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1. CINTA : The driving of the elephants herd of Cinta from forestry concession
back to the forest.
2. DADANG : travel away from Semambu until Sesapan in one night
3. ANNA GINTING : Searching for food
4. INDAH : from forestry concession back to Bukit Tigapuluh National Park
5. HARIS : travel from forestry concession to Bukit Tigapuluh National Park and
now back again to forestry concession after lost track in several days

Herd elephant of Cinta consist of more than 20 elephants in the wild. First, Cinta
often seen played along with Ginting. But, now they split up and form their own
herd. GPS Collar has been installed on Cintas neck so that Cinta position and her
movement can be monitored anytime.
Based on GPS data in the end of October, Cinta and her herd walked over to the
corridor road. Allegedly, she wanted to cross the road and went back to the forest
from forestry concession. She went away from residents plantation and just wanted
to go home, back to the forest. But unfortunately, it did not work smoothly. Corridor
road always crowd of vehicles passing by. In several days, she spun around it. She
tried to cross the road, then because of the vehicles crowd she step backward, over
and over again.
Therefore, our field team and local people helped Cinta to cross the road. Team
planned to close the corridor road for a while so the vehicles cant pass it. During
the road closure, team attempted to herd forward Cintas herd to cross it.
This mission took several days but it failed. Cinta wasnt successfully herded;
instead Cinta turned around and returned to forestry concessions area. Team tried
so hard to herd them in various ways such as carbide cannon, shouts, bonfires,
torches, etc. But, it did not work out well. Until now, Cintas herd still in the forestry
concession area and sometimes she walked over again to corridor road. Do you
want to know the continuation of their story? Well see.

Dadang is single male elephant. He walked alone and sometimes joins with the
other male elephants. He is the most famous elephant among the other which is
installed GPS Collar because he is so big and have one tusk on the left. On the other
hand, he is one of the elephant that entered the plantation residents frequently and
eat all the plant until run out.
The end of October, Dadang walked alone from Semambu to Sesapan just in one
night. The distance traversed by Dadang was more than 10 km with hilly roads
through residents field and plantation. Based on field team observation, Dadang
walked that far to searching for food in the other area. In Sesapan, Dadang join the
other male elephant herd. They consist of three adult male elephants and one
elephant child. Now, Dadang is not alone again.


Indahs herd elephant have considerable number of elephants, estimated the

number about 40 elephants. Indah usually search for food in the forest. She is often
seen playing with her child in the river. Indahs home range is spacious enough
because that area is still having remained forest. That remained forest commonly
called buffer zone of Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park. A few days ago, Indah walked
through it and headed to Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park. After a few days Indah as in
there, she went back to buffer zone again.

Haris is a single teen male elephant who is very agile. He walked alone in his wide
home range. Lately, he walked from forestry concession to Bukit Tiga Puluh National
Park. He survived only a few days in there. Land condition of Bukit Tigapuluh
National Park is steep and hill. Besides, the land cover of it is till dense causes the
GPS Collars Haris cant update the position real time. We lost track of Haris and we
cant track down his position. So, our team didnt know the exact Haris position in a
week. GPS collar didnt send the data within a week and all of sudden, Haris sent his
position and it turned out she was in the outside of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park
boundary. He walked toward to jungle school of orangutan in SOCP.

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