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G a t e w a y

N e w s l e t t e r

Unit 1, 2 Parker Hill, Rathmines Road, Dublin 6 ( opposite the swimming pool )
E-mail :

Blog :

Phone : 085 752 1220 OR 01 4977005 ( Office hours )


Hours : Monday and Thursday

1.00 pm - 5.00 pm

We appreciate all the articles that

you the members send into us here,
ello readers and welcome because without them, we would
to the year of our Lord, have 4 blank pages, and how
two thousand and sixteen, but sure exciting would that be. So thanks
whats another year, as that fellow again to all who participate in the
sang about many years ago.
Newsletter. We would also like to
Anyway we hope that we all got
thank all those members who
over the festive season without any volunteered to man/woman the
difficulty and went easy on the
meet-ups over the Christmas, their
mince-pies and Ferrero Rocher. (as efforts were really appreciated.
On a sad note though, we have to

Have you a song in your head?

have been playing piano for a while, creatively


say good-bye to the one and only

John Kelly who is skittling off to
the inner regions of India at the end
of December and will be gone for a
few months. We wish him a bon
voyage and look forward to seeing
him again sometime in the future. A
huge thank you to John for all his
enthusiasm and hard work that he
brought to Gateway. Good luck to
you JK...
Happy New Year..
The Newsletter Team..

is beside the point, but I used to walk around Dublin

City singing all the time.

more than classically, if that matters!

Because I studied music production, I learned how to

Instruments are great to learn, but you dont

use equipment, and my big goal is to invite people to

need to play an instrument to write a song.

somehow collaborate to write songs, organise writing

Some instruments I started later in my life the bass

songs or to sing or play. Thats my ambition! Please

guitar, the electric guitar and the drums. That was the

please get in touch if you are interested, and please

thing I missed the most when I became unwell. For my dont be afraid to. It doesnt matter if you havent got
21st birthday party to celebrate getting a bit more well- any skills, the only thing that matters is that you want
er, I got a piano! I lost the old piano which was sad,

to be involved. Drop an email to

and the new one didnt really suit my style, but it was or phone or text

great to have it. A few years ago I did a course in

Gateway on 085-7521220 and leave a message for

musicianship in Ballyfermot it was great. It was my

Clodagh. Or talk to me in drop-in if you see me!

first time to play publicly. I got to write songs and

PS. I have some instruments for people to play

perform them and play grand piano!

including a bass, drum-kit, two pianos and slider lead

Ive been writing songs for years, but Im choosy. This



Article about 2016

I feel strongly that a major opportunity has been

missed, as we trundle into 2016 , without a world
class show, of the magnitude of the opening of an
Olympics, to showcase Irelands talent in the fields
of Music and Drama, and to honour those of 1916.
I feel the graves of our 1916 leaders, will shake
with anger, as the last bell of 2015 tolls, as an
excuse for a celebration is rolled out. We will
wearily watch this damp squib peter-out in the
murky waters of old civil war politics.
Even an article in the Albions Financial Times
encouraged us to celebrate, what we do best, a
huge spectacle as I mentioned above.
But our Leaders have chosen differently , and a
great opportunity is forever lost.
Welcome to First Fortnight 2016
For those unfamiliar with First Fortnight, it is a
volunteer led charity that aims to challenge mental
health stigma through, music, theatre, film , dance,
spoken word and more. The First Fortnight Festival

The experienced John

Laverty made it to his
first final only to come
up against the young
pretender who fought
valiantly against the
defiant John only to be
undone by the finest of margins and unfortunately went
home empty handed . Mark walked home with a skip in
his step holding the paper pool trophy. Congratulations
to Mark and commiserations to John.
The Pool Competition report by our intrepid Pool
reporter Stephen

2016 begins with a Proclamation, an

event in Christ Church Cathedral where they invite
some of Irelands best known faces to proclaim their
Vision of how to improve our collective mental
wellbeing as Ireland marks its past by looking to the

As the General Election draws nearer, it's time to ask candidates to make mental health a priority.
There is one thing that all political parties and candidates agree on thats the need to improve our mental
health services. Mental health difficulties touch people of all ages and backgrounds, but services are struggling
and what is needed is effective action.
The Our state of mind campaign is asking you to remind every candidate you meet to make mental health a
priority and to seek five key improvements:
1. A nationwide school programme to build good
mental health
2. Easy access to counselling

3. Access to 24/7 crisis supports

4. A right to advocacy support
5. A right to make ones own decisions about mental health

What you can do

1. Give a Mental Note to candidates and canvassers when they call to your door as a reminder to prioritise
mental health reform. You can order your Mental Note pack from Mental Health Reform.
2. Tell candidates and canvassers why mental health matters to you. Talk about the one Mental Health
Reform recommendation that means the most to you.
3. Share the campaign with every candidate in your constituency. Share it on your own social media using the
hashtag #Ourstateofmind
4. Come to our candidates' debates on mental health in Dublin on 13th January 6.30-8.30pm at City Council
Civic Office, Wood Quay, to have your say and to hear what the various parties' plans are for mental health, if

The 3 wise women

Part of the Peace Process.

Oh Holy Night !!!!!!

Its good to have a shoulder to lean on...

Loads of goodies for the Goodies.

Waiting patiently for Santa..

On Yer Bike Emmet.

Film and leadership course 2015

Wondering whether we were good or bad..

film of about 3 minutes in duration, will be ready to

provide an informative overview about what the
Gateway Project is all about. Thanks to Gateway,
Dublin Bus (who funded this course), Amy and Tim
is currently
(our tutors), the course participants and to all the
running a Film and leadership course on Tuesdays and members of Gateway who
Wednesdays. This is the first time that such a course
agreed to be part of this
has been held in Gateway. Over the 8 weeks,
participants have learnt how to use a camera, plan
We will inform you when the
scenes, negotiate, improvise and have fun.
finished film is ready to be
At the completion of the course, it is hoped that a short viewed..Stay tuned...Richard..


These are a few of my favourite things . Deirdre S.

Pastime : Watching movies
Smell : Cut grass
Food : Duck in orange sauce
Person : Barack Obama
Season : Springtime
Clothes : Casual
Colour : Blue
Song : Walk the Line
Sound: Music

Important Dates to keep in mind

Educating Gateway Workshop part 2: Tuesday
January 12th. Time 2-5pm
Music in Mind vocal workshops to reconvene with
Amy in January 13th
Creative writing: Reconvening on January 15th
spaces open.
Film & Leadership to conclude in January [Dates
Voter Awareness workshop/doorstep priorities talk
with Lara Kelly. [Date TBC]
Outreach Workshop [Date TBC}
Guidelines for member led activities Workshop [Date

That Special Child

Although Im only nine years old, I hate to let it out,
These adults of mine, They rant and rage, and tell us
not to shout.
Sometimes I get frustrated, And jump and run about,
And when I do, the adults leave me out.
They tell me I am silly too, this gives me such a
I know Im not silly, I know Im really not.
So how do I get around the kids?
Do any of you know?
Because I need the help of kids,
Because adults cannot grow.
Just take a quick look at them and see, its really
quite a shock,
They say theyll sort out everything, with the
recession I know theyll not,
They say if you have a problem, to come and talk to
But when we do they say its time for tea.
So how do we get around the kids?
Do any of you know?
I need the help of the kids because the adults cannot
grow, make a show, dont know
And go, go, go,
Im like grandma and granddad,
Slow, slow, slow.
Siobhan Walsh.
Doctor, doctor, No one believes a
word I say.
Tell me the truth now, what's your
REAL problem?

The Gateway Express

and then moved on to African songs.

Everybody seemed to be enjoying it, and I was happy
n November a group of us started singing
to have the opportunity to sing again in a group.
classes. On the first day, we all introduced
We have called ourselves The Gateway Express and
ourselves and most people said they didnt have will be singing Christmas carols at the Christmas
much experience of singing. We did a quick
warm-up and then started singing.
Wed like to thank our wonderful teacher Amy Ryan.
I had been unsure about joining the group because in Abbie..
the school choir I had been told to mime instead of
singing. However I found myself singing along with
the group. We started off with some well known songs

Thanks and appreciation to all our supporters

MY MIND in Ranelagh is offering discounted

counselling services. Vouchers are available to
Gateway members at 10 per session for 5
sessions. Contact Gateway on 01-4977005. Thank you to
the ESB for supporting this service.

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