Otex 2012 - Djurkovic Grbic I DR - Utva - Engleski

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Tonko Mihovilovi, Utva Avio Industrija, Beograd,

Mirjana Grbi, Utva Avio Industrija, Beograd, e-mail: mirjanamgrbic@gmail.com
Sonja urkovi, Utva Avio Industrija, Beograd, e-mail: sonja.djurkovic@yahoo.com
Vladimir Gobelji, Utva Avio Industrija, Beograd e-mail: gobelja@gmail.com
Marina Ostoji, Utva Avio Industrija, Beograd, e-mail: majce74@yahoo.com
Acko Kuzmanovi, Utva Avio Industrija, Beograd, e-mail: ackokuzmanovic@gmail.com
Abstract: This paper describes the changes and additions to technical documentation, debugging and improving the
technological process of building assemblies. Modification of the diaphragm of the wings will be technological
processed and that document must be fully updated document, which entails a further operational planning for
commissioning in the manufacture of aircraft, as well as quality control and standardization process of the mentioned
elements. Amendments of the technological process is carried out directly in all working copies of the technological
process, because this is case of an urgency. It will be explained the occurrence of modifications to the diaphragm of
wings, standards related to it, factors affecting the economy in exploiting (less costs) and productivity of that element.

Key words: modification, technical procedures, quality control, standardization of the elements, economy of operation,
and productivity.

The paper explains the modification of the diaphragm
assembly of both wings which is made to goal beter
training, reconstruction, adaptation to increase the combat
quality, efficiency, reliability and better exploitation of
aircraft. According standard SNO 4311, changing means
intervention in any constructive documentation in terms
of changes or additions to the data, and each of these
changes can be defined as the modification and / or
correction. In this case modification is to change the
documentation and the practical effect are:
a) aircraft performances;
b) the strenght of aircraft;
c) the
subassemblies and parts, wich are defined by
special supplements or special contract
d) the lifetime;
e) operation characteristics;
f) technological improvements or simplifications of
the procedure;
g) costs of production and if necessary change of
class acts.
Institute proceedings for the modification can be done
ordered that the end user, design houses that VTI and
production factories, i.e. ,,UTVA Aircraft Industry
independently for reliability in operation of aircraft. The
actual modification we proposed that the modification of
class ,,A which affects the safety of aircraft and is
considered by the Commission for modification of the
emergency procedure. Otherwise, there are classification

classes ,,B in terms of eliminating downtime and repairs

in the production, class ,,C which are used in the means
(elements) that arent in production or arent prepared to
production and class ,,D , which are used for production
in new series. Correction in construction documentation is
any change to the documentation in order to supplement
the missing data and removing non-compliance or to
This consideration of wing modification was shown in
official documents originally instituted by the consent (or
nonconformity NP), Figure 1, verified by the constructor,
put in manufacturing work order by the ministry of
technology assembly, Figure 2. It is essential to exploit in
terms of providing further documentation (technical
instructions, and spare parts list, providing instructions for
repair, a directory of parts, tools and accessories).

Figure 2. Initiated document-work order in the production

line, modification of the existing diaphragm and the skin.
The decision on modification is a legal document that is
technically and economically adopt the modification of
mentioned diaphragm with defined requirement for
modification TEA (technical-economic analysis), which is
explained below. Verified by the Commission for
modifications, commission is made by user of mean,
manufacturing and designing organization. Amendment
includes several phases of the cycle, which are essential to
due process:
PHASE I - Defining TEA changes;
PHASE II - Consideration and decision on the
PHASE III Applying corrections in constructive
documentation (KD) for the production and exploitation;
PHASE IV - Implementation of changes in the production
and exploitation;
PHASE V - Calculation and payment of costs.
Figure 3 shows the pattern initiated by the manufacturers
to announce integration of all five phases covered by
technological sectors and production sector.

Figure 1. Consent of Nonconformity NP document for

deviation from the construction documentation, for
modifications to the diaphragm in the conditions of
exploitation and production conditions.


In order to increase the quality of production is set as a
necessary condition for interchangeability of assemblies.
Interchangeability means the possibility of assembly to be
replaced with other one during overhaul, with a minimum
expenditure of labor and the maximum speed, but to
satisfy the normal operation. Interchangeability increases
operational characteristics of each individual system and
the aircraft as a whole. There are two categories of
full interchangeability,
partial interchangeability
Complete interchangeability means the replacement of
elements, subassemblies or assemblies without any
additional treatment, while the partial interchangeability
includes replacement of elements, sub-assemblies or
assemblies with additional treatment (grazing, adjusting,
drilling, etc.). Considered by this modification and
functional interchangeability which must be fulfilled the
following conditions:
the identity of system functions
identical geometric parameters
(size, shape, roughness, surface position of elements).
possibility of assembling and disassembling.
Not satisfying at least one of the conditions entail
variations in the dynamic flying characteristics. This
interchangeability makes the exploitation of the aircraft
and its repair easy. According to [1] level of
interchangeability can be defined with interchangeability
coefficient: K z n where Tn - is the sum of time for all
interchangeable elements, Tu - is total time to produce the
Fabrication interchangeability is defined in the
technological development, where the standard should be
developed, with the technology required to provide
operation and anticipate technological additions to
features that are predicted to be replaced with appropriate
additional treatment. Modules are interchangeable if, as
this modification provided, and only if:
the designer to be taken into consideration the
question of interchangeability dimensions,
tolerances and clearances to the mounting
assembly on the aircraft
the material is released into production with
respect of production deadlines
if quality control checks the tolerance of
components and provides certain preventive
interchangeability and design solutions for some


Figure 3 The form of techno-economic analysis of the
modification of the diaphragm, initiated by a request for
change of constructive documentation number

Point of this whole work is low price of the aircraft . And
it can be achieve with high labor productivity, and
maximum utilization of expensive machinery. The most
important factors affecting the productivity of labor in
making some aircraft are:

aircraft and his average price, also his changes or

modifications in production and exploitation conditions.

the human factor (expertise, experience, skills, ..)

preparation and organization of work stations,
factors affecting the running production,
norming factors.

Norming factors and running the relevant factors in the

development of each aircraft, especially in assembly,
where one performs the same set of workers which affects
the productivity of labor. The standards of some aircraft
are dramatically changing from the prototype to a fullyestablished mass production [5]. Running curve is
hyperbolic in shape, where smoothly time is an asymptote
parallel to the axis, where she is corresponding (the
applied) serial numbers of aircraft. Start of running curve
is time who is needed to produce the first prototype, and
the time who is needed for the making the first prototype
is in relation to the later achieved series time, and that
time is differently and have range [2+8]. For the
development aircraft that is modified in a constructive
sense the coefficient ranges are between [3+5], while the
coefficient for the brand new aircraft is in the range [5
+8], and more. For small and medium series production,
where the check is performed on the mass production of
the series ranges from zero [2.5 +4].

The running serial production with modifications that for
result in the construction or omissions or subsequent
customer requests have improvements in terms of
exploitation. The size effect refers to the size and number
of modifications, as well as the time and manner of
introducing the modifications in the diaphragm and
technological documentation, but also exploitation of
itself, through mass production. It is necesary to review
the modifications made after, the following happens:

there is no damage to the door, the impact on the

validity of the door assembly and its attachment;
that in the space after the modification has no
impurities, signs of leakage of hydraulic
installations and to the connecting rod
suspension properly concave ramp;
impact on the kinematics of landing gear;
impact on the brake and brake installation in the
sense that there is no damage and no oil leakage,
hydro, fittings;
impact on landing gear , the friction plates, etc.
impact on hull wings, no mechanical damage and
impact on wings gap, there is need to be clean,
functional and safe, and that it does not affect the
ability of existing aircraft and skeletal;
impact on the pressure in the tire and that it
should be same value as on the label.
All process of modifications of wing diaphragm assembly
is necessary for uniqueness and repeatability hose always
in the same way, for the existence of contusions on
flexible brake hoses point.

Picture 4 Mutual position of the horizontal and inclined

Time of making an aircraft K z T1 n , where Tn -timeneeded to produce n aircraft, T1 - time needed to produce
the first aircraft. The coefficient is seeking from
boundary conditions, and the time needed to produce the
first aircraft to be: T1 TUH K1 , where is the coefficient
K1 - coefficient of time required to produce the first
aircraft in relation to the time series smoothly. The Figure
4 shows shaded surface wich represents the total running
time TUH


TnUH dn .

The average time of making an aircraft is obtained when

TUK partition of the total number of aircraft n , and so

TUH n Tn TnUH dn
Tpro sec no

Conclusion follows, that a larger number of aircraft
impact on the reduction of average time of build an

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