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Dean Maud Mandel, Dean of the

Dean Carol Cohen, First-Year &
Sophomore Studies
Dean Yolanda Rome, First-Year &
Sophomore Studies

For Rising Sophomores: 3.31.2015

For Rising Sophomores: 3.31.2015

Undergraduate Council of
Meiklejohn Advising Program
Curricular Resource Center / Matched
Advising Program for Sophomores

Choosing Concentration(s)
1. Carefully review the requirements on Focal Point. Note
especially the upper-level courses and required
research or creative methods. Do they excite you? They
ought to!
2. Make an appointment with a concentration advisor,
especially if youre considering one of the large
3. If the concentration has a Departmental

Undergraduate Group (DUG), join the listserv! Go

to a DUG event!

Deepening Engagement & Exploring Options

Follow-up Dont Fear

Sophomore Year
Thursday, April 2, 12-1
Lunch with Faculty Advising
Faculty Club, Portrait Room
Meet the Faculty Advising Fellows!
Find out about how to meet and
the benefits of forging
relationships with professors!
RSVP here in ASK

1. Investigate the process of applying for research grant,

fellowship, an internship or funding opportunity; check out

2. Have you visited a CareerLAB advisor? Discussed
your interests with an academic advising dean during DOC
Open Hours?
3. Are you thinking about time off from Brown? Studying
4. Consider one of the new sophomore seminars; look
out for the Engaged Scholars Program tracks in

select concentrations.
Have you been to the Science

Center? Swearer
Center for Public Service? Sarah Doyle
Womens Center, Brown Center for Students
of Color, LGBTQ Center, Office of the
Chaplains & Religious Life?

Building a Community of Support

1. If you want to switch in your academic advisor for
sophomore year, then ask us howits simple.
2. If you want a peer advisor: Look out for announcements

Matched Advising Program for

Sophomores (MAPS).
3. Be mindful of your wellnessvisit Counseling and
Psychological Services (CAPS), Health
Services & Education or an Office of Student
Life Dean.
about the

4. Consider reflecting on these questions & sharing with an

How have your experiences thus far broadened or
narrowed your idea of what you want to learn and explore
during your college career? Has anything surprised you
about Brown?
What defining experiences or values did you possess
before starting college? What (new) factors or forces are
influencing you now?
Is there an unexpected difficulty or challenge that has
emerged for you this year? How can your advisor(s)
potentially support you with this?

Notes | things to do before end of semester:

For Rising Sophomores: 3.31.2015

Tuesday, April 7, 12-1

Lunch with Curricular
Resource Center
Campus Center, Memorial

Meet the Curricular Resource

Center (CRC) & Matched
Advising Program for
Sophomores (MAPS) peer
advisors! Find out about DUGs,
GISPs, Independent
Concentrations, and more!
RSVP here in ASK

Thursday, April 9, 12-1

Lunch with CareerLAB
Alumnae Hall, Crystal Room
Meet the CareerLAB advisors!
Find out about the job fairs,
JanLAB, BrownConnect, online
career exploration tools, and
RSVP here in ASK

Important 2015-16

MAPS Mentee Application

Concentration Fair (Oct.)
CareerLAB Job/Internship
Fairs (fall & spring)
Study Abroad Fair (Oct.)
FIRE Fair (Nov.)

Concentration Declaration:
April 1

For an electronic version of this

worksheet, use this QR code;
the file is at the bottom of the
MAPS webpage:

For Rising Sophomores: 3.31.2015

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