course 0245 or email
were formerly located in Epsom. Now these guys would like published please send them through. dinner, top-class wines and great entertainment
have really taken my advice to heart and things See you all ‘Out and About’. from Indian performers.
are booming – Ladies are in free before 1:30am - Reggie Singh

Charanjit comes good in flying colours Want to study, work or

The first Sikh officer in the Royal New Zealand
Air Force says he is proud to have been given
Singh did his schooling in Kurukshetra and
went for further studies to Faridabad where he
live in New Zealand?
the opportunity to serve his adopted country. completed his Post Diploma in Mechanical En-
Charanjit Singh, born in Nilokheri, near gineering. Talk to a licenced immigration adviser
Karnal, in Haryana, said his message to the “After finishing my engineering qualifi-
younger generation was to have a dream and to cations I worked with a public sector defence who actually understands your situation

work hard to realise undertaking in Panch-
that vision. kula,” said Singh who
“My message to came to New Zealand  Student visa/permit
younger generation is in 1998.
that one should have In New Zealand,  Admission in any NZ university No
a dream and with hard he worked in differ- consultation
work one can realise ent private and public or institute charges for
his or her dream. My sector jobs before ap-
dream has come true plying for Air Force in  Work visa/permit student
and yours will as well 2006. visas*
if you are focused and “The motivation  Permanent Residency
keep up the hard work. behind it was that I
“From my personal was always interested  Overstay & decline appeals
in big airplanes. Also,
viewpoint and from an
immigrant’s perspec- my maternal uncle
 Citizenship
tive I feel very proud retired from IAF and
that I got this oppor- he used to take me to
tunity to serve my different bases during * applicable when admission done through us
adopted country.” his tour of duty so I
Singh, an Engi- guess that seeing mili-
neering Officer, said tary airplanes from
he was the only tur- so close had a big im- Arunima Dhingra
ban-wearing person in pression on my mind
the RNZAF: “Yes, it and when I saw the Licenced Immigration
is a great feeling and opportunity in 2006 Adviser
I feel very proud that with the RNZAF I M: +64 21 257 5250
the RNZAF as an or- could not resist the op- E: Approved by NZ
ganisation has accept- portunity. Trade & Enterprise,
INZ & Education NZ
ed me and my identity “I applied in 2006 2 Galloway Crescent, Half Moon Bay (formerly NZIER)
wholeheartedly. and got selected as an Auckland 2012.
Tel/Fax: +64 9 577 5157
“It tells a lot about the values of the RNZAF Engineering Officer and completed my Initial
where a person is selected on the merit and not Officer Training Course in December 2007. My
on the basis of the ethnicity and religion and parents (S Jagadish Singh and Uttamjit Kaur) India Head Office address:
SCO 17, Swastik Vihar, Sector 5, Mansa Devi
once you start wearing uniform you become were here with me on my graduation day and Complex, Chandigarh - Kalka Road, Panchkula-

part of the large RNZAF family. watched the passing out parade.” 134113, Haryana
Tel: +91 172 501 5369, +91 998 819 9018
“And so many times the senior officers have A Flying Officer does not necessary fly air-
given me the opportunity to explain my reli- craft. Support Office address:
SCF 7, Sector 10-D, Opposite Hotel Mountview,
gious beliefs and identity to my colleagues and - Harjinder Singh Basiala Chandigarh 160011
for us your results come first
subordinates to help me assimilate and become Tel: +91 172 502 6369, +91 987 630 0018

a meaningful part of the RNZAF family.”

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 17

Community news in pictures
in s A u c k la n d e rs ’ hearts
Bollywood Esexcopndre ss w od Ex pr es s, a Bolly wood
dance drama
performance of
Bolly wo ess. It was held at
The a resounding succ was year One
of th ree or phans kland on July 5.
based on the lives Aotea Cent re in dow ntow n Auc an d co m pr ise s dozens
ASB Theatre at
a ha s a cr ew of over 100 hy as “simply
e dance dr am e choreogr ap
in the making, th ent. The audience described th umar the
pm ta and Rach na K
of props and equi by the young sister duo A kshi ce, and all participants
d an
amazing”. Devise r their production banner, Indi umar of Mitre 10 Mega
st yled un de er V in od K
show is
free of cost. The
girls’ fa th this was not
receive training ity told In di an Weekender that occupied
suppor ts the activ ng to keep youngsters gainfully
who financially t so m et hi us ic . A fter this
a profit making
exercise bu ts lik e dance and m
rm in g ar lin on for
eir talents in perfo d, the entourage is off to Wel
while honing th A uc kl an re d- st rong crew
rmance in with the hund
superlative perfo nd , co m pl et e
to watch their ch
ance next weeke y their ow n way
another perform nt s w ho w ill pa th e ca pita l city .
proud pare to imagine in
and a number of ow is no t ha rd
nother sell-out sh team the very best.
dren perform. A ung
nd er wishes the yo
Indian Weeke

sh owner honoured
Supervalue Flatbu
ard for
confer red an aw
Fl at bu sh su pe rmarket has been two-day an nual expo
tor of SuperValue rprises at the the was
the ow ner-opera the country by Prog ressive Ente June 30 and July1. The award
Paramjit Dhatt, su pe rm ar ke t in tio n Ce nt re on n us th e m otiva-
alue nv en s gi ve
the top SuperV rch Tow n Hall Co “We are very proud and this ha rise was
at the Ch ristchu n. d that his enterp
and conference e gi vi ng di nn er on the occasio e to ug h ec onomic times an om supermarkets and
e pr iz e w er
presented at th id. He said thes s are buying fr ng
er,” Mr Dhatt sa unity. “Customer basics and buyi
tion to work hard hing it could do to help the com m they are also spending more on more and more
er yt de – ng in g
geared to do ev of dining outsi e ar ra
he said, “We ar n give to ou r customers.”
at home instead to this sit uation
prepar ing meals re sp on se rv ic e we ca e
ds,” he sa id . In best custo m er se Cola product rang
more Home Bran ts and regular specials with the r outstanding sales of the Coca
uc d fo
Home Brand prod has also received the top awar
SuperValue Flat
th rough its store
. vi ng th e aw ar d
d H aw th or ne gi
an ag er M r F re
ro gr es si ve W D L G en er al M
Photo: P tt .
d Ja sk ar n D ha
to PJ D ha tt an

Sangeeta’s music
Kar nataka’s yo concert
un scintillates
Kulkarni, win g and famous Hindustani vo
ner of Suvarn calist “Gaana K
Udayaraj Kar pu a Kar nataka R ogile” Smt. Sa
r perfor med th ajyotsava awar ngeeta katti
Satu rday 04 Ju e Swara Mad hu d and Tabala
ly 09 at the M rya Sangeeta Sa maest ro Sh ri
the raga “Gun t.
a Kali”. It was Eden war Memor ial Hall. Sh rita Musical concer t on
several ragas. fo e st
Sh ri. Udayara llowed by Daasavaani, Vacha ar ted the concer t with
companied. The aj Kar pu r a ta nas, and Bhaav
lented aG
Indian Classic second half of the prog ram m Tabala Maest ro from Kar na eet in
al Raag th roug e w as “S an ge taka ac-
satile repertoire h In dian Cinema. Sm et Sarita” – A jo
captivated the t Sa ngeeta Kat ur ney of
tif ying the song au
s in specific ra dience. She involved the audi ti Kulkarni’s wide ver-
Ashish Ramak ga s and also insp ence in singing
rish ir an
speaking com m nan and Chaitra Ravishank ed the local talents of Kan na d iden-
unity of Auckl ar, to sing alon da
Kat ti Kulkarn and also felicita g with her. The Koota,
i at the felicita ted the ar tistes
tion. on July 6. Phot Kan nada
o: Sangeeta

18 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |

Easy Health

Diabetes: Do everything you can to prevent it

Dr. Primla Khar
When we talk of Diabetes it is mostly regard- • A great percentage of Diabetics (about at least 30 minutes every day for 5 days in
ing Diabetes Mellitus, which simply put means 50%) are still undiagnosed. a week.
high glucose levels in our blood. • Diabetes is not curable but definitely can • Lose weight – gradually by a combina
Why talk about it here? Isn’t there enough be controlled. tion of diet control and exercise
publicity about it? Don’t we see enough posters • Ensure your cholesterol (body fat) levels
in our doctors’ waiting rooms? So what is Diabetes Mellitus are well controlled
The essence of this column is to alert our It is increased levels of Glucose in our blood • Ensure your blood pressure is well
young Indian population. This is not about how either because of reduced amount or absence of controlled
to deal with the disease after one is affected Insulin or resistance to insulin. • Quit smoking – It could be the best gift
by it. It is about empowering ourselves with you could give yourself
knowledge and know how so as to prevent or Why does our body need glucose? Glucose is • If you want to rule out diabetes and you
delay its occurrence. a very important source of energy for our body, are more than 25 years of age ask your
Also as more and more of our own kith and especially our brain. doctor for a blood test.
kin will be affected by this ailment we need
to keep ourselves well informed so that we Where does glucose in our blood come from What the mind doesn’t know the eyes won’t
can help our own people through their illness – 1) from our food 2) Produced by liver and proteins. see. So keep an eye out. Keep diabetes at bay
which if not tamed aggressively can lead to One of the Main causes of Insulin resistance but if affected don’t lose hope as you know
serious ill health by affecting their heart, What controls our blood glucose levels? (Enough in amount but not effective Insulin) is your body the best. A Diabetic can be his own
kidneys , eyes and feet. Insulin excess weight – hence the importance of losing best friend and his own best doctor, nutritionist
weight. and a physical trainer.
Some facts: What is insulin? Look out for your belly size: bigger the You see for those affected by Diabetes
• It is very common in Indians living in A squishy organ tucked close to our intes- belly, bigger the mess. drugs and diet is not the only solution but un-
India, Indians living in the Western world tine called Pancreas produces a hormone (se- Yes, even if you find that your weight is ap- derstanding it is. So let us start at the begin-
and in Indians living in New Zealand. cretion) Insulin from its special cells called propriate for your height (BMI); but your waist ning. Let us prevent it.
• Its incidence is on the increase, at an Islet cells. girth is above normal then increased associa- There are a number of support groups and
alarming rate in people of Indian Origin In people who have Diabetes either these tion with Diabetes and other serious conditions initiatives taken by the health services in New
living in New Zealand. cells have been destroyed through a process like heart problems are known. Zealand, depending on which city and area you
• Children can be affected by this condition called Autoimmune reaction or these cells live in. To name a few:
too produce inappropriate amounts of Insulin. Anybody can be affected by it, nobody is Let’s Beat Diabetes, Green Prescription (for
• Diabetes is not a disease of people over 40 immune. So what should one look for and weight loss and exercise), Diabetes Auckland,
and fat people only, it occurs in normally How does Insulin control the blood glucose do? Diabetes New Zealand, and Diabetes Youth
fed and lean people too. levels? • Classical presentation is if you are exces New Zealand.
• Long periods of stress keep blood glucose There are different levels at which insulin sively thirsty, hungry and passing urine For any further enquiries please see your
levels always at a higher level and thus works. It increases the uptake of glucose from frequently. doctor.
psycho-social stress leads to Diabetes. blood into the muscle cells and liver and also • Look out for frequent skin infections and
• Inactivity and fast food also are well it causes some changes in the cells by which boils
known contributors more of Glucose is used to produce energy in • If somebody in your family is affected,
• Blame it on your Genes our body rather than energy coming from Fats take preventive measures – like exercise,

Forthcoming Trade expositions in India

The Commerce Section of the High Com- Organisation. E-mail : ht@itpo-online.
mission of India in New Zealand welcomes com, More details
participation in a number of trade fairs due are also available with the Commerce
to be held in India in the coming months. Section, High Commission of India,
Some of these that may be of particular Wellington Tel : 04-4730162, Fax : 04-
interest to businesses in new Zealand are 4990665. Email : commerce@hicomind.
listed below.

India International Jwellery Show (IIJS Delhi International Leather Fair (DILF),
2009) Mumbai, August 6-10 New Delhi, October 23-25
IIJS showcases the vast range of India’s
production of gems and jewellery items The 17th Delhi International Leather Fair
to more than 25,000 trade visitors from (DILF), is a unique show dedicated to hello chennai
India and abroad. The show will have on leather and leather products from India.
display (i) precious metal jewellery both The show will be oriented to facilitating
plain and studded (ii) loose gemstones the exhibitors and buyers in opening new
including diamonds (iii) costume fashion channels for trade in leather products,
jewellery (iv) jewellery making machiner- with an accent on footwear and compo-
ies (v) gems and jewellery publications. nents. As a specialized event, DILF has
Further details: become a highly favoured destination on
the itinerary of global buyers. More infor-
mation about the event could be seen at
Fourth Sports Goods & Physical Fit-
ness Equipment Exhibition (SGPFEE) India International Trade Fair, New
New Delhi, October 3-6 Delhi, November 14 to 27

The event will showcase achievements The India International Trade Fair is a
and technological advancements made multi-product, multi sectoral fair provid-
by India covering a wide range of prod- ing excellent business opportunities for
ucts and services related to sports goods a wide range of products and services
and physical fitness equipment indus- in diverse areas. In order to make the
try. The sports goods industry’s 60% visit of overseas delegation comfortable,
production is being exported to various fruitful and also to look after their specific
countries including UK, Australia, USA, requirements, a special cell has been
France, Germany, South Africa, New created within ITPO. Details of visiting
Zealand, Italy, Canada, etc. The quality delegations/buyers/businessmen may
of sports goods produced in India now be sent to Mrs. S. Kishore, Dy. General
matches international standards. Further Manager, e-mail: skishore@itpo-online.
details: details are available on event com or Mr. A.K. Jain, Senior Manager,
website www.sportsgoodsexhibitionin- Further or write to Mr. Hukumchand T. details:
General Manager, India Trade Promotion

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 19


Bipasha unravels her fitness fundas

The sultry Bipasha Basu goes through an elaborate fit-
ness regime to maintain her svelte figure. She reveals
her fitness fundas and the diet that goes into shaping
her great body.
Bipasha Basu confesses that she got into fitness every four months. I use yoga to strengthen my
because of her film ‘No Entry’. “Since I played a lower back, core muscles and redevelop my left
dancer, I knew that I’d have to bare my midriff. knee muscles. I exercise four times a week for
All my fears about showing my belly came up. at least one hour and try to have minimum 7-8
Therefore, I started working out and soon my hours of sleep,” she reveals.
mind block about item numbers was removed. About her food intake, she says, “I eat small
My gym routine since then became my top prior- meals, around six times a day at regular intervals
ity, and if I have two hours free, I spend half an and involve the super-foods in my diet judicious-
hour with John and the rest of the time in the gym ly. “As far as my break fast goes, my day starts
or in a swimming pool”. with tea and almonds soaked overnight. At 9 am
Prod her to dwell at length about her fitness I have six egg whites, mushroom, toast with por-
regime and she does not hold herself back. Says ridge, skimmed milk and fruits. Two hours later,
Bipasha, “I do 108 suryanamaskars every day. I I have an apple, followed by a mid-day lunch.
also make it a point to do 50 minutes of cardio, Bipasha’s lunch comprises some green vegetable,
ten minutes of warm up including stretching dal, grilled chicken or fish with green salad and
and holding my dance posture with maximum two soya chapattis. “I do not eat rice unless and
emphasis on breathing. With a schedule of four until it is my birthday when I indulge in it,” she
times a week, my 50 minutes of cardio is divided says. 5 pm is teatime with digestive biscuits.
into 20 minutes on the treadmill, 10 minutes She retires for the day after having a low carbo-
on the elliptical machine, and 20 on the rowing hydrate dinner at 9 pm. “It is usually dal, salad,
machine twice a week. Yes. I make it a point to three vegetables cooked in olive oil, grilled fish
spend at least two hours six days a week in the or chicken with a miniscule portion of dessert.”
gym,” she says. Bipasha advises all the readers to drink at
Besides this, Bipasha also does a spinning least 10 glasses of water a day and apply sun-
class every week. “I believe in weak point train- screen with a high SPF every time they step out
ing and work hard on my triceps. I have been a in the sun. “I believe in being healthy and it’s not
victim of an injured left knee for which I have to about just looking good. I always feel that being
resort to physiotherapy every week. I also believe healthy is the key reason for me. That’s the reason
in circuit training because it keeps the heart rate I am so much into fitness,” she quips.
up. To break monotony, I adopt a new routine

20 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |


Soha Ali Khan:

“I don’t think
television is a
After Big B, SRK, Govinda and Salman, Soha Ali Khan is the
latest to make her television debut as the host of India’s
first branded lifestyle reality game show, which has just
begun screening on Star. She speaks about her show and
her career plans.
Hosting a show on television must be an altogether new experience for you.
I would say it is a unique experience. I am extremely upbeat about my new role as the host of this
particular programme, Godrej Khelo Jeeto Jeeyo. I am more eager to see the audience’s reaction to my
role as a reality game show host. It is a pioneering concept and gives me the opportunity to connect
with an audience that is representative of a modern, vibrant India. After doing landmark films like
Rang De Basanti and Mumbai Meri Jaan, this is definitely a new experience for me.

Don’t you think it is a come down for a film actor like you to take up the job of being
the host of a TV show?
I don’t think it is a come down for me or for that matter any actor to make the transition from films
to TV. It is wrong to assume that actors take to television when they do not have films on hand. On
the contrary, doing television is quite challenging in itself, particularly when you are hosting a show.
There is no pre-written script for the show and one has to communicate with the participants as the
show progresses. To be a good host, you have to see to it that you are able to entertain the viewers with
your on the spot impromptu repartees and gags even while the show is on.

What is the game all about?

The game allows consumers who aspire for a better and brighter lifestyle, to team up with a rela-
tive or friend to play a series of innovatively conceptualised games in a home-styled setting. The
grand prize is a fully furnished brighter home from the sponsors of the game. The contest gets excit-
ing as it goes from one stage to another. It will also have exciting elements like surprise winners,
interactive on the spot participation, top celebrity couple competitions during the course of various
episodes that will leave audiences engaged and enthralled.

Tell us about your forthcoming films on the floor.

I am acting in Pritish Nandy Communication’s Accident, a horror film besides Tera Kya Hoga
Johny with Neil Nitin Mukesh, a film called 6:1:1 and Kunal Deshmukh’s Tum Miley, with Emran
Hashmi. I am also acting in a British film called Life Goes On, with a Bengali woman Sangeeta Dutta
as the director. I have been cast in the film with my mother, who will also be seen as my mother in the
film. I have been choosing films with characters that interest me.

So how do you manage to juggle your film shoots with your television schedule?
I shoot for three episodes a day for the show. What I like the best about the show that I am the only
host and I do not have share screen space with any other male host. When Siddharth Basu approached
me with the offer, I did not think twice but grabbed it because it gives me an opportunity to connect
with 560 million viewers at a time. My films have not offered me anything like that until date.

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 21

Has Nandana given her
nod for a showstopper
Priyanka’s encounter with
act at fashion show?
spooky animals
It appears that actress Nandana Sen has
changed her stance about exposure and skin
script At
andleast that isofwhat
direction Ramthe rumour
Gopal millsAgyaat sure sent chills down the spines of the actors
working The
in the filmnews goes did
but little thatthey
Nandana whoacting in the film would also mean being spooked in
know that
real had
life. put
Theher foot of
heroine down for doing
the film, PriyankaanyKothari
bold for one has sordid tales to tell about her terrifying
scenes after
experiences. her controversial
According to Priyanka,nude scene
the film was shot in the Sigiriya jungles of Sri Lanka and the
put upMehta’s
at a hotelRang Rasiya,
near the jungle.has
recalls having one encounter too many with the animals
and given her nod“Attoany
the creepiest. Bollywood fashion
time you could de- a monkey staring at you from the balcony and ready
to snatch Umair Zafar. Or
breakfast. Zafar
thenhas reportedly
there was a snake passing by on the balcony rod.” As if that was
not enough, one Nandana
morning she to be a part
woke up of a mega
to find six lizards crawling on the ceiling. When she ran to the
reception to event
ask fornext month
a better where
room, sheshe
waswill be when the receptionist told her that she was given
the best wearing a hot
in the and oh-so-sexy outfit that
is expected to create ripples in the fashion
world. Nandana herself acknowledged that
she had been talking to Zafar, but had not
yet worked out the concept and outfits for the
event. It may be recalled that Nandana had
recently turned out several prestigious offers
including one by Italian filmmaker Italo Spi-
nelli. Spinelli was keen on casting Nandana
in his film for the lead role of a tribal woman
who is surreptitiously shot nude by a photog-

22 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |


Tedhi baatein with

Shekhar Suman
Tedhi Baat is the male version of saas bahu
shows, Shekhar Suman tells Jyothi Venkatesh
that his new show on sab tv does not set out to
impersonate or lampoon anyone

What inspired you to come up with a show like

Tedhi Baat?
Whether it was my debut film Utsav or Movers &
Shakers or for that matter the TV serial Reporter, it has
always been my endeavor every time to come up with a
different flavor and attitude. I was inspired to make the
show Tedhi Baat because I have seen several interviews
on television when there is this seeming one upmanship
between the interviewers and the interviewers

Why do you call Tedhi Baat India’s first seri-

ously funny talk show?
Comedy can be slapstick, amateurish and at time
seven vulgar but humor is always witticism. I have
always believed in straight faced comedy since it
serves as a stress buster especially since there is a lot
of stress in our lives. Tedhi Baat is a tongue in cheek
show which will tackle serious issues in a light way.
It is quite different from the regular me too soaps
that you get to see on TV today.

What do you like the best about the show?

What I like the best about this show is that though the show is not funny, the intricacy of the char-
acters that I set out to portray is. It may look like a very simple show but I should say that it has been
the most difficult show to handle as far as I am concerned till date.

How do you resist the temptation to hog the show in your show considering that you
are also the producer?
I am not hogging the show Tedhi Baat though I happen to be the producer of the show. It is Gurpal
Singh who is the host who interviews all the characters that I portray in the show. Mind you, I am only
portraying all the characters and almost becoming them but not impersonating or lampooning them.
I see to it that there is no idiosyncrasy or caricature involved. In fact the writers have been given the
brief not to treat it as a comedy show, because then inherent humor stems out of the peculiarities and
the idiosyncrasies of the characters.

How difficult is it for you to get in and out of different characters for your show?
It is not difficult for me to switch over from one character to another because har neta ke andar ek
abhineta chupa huwa hain and also vice versa.

Isn’t it scary for you to compete with saas bahu shows on TV today?
It is an attempt on the part of the channel as well as me and my production house to come up with
a credible and relatable show in these days of saas bahu shows. In fact, I’d even go to the extent of
stating that it is the male version of the saas bahu shows since it involves the two of us- Gurpal Singh
and me. I was very impressed by him when I saw the poker faced Gurpal Singh in action in his show
Chupa Rustom.I think he is the ideal foil for me in Tedhi Baat

Is your show a cake walk for you, as a producer?

My show is not an easy cake walk for me because it gives me actually sleepless nights especially
since I have to play 16 characters in a month and 52 in three. To prepare myself for then characters I
have already started observing each and every one that I come across in my day to day life, as an actor.

Can you please elucidate?

I actually go through a series of nightmares when I go to sleep every night to conceive the various
characters that I portray in the show, because they have to be not only acceptable but also relatable to
the viewer. Till now, I have already portrayed twenty five different characters for the show.

What is the feedback that you have received for your show?
The best compliment that I received when I showed the episodes to some people is that they said
that I am not at all recognizable in then show when I portray the various characters. In fact, if you
switch on the show, you will get the feeling that it is not a show but a real interview being beamed.

How tough is it physically when you shoot for the show?

I have to stuff cotton in my ears, put pipes in my nose and sit for make up patiently for nearly four
hours in order to play the four different characters in a week. I am not setting out to copy any one,
make a spoof of any one. I just see the various traits in people and try to take references.

Do you shoot as per script or resort to improvisation when you shoot for Tedhi Baat?
Of course the script is there because you cannot make a show like this without a script but then
there is a lot of scope for improvisations between me and Gurpal as the interview progresses. I make it
a point to under-rehearse, and even keep all the fumbles and the inherent rawness when the interview
is on because the idea is to make the show look as natural as possible especially since it is basically
a talk show.

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 23




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24 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |

To the showbiz born
Farida Master

An international model, actor, choreographer and more

recently judge to the widely viewed New Zealand’s Next
Top Model show telecast on TV3, Colin-Mathura Jeffree
grabbed the spotlight from the bold and beautiful man-
nequins to become the most discussed celeb on the show.
Indian Weekender finds out why
They say you meet people for a reason or a has been grooming and helping mannequins get
season. From the looks of it I’m in season two their act together since a decade is now being
of a reality show as I sit across Colin Mathura hounded for book deals, interviews, show offers
Jeffree at Knights at Albert, Stamford Plaza, dis- and television spots.
cussing the whirlwind of events that has made Fortunately for Colin being in the spotlight
him the media’s favourite pin-up boy. is something he is very comfortable with. This the top. I believe in extreme fashion Sometimes
Though our first meeting was a bit of a blur, student of Mt Albert Grammar is in his true I would turn up wearing a turban and at other
Colin remembers it like it happened yesterday. It element as he poses, preens and pirouettes in times I would be the show-stopper in a fashion
was in the summer of ‘97 when ‘Society Maga- the hall of fame. While media personality Judy show with a Maroon jacket and rose coloured
zine’ was flush with the success of hosting the Bailey had labelled him as NZ’s first Super Model spectacles, he laughs.
Ford Super Model of The World Show in India in 1995, Colin takes great pride in the fact that It was probably his inimitable sense of style
and discovering Bipasha Basu. Co-incidentally he’s always been the voice of the ethnic people. that got this spirited six footer, the opening and
Colin, an international model had been specially So much so, he became a brand to be reckoned closing of the Versace show in New Zealand, as
flown down all the way from New Zealand for with. Which is why when the internationally re- well a plethora of other advertising campaigns.
one of the fashion shoot happened to escort Nina nowned designer Jean Paul Gautier wanted to re- I owned it! he announces with the quiet con-
Manuel, one of the contestants (now an estab- verberate an Indian look, Colin was immediately fidence of one who’s been there and done that.
lished model) to the Ford Super Model of the called on. The industry in New Zealand tends to However, the one campaign he strangely enjoys
World Show at the US Club. Hardly surprising be Eurocentric - it subliminally promotes racist talking about is the Bajaj Motorcycle commer-
that he had even coached her with the answers stereotypes. I have refused to fit the norms. My cial he shot in India. Mention India to Colin and
then. Except that Nina had gone speechless as work speaks for itself and it transcends race. By he swoons like a sixteen year old hopelessly in
she stuttered in the question answer round. Later going international, I have succeeded. So when- love. Good or Bad, it’s eventually the destina-
Colin came over to our office in Mumbai just to ever anyone is looking for an international look, tion I want to be in. I feel that magnetic pull all
say how much he’d loved the show. they know who to call on.” the time, “ he confesses.” I remember shooting
Cut to twelve years later, I find myself in What has worked in his favour is the fact for designer Krishna Mehta in India and just
Auckland, sitting wide-eyed with my teenaged that this Anglo Indian model-actor-spokesper- smelling the beautifully designed garments,
daughter, rooting for TV3’s flavour of the season. son-judge, who is New Zealand born to a Fiji gave me a rush!” Rubbing shoulders with the
In the epicentre of the media blitzkrieg, Colin Indian mother and European father, has never glitterati and yet standing his own, Colin talks
brought the house down as he injected the show turned away from who he is. “I have never really of the time he was sitting beside actor Salman
with a fresh appeal with his Colinesque can- looked for other people’s opinion. Why should Khan at a party in Mumbai. He casually men-
didness that verged on cheekiness. No wonder one mirror the inadequacies of another person? tioned that he’d heard there were going to be
he was soon the media darling as the spotlight One has to find the journey within you and be lots of stars at the party. The rest of the evening
shifted on this olive skinned model judge with confident enough to constantly push yourself to was hysterical as Salman kept pointing to every
those sparkling hazel green eyes and a fantastic new limits.” bartender, doorman and guest saying, “I think
gift of the gab. As the ratings of New Zealand’s In fact just when Colin was about to hang he is a star!”
Next Top Model, that is based on Tyra Banks’ his portfolio after eighteen glamorous years in Another person he has very fond memories
America’s Next Top Model (the licenses of showbiz--- where he even had an opportunity of, is Madhu Sapre who actually took Colin
which has been sold to 100 markets) show went to play the protagonist in the Indo Kiwi Bol- under her wing and introduced him to people
up, Colin Mathura Jeffree left his indelible mark lywood production ‘Love Has No Language’ when he did a modeling stint in India. The two
on the viewers. What with his outrageous com- apart from the sword-wielding Prince of India of them are now regularly in touch and are cur-
ments, his acerbic wit and his eclectic sense of in the popular ‘Xena: Princess Warrior,’ and a rently working on a big plan across the seven
style and daring that were happily lapped up by case-solving scientist in ‘Stolen Love’--- he was seas.
the audience. called to audition as one of the judges for TV3’s In the mean while Colin who has been
Whilst New Zealand Herald declared Colin next big project. It was within minutes that Colin flooded with offers to do several other televi-
as “the true winner of the show,” Metro Maga- with his incredible sense of humour had the pro- sion shows, interviews, write a book and make
zine raved about his crazy hairstyles and com- ducer of the show telling him he was by far the a guest appearance at parties in the US, wants
mented saying “should Colin Mathura-Jeffree’s most hilarious person he’d met. to be choosy. But what he is most excited about
hair have its own show?” “For the audition I asked the producer of and opinionated, that’s me, he shrugs as people is the call from India from a very big production
This international model who has sashayed NZ’s Next Top Model to do the cat walk for me at the restaurant recognise him and can’t stop company that belongs to the heart throb of the
and strutted his stuff on the catwalks of Aus- in his yellow shirt that he was wearing. And watching every move of his. And that’s the way nation.
tralia, U K, China, Singapore, India and New when he started walking, I told him ‘you look it has always been. “When I was studying at the Though right now, he is not telling!
Zealand has become a diva of sorts as he is inun- as if you’re walking through St Luke’s Mall!’ He University of Auckland I was discovered repeat-
dated with offers for the judging the show on the just cracked up. The Colin you see on camera is edly by the fashion cops. I would pick up a lot
same lines in Italy, Spain and Russia. Colin, who who I am. I’m flamboyant, enthusiastic, strong, of crazy fashion sense and always dressed over

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 25


Finance / Law
Suspension for a period of 28 days is manda- police oppose it?

Limited Licence or Work Licence tory in many cases. If you drive in this period
and you are stopped by the police you will be
charged with driving while disqualified and
Yes. This is because ultimately it is the Judge
who determines the application. Sometimes
police concerns can be met by the judge impos-
you will not get a limited licence. If you are ing special conditions. It will be very helpful to
NEELAM MCDONALD convicted you will be suspended for a further you to attend a defensive driving course.
You can lose your driving licence for a variety Normally a limited or work licence will spell 6 months, or 12 months if it is a third or subse- While the specific conditions may seem re-
of offences such as drink-driving, dangerous or out the hours that you can drive, on which days quent conviction for driving while disqualified/ strictive, a limited licence will however allow
careless driving or by getting too many demerit you can drive, and where you can drive. Nor- suspended. a disqualified driver to keep his or her employ-
points. In these cases people often ask if they mally you must fill out a log book every time Can you be refused a limited/work licence if ment and maintain a level of income. That is
can get a licence for work purposes. The answer you drive your vehicle. You must fill in where you are suffering hardship? better than an absolute prohibition on driving.
is yes. An exception though is for taxi and bus you are going before you start your trip. Yes, if you have two or more drink drive Please consult your lawyer for any further
drivers. They cannot get a limited licence to Consequences for driving outside the terms convictions over the alcohol level - 400 breath advice.
drive taxis or buses. of your limited licence: or 80 blood - or because you refused to give a - If you have any questions about criminal or
traffic law, please write to Neelam McDonald at
A limited licence, also called a work license, If you drive outside the conditions of your blood sample within the last five years. Please indicate if you
is a temporary licence issued by the court after limited/work licence and are caught then you You should also be aware that the police would like your name and address to be printed. The
approval of a judge. It will have special condi- will face a fresh charge of driving while dis- prosecution can oppose an application for a information contained in this article or response is in-
tions on it which limit your driving to certain qualified. You will face a further six month limited/work licence if they consider you to be tended to provide general information. The contents do
not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on
hours and days of the week. It is designed to disqualification, a further fine, your car will be a danger on the road and a threat to the public as such. Readers should seek independent legal advice
relieve extreme hardship mainly so as you impounded and your limited licence will auto- safety. This may occur if you have an extensive in particular matters.
can keep your job or deal with urgent family/ matically expire. list of previous drink drive convictions or a bad
medical matters. Can you get a limited licence during the 28 traffic record.
Do special conditions apply? day suspension period? Can you still apply for a limited licence if the

Invest in rental property wisely


Over the past few years, demand for residential The most significant advantage in New borrowed funds. Only those investors who are
property has been quite strong in New Zealand. Zealand for property investors is the fact that Expenses capable of absorbing losses resulting from vacant
Current rental yields are between 5 and 10%. The expenses associated with deriving rental income houses, increased interest rates and fall in prop-
Interest on mortgage 300,000*7%=
interest rates are comparatively low these days, are tax deductible but the capital gain result- erty prices should consider negative gearing.
which make the yield more attractive. ing due to increase in house prices is normally 0 $21,000 One can minimise the risk of gearing by:
Historically, shares and property are the best tax free. (It is taxable for property traders, de- Rates = $1500 Choosing investment property carefully, se-
long-term investments. I do not mean one should velopers and where it can be evidenced that the Insurance = $500 lecting a property in good location where tenants
invest everything in shares and property. The purpose of buying the property at the time of pur- Property management fee = $1000 are easily available.
portfolio of investments should always be diver- chase was to sell at a profit). Repairs = $1400 Having sufficient buffer to cover expenses
sified and spread across different asset classes. The rental income is taxable income but the Total of cash expenses = $25,400 if the property is vacant or the tenant is late in
One should invest only those funds in property expenses like mortgage interest, rates, insurance, Cash loss = $11,000 paying the rent.
or shares, which are not needed in the short-term. property management fee, repairs, advertisement Taking out appropriate insurances to cover at
From shares, one earns two types of returns to let, vehicle expenses incurred in deriving the least against those risks which can be insured.
which are dividends and potential appreciation in rental income, valuation expenses incurred for Here I want to emphasise on structure of
share values. Similarly from property, there are raising of loan, legal expenses for raising the If you have a salary or business income of ownership. Should the investment property be
two types of returns which are rent and potential loan, bank fee etc can be claimed as deductible $100000, you need to pay tax only on $100,000 held in personal, in loss attributing qualifying
appreciation in value of the property. expenses. Depreciation on building and chattels minus $11000 i.e. on $89,000. As per present tax company or in trust name? In the earlier scenario,
Before embarking on the path of becoming a can also be claimed although there is no cash rates, you will save $4290. So by owning the in- there is tax gain of $4290 as the taxable income
property investor, one must understand the ad- outgo. But when the property is sold at more vestment property, your cash loss has been only before loss is $100,000, means the person is at
vantages and disadvantages of property invest- than depreciated value, depreciation is added to $11000 minus $4290 i.e. $6710. a maximum marginal tax rate which is 39%. If
ing. income in the year of sale. To make up that loss, the property value needs the marginal tax rate is lower i.e. 21% or 33%,
The advantages are: If the rent is not enough to cover the ex- to rise by only around 2.25%. One will invest in the resulting tax advantage will be lower. So, it
1. There is income from rent, which is a good penses, the property is called negatively the above venture only if there is expectation of is always better to seek professional guidance for
source of earnings and is normally certain. geared and it works as below: annual capital appreciation of more than 2.25%. solutions tailored to your needs.
2. There is a good chance of capital appreciation. Suppose you buy an investment property for Suppose you keep the property for 10 years, the Ravi Mehta is an Auckland based Financial
3. There may be tax advantages if the property is $300,000, which gives you a weekly rental of rent, interest rate and expenses remain the same, Advisor and
negatively geared (discussed below) $300. Using your own house as collateral you your $300,000 property should at least rise to can be contacted on
The disadvantages are: raise a loan of $300,000 from bank at an interest $367,100 to make it break even. Whatever is over A disclosure statement under Securities
1. The property can remain vacant for some time, rate of 7% per annum, the taxable income from and above that is your real profit. Markets Act relating to his services is available
there may be bad tenants who can cause stress, property will be as below (ignoring depreciation) Normally over the long term, the property on request and is free of charge.
high maintenance costs and loss of income (note: prices as well as rents go up. The rent may in- Important Note: We at Professional Finan-
some of these losses are insurable) crease to levels enough to cover all expenses and cial Solutions Limited offer various financial
2. Interest rates can rise resulting in higher pay- the result will be that the property will become services like arranging for Home loans up to 95%
ments, which could become difficult to afford. Rent (assuming the house is let positively geared. The ultimate aim of all prop- of security value including against residential
3. There may not be capital appreciation; there out for 48 weeks) = $14,400 erty investors should be to become positively properties. We structure your loans and owner-
can even be decrease in house prices particularly geared. ship of property in most tax efficient manner. For
if someone has bought at the peak of the eco- Remember, there is investment risk involved further information, please visit our website www.
nomic cycle. in all types of investments. The risk is more with

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26 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |

CFDs- the new way to trade markets up or down
Calling all investors…if you’ve not looked at or considered trading CFDs, you may be missing out!
What is a CFD? curities) you get trading access to international you were to SHORT a CFD, you stand to earn the Trade wisely
Put simply, a CFD or Contract for Difference stock markets spanning the globe. Examples: financing charge. As with any form of investment, CFD
is an innovative trading product that allows you Australia, New Zealand, UK, Germany, Holland, trading has its own inherent risks. Being a
to trade the price movements (when you enter Belgium, France, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, To illustrate the difference between a CFD / leveraged/geared product, it does magnify
and exit a trade), without owning the underlying Finland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hong Kong, Share Trade: the investor’s exposure to the market. What’s
instrument, in most cases Shares. Japan, US, Canada, etc. (example: trading shares/cfds of ANZ Bank) important though is how identifiable risks are
The Contract refers to the agreement between Also the proliferation of CFDs as a trading managed, either through the tapping of the in-
a CFD provider and its client, the trader. The product has led to other asset classes (besides vestor’s personal trading experience or though
Difference between the opening and closing shares and share indices) being incorporated the seeking of professional advise. However
prices of a share trade represents what the trader under its fold. Commodity CFDs as an example when used wisely, trading on margin can boost
would be required to settle, resulting in a profit provides trading opportunities on price move- profitability and aid capital building.
(or a loss) to the trader. Note: CFDs are ‘geared’ ments of Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, Coffee, Sugar While costs (brokerage fees) may be a
products where a low initial capital outlay (10% and many others at a fraction of the traditional discerning factor in choosing CFD providers
for example) enables an investor to trade the full cost! (their counterparties), it is important that in-
underlying value of a share, thereby returning vestors deal with companies that not only have
higher profits (or losses). the expertise in these products and services,
Ever-Increasing Popularity of CFDs but a good track record in the industry.
Some attractive features of CFDs:
CFD Trading is a relatively new financial in- Also, investors need to choose CFD pro-
novation. First conceived in the late 1980s/early viders based on their personal requirements.
1990s in the UK, it was primarily used by hedge - It is easy to understand and trade. Some CFD providers are “execute only” while
fund clients as a means to short sell the market - It is tradeable on margin – requir- others have the added feature of offering
(forecasting a drop) while using high leverage to ing only 10% of underlying value, for advice. Some also operate as part of a larger
place larger bets. While CFD trading provided example. institution and offer a wider product range
UK investors attractive returns on their shares, - It can be traded Long or Short – such as FX, commodities, futures and options
it did so by negating two major downsides. First, enabling the trader to profit from both and shares, thereby acting as a “one-stop-
CFD was not subject to UK stamp duty. And a rising or declining market. shop” for a client’s investing needs.
second, CFD investors were not subject to dis- - It entitles investors to dividend pay- - Sunil Khemlani
closure rules where they had an obligation to for- ments (for share CFDs) StoneBridge Securities (NZ) Limited
mally disclose their (large) share holdings in UK - There is no expiry, so investors can Email: sunil.khemlani@stonebridgegroup.
choose to hold a CFD for as long as
Now this was the primary market for CFDs StoneBridge Group is an Australian-owned
for the better part of that decade, until the tech- they prefer or until they are profitable. trading house (accredited with the ASX and
nology boom of the late 1990s began. The tech- - Commission/brokerage cost is very NZX exchanges) providing advisory and ex-
nology boom provided a large population of low. ecution services on Foreign Exchange, Com-
new, volatile stocks that were perfect for CFDs. - It offers an economical way to modities, Futures & Options, Shares & CFDs.
The rate at which their prices changed made diversify a portfolio or hedge existing
long term investment almost unnecessary, and holdings. “This publication has been prepared on
allowed market traders to speculate on the direc- behalf of and issued by StoneBridge Securi-
tion of share prices using CFDs. ties (NZ) Limited (“StoneBridge”). This is not
CFD Trading has seen tremendous growth in an offer to deal in any financial product and
the last decade and a half. The growth and popu- Components of a CFD trade is not specific advice for any particular inves-
larity has essentially stemmed from more coun- Like dealing with share brokers to trade tor. StoneBridge believes that any informa-
tries around the world accommodating these fi- physical shares, traders incur expenses when tion or advice (including any recommenda-
nancial instruments and making them available they trade CFDs. They may include commis- tion) contained in this publication is accurate
and tradeable in their jurisdictions. sion (broker fees), initial margins and financing when issued but does not warrant its accuracy
Some estimates put CFD-backed trades ac- charges. When you trade CFDs on margin (a lev- or reliability, and is not liable for the future
counting for about 25-30% of the trading volumes eraged product), you are technically borrowing performance of transactions or for any loss or
on the London Stock Exchange and 10-15% on money from your CFD provider, and therefore damage arising in connection with this publi-
the Australian stock exchange (since its introduc- charged what is called a ‘financing charge’ for cation. A full Disclosure Statement in accor-
tion there in 2002). the total amount of your CFD holding. Most CFD dance with the Securities Markets Act 1988 is
Presently, if you open an account with any of providers use the current cash rate plus/minus available free of charge on request. ”
the major CFD providers (like StoneBride Se- 2-3% as a financing charge. On the flip side, if

Do I need health insurance?

Oliver Pereira
To help you decide, some key points have been • Prolonged periods in pain and discomfort ing. How do I make the right choice on which health
highlighted for you to consider about the po- • Loss of income because you can’t work A risk with self insuring is that you (or another insurance policy is suitable for me?
tential impacts a health problem could have • Strain on your family through emotional family member) can have a series of high claims Making the right choice is not always easy. The
on your lifestyle, family and earning ability. and financial stress close together and you have not had time to fi- aim is to find out a good balance between cover
Making the right choice on which policy is not • Your life could go on hold until you receive nancially recover from the first. Most of us don’t and cost. Some key factors to look for in a policy
always easy, hence some key factors are worth treatment take this risk with our cars or home and contents, are:
considering when choosing a policy. Approximately 19,000 patients were waiting so should we risk it with our most valuable asset • High Coverage limits on both surgical and
for more than six months for a specialist appoint- – our health? non surgical treatments
Here are some questions to think about:
ment through the public health system as at April Rather than taking the risk of completely self • Specialists and tests covered
I’m currently in good health so do I need health 2006. 1 insuring, an option could be to share the respon- • Clarity of what is covered and what is not
insurance? Nobody likes to think they will ex- sibility with an insurer. By choosing only cover • Excess options available to help you mange
perience a health problem, but reality is, many Could I cope financially if I developed a serious for major surgical events, you effectively self costs
of us will. health condition and couldn’t work while I wait insure for all costs not associated with this cover. • A trusted insurer with a proven history as a
Often the facts are before our own eyes. Who for treatment? You could also choose an excess to further make health insurance provider.
do you know who has suffered a heart attack, If the unexpected happened, most people would the premiums more affordable.
cancer, stroke, back or knee problems or has had want to cover their major costs such as mortgag- The above information has been provided to
private hospital treatment? Reality is, we usually es, credit card debt, car loans, children’s educa- Could I afford to pay for one of those expensive serve only as a guideline to assist in evaluating
all know someone who has been in situation and tion, childcare and day-to-day expenses (food, treatments without insurance? your insurance needs. I encourage you to do your
it could just as easily be you in the future. electricity, rates etc). What costs would you need Many people do not realise the actual cost of own research before arriving at any decisions
to cover? Ill health and lack of health insurance private hospital treatment today. The costs are For further information, please contact:
If I experience a health problem, won’t is one of the five main causes of people going usually higher than most car or home and content Oliver Pereira –
the public health system look after me? broke. 2 claims. Having to pay for hospital treatment OPM Insurance Services Ltd.
For emergency treatment, the public system will yourself can often mean: Ph. 0800 66 77 92, Faxmail. 021 551 669
provide you with immediate care. But if you Could I just self insure? • Taking out or increasing a loan Mobile. 021 66 77 92
don’t need immediate or emergency treatment Rather than paying premiums for private health • Using savings or retirement funds Email.
you will go through an assessment process and insurance, some people believe they could afford • Selling assets
if you qualify for treatment you are then put on a private treatment if need be. With many hospital • Borrowing from family 1. Ministry of Health
waiting list. treatments now costing over $20,000, self insur- 2 Ministry of Economic Development – Insolvency
• Your condition could deteriorate ing for this amount could be financially challeng- and Trustee Service Statistical Data report 2005-06

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 27


28 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |



New Zealand Indian Central Association (Inc.)

PO Box 1941 - Wellington, New Zealand

President: Ratilal Champaneri Gen Secretary: Veer Khar

Phone: 021 383 859 Phone: 0274 417 654
Email: Email:

Submission to the Auckland 2. The Bill is aimed at overcoming the failures Local self government purpose is lost if this is neering requirement. They build and sell.
following late 1980s amalgamation not actioned. It is the final user that the government needs to
Governance Legislation 3. One Council will bring savings by getting rid 3. Stress should be laid on uniform planning understand is the customer to be
of too many CEOs and duplicating staff views, common engineering standards, serviced in the long run.
Committee and resources. processes and practices which will facilitate de- 9. Competing councils and CCO’s (Council
New Zealand Indian Central Association velopments across the region. Controlled Organizations) can be rated by
NZICA was formed in 1926 with three branches NZICA’s submission: 4. Removing duplicate top brass should be a pri- customers but one council’s monopoly can take
Auckland, Country Section New Zealand has championed the local self gov- ority. Too many CEOs and board of away any competition and dictate
(Taumarunui) and Wellington, where there was ernment and has understood the directors are a burden. Likewise removing du- blatantly.
a sizeable population of Indians meaning of real franchise way early and the plications on account of software and 10. NZICA would like current National govern-
residing. The Indian community throughout same can be substantiated as in 1893; it such tools can be a big step forward. ment to take full charge of the planned
New Zealand at that time in its history, was the first country to give women the vote. 5. New Zealand is a multicultural society and actions and not give a feeling of using ‘ACT’ as
felt the need for a single body to represent them RMA is one of the most beautiful not a bicultural society of 19th and 20th an expendable partner if things do
in their fight against oppressive legislations which make New Zealand what it is century. Aspirations of all major constituents not work out.
legislation and discriminatory immigration today. Clean green and sustainable should be taken into account while 11. NZICA recommends keeping retail and
policy, and to promote harmony between environment needs stringent rules and regula- deciding about seat reservations. NZICA does wholesale services of functional sectors
Indians, the Maori people, and the dominant Eu- tions and this is the image that will benefit accept rights of indigenous Maori apart. Like in case of water sector, Auckland
ropean population in New Zealand; us in the long run and not quick fixes to facilitate people but would emphasize that role for other water standard is one of the best in the
and to respond to misleading propaganda con- profits for sharks. In view of current major communities’ needs world so why not concentrate on Transport
cerning Indians living in New Zealand. situation and understanding the drivers of the consideration. Government can even look at which is one of the worst in the world.
The Central Association was also formed to bill, NZICA hereby submits that: taking representation at an appropriate Conclusion:
advance the cause of all Indians, be it 1. New Zealand needs to remember that Auck- tier from representative bodies like NZICA. On behalf of the Kiwis of Indian origin, NZICA
political, educational, health, welfare or cultural land is still one of the best places in the 6. The whole process needs to be above board submits that as acclaimed by
identity. world. Too much of change may take the focus and playing favorites needs to be international evaluators, Auckland is a great city
Today the three branches have grown into ten away from the real issues like Law arrested immediately. It seems as if big bosses to live in and this could not happen
independent, self governing, and Order and Transport. NZICA considers all over are making room for each without some practices that are currently in
incorporated branches throughout New Zealand, these two as the only issues that need to other to get their share in lolly scramble. place. We do accept that there are issues
all affiliated to the New Zealand be tackled on priority. 7. Government needs to quantify benefits and like Transport and Crime that need attention.
Indian Central Association (Inc.) and there are 2. New Zealand government should be aware put a seal on rates for next 5 years at NZICA would advise government not to
other affiliated branches representing that too much of concentrated power in least to give a challenge to new body to put cost fall prey to business sharks who blame every-
various Indian ethnic groups. Association repre- ‘One Auckland Council’ may create a parallel saving processes in place. NZICA thing that restrains them. At the end this
sents about 100,000 kiwi Indians and seat of power to the one in Wellington. would like to take an active role in making work- legislation should not trample upon Democracy
90% of whom live in Greater Auckland area The friction currently seen at local level may able suggestions at regular levels. and it is not rules that matter it is the
NZICA’s Understanding of the Auckland transfer to national scene. NZICA would 8. Proposed changes should not mean ‘Develop- will to administer that matters most.
Governance Legislation:- suggest keeping limited powers with ‘One ers and Builders’ go berserk and kill our For complete submission, visit www.indian-
1. The Bill intends to facilitate fast tracking reso- Auckland Council’ and distribute power by environment. NZICA understands that given a
lution of regional issues which are empowering local ‘Boards’ with executive chance these ‘Developers and
currently getting delayed due to local issues. powers which do not require inventions. Builders’ would not like any planning or engi-

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 29

Horoscopes Easy tips for
(Mar. 21- April 20) (July 23-Aug 22) (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
You’ll be able to discuss your ambitions Chances to express your ideas and beliefs Your ability to visualize will help you con- Gastric Problem
with your mate. Direct your energy into can bring popularity as long as you’re not vince others of the possibilities. Don’t try to
physical exertion. Residential moves will arrogant. Your high energy must be direct- hide your true feelings from your mate. Try
be favorable. Moves will be hectic but ed into productive goals, or frustrations will not to lend or borrow money or belongings By Swami Ramdevji
favorable in the end. Dig deep, ferret out occur. Try not to get into disputes that will this week. Opportunities to make financial
any hidden concerns be fore you sign your lead to estrangement’s. Don’t let cowork- gains will develop through your connec-
life away ers get wind of your ideas or they might try tions with other people. 1.0 Practise breathing exercises
to take credit for your hard work. (pranayam) everyday, especially
Kapal-bhati and Anulom-Vilom for
TAURUS CAPRICORN at least 30 mins in the morning and
(Apr. 21- may 21) VIRGO (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) 30min in the evening.
Your charm will mesmerize members of the (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Don’t trust others with private informa-
opposite sex this week. You must be care- You will be uncertain of your feelings. tion that could be used against you. False 2.0 First thing in the morning, Drink
ful not to ignore the needs of the young- Take a break; you can finally mend any information from someone trying to start 100% Aloe Vera Juice along with
sters in your family. You will need a little disputes on the home front. You may have problems is likely. Don’t cause a scene, but 100% Amla Juice 20ml each with hot
competition this week. Gel involved in ac- a problem dealing with elders. Avoid any when you get home let your partner know water before going to the toilet.
tivities that will stretch your stamina. Moves intimate involvement’s with coworkers or how you feel and why. You can come up
will be hectic but favorable in the end. employers. with ways of earning extra cash. 3.0 Once a week take Divya Churna
or Triphla Churna with hot water, this
GEMINI AQUARIUS will give you instant results but not
(May 22-June 21) LIBRA (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)
recommended for everyday.
Try to curb your bad habits. Your pursuits (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Do not yield to children or relatives when
4.0 Drink at least 3 litres of water
may end up being fruit less. You may want It’s time to reconnect with some of the they really don’t deserve it. If you haven’t
to clear the air where older relatives are people you used to know. Travel for busi- planned a vacation, then at least try to get
concerned. Help children with important ness purposes may bring the highest away for the weekend. Your ability to do
5.0 Try drinking less tea or coffee.
projects. returns. Others may want to steal your detailed work will dazzle those who are
thunder when they realize your ideas are less creative. You are ahead of your time,
pretty solid. Refrain from arguing with your and trying to stay in one spot could be ask-
Next Issue : - Weight Loss
CANCER mate. ing too much.

(June 22-July 22)

Don’t make unreasonable promises. Be SCORPIO PISCES
sure to organize events that will keep the (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
children busy. Your self esteem will come Take care of the needs of elders in your Be careful to avoid wrong doings. Avoid
back if you take part in organizational func- family. Finish off old projects before start- joint ventures and steer clear of groups
tions that allow you to be in the lime light. ing something new. Don’t exhaust yourself that want you to contribute financial as-
Spend a quiet day with the one you love. or minor health problems will set in. Get sistance. Make changes that will enhance
involved in worthwhile endeavors and meet your appearance and entice potential part-
new friends. ners. Dead end projects could plague you.

Recipe by Ruby Dhillon Recipe by Shri Desai

Chicken Sauté
Chicken Lasagna Ingredients:
•0 Boneless Chicken Chunks- 200 gms
•0 Onion- One medium- Cut into large quarters and
Ingredients: peeled open each slice
•0 1 Pack of lasagna oven ready sheets •0 Frozen mixed vegetables-80 gms
•0 500g chicken diced •0 Sesame seed oil-50ml
•0 1 onion chopped •0 Corn flour starch-1 tea spoon
•0 1tsp garlic paste •0 Soy sauce-5 ml
•0 2 big tomatoes chopped •0 Salt- To taste
•0 250g tomato paste (from any super market) •0 Black pepper powder- a pinch
•0 500ml chicken stock (from any super market) •0 Sugar – a pinch
•0 1/2cup broccoli chopped
•0 Oil for cooking Method: total time 6 minutes
•0 Salt according to your taste
White sauce •0 Place a wok on the stove
•0 3tbs fine flour ( Maida ) •0 Add oil
•0 3cups milk •0 Add chicken and sauté for about 2 minutes
•0 2tbs butter •0 Add frozen mixed vegetables and sauté (stir fry)
•0 1/2cup Mozzarella cheese •0 Add 100 ml water,soy sauce,black pepper,sugar and
•0 1/2cup Parmesan cheese salt to taste
•0 Salt and pepper to taste •0 Bring to boil and switch to simmer.
•0 Dissolve corn flour in cold water and slowly add to the
Method: sautéed chicken and stir. New Zealand’s
•0 Melt butter on a slow heat in a pan.
•0 Add flour to it and stir for 2 minutes.
•0 Serve with steamed rice.
fastest growing
•0 Remove the pan from the heat, then add milk, mix it and then
again return to heat and stir it until it is thick and smooth. Indian publication
•0 Add Mozzarella cheese followed by salt and pepper to taste.
•0 Pre heat the oven to 180 deg C. requires a
•0 Grease the baking dish with oil and put 1/2cup of the cooked
chicken mix in it followed by one lasagna sheet and then a journalist/
layer of white sauce on it. Keep repeating this sequence till the
sauces are finished, ending with white sauce on the top.
•0 Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on the top, cover the baking dish
with the foil and Bake it in the oven for about 40 minutes. Email your CV to
•0 Serve hot.

30 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |


Chai Ho!
RAm Lingam

There’s nothing like a cuppa to lift the spirits

For many who have migrated from India, drinking elite snob, the humble Indian tea has many patrons. to pursue Buddhist studies during the 1st or 2nd cen-
tea with friends in their favourite nukkad, chowk or Probably tea is consumed more than water by turies is said to have taken tea plants back home to
tea shop are nostalgic moments. For many tourists Indians, which is not something to be really proud of China. The legends of the South Indian monk Bod-
and next gen Indians chāi seems to be ‘the’ con- especially from a medical standpoint. hidharma (around 4th century) who went to China
nection to India. Even on sweltering summer days, But masāla chāi is certainly known to be ben- also shows involvement with tea.
we Indians have learnt the knack to sip the tea with eficial. It’s not completely surprising to note that Research shows that tea is indigenous to north
much delight. It has become a national habit, like some 5 or 6 years ago, the Federation of All India eastern India where it was cultivated and consumed
watching cricket. It’s a speciality in Mumbai the Tea Traders Association (FAITTA) and the tea pro- for thousands of years. Commercial production ported that 70% of the tea is consumed within India
busy roadside chāiwāla has even learnt the art of ducers were lobbying hard with the Indian govern- of tea in India did not begin until the arrival of the itself. The most famous and largest tea growing
economising by serving a “cutting”, which means ment to announce tea as the National Drink of India British East India Company in the mid-1800s, as regions in India are Assam where tea is known for its
tea served in a half-size glass. and also mark a day as the National Tea Day. The India became known to grow indigenous tea plants; full-bodied taste and dark colour; Darjeeling known
Even here in Auckland, the Indianised version tea board even came up with a “Piyo More Chāi” especially in the North East in places like Darjeeling for its tantalising aroma, light colour and Nilgiri
of tea or masāla chāi is quite popular. Right from campaign. and Assam. In fact, these days Assam teas, or blends where tea is powerfully aromatic and flavoured.
Diwāli meals to social gatherings the masāla tea By now the tea, especially the masāla chāi has containing Assam, are often sold as “breakfast” teas It is said that ‘Food is medicine but medicine
has a regular presence. Even charitable organisa- fairly established itself as a health drink too. There as advertised in some websites. English Breakfast is not food’. But tea seems to take the middle path
tions sell masāla tea to fund raise during community are tea-connoisseurs all over the world and even tea, Irish Breakfast tea, and Scottish Breakfast Tea by being both. It’s an instant refresher and has got
events. Cosy and exotic tea shops like the ‘T2’ shop online tea snobs like declaring are just common generic names of Indian black tea many health benefits if prepared authentically. Re-
in Botany shopping centre or ‘Chapter’ ~ Book café their passion for tea. The popularity of the Indian from Assam. search has proved that masāla chāi (prepared in the
and tea shop on Mt. Eden Road sell a range of exqui- spiced tea is ever increasing with some global brands In the early 1800s samples of these indigenous Āyurvedic tradition) boosts your immune system,
site teas including the Indian tea blends. Chāi latte like ‘Yogi’ tea etc becoming extremely popular with Indian tea plants were sent to an East India Company aids digestion, increases metabolism, eases tension
from the espresso machine is also a popular option. health-conscious shoppers. Local chāin stores stock botanist who finally convinced that they are bona and also has excellent antioxidant properties. So,
All this just adds to the retail therapy here in Auck- quite a range of spiced chāi brands these days. fide tea plants. In 1838 tea from Indian soil was sold have Indian masāla chāi and smile your way to good
land. The legacy of tea in India is old and the masāla in England and the world market. A small amount of health.
The chāi is a staple drink of Indians and also a chāi has a history of more than 5,000 years in India. tea samples were sent to England and quickly pur- Rām Lingam is a freelance culture writer. If you
habitual beverage with the ‘aam admi’ (common The first recorded reference to tea in India was in chased due to its distinctiveness. wish to suggest any topic on Indian heritage to write
man) for generations. Chāi is certainly an integral the ancient epic of the Ramayana but not conclusive. Today India is the world’s largest tea produc- on, please email him at
part of Indian hospitality and daily living in India The next reference was made in the stories of the ing country and has nearly 40,000 tea estates and
and elsewhere. Right from the common man to the Chinese monk Gan Lu, who while travelling to India a workforce of more than a million people. It’s re-

Anger: control it before it controls you

What is Anger? Anger is a human emotion. been done. sions, body language and physiological respons- Conquer Anger: The goal of conquering
When it gets out of control and turns destructive, Effects of Anger: It is debilitating in its es. The taillight of car becomes red as a warning anger is to reduce both your emotional feelings
it can be the source of numerous difficulties and effect. The nerves become weak. Blood is ren- before the car comes to a stop. In the same way, and the physiological arousal that anger causes.
exposes one to countless problems, such as, prob- dered warmer and its composition changes. before one explodes into anger, his eyes become You can’t get rid of, or avoid, the things or the
lems at work, in relationships and in the overall A simple burst of fury consumes the strength red, his lips quiver and the whole body becomes people that enrage you, nor can you change
quality of life. It destroys ones dignity and un- gained from food hot. them, but you can learn to control your reactions.
dermines the principle of humanity that resides during three months. Control Anger: Anger cannot be destroyed by anger and cruelty
within. Anger first enters in a subtle form and
gradually becomes all-pervasive.
It drastically reduces
ones stamina. It injects
From anger comes delusion, The moment
becomes aware that
one by cruelty. Anger can be subdued only by for-
bearance and cruelty can be overcome by nonvio-
Cause of Anger: It can be caused by both ex- poison into the blood from delusion, the loss anger is rising within lence. It is easy to conquer anger through love, at-
ternal and internal events. One could be angry stream and brings about him, he must laugh tachment through reasoning, falsehood through
with a specific person or with the specific event, profound transforma- of memory; from loss of very loudly, or have truth, bad thoughts through good thoughts and
e.g., motorway jam; long queue in the checkout tion those damages it. a cool bath. Or take a greed through charity.
counter or one could be worrying about personal From anger comes delu- memory, the destruction of glass of cool water and Points to Ponder: Inquire the cause of anger.
problems. Anger is born of desire. Desire arises
from thoughts. Therefore thoughts alone are
sion, from delusion, the
loss of memory; from
discrimination; from destruction relax in a cool place. If
the symptoms are still
Is it justified? Remember that if someone is going
to be harmed in the process of your anger, that
responsible for both anger and desire. Just as
one cannot get cloth without thread and thread
loss of memory, the de-
struction of discrimina-
of discrimination one perishes. there, one must imme-
diately leave the place,
cannot possibly do good to you. Remember, not
to let your tongue into action immediately after
without cotton, one cannot get angry without tion; from destruction of go to a solitary spot you get angry and spill out a torrent of angry
desire and desire without thoughts. discrimination one perishes. Beware, once anger and sit there until peace returns. If with all these words. With enquiry within, you will find that
Reaction while Angry: Anger is harmful; enters the heart, all other wicked qualities will measures one still has not been able to control the speed of anger will be reduced.
it makes one do things blindly. One will have follow. In a nutshell, the fire one kindles for his the anger, then one should see his reflection in
to repent much, for whatever one does in anger. enemy burns himself. a mirror and examine the face. After seeing his - Ravinder Grover
When anger cools down, one sees things clearer Symptoms of Getting Angry: The external appearance one will surely feel so much disgust Ref: from teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba
and then it is too late to correct what wrong has expression of anger can be found in facial expres- that at once he will be able to control his anger.

Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 | 31


32 Indian Weekender | July 10, 2009 |

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