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1.The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life

A hostel is a wonderful advantage to those whose homes are lying distantly. To
student a hostel is like a home residence, where they can seek enjoyment from most
of, if not all, the comforts and pleasures of a home abode. A college hostel life has
indisputably definite advantages.
The advantages for hostel life is student takes delight in the communal life.
This is unused to a normal day going students for the reason that they are more or
less entirely restricted to their classes. The students, who subsist mutually in a
hostel, get to be familiar with one another and develop friendships that often last for
The life in a hostel is different from that of the home. The greatest blessing of
hostel life is independence. Students may sleep whenever their like. They also may
get up late in the morning but none will question their. Apart from the general rules
and regulations, which are to be followed necessarily by every one, one is his own
master. It is due to this reason that many students do not like to go home even in
long vacations. Those who love freedom, love the hostel life.
In hostel, life is full of opportunities of amusement. One can make friends with
one's hostel fellows who have varied tastes and aptitudes. Student may choose their
friends according to their own liking. Mutual discussions of their favorite film actors
and actresses, long criticism of the latest picture seen by them, and story-telling, add
charm to hostel life.
Hostel life with its so many advantages has some drawbacks also. Students
coming for the first time to a hostel, find entirely new atmosphere. The freedom of the
hostel leads them astray. They begin to smoke, gamble and at times even to drink.
Daily visit to some cinema becomes a routine. They fail to choose good companions.
The unlimited freedom proves harmful for such students.
Parents send their wards to hostel for study, but there they waste their time in
enjoyment and merry-making. As long as they go on receiving money, they care little
from where it comes and to where it goes. They waste their precious time and the


hard earned money of their parents like water. In later life, they have to repent for this
2.The Decline in the Standard of English in the Country
English has been an international language in todays generation. No matter in
where they work, they need English to communicate and build relationship with the
people in the organization. The decline in the proficiency of English in Malaysia has
reached an alarming level which means the standard of English of the Malaysian
drops when compare to the past 20 years. Malaysia has different races which create
different religions and also languages in the country. People of different races remain
to speak or communicate in their own languages has become one of the big problem
for Malaysian to improve the standard of English.
First of all, Malaysia education system is one of the main factors that cause
the proficiency of English in Malaysia become worse. This is because the Malaysia
education system only focuses on the Bahasa Malaysia which is the Malay language.
In secondary school, many subjects are in Bahasa Malaysia but only a few subjects
started to use English as the main language such as, Mathematics, Physic,
Chemistry and Biology which means that students now a days will only realize the
importance of English when they stepped into college or society. This causes the
Malaysian students have lack of practice and cannot speak well in English when
compare to other countries students.
The mass media and television programs in Malaysia are mostly in Bahasa
Malaysia. This is why Malaysian cannot even learn English language through
television programs and it causes the standard of English to drop. For example, there
are still many advertisements and banners that displayed in our country use Malay as
the main language to bring out the information to the consumers.
The other factors that causes the decline in the proficiency of English in
Malaysia is the learning environment. The decreases of the standard of English
should not only blame on the government because friends and family members
around us also playing an important role on todays generation.


3.The Importance of Time Management for Students

This is where good time management skills come into practice. This is a skill
that students need to learn. They must take the necessary approaches and apply
these strategies in order to be effective and more productive. Having these skills
gives students the ability to plan ahead and prioritize upcoming assignments and
events. This is an important factor in keeping students organized and avoiding
procrastination, which ultimately leads to academic success.

Time management can be very useful in a student's hectic schedule. It

ensures that students are well prepared, organized and focused to mange their daily
lives and complete academic assignments on time. It can lead to improved success,
however, this is a skill that students have to learn and practice. Students must
change their habits in order to have good time management skills. Beside that,this
can only happen if students take the first steps in identifying their problems. Good
time management skills stems from the issue of prioritizing one's time effectively.
This can be done by setting new personal goals and striving to accomplish
them with a new and improved attitude in mind. Another bad habit that students need
to change is procrastination. Students should learn how to work smart by not working
too hard and not retaining anything.
Sometimes students need to study for a couple of hours and take a break to
clear their minds. It is a good idea to take breaks when feelings of frustration come
on. Too much information leads to an information overload that the brain can't deal
with at one time. If students are motivated and disciplined, their time management
skills will improve with practice.

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