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Psychic Readings and Attitudes

Attitudes do have an affect upon your psychic reading and make a difference in the
experience. Keeping your emotional and mental state positive will have a strong impact
on your reading, particularly if you are reviewing future outcomes.
Negative attitudes can block useful information and cause the reader to lose her
images, even changing the direction of the reading and you can end up with only a
portion of the available information.
You may feel that the time to receive a reading is only during an emotional crisis.
Although it is the most tempting time from my experience it is usually not a good time.
When people are in a crisis they are often not prepared to hear the truth about their
situation, let alone willing to take responsibility for improving it. You could be so
emotionally disturbed that a reading can possibly cause additional upset by revealing
more disturbing information.
If you do consult a reader during a crisis be prepared to hear things that you may
not like and that can cause you further disturbance. Perhaps it would behoove you to ask
your reader, “What do I need to work on to achieve a good outcome?”
Some people are under the impression that a reader does all the talking during a
session. This is not so. I have encountered some people who sit in front of me stonily
thinking that shouldn’t “give up” information. Some remark, “You tell me – you’re the
psychic.” This attitude is not conducive for a good session. A reader can be receiving
many impressions at one time and in order for her to focus on one area, she may need to
determine with your help, which details belong where. If some brief information is
needed i.e. what is your question or birth date, you’ll be asked. During the course of the
reading, if a reader asks you to validate her insights, do so. You needn’t go into a lengthy
discussion – yes or no is good enough.
Do not ask questions to fool or mislead a reader. Why challenge her abilities?
You made the decision to consult her. If you someone gifted you a reading without your
interest in one or another persuaded you, I suggest that you rethink whether a reading is
appropriate for you. It has been my experience that unless a person voluntarily chooses to
have a reading, she or he will probably not fully appreciate the experience.
If during the reading you believe that the reader is manipulative or unprofessional,
you have the authority to stop the reading.
Trust is important in any relationship to keep it healthy and meaningful. Your
trust of the reader will reflect your reading; it really can make a difference between
receiving a worthwhile reading or a somewhat less than satisfactory one.

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