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PHYS 25100 Heat, Electricity, and Optics Laboratory

Diffraction and Interference

Investigate the optical phenomenon of diffraction and interference
Measure the wavelength of a Helium-Neon laser by diffraction techniques
and compare to the rated wavelength given by the manufacturer


He-Ne Laser
Optical Bench
Diffraction Grates
Measuring Tape / Ruler

Waves add up either when the original light wave is split up into two
constituent waves (double slit interference) or when the same portions of the
original light wave interfere with themselves (single slit or grating diffraction).
Fraunhofer diffraction deals with the limiting case where the light passing through
diffracting object is parallel and monochromatic, and where the image plane is at a
distance large compared to the size of the diffracting object.
Single Slit Diffraction
Under Fraunhofer conditions, a single slit will exhibit a light curve following
the single slit diffraction intensity expression. The narrower the slit, the broader
the peaks of light. The shape or "envelope" of this light curve will serve to set
limiting intensities for multiple slit arrangements, assuming that all the slits are

Last updated: Spring 2014

Rengstorf, Jackura

Figure 1. Single slit diffraction profile

The position of dark spots of the diffraction pattern from light shed on a single slit
can be written as




where the order m = {1,2,3,...} and y, , D, and a are described in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. Diagram describing the single slit diffraction

Last updated: Spring 2014

Rengstorf, Jackura

Double Slit Diffraction and Interference

The pattern formed by the interference and diffraction of coherent light is
distinctly different for a single and double slit. As shown in Fig. 3, the single-slit
intensity envelope is shown by the dashed line and that of the double slit is seen
as a modulation inside the single-slit envelope. The photographs of the single and
double slit patterns produced by a helium-neon laser show the qualitative
differences between the patterns produced. The breaking up of the broad maxima
of the single slit pattern into more closely spaced maxima is evident. The number
of bright maxima within the central maximum of the single-slit pattern is
influenced by the width of the slit and the separation of the double slits.

Figure 3. Double slit diffraction profile

The position of bright spots of the diffraction pattern from light shed on a
double-slit can be written as




where the order m = {0,1,2,...} and y, , D, and d are described in Fig. 4 below.
(Note that the diagram shown below and as seen in lecture & textbooks is an
idealized double slit, which ignores the single-slit characteristics of each of the

Last updated: Spring 2014

Rengstorf, Jackura

two single slits. A real double slit exhibits closely spaced dark and light fringes,
superimposed over the single-slit pattern (as shown in Figs. 3 and 5). The single
slit profile is said to modulate the double slit pattern, as shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 4. Diagram describing the double slit diffraction

Design an experiment to measure the diffraction pattern of a laser of
unknown wavelength through a single slit. Determine the wavelength of the light.
If possible, take a picture of your diffraction pattern for your report. Repeat with
at least 2 more different slit widths. Average your results.
Design an experiment to measure the diffraction pattern of the laser
through a double-slit. Take a snap shot of your diffraction pattern. Determine the
wavelength of the light. Repeat for at least 2 more different double-slit distances.
Average your results. Compare the results to Part A.

Last updated: Spring 2014

Rengstorf, Jackura

Figure 5. Image of diffraction experiment

Images taken from

Last updated: Spring 2014

Rengstorf, Jackura

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