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Monday January 4, 2016 - 7pm
Responded by the READING GROUP seminar
HEAD, Boulevard Helvtique 9, 1205 Geneva, seminar room CCC, salle 27, 2nd floor


LABORIA CUBONIKS will present elements from their Xenofeminist Manifesto: A Politics for Alienation together with YONEDA LEMMA
that will stretch xenofeminist thinking into sonic substances. The reading / sounding of the Xenofeminist Manifesto will be responded by the
Is xenofeminism a programme? Not if this means anything so crude as a recipe, or a single-purpose tool by which a determinate problem
is solved. We prefer to think like the schemer or lisper, who seeks to construct a new language in which the problem at hand is immersed,
so that solutions for it, and for any number of related problems, might unfurl with ease. Xenofeminism is a platform, an incipient ambition
to construct a new language for sexual politicsa language that seizes its own methods as materials to be reworked, and incrementally
bootstraps itself into existence. We understand that the problems we face are systemic and interlocking, and that any chance of global
success depends on infecting myriad skills and contexts with the logic of XF. Ours is a transformation of seeping, directed subsumption
rather than rapid overthrow; it is a transformation of deliberate construction, seeking to submerge the white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy
in a sea of procedures that soften its shell and dismantle its defenses, so as to build a new world from the scraps. (0x19. XF)
LABORIA CUBONIKS (b. 2014) is a polymorphous xenofeminist collective, whose members include Amy Ireland, Diann Bauer, Helen Hester (who will be present), Katrina Burch
(who will be present), Lucca Fraser, and Patricia Reed. As an anagram of the Nicolas Bourbaki group of mathematicians, Cuboniks also advances an affirmation of abstraction as an
episto-political necessity for 21st century claims on equality. Espousing reason and vigorous anti-naturalism, she seeks to dismantle gender implicitly. Cuboniks is a multi-taloned, tetraheaded creature uncomfortably navigating the fields of art, design, architecture, archeology, philosophy, techno-feminism, sexuality studies, digital music, translation, writing and regular
experiments with the use of evolutionary algorithms in offensive cybersecurity.
YONEDA LEMMA connects the universal world of functors to the universal world of morphisms. YONEDA LEMMA is Xenofeminist thinker, artist and archaeologist, Katrina Burch,
practicing music in order to remember the universe. Music contains revolutionary thinking; sounding with the universe is a fulcrum for earths evolution. The aesthetic science of digital
music ought to give back to earth, for earth affords it an objective position equal to that of any hard science. YONEDA LEMMAs dense and complex harmonic layers dig into the sound,
shifting elements from one to another.
The READING GROUP, conducted by Ccile Boss and Janis Schroeder with the participants of the research-based study program at HEAD, continues this year to discuss the
debates on accelerationist thought through texts by Alex Williams, Nick Srnicek, Robin Mackay, Armen Avanessian, Franco Bifo Berardi, Antonio Negri and LABORIA CUBONIKS. In the
context of the discussions, the READING GROUP proposed to invite Helen Hester and Katrina Burch to reflect back to them the thoughts that departed from the collective reading of the
Xenofeminist Manifesto.
The evening is the public part of the one-year colloquium Thinking under Turbulence that frames the curriculum during the transition of the CCC Master Programme in 2015/16 at Haute
cole dart et de design in Genve. Contributors to the Colloquium are invited guests in conversation with CCC-students and faculty members. The one-year Colloquium takes place at
a transitional moment of CCC, the research-based programme on curatorial concerns in globalizing times and in techno-politics under new direction of Doreen Mende. It will offer time
to think how such a programme can process itself further and against itself in times of accelerationist imperatives brought by financial global capitalism. The Colloquium departs from
literally a speaking together: from com- together + -loquium speaking. A speaking together outside/inside the academy. Therefore, the concept of the Colloquium does not propose
thinking to be a philosophical method to study a subject matter but departs from a moment under conditions of turbulence when knowledge is in crisis that makes it necessary for us to
think, to think differently.

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