Factual Report On Ground Investigations

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Volume 4 Appendix B

Ground Investigation
Factual Report


Page A1

Ove Arup & Partners Ltd

Draft 1 10 July 2009



JUNE 2009
REPORT NO: 722550

Central Square
Forth Street

0191 261 6080
0191 261 7879
Email: www.arup.com


The Old School
Stillhouse Lane
Tel: 0117 947 1000
Fax: 0117 947 1004
Email: admin@soils.co.uk


Contract No:



Plymouth City Council


Plymouth Life Centre


Factual Report on Ground Investigation

Prepared by:

M Grainger

Approved by:

A Barby-Moule






The Old School
Stillhouse Lane
Tel: 0117 947 1000
Fax: 0117 947 1004

Prepared by

Table of Contents


Location and Topography

Rotary Boreholes
Trial Pits
Backfill, Monitoring Wells and Instrumentation



Site Location Plan
Exploratory Hole Location Plan


Borehole Logs
SPT Summary Table
Trial Pit Logs


Laboratory Test Results


Contamination Test Results


Gas and Groundwater Monitoring Results


Core Photographs
Trial Pit Photographs


Page 3

Structural Soils Limited

Ground Investigation Report Plymouth Life Centre

Plymouth City Council


This investigation was carried out on the instructions of Arup on behalf of Plymouth City
Council. The purpose of the work was to undertake an investigation to determine ground
conditions and provide information for the design of foundations, etc, for a new one to two
storey leisure centre development, and it to assess the contamination status of the site.
This report details the work carried out both on site and in the geotechnical and chemical testing
laboratories; it contains the exploratory hole logs and laboratory testing results.
This report does not consider ecological impacts (e.g. bats) or botanical risks (e.g. Japanese

It is recommended that these be considered as part of the assessment of

development constraints for the site.

The ground investigation has been carried out using trial pitting and rotary drilling, in general
accordance with the recommendations of BS5930: 1999 Code of Practice for Site Investigations.
Whilst every attempt is made to record full details of the strata encountered in the exploratory
holes, techniques of hole formation and sampling will inevitably lead to disturbance, mixing or
loss of material in some soils and rocks. The investigation has also been carried out in
accordance with BS10175 Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites: Code of Practice
A comprehensive desk study, other than an inspection of geological maps, has not been
requested or undertaken as part of this investigation.
All information given in this report is based on the ground conditions encountered during the site
work, and on the results of laboratory and field tests performed during the investigation.
However, there may be conditions at the site that have not been taken into account, such as
unpredictable soil strata, contaminant concentrations, and water conditions between or below
exploratory holes. It should be noted that groundwater levels usually vary due to seasonal and/or
other effects and may at times differ to those measured during the investigation.
This report was prepared by Structural Soils Ltd for the sole and exclusive use of Plymouth City
Council in response to particular instructions. Any other parties using the information contained
in this report do so at their own risk and any duty of care to those parties is excluded.

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Ground Investigation Report Plymouth Life Centre



Location and Topography

Plymouth City Council

The site is located in Central Park, to the north of Plymouth town centre. The British National
Grid Reference for the site is SX 470 562.
The site is irregular in shape and approximately 225m by 260m at the widest points
(approximately 5ha). The northern area of the site comprises a grassed field (Pellows Field).
The southern area of the site comprises the Mayflower Leisure Centre and associated car park,
with a skate park and open parkland to the south-west.
Pellows Field is bound to the north by a Park and Ride car park and access road, the east by a
small parking area for Plymouth Argyle Football Club, footpath and access road, and the west by
Mayflower Drive from which the site may be accessed, with a Kennels beyond. A footpath
(Gilbert Lane) lined by trees and hedgerow runs east to west inside the northern boundary of the
site. A small triangular grassed area with several mature deciduous and coniferous trees lies to
the north-east of the footpath. Pellows Field is surrounded on three sides by low level fencing.
Pellows Field slopes gradually down towards the north and north-west.
South of Mayflower Drive is the Mayflower Leisure Centre and swimming pool centre. To the
west of the Mayflower Centre is an area of rough gravel and grass bound by a tree lined footpath.
Beyond this is a football pitch/parkland. To the west of the leisure centre is an asphalt covered
car park, with a skate park and open parkland area beyond. The edge of the skate park is formed
by an earth bund, as is the boundary between the carpark and the parkland area. The general
slope of this area is down towards the south/south-west.


The British Geological Survey map (Plymouth, Sheet 348, scale 1:50,000) shows the site to be
underlain by the Torpoint Formation of the Devonian Period. The Torpoint Formation is
described as brownish purple and purpleish red cleaved mudstone and fine siltstone with
interbedded green, yellowish green to blue green fine sandstone. To the north of the site is the
younger Saltash Formation described as grey cleaved silty mudstone laminated dark and pale
grey in part, with sporadic lenses and thin beds of limestone.

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Ground Investigation Report Plymouth Life Centre

Plymouth City Council


5 no. rotary boreholes (BHR1 to BHR5) and 27 no. machine dug trial pits (TP1 to TP30) were
completed between 15th December 2008 and 9th January 2009 at the locations shown on the
Exploratory Hole Location Plan in Appendix A. The scope of investigation and choice of
investigation equipment was decided by Arup. The provisional positions were selected by Arup
and set out by Structural Soils Ltd to avoid existing services and potential unexploded ordnance
The exploratory holes were logged by an engineer in general accordance with the
recommendations of BS5930: 1999. Detailed descriptions, together with relevant comments, are
given in the logs included in Appendix B.
Sampling and in-situ testing details were specified by Arup. Geotechnical samples were taken
and returned to the laboratory for classification and potential testing.
Samples for contamination testing were placed in appropriate contamination sample containers
(supplied by the laboratory). The water sample containers were filled to capacity to minimise
volatilisation. They were then kept in cool boxes with ice packs and were transported to the
laboratories (under Chain of Custody documentation) as promptly as possible to maintain sample
integrity. Contamination sampling was specified by Arup.
Inspection pits were excavated by hand at the borehole locations prior to the commencement of
drilling with the exception of BHR4 which was located over the corner of backfilled TP13.

Rotary Boreholes

Rotary drilling was carried out using dynamic sampling in the superficial deposits to produce a
hole of 110mm diameter followed by rotary coring using a Comacchio MC300 and PWF barrel
to produce a hole of 92mm diameter and up to 15 m in depth. Steel casing was inserted where
necessary to offer temporary support to the hole. Water or air mist was used as a flush medium.
The boreholes encountered made ground and/or superficial deposits over slate/slaty mudstone.
A clear perspex liner was incorporated within the inner barrel to maximise the quality of core
recovery. All core was extruded horizontally, laid out sequentially in wooden coreboxes.
Photographs of the core samples are contained in Appendix F.

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Ground Investigation Report Plymouth Life Centre

Plymouth City Council

Standard Penetration Tests were carried out in the superficial deposits and weathered bedrock at
regular intervals, in accordance with BS1377: Part 9: 1990: 3.3. Test results are given in detail
in tabular format on the Summary of Standard Penetration Tests in Appendix B, and also
summarised on the borehole logs.

Trial Pits

The trial pits were excavated using a mechanical excavator and were up to 3.5m long x 0.6m
wide and up to 3.4m deep. The trial pits encountered made ground and/or superficial deposits
over weathered bedrock (slate). All pits except TP25 terminated on refusal. Hand Vane tests
were carried out where possible in the cohesive strata in the trial pits. Trial pits TP2, TP19 and
TP21 were not excavated.
Photographs of the trial pits are contained in Appendix F.

Backfill, Monitoring Wells and Instrumentation

On completion gas and groundwater monitoring and sampling wells were installed in the
boreholes, the design having been decided by Arup.
The trial pits were backfilled on completion with arisings compacted with the excavator bucket.
Gas and groundwater monitoring has been carried out over 7 no. rounds from 28th January to 1st
May 2009. Water samples for chemical analysis and gas samples for bulk gas analysis were
obtained during several of the monitoring visits. The results are included in Appendix E.
Groundwater samples were taken using disposable bailers. Purging was undertaken comprising
the removal of three well volumes. Sampling was then undertaken using a disposable bailer
dedicated to each monitoring location, to avoid the risk of cross contamination of samples.
The groundwater samples were collected in a variety of containers appropriate to the anticipated
testing suite required. The containers were filled to capacity and placed in a cool box to minimise
volatilisation. Samples were transported to the testing laboratory in a cool box under Chain of
Custody documentation directly to the testing laboratory.
Groundwater samples were retrieved using a United States Environment Protection Agency
(USEPA) approved Low-Flow Purging and Sampling Methodology. The low-flow method
relies on moving groundwater through the well screen at approximately the same rate as it flows
through the geological formation. This results in a significant reduction in the volume of water
extracted before sampling and significantly reduces the amount of disturbance of the water in the
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Ground Investigation Report Plymouth Life Centre

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monitoring well during purging and sampling. Drawdown levels in the monitoring well and
water quality indicator parameters (pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, redox potential and
dissolved oxygen) are monitored (occasionally along with water quality indicator parameters
(pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, redox potential and dissolved oxygen)) during lowflow purging and sampling, with stabilisation indicating that purging is complete and sampling
can begin. As the flow rate used for purging, in most cases, is the same as or only slightly higher
than the flow rate used for sampling, and because purging and sampling are conducted as one
continuous operation in the field, the process is referred to as Low-Flow Purging and Sampling
In situ water quality measurements (pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, redox potential and
dissolved oxygen) undertaken during the low-flow sampling process are provided in Appendix
Ground gas monitoring was carried using an infrared gas meter meter was used to measure
concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and oxygen (O2) in percentage by
volume, whilst hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and carbon monoxide (CO) were recorded in parts per
million. Initial and steady state concentrations were recorded. A separate flow meter was used
to measure borehole flow rates (initial and steady state) in litres per hour (l/hr). Gas samples
were collected in Tedlar bags for subsequent analysis of landfill gases.
In addition the atmospheric pressure before and during monitoring, together with the weather
conditions were recorded.


A survey of the exploratory hole locations was undertaken by a specialist surveyor using Global
Positioning System (GPS) equipment. The coordinates and elevation of each exploratory hole
were measured relative to British National Grid, and these are shown on the exploratory hole
logs contained in Appendix B which have been printed with a reduced level column.

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Ground Investigation Report Plymouth Life Centre

Plymouth City Council


Samples for potential geotechnical testing were returned to the companys laboratory in Bristol
and those for potential contamination testing were sent to accredited chemical testing
laboratories. Geotechnical and contamination testing was scheduled by Arup.
Geotechnical laboratory testing was generally carried out in accordance with BS1377: 1990,
Methods of Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes, Parts 1 to 8, unless indicated
otherwise. Where non-standard procedures have been undertaken, this is recorded on the report
sheet. The results are reported in tabular and/or graphical form and included as Appendix C of
this report. Chemical testing (e.g. for concrete classification) results are contained in the same
Contamination testing was carried out in accordance with MCERTs/UKAS standards. The
results are reported in Appendix D of this report, along with the accreditation certificates for the

Moisture Content

6 no. moisture content tests were undertaken using the oven-drying method in accordance with
BS1377: Part 2: 1990. The results are tabulated in the Summary of Classification Tests with an
A-Line Plot (see Section 4.2, below).

Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index

6 no. liquid and plastic limit tests were performed in accordance with BS1377: Part 2: 1990. The
results are tabulated in an A Line Plot (in accordance with BS5930: 1999) and the Summary of
Classification Tests.

Chemical Analyses

33 no. soil samples were tested to determine their pH values, water soluble sulphate, total acid
soluble sulphate and total sulphur contents in accordance with BS1377:Part 3:1990 clause 5 and
BRE Report 279.

Point Load

13 no. point load index determinations were carried out using axial, diametral or irregular tests in
accordance with ISRM (1985).
The results are tabulated on a summary sheet.
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Unconfined compressive strength testing was scheduled, however due to the cleaved nature of
the slate the samples either failed in preparation or were of insufficient diameter to complete the
testing. Similarly for the point loads undertaken it is possible failure has occurred along cleavage
therefore the results may not be representative of in-situ strength.


The following table details the contamination analysis carried out on soil, water and gas samples:
No. of soil samples



Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Selenium, Water Soluble Boron,

Copper, Nickel, Zinc.


Free Sulphur, Sulphide, total Cyanide, pH, Total Organic Carbon (TOC).


Phenols, speciated Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH-CWG), speciated Polycyclic

Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH).

Speciated Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs).

Asbestos screen.

No. of water samples


Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Selenium, Boron, Copper, Nickel, Zinc.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), soluble

Sulphate, Ammoniacal Nitrogen, Phenols, total Cyanide, pH.

No. of gas samples


Bulk gasses: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Methane, Carbon

Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulphide.


M Grainger BSc (Hons) MSc FGS

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A Barby-Moule BSc (Hons) MSc CGeol

Structural Soils Limited

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Ground Investigation Report Plymouth Life Centre

Plymouth City Council


Site Location Plan

(ii) Exploratory Hole Location Plan

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Ground Investigation Report Plymouth Life Centre

Plymouth City Council


SPT Summary Table


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Borehole Logs

Trial Pit Logs

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Plymouth City Council


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Laboratory Test Results

Structural Soils Limited

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Plymouth City Council


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Contamination Test Results

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Plymouth City Council


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Gas and Groundwater Monitoring Results

Structural Soils Limited

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Plymouth City Council


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Core Photographs
Trial Pit Photographs

Structural Soils Limited

Page 16

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