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Relative motion in 1-D

1. A man in a balloon rising vertically with an

acceleration of 4.9m/s2 releases a ball 2
seconds after a balloon is let go from the
ground. The greatest height above the
ground reached by the ball is (g=9.8m/s 2)
a. 14.7m
b. 19.6m
c. 19.8m
2. A balloon starts rising from the ground with
an acceleration of 2m/s2. After 8 seconds, a
stone is released from the balloon, then
choose the incorrect statement
a. Separation between the balloon and
stone at t=10 seconds is 24 m
b. Velocity of balloon w.r.t. to stone at
t=10 seconds is 24m/s upwards
c. Acceleration of balloon w.r.t. stone is
d. Separation between the balloon and
stone at t=10 seconds is 48 m
3. A balloon is moving vertically upwards with a
speed of 50m/s. A ball is dropped from the
balloon when it is at a height of 375m from
the ground. Find the time required by the
ball to reach the ground. Also find the total
distance travelled by the ball after it is
dropped from balloon and before it reaches
the ground
4. Two balls A and B are thrown simultaneously
from height of 0m and 160m and with
velocity of 100m/s and 60m/s respectively.
Find the time after which they cross each
other. Is ball B is going up when they are
crossing each other? Which ball reaches the
ground first? What is the separation between
the balls after 10 seconds of projection?
5. Two balls A and B are thrown simultaneously
from height of 0m and 320m and with
velocity of 100m/s and 60m/s respectively.
Find the time after which they cross each
other. Is ball B is going up when they are
crossing each other? Which ball reaches the
ground first? What is the separation between
the balls after 10 seconds of projection?
6. At t=0 s, a balloon is at a height of 150m
and has velocity of 10m/s in upward
acceleration of 2m/s in upward direction.
Find the minimum velocity with which a
package has to be thrown from the ground
so that a person inside the balloon can catch
the package.
7. Two particles A and B are initially 40m apart,
A is behind B. Particle A is moving with
uniform velocity of 10m/s towards B. particle





B starts moving away from A wit constant

acceleration of 2m/s2. Then the time at which
minimum distance between A and B occurs,
is given by
a. 2 s
b. 4 s
c. 5 s
d. 6 s
In the above problem, the minimum distance
between the two is
a. 20m
b. 15m
c. 25m
d. 30m
At t=0, a bus starts from rest with an
acceleration of 1m/s2. A man who is 48m
behind the bus can run with a uniform velocity
of 10m/s, then the time after which the man
can not catch the bus is
a. 12 s
b.10 s
c.8 s d. 4.8 s
PASSAGE: An elevator car whose floor to
ceiling distance is equal to 2.7m starts
ascending with constant acceleration of
1.2m/s2.2.0 s after the start a bolt begins
falling from the ceiling of the elevator. Now
answer the following questions
i) Time required by the bolt to hit the floor of
the elevator is
a. 0.7 s
b. 0.6 s
c. 0.5 s d. 0.4 s
ii) Average velocity of the bolt during the fall
a. 0.5m/s
b. 1.0m/s
c. 0.75m/s
iii) Average speed of the bolt during the fall is
a. 1.68m/s
b. 1.86m/s
c. 1.56m/s
iv) Distance covered by the elevator car
during the fall of the bolt is
a. 1.79m
b. 1.83m/s
c. 1.97m/s
PASSAGE: An elevator without a ceiling is
ascending up with an acceleration of 5m/s2. A
boy on the elevator shoots a ball in vertical
direction from a height of 2m above the floor
of the elevator. At this instant the elevator is
moving up with a velocity of 10m/s and floor
of the elevator is at a height of 50m from the
ground. The initial speed of the ball is 15m/s
with respect to the elevator. Consider the
duration for which the ball strikes the floor of
the elevator in answering the following
i) The time in which the ball strikes the floor
of elevator is given by
a. 2.13 s
b. 2.0 s
c. 1.0 s
3.12 s
ii) The maximum height reached by the ball,
as measured from the ground would be
a. 73.65 m
b. 116.25 m
c. 82.56 m
d. 63.25m
iii) Displacement of ball with respect to
ground during its flight would be

a. 16.25 m
b. 8.76 m
c. 20.24 m
iv) The maximum separation between the
floor of the elevator and the ball during its
flight would be
a. 12m
b. 15m
c. 9.5m d. 7.5m
12. A river has a steady speed of 0.500 m/s. A
student swims upstream a distance of 300 m
and swims back to the starting point. If the
student can swim at a speed of 1.5 m/s in still
water, how long does the trip take? Compare
this with the time the trip would take if the
water were still.

vi) If the boat has to reach at C which is

) m from B then at what angle
from the river flow, should the boatman
steer the boat?



m d.

vii) The time taken by the boat in the above

case is

s b.


s d. 2

viii) If the boat has to reach at D which is

) m from B then at what angle

Relative motion in 2-D

13. PASSAGE: The velocity of the boat in still
water is 30m/s. The width of the river (AB) is
1200m. The velocity of water is 15 m/s. The
boat is initially at A. Answer the following

from the river flow, should the boatman

steer the boat?


m b.

m c.

d. 4

iii) If the boat wants to reach the opposite
corner (B) of the river, then at what angle
with the river flow, should it steer the boat?
(Clockwise - , anticlockwise +)




iv) The time taken by the boat to cross the

river in the above case is

s b. 4


s d.

v) If the boatman steers the boat at angle of
with the river flow, then drift of the boat

m b.


m d.



ix) The time taken by the boat in the above

case is

i) The minimum time taken by the boat to

cross the river is
a. 10 s
b. 20 s c. 30s d. 40 s
ii) The horizontal distance covered by the
boat when taking minimum time is


s b.


s d. 80 s

x) If the water flow is increasing such that

the water is accelerating at a rate of 0.5m/s 2
and the boatman is steering the boat
perpendicular to the river flow and the
speed of river is 15m/s at start, then the
drift is

m b. 4


m d.

xi) The time taken by the boat in the above

case is
a. 10 s
b. 20 s c. 30s d. 40 s
14. A river of width 1000m flows with a velocity
5m/s. A girl in over-confidence starts from one
bank towards another by propelling a boat
with a velocity of 10m/s, perpendicular to the
flow of water current. A boy in an attempt to
save her starts at the same instant 500m,
downstream on the same bank, from where
the girl started and chases her to catch
exactly in mid stream.
(i) The time after which boy succeeded in
catching the boat is
a. 6/5 min
b. 5/6 min c. 3/4 min d.
4/3 min
ii) The constant speed and direction of
swimming of the boy are
a. 1

m/s , 135o to the direction of river

b. 1 m/s , 135o to the direction of river flow
c. 1

m/s , 120o to the direction of river

d. 1 m/s , 135o to the direction of river flow

iii) The distance swayed by the boat
downstream, before the boy could catch hold
of the boat
a. 125 m b.

m c.

d. 2

15. A man in a boat crosses a river from point A

(refer to figure shown below). If he rows
perpendicular to the banks, he reaches point
C (BC=120m) in 10 min. If the man heads at a
certain angle to the straight line AB (AB is
perpendicular to the banks) against the
current he reaches point B in 12.5 min. Find
the width of the river w., the rowing velocity
u, the speed of the river current V and the
angle . Assume that the velocity of the boat
relative to the water to be constant and the
same magnitude in both the cases.

16. A man with some passengers in his boat,

starts perpendicular to the flow of the river
200m wide and flowing with 2m/s. Speed of
the boat in still water is 4m/s. When he
reaches half the width of the river, passengers
asked him that they want to reach the just
opposite end from where they had started
a) Find the direction due which he must row to
reach the required end
b) How many times more time, it would take
now to that in case if he would have denied
the passengers.
17. A man wishes to cross the river of width 120m
by a motor boat. His rowing speed in the still
water is 3 m/s and his maximum walking
speed is 1m/s. The river flows with a velocity
of 4m/s.
a) Find the path which he should take to get to
the point directly opposite to this starting
point in the shortest time
b) Also find the time which he takes to reach
his destination
18. An aircraft flies at 200 km/hr in still air. A wind
is blowing at 1

km/hr from the south. The

pilot wants to travel from a point A to a point

B north east of A. Then find the direction he
must steer and the time taken in a journey if
the distance between A and B is 700km.
19. A man is walking steadily on a horizontal
road with speed of 2km/hr in a rainy day.
Rain is falling vertically with the speed of

2km/hr. Find at what angle with his direction

of travel should he hold the umbrella to
avoid getting drenched.
20. Rain is falling at an angle of 30 o with the
vertical. The maximum distance from the
wall (6m high) which is safe from the rain is

m b.


m d.

21. Rain is falling with a speed of


perpendicular to the inclined plane. A person

is travelling (as shown below) with speed of
2m/s on an inclined plane making an angle
of 30o. Find at what angle he should keep
umbrella. If suddenly the rain speed
becomes three times, then find the new

22. Rain is falling at an angle of 30 o with the

vertical with speed 10m/s. A truck containing
water sensitive material inside a cylindrical
container is running with speed of 10m/s.
Find the angle between the with the train
velocity which the container should be tilted
so that water does not enter the container.

23. The figure below shows a truck moving in

+x-direction with a velocity of 20m/s. Rain is
falling at some speed with some angle with
the vertical. The wall on the truck is 1m high.
Person sitting on the truck observes that
2.5m on the left side of the wall is dry. When
the truck driver decreases the speed of the
truck to half, then only 1.5m distance from
the left side of wall is dry. Find the velocity of
the rain. Also find the velocity of truck such
that both the left side and the right side of
the wall are completely wet.

24. A man walking steadily on a horizontal road

with speed 2km/hr find that the rain falls
vertically on him. If he doubles his speed, the
rain seems to fall at 45o to vertical from the
front side. Find at what direction and speed,
the rain would strike him if he stops.
25. A vertical widescreen of a car is made up of 2
parts, where the upper one A is 25 cm
vertically long and covers the top 5 cm of the
lower piece B. The upper one is hinged at the
top so that it can be opened outwards,
inclining to the vertical. The car is running on
the horizontal road at 60km/hr in the rain
which is falling vertically at 20km/hr. Find the
maximum angle through which the upper part
A can be opened outwards such that the rain
drops do not enter the car.
26. A pirate in a ship (black pearl) moving
eastwards with speed of 120km/hr observes
that another ship (Flying Dutch) is moving
north-west with speed of 240km/hr at an
angle of 120o with the east direction. Find the
actual speed of the flying Dutch. If the pirate
in Flying Dutchman sees that another ship
(Interceptor) is moving westwards with speed
240 km/hr, what will be the velocity of
Interceptor w.r.t. pirate in Black pearl.
27. Two ships A and B are moving with speed


km/hr along North and

West Direction respectively as shown in the

diagram below. Initially B lies 300 km North of
A. Find the time at which distance between
the two ships is minimum. Also find the
minimum between the ships.

28. A ship steams dues west at a rate of 15km/hr

relative to the current which is flowing at the
rate of 6km/hr due south. What is the velocity
relative to the ship of a train going due north
at a rate of 30km/hr.
a. 39km/hr b 29km/hr c.
19km/hr d.
ANSWERS : 1) A 2) D 3) 15 s, 625m 4) 4
s, going up, ball B, 240m 5) 8 s, going down,
ball B, 80m 6) 70m/s 7) C 8) B 9) B 10) i)
A ii) B iii) B iv) C 11) i) C ii) C iii) D iv) B
12) 12 min 30 s, 6 min 40s 13) i) D ii) A iii) A
iv)A v) B vi) B vii) C viii)C ix)D x)A xi) D 14)

i) B ii) A iii) C 15) 200m, 20m/min, 12m/min ,

36.5o 16)

, 4/3 17)

where is

the angle with river flow, tmin=160 s 18) 15o,

2.56 hrs 19) 45o 20) C 21) 0o, 60o 22) 120o







25)15cos+5sin=12,=59o 26)VFlying

km/hr North, VIn/BP =


km/hr North

West at 30o with west 27) 7.5 hrs, 150m, 28)


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