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Illegal logging is the harvest, transportation, purchase or sale of timber in violation of laws. The
harvesting procedure itself may be illegal, including using corrupt means to gain access to forests;
extraction without permission or from a protected area; the cutting of protected species; or the
extraction of timber in excess of agreed limits
Illegalities may also occur during transport, such as illegal processing and export; fraudulent
declaration to customs; and the avoidance of taxes and other charges.
Illegal logging is a pervasive problem, causing enormous damage to forests, local communities and to
the economies of producer countries. Despite the economic importance of trade in timber and forest
products, major international timber consumer countries, such as the EU, have no legal means to halt
the import of illegally sourced forest products, because the identification of illegally logged or traded
timber is technically difficult. Therefore, a legal basis for normative acts against timber imports or
other products manufactured out of illegal wood is missing. Scientific methods to pinpoint the
geographic origin of timber are currently under development. Possible actions to restrict imports
cannot meet with WTO regulations of non-discrimination. They must instead be arranged in bilateral
agreements. TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network strives to monitor the illegal trade of
timber and provide expertise in policy and legal reviews
It is estimated that illegal logging in public lands alone causes losses in assets and revenue in excess
of 10 billion USD annually. Although exact figures are difficult to state, given the illegal nature of the
activity, decant estimates show that most of the logging, more than half, that is done in the world is
illegal most especially in open and vulnerable areas the Amazon Basin, Central Africa, Southeast
Asia, the Russian Federation is illegal.
Available figures and estimations must be dealt with cautiously. Governments may tend to
underestimate the situation. High estimates of illegal logging may constitute an embarrassment as
these hint at ineffective enforcement of legislation or, even worse, bribery and corruption. On the
other hand, environmental NGOs publish alarming figures to raise awareness and to emphasise the
need for stricter conservation measures. For companies of the forest sector, publications providing

high estimations can be regarded as potentially threatening for their reputation and their market
perspective, including the competitiveness of wood in comparison to other materials. However, for
many countries, NGOs are the only source of information apart from state institutions that probably
clearly underestimate the situation. For example, the Republic of Estonia calculated an amount of 1%
illegally harvested timber in 2003, whereas it is estimated to reach a maximum of 50% by the ENGO
"Estonian Green Movement".[7] In Latvia, the situation is comparable; anecdotal evidence points
towards 25% of logging being illegal.

Illegal logging contributes to deforestation and by extension global warming, causes loss of
biodiversity and undermines the rule of law. These illegal activities undermine responsible forest
management, encourage corruption and tax evasion and reduce the income of the producer countries,
further limiting the resources producer countries can invest in sustainable development. Illegal
logging has serious economic and social implications for the poor and disadvantaged with millions of
dollars worth of timber revenue being lost each year.[9]
Furthermore, the illegal trade of forest resources undermines international security, and is frequently
associated with corruption, money laundering, organized crime, human rights abuses and, in some
cases, violent conflict. In the forestry sector, cheap imports of illegal timber and forest products,
together with the non-compliance of some economic players with basic social and environmental
standards, destabilise international markets. This unfair competition affects those European
companies, especially the small and medium sized companies that are behaving responsibly and ready
to play by fair rules.


Green House Effect is a term used first by J. Fourier in 1827 and it is also called global warming,
atmospheric effect or C02 problem.
Green House means a building made of glass, with heat and humidity regulated by plants, which
allows the short wavelength solar radiation to come in, but does not allow the long wavelength
terrestrial infrared radiation to escape.

Similarly the earths atmosphere bottles up the energy of the sun and acts like green house where, Co 2
acts as glass windows. Carbon dioxide and water vapours in the atmosphere transmit short wavelength
solar radiation but reflect the longer wavelength heat radiation.
So they trap and re-enforce the solar heat stimulating an effect which is popularly known as green
house effect. Thus Green house effect is progressive warming up of the earths surface due to
blanketing effect of manmade C02 in the atmosphere.
Green House Gases:
The major green house gases are C02, CH4, N20, CFCs. S02 and 03 also enhance global warming.
Recently trifluoromethyl sulphur pentafluoride SF 5 CF3 present at the height of 8 to 32 Kms above the
earths surface is found to be 18000 to 22000 times more powerful in trapping atmospheric C0 2.
Relative contribution of green house gases:C02 = 50%, CH4 = 19%, CFC= 17%, 03 = 8%, N2Q = 4%, H2Q = 2%
Global Warming Potential:
The potential of a green house gas to cause global warming is expressed by GWP; it is a function of
both the infrared asorption characteristics and the lifetime of the gas. CFC > N 20 > CH4 > C02
Harmful Impacts of Global Warming
The global mean temperature will rise by 1 to 3.5C by the next century. Melting of polar ice will lead
to increased radiation as frozen ice is a good reflector of incoming solar radiation. With the increase in
temperature soil becomes dry and durf and goes easily to the air.
In cold places it causes smog formation, and in hot places dust particles scatter sunlight by decreasing
the extent of sunlight received, as a result photosynthesis process is affected. More flooding of
tropical water leads to an increase in schistosomias, a chronic parasitic disease.
Increase rainfall in tropical and subtropical regions produce more stagnant water which becomes a
homeland for mosquitoes. Wheat yield decreases with increasing temperature.
Increase in temperature will also extend the growing season for most of the crops. It will also extend
the time when insect, pests can breed and may make it possible for some species to have another,
generation during the year.

There will be shift of animals and human beings towards higher latitudes. This will be a threat to the
extinction species, as they wouldnt be able to adapt themselves to such conditions. Low lying areas
of Kolkata and Dhaka will be flooded. Major coastal cities such as New York, London, Amsterdam,
Venice, Singapore and Jakarta may be flooded.
All agricultural crops will respond favourably to increasing atmospheric concentration of C0 2 but
exploitation of the minerals from the soil will increase which can make soil barren.

Pollution is environmental pollution resulting environmental degradation and health
terganggunnya and tranquility of living things, including humans. Pollution or contamination
under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 1997 is entered or the inclusion of
substances, energy, living beings and or other components into an environment that is done
by humans, so the quality of the environment down to a degree that makes the environment
can not be used to which should. Besides interpreted as pollution or contamination can also
be interpreted as a change in the composition of substances (water, air, soil and environment)
so that the quality of these substances can be reduced or no longer allocated according to its
The occurrence of pollution or environmental pollution is mainly due to technological
advances in order to increase welfare. For example, water pollution, air, and soil will cause a
decline in the quality of water, air and soil. As a result there will be a lot of things that are
harmful and threatening environmental sustainability.
Itself if left unchecked pollution protracted and without any treatment would be dangerous to
human life. Various ways humans have done to prevent or at least inhibit the occurrence of
pollution from creating a special place to dispose of waste, neutralize pollutants in the waste
and so forth. In order for the prevention of pollution can bring maximum results it is
necessary to control the environment based on environmental quality standards.
Pollution can occur because of the presence of pollutants. Pollutants are substances or
objects which could cause pollution contaminants either directly or indirectly, for example:

Pollutants are divided into several sections that there are four:
1. Chemical Pollutants
Chemical pollutants are pollutants that form chemical compounds kosentrasinya very (quite)
high that can cause pollution. For example, carbon dioxide gas (CO2)
2. Biological Pollutants
Is a pollutant in the form of living things that can cause pollution. For example only weed
3. Physical Pollutants
Physical pollutants are pollutants that physical (body) may cause pollution. Examples are:
Iron parents who are not used and disposed.
4. Pollutants sociocultural
Is a pollutant that is the shape of the behavior and culture that does not comply with the rules
and norms in the local msyarakat sehiingga could lead to disruption of the social life of the
community. An example is the brawl.
Pollution can be divided into 6 sections
Air Pollution
Air pollution (air pollution) is pollution in the air. Air pollution usually occurs because of
gaseous pollutants or particulate matter. Examples of substances which can cause air
pollution are: Carbon Dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), H2S, NO2 and SO2. The
impact of air pollution can be very detrimental to them:
The occurrence of respiratory problems such as pneumonia
Interfere with healthy skin so that the skin look dull, elasticity decline, premature aging,
raised black spots, experiencing wrinkles, the more severe is the risk of skin cancer
For people with asthma can also increase the recurrence of asthma
Incurred coughing
Air pollution due to forest fire smoke can interfere with vision
Experiencing stress and irritability

Water Pollution
Water pollution is pollution or contamination that occurred in the aquatic environment.
Substances (pollutants) which may cause water pollution are: Liquid Waste Industry, Pb,
insecticides used by the Farmer, Hg, CO and Zn. The impact of water pollution is

infectious diseases.
Infectious diseases due to water contamination can occur due to various reasons, partly
because of polluted water can be a medium for the proliferation and spread of
microorganisms, including pathogenic microbes. Contaminated water can no longer be used
as a cleanser.
In general, a disorder that occurs as a result of water pollution can be grouped into the
following four:
i. Water diseases are diseases that are transmitted directly through drinking water, such as
cholera, typhoid, and dysentery
ii. Water washed diseases are diseases related to water shortage personal hygiene, such as
scabies, skin infections and mucous membranes, trachoma and leprosy.
iii. Water-based diseases is a disease caused by germs that most life cycle associated with
iv. Water related vector is a disease transmitted by a vector disease partly or wholly
perindukkannya are in the water, such as malaria, dengue fever and filariasis.
Non-communicable diseases
Non-communicable diseases can arise mainly because the water has been contaminated by
inorganic compounds, such as heavy metals.
Declining Population Various Water Biota
Water can no longer be used for domestic purposes
Water can no longer be used for the purposes of agriculture and fisheries
Water can no longer be used for industrial purposes

Soil Pollution
Soil pollution is pollution that occurs in the soil, its pollutant example is plastic waste,
bottles, cans, rubber, detergents were dumped on the ground, insecticides are dumped on the
ground, and others. Soil contamination can have an impact on the ecosystem. Changes in soil
chemical radicals can arise from the presence of toxic chemicals / hazardous even at low
doses though. These changes can lead to changes in the metabolism of endemic
microorganisms and arthropods that live in the soil environment. As a result it can even
destroy some of the primary species of the food chain, which can give a great result against
predators or other levels of the food chain. Even if the effect of the chemical on the bottom of
the lower forms of life, the bottom of the food pyramid can swallow the foreign chemicals

that over time will be concentrated on the creatures pyramid occupants above. The impact on
agriculture is the change in plant metabolism, which in turn can cause a decline in
agricultural output. This can cause further impact on the conservation of the plant where the
plant is not able to withstand the soil layer from erosion. Some of these pollutants have a long
half-life and in other cases derivative chemicals are formed from the main soil contaminants.

Sound Pollution
As the name implies pollution or noise pollution is pollution that occurs in the form of sound
(wave). Noise pollution usually occurs because there is noise and the roar of the engine. In
addition, noise pollution can also occur due to all kinds of things that could disrupt the
hearing, both the engine factory engine sound lumberjacks and many more. Pulusi impact air
Physiological Disorders, Noisy at high intensity can cause dizziness / headache. This is due
to noisy situations can stimulate the vestibular receptors in the inner ear that will cause effect
to dizziness / vertigo. Nausea, insomnia and shortness of breath noisy disbabkan by
stimulation of the nervous system, the balance organs, endocrine glands, blood pressure,
digestive system and electrolyte balance.
Psychological Disorders
Psychological disorders may be discomfort, lack of concentration, insomnia, and irritability.
If the noise is received in a long time can cause psychosomatic diseases such as gastritis,
heart, stress, fatigue and others.
Communication Disorders
Communication disorders are usually caused by the masking effect (sound which cover less
clear hearing) or disturbance sound clarity. Communication talks must be done by shouting.
This disorder causes the disruption of the work, to the possibility of errors due to not hear the
signal or alarm. Disruption of this communication is not directly endanger the safety of a
Balance Disorders
Very high noise can cause the impression to walk in space or drift, which can cause
physiological disorders such as dizziness (vertigo) or nausea.
Effects on hearing
The main effect of noise on health is damage to the sense of hearing, which causes
progressive deafness and this effect has been known and generally accepted from a bygone

era. At first, the effect of noise on hearing is temporary and pemuliahan happen quickly after
work in a noisy area is stopped. However, when working continuously in a noisy area, there
will be deaf settled and can not be normal again, usually starts at a frequency of 4000 Hz and
then expanding into the surrounding frequencies and finally on the frequency of which is
usually used for the conversation.

Light Pollution
Light pollution refers to a state of excessive light, either from natural sources or from
artificial sources, which cause discomfort. Under normal conditions, a lot of light pollution
caused by artificial light sources, for example from street lighting, billboard lights, decoration
lighting, garden lights, lighting of sports stadiums, outdoor lights, etc., which are generally
due to the use of improper lighting system. Light pollution not only causes loss of the stars in
the night sky, but it has been known that light pollution also have ecological impacts, such
menngganggu animal reproductive systems, navigation disturbing birds, and others.
Visual pollution
Visual pollution can also occur, although we are not aware of it. Visual pollution usually
occurs in the walls of which there are streets where the wall was often painted and dirtied so
sometimes others see it as a destroyer although some people think that it is an art.

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