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What’s Happening?

Save the Date!

Sunday, June 13th Kabbalat Shabbat Pg 1 From Samara Pg 4
Off The Bimah Pg 2 Art & Gift Show Pg 4
For Shoe Drive Pg 3 Scholar in Residence Pg 5
Hazzan Stein & From Our Hazzan Pg 3 From our library Pg 8
Amanda Ruppenthal’s Wedding

The Three Doors Bulletin

Nisan - Iyar 5770 April 2010 Issue 2010 Volume 4

Tamara Huck
said…”I had
the best time of
Special Todah Rabah to
my life!”
Melinda Steffey for all her
hard work & creativity!

Place Your Orders Now

Please remember to place your order for the new mahzorim at the
special introductory price of $29/each (by April 30th). After April 30th,
the books will be sold at full price for $44.00/each
As a reminder, the new Mahzorim, Lev Shalem will not
be available at the door during the High Holy Days!
Mazal Tov To…. Shabbat Schedule
Esther and Ric Ancel All Services are led by
& Rabbi Jacob Herber & Hazzan Jeremy Stein
Please join us as we celebrate, pray and commemorate.
Bluma Weinstock
on the birth of their granddaughter and great-granddaughter, Friday, April 2
Shayna Rose Meyers Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm
 Saturday, April 3
Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am
Linda and David Deskalo Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv
& and Havdallah 6:40 pm
Shirley Raffe
Friday, April 9
on the birth of their granddaughter and great-granddaughter,
Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm
Maya Bella Khayat Saturday, April 10
 Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00am
Family Service 10:30am
Arlene and Howard Rubin
Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv
on the birth of their grandson, and Havdallah 6:45 pm
Jacob Atticus Rubin
Friday, April 16
 Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm
Greg Strick and Armona Nadler-Strick Saturday, April 17
& Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am
Bea and George Strick Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv
on the birth of their daughter and granddaughter, Havdallah 7:00 pm
Sarina Adira
Friday, April 23
Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm
Saturday, April 24
R’fuah Shlemah - Speedy Recovery To... Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am
Kehilat Yeladim 10:30am
Tot Shabbat 11:00am
Jerry Bass Sue Berland Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv
Sheryl Pelc Bernice Persten and Havdallah 7:00 pm

Friday, April 30
Kabbalat Shabbat 8:00pm
(Please note time change)

Our Congregation Extends

Its Bring your friends and family as we
celebrate Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday, April 30th.
Deepest Sympathy To... Services will be held at 8:00pm with a light dessert
oneg (reception) to follow.

Bryan, Jordy & Merry Atinsky on the passing of This is open to the community. Please
bring your children, family and
Efrat, Noam & Ya’ari friends, and be with your CBI Family.
We promise, you will have a great
Bryan’s wife and children, and Jordy & Merry’s time.
daughter-in-law and grandchildren. (Please note, the 6:00pm evening service will be held at 8:00pm)

May God comfort the family together with all mourners in Zion
and Jerusalem.

Off The Rabbi Herber

This month Israel observes the 62nd anniversary of its independence. On many days during
the last several months finding the joy to celebrate this achievement has been a challenge.
The publication and debate over the infamous Goldstone Report, the outrageous student protest
which disrupted and brought to an end the visit of Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren’s visit to
the campus of the University of California, Irvine campus, and the recent reprise of Israel
Apartheid Week across our country remind us that Israel’s enemies are many, that their voices are gaining a
growing following and their views are becoming more and more mainstream. Palestinian Authority President
Mahmoud Abbas refuses to engage in direct talks with Israel, and Hamas continues to seek Israel’s destruction.
To top things off, the relationship between United States and Israel hit a new diplomatic low last month. This has
not been an easy time.

How do we maintain hope in the face of depressing and despairing assessments of the near future? Or, put
differently, how might we appropriately celebrate Israel’s 62nd birthday in a few weeks time?

Let’s remember what there is to celebrate. Sixty-two years ago a small, vulnerable country came into being, and
over the course of six decades it has achieved miraculous things under often treacherous conditions. Cultivating
the land, absorbing wave after wave of immigrants, building a vibrant and diverse culture, preserving a democ-
racy, utterly rewriting the meaning of Jewish identity in the modern world, these are not small achievements and
they deserve to be celebrated even in difficult times.

Let’s also consider that none of Israel’s achievements has come without cost. Nation building leaves diverse and
dramatic damage in its wake, sometimes to others, sometimes to oneself. So it’s been with Israel’s prodigious
accomplishments, as the Jewish State continues to struggle with issues of war and peace with the Palestinians and
with neighboring Arab states and simultaneously engages demanding and complicated social and cultural issues
of all kinds. Independence hasn’t been easy, I suspect it never is.

There are then significant and important reasons for celebrating. So let’s stand together with Israel and be counted
when the entire Jewish community celebrates Yom Hazikaron (Day of Remembrance) and Yom Ha’atzmaut
(Israel Independence Day) April 18 and 19 at the JCC.

-Rabbi Herber

CBI Social Action Committee

Will Host a Spring Shoe Drive
In the spring, we will be collecting shoes for Soles4Souls. This is a wonderful organization that takes shoes that are
not in use and puts them on the feet of those in need. This, in turn, also helps the environment by recycling shoes
that may otherwise be sent to a landfill. We encourage everyone to start cleaning out their closets and saving adult
and children’s gently used or new shoes. Simply cleaning out your closets can make a significant difference in the
quality of life of someone in need. (Collection bin in front of the Glass Box)


April 12 - May12 @ CBI

A From Our Hazzan!!!

On October 6, 1973—Yom Kippur—Israel found itself caught in the midst of a surprise attack at the hands of Egypt and Syria.
Against great odds, the Tzahal fought valiantly to repel the invaders. Twenty days later, the Yom Kippur War was over. Although the
Jewish State remained in tact, the results were devastating not only in terms of casualties, but also with regards to the morale of the
Israeli people. Just six years earlier, Israel had emerged triumphant against insurmountable odds in a mere six days! The great high
and sense of invincibility Israel experienced following the Six Day War now gave way to feelings of vulnerability and confusion as
people began to question the indestructibility of Israel.
In response to the Yom Kippur War, Israeli recording artists released a series of songs addressing the wide range of emotions Israel
felt both during and after the war. These songs vividly capture the grief and despair brought on by the war as well as highlight a
strong sense of hope for more peaceful days. Among the most famous of these songs are Hamilhama Ha’ahrona (The Last War) and
Lu Yehi (Naomi Shemer’s Hebrew version of the Beatles’ ―Let It Be‖).
One of the lesser known songs from this era is Ein Lanu Milim (We Have No Words) by Matti Caspi. The opening words of the
song are:

Ein lanu milim v’ein gam mangina We have no words or melody

Lo nora efshar lashir gam “la la la” It’s OK, we can just sing ―la la la‖

While other songs of the time eloquently communicate the physical and emotional devastation of the war, this song’s refrain says
simply ―We have no words.‖ In place of words, the song suggests singing ―la la la.‖ Though singing nonsense syllables may not seem
like an effective way of responding to such a situation, it does address a significant aspect of dealing with adversity.
When faced with grief and tragedy, we often look to find an explanation. We search for the words that truly express our suffering.
Sometimes, though, when we are overcome by our emotions—whether joy or pain—we simply cannot elicit the right words. In fact,
there may not even be ANY words that truly communicate the magnitude of how we feel.
The song’s author may not have been an observant Jew, but he did touch on a powerful aspect of Jewish tradition: the niggun. These
wordless melodies, rooted in the Hassidic tradition, are said to be the ―pen of the soul.‖ Emanating from deep within, they allow us to
communicate our most intimate feelings without the burden of words. A niggun can express all ranges of emotions—happiness and dis-
tress, celebration and affliction—as well as the inexpressible nature of what we are feeling.
This month, we commemorate Yom Hashoah and Yom Hazikaron. We remember those who perished in the Shoah and pay tribute to
those who died in defense of Israel. As we share stories of heroism and sadness, we will search for the words to comfort those who have
been affected by tragedy and to find solace for ourselves. When our words fail us, we can sing a niggun.

May the memories of all those we remember forever be a blessing.

To hear examples of various niggunim, visit the “Hazzan’s Listening Lab” on the CBI website
-Hazzan Stein


Spring cleaning is done and Passover is going to be in full swing. We can take a short rest before packing up everything
for another year and start focusing on the new programs that are ahead of us for this spring.
Mark your calendars and make your RSVP’s for the Torah Fund Luncheon on May 2nd, which will be held at Beth El. CBI will be
honoring Marlene Deutsch and Beth EL will honor, Nancy Kellman.
On Friday, June 4th we will have our Sisterhood Installation. We will enjoy a wonderful dinner prepared by the Sisterhood & Rabbi
Herber will be installing the new officers.

Do you have some free time?

We would love to have you volunteer to assist with our kiddushim.
Call Hannah Sattler or Judy Wolkenstein for more information.

From Our Education Director

CBI’s school is one of several area schools participating in an exciting program brought to Milwaukee
by the Coalition for Jewish Learning called the Jewish Lens. The Jewish Lens is a class based on the
combination of photography and Jewish values. It utilizes the photography of Israeli photographer
Zion Ozeri and Jewish texts while encouraging students to capture images of
Jewish values in their lives.

We are offering the Jewish Lens class as an elective in our high school program
taught by Amanda Rupenthal. In the class, the students are learning basic
principles of photography while studying a variety of Jewish values. They are
learning different ways to look at a photo to understand the content and message it portrays. Towards
the beginning of the semester, Kipp Friedman, a professional photographer and Milwaukee Jewish Lens
coordinator, led a session with the students on how to take quality photographs. The students are
engaging in Jewish text study and learning how to relate the values in the texts to different images. They
are then taking a variety of photographs that portray those values explored in the texts.

For a sampling of the texts and photographs that the students are studying, please visit the Jewish Lens
website at

On Tuesday, May 11th from 7:00-9:00pm there will be an exhibit and reception at the Jewish Commu-
nity Center featuring the photos of Milwaukee's Jewish teens. The work of our students will be proudly
displayed among the work of other area schools. I encourage everyone to come to see the work that the
students are producing.


Save The Date!

Spring Art & Gift Show @ CBI
Sunday, April 25th
11:00 - 4:00pm
more info to follow

May 7th & 8th
Jody Hirsh...
The Jew and the Arts
Jody Hirsh is the Director of Judaic Education at Milwaukee’s Harry and Rose Samson Jewish Community Center and is
the winner of the 2005 Covenant Award for Outstanding Jewish Educator. For three years he served as Programme Director
of the Hong Kong Jewish Community Centre. He has taught Jewish Studies at the University of California (both the
Berkeley and Los Angeles Campuses), Mills College, and the University of San Francisco as well as the Los Angeles
University of Judaism and Hebrew Union College. In the fall of 1990 through the winter of 1992, he was a Jerusalem
Fellow, concentrating on Museum Education at the Israel Museum, the Citadel Museum with post graduate work at the
Hebrew University.
In addition to his claim to fame as the world’s only speaker of ―Judaeo Cantonese,‖ he is an OBIE award winning
playwright who has had productions of his plays all over the world. His plays include the award winning ―Seeing Double‖
written with the San Francisco Mime Troupe, ―The Great King Herod Murder Mystery,‖ Israel’s longest running play,
―The Long Seder, ― first produced in Houston, Texas, in 1996, and ―The Case for Matthew Nathan,‖ performed in Hong
Kong as part of the Handover festivities in June 1997. Among his publications is the award winning book and holiday guide,
Tastes of Jewish Tradition

Friday, May 7th - Shabbat Dinner

Adults: $15.00 Children (under 12) $7.00
(Childcare provided) Please add 3% for Mazon
Please call the office to RSVP ( no RSVP’s taken after May 4th)
Vegetarian Option - Available

Friday Night: Is there Jewish Theater?

Join us as we read scenes from 20th century Theater and consider what makes a Jewish play. This is your chance to be a star – you might
even get a starring role.

Shabbat: The Written Word – the Archetypical Jewish Art Form

The Jews have always been the people of the Book – the Torah being unquestionable the central book of Jewish life. However, can we
look at our seminal texts as artistic as well as halachic or historical? We will look at traditional texts and consider their astonishing artis-
tic merit.

Shabbat (during kiddish/lunch) : The Power of Jewish Art

We will examine a work of the Jewish artist Mauryci Gottleib, who, in spite of being the victim of anti-Semitism in 19th Century Poland,
is today considered by Poles to be the greatest Polish artist.

Day of Remembrance, Israel Independence Day
April 18 & 19
Milwaukee -- The Milwaukee Jewish community will celebrate the Day of Remembrance
(Yom Hazikaron) and Israel Independence Day (Yom Ha’atzmaut) with events on April 18
& 19, sponsored by the Israel Center of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation and the Harry &
Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center.

April 18, “A Day of Remembrance” (in Hebrew: Yom Hazikaron) will be held at the Harry & Rose Samson Family
Jewish Community Center, 6255 N. Santa Monica Boulevard. Yom Hazikaron is Israel’s Remembrance Day, in honor
of Israel’s fallen soldiers and victims of terror. This year’s ceremony will focus on the plight of prisoners of war and the
families who wait for their return. The event will begin at 3 pm with a screening of Family in Captivity: The Story of
Gilad Shalit’s Familty and their Journey to Bring their Son Back Home. A ceremony will follow at 4:15 pm, including
music and speeches. Event Chairs are Razia Azen & Suzanne Weinstein. The guest speaker will be Major Oron Mincha
of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

April 19, “Israeli Independence Day” (in Hebrew: Yom Ha’atzmaut) will be held at the Harry & Rose Samson Family
Jewish Community Center. This celebration will begin with a Walk for Israel at 4 pm, as hundreds of supporters walk
a short route on the North Shore, beginning at the northern end of the Karl Community Campus. Chair is Jeff Schuster,
and Co-Chairs are Randi and David Arnstein. The festivities will continue with a variety of family activities from
4-8:30 pm, at the Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center, 6255 N. Santa Monica Blvd., including
Lenny’s Magic Show, ethnic foods, a photo exhibit (―The Many Faces of Israel‖) and activities for the whole
family. Event Chair is Rena Safer. The evening will culminate with a 6:45 pm performance featuring Israeli musical
group ―Kolot.‖

The above events are known together as Yamim (―Days‖). Yamim Chair is Yonatan Zvi, Co-Chair is Joe Devorkin and
Honorary Chair is Betty Chrustowski.

All events are free of charge and open to the community. Additional information is available at or by calling (414) 390-5700.

Yom Hashoah Commemoration Sunday, April 11 at the JCC

Yom Hashoah, Memorial to the Six Million, Remembrance of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and All Resistance,
will be held on Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 2:30 pm
at the Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center
Holocaust survivor, Dr. Miriam M. Brysk, Ph.D., and author of "Amidst the Shadows of Trees: A Holocaust Child's
Survival in the Partisans," will be the guest speaker. Her memoir describes her childhood in the Lida Ghetto and in the
partisans; how she remained with her parents during WWII, and how her father, who was a doctor, established a hospital
in the woods. She also honors the one and a half million Jewish children who did not survive and
uses images of children that will be shown in her Holocaust exhibit at Yom Hashoah.

A new Intergenerational Program entitled "Hiding from Hitler: A Child's World in the Woods" will
also feature Dr. Brysk who will share her own experiences. This program is aimed at students in
grades 5 through 8 however all participants will be able to explore what it was like to live with the
partisans during World War II. The Intergenerational Program will be from 1:00 – 1:45 pm.

Sandra Hoffman, Chair of the Yom Hashoah Planning Committee, will be honored for her many years of service. In
addition, the Holocaust Youth Essay Contest Winners will be recognized. This contest is sponsored by the Habush Fam-
ily Foundation. The Yom Hashoah Planning Committee is chaired by Sandra Hoffman and co-chaired by Amy Shapiro.

Yom Hashoah is a program of the Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center and the Nathan & Esther
Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center is a Program of the Coalition for Jewish Learning, the Education Program of
the Milwaukee Jewish Federation.
It began in 1971 and 1973 as two men and their families joined Congregation Beth Israel. They were both doctors, one a
medical doctor and the other, a PhD. Instantaneously, they became involved in our synagogue, chairing assorted
committees, serving on the Board of Trustees, in various capacities, being
appointed Gabbiam and now recently elected Lifetime Trustees.

Dr. Bud Margolis, a retired pulmonologist, served as chief of medicine at both

St Lukes Hospital and St Francis Hospital, and was president of his medical group.
Bud is married to Judy and father to three children, Adam, Jessie and Simeon.
He has been a vital member of CBI since1971. Bud has served as Vice President
of Membership, was appointed to the Hazzan selection and review committees
and is currently the co-chair of the Cemetery Committee. He has taught matzah
baking and at one time helped the Sisterhood bake hallot as well. You can now
find Bud working in the library. On Shabbat mornings, Bud is on the bima serving
as one of our Gabbiam..

Dr. Jay Miller, PhD, is currently teaching math at Marquette University and UW-Milwaukee, is married to Bobby and the
father of three children, Aaron, Rachel and Robyn. Jay has shared his wit and humor with the membership of CBI since

He has been on the Ritual Committee since he first joined and for more than 30 years he has served on the subcommittee
to assign High Holy Day honors. During the High Holy Days you can find Jay making sure that no one misses their honor.
Jay was instrumental in writing the bylaws for the CBI Hebrew School, and at one time taught on Sundays for over nine
years. Jay has been a part of the Board of Trustees continuously since 1976 and currently he holds four positions on the
Board – Gabbai, Parliamentarian, Lifetime Trustee and unofficially the resident humorist. You can always find Jay on
Shabbat mornings manning the doors as usher in between his duties as a Gabbai.

Bud and Jay on being elected Lifetime Trustees of Congregation Beth Israel.
They are two men who have devoted their time and energy in making a lasting
impact through their devotion to CBI.

THE ISADORE AND SYLVIA These yahrzeits, taken from the CBI’s Memorial Tablets,
BLANKSTEIN LIBRARY will be observed during the following weeks beginning on
. . .by Paula Fine, Librarian the evening of:
Kate Sadowsky Marion Polansky
Irving Bear Robert I. Schilling Harry Pollack
Charles S. Bence Gertrude Goldie Schulman Abraham Rubinstein
AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB Nanette Berlin Yetta Sosnay Sylvia Schecter
Joseph Bilansky Milton Wertheimer Samuel Schulman
Irving A. Blumenfeld Rosa Yungfrau Dr. Jacob Serge
Monday, April 19th M. Borenstein Ida Sarah Sires
1:30 p.m. in the Blankstein Library Abraham Brillman April 16 Rabbi Saul Solomon
Sam Cohen Leonard Babrove Leah Stein
A Pigeon and a Boy Yente Donin Norman Balkansky
Shifra Becker
Richard Tarkinow
Sarah Geisenfeld Sophie Wolfman
by Meir Shalev Mary Geisenfeld Marla Berman Moritz Yale Zamosh
Norman David Glicksman Dr. Alexander Berman
Ann Gottfried Max Friedman April 30
EVENING BOOK CLUB Samuel Hansher Sam Gollin Esther Bergman
Henry Hansher Dora Haber Frederick Charles Ber-
st Barbara Heimovit Jack Heim grom
Wednesday, April 21 Sam Kaiser Darwin Huxley Jonas Borkin
7:00 p.m. at the home of Gail Sherman Julia Klein Belle Kadwit Marilyn Cohen
Eva Koritzinsky David Kahn Meyer Cohen
Rose Margoles Lillge Barbara Kaiser Minnie Cornfield
Shanghai Diary: Sophie Melman Anna Kaiser Benjamin Glazer
A Young Girl’s Journey from Manuel G. Meyers Joseph Katz Jack Greenberg
Emanuel Herskovits
Benn Ollman Esther Erna Kleiner
Hitler’s Hate to War-Torn China Bella Pollack Sally Lisberg Miriam Herskovits
Fred Rubenstein Charles Marks Jennie Hiken
by Ursula Bacon Rabbi S.I. Scheinfeld Mollie Meisel Rose Takubowicz
Florence Schneiderman Harry Meyers Ben-Tzion Karsh
Evelyn Schwartz Minnie Mitz Louis Kimmel
OUR AMAZON.COM CONNECTION Leah Stearns Rudolph Ottenstein Bessie Krasno
Gustel Stern Sophie Schiewitz Samuel Lampell
Take a look at the library’s new WISH LIST on Amazon.Com. Anna Traxler Celia Schnell Ronald Lorber
Herbert Weiss Harry Schwid Joseph Malkin
It’s filled with titles that we’d love to add to the collection, but Carl Maness
Ida Zilberbrand Isaac Silbar
can’t afford to buy! Paul Zitron Samuel Silverstein Jack Margulis
Marie Singer T. Sgt. William M. Miller
A few simple keystrokes will take you to the list, and a few Libby Muchin
April 9 Morris Spector
more will send the books on their way to the library – gifts from Sandi Becker Jack Stern Molly Pearlman
you. Here’s what you need to do: Esther Berg Tracy Jo Sweet Ida Kaminsky Pittelman
Erwin Berger Isadore Traxler Nathan P. Schnoll
Go to home page Olga Borkin Albert Wagner Mariashe Shapiro
Ethel Cohen Becky Ginsberg Wald Morris Shlimovitz
Click on the ―Gifts & Wish Lists‖ section at the Lewis Shlimovitz
Fay Fedderly Louis Weiss
top of the page. Sam Frank Sarah Pearl Siegel
Find ―Wish Lists & Registries‖ on the top right in Lt. Benjamin Frankel April 23 Lena Silverstein
the space ―Enter a name or email‖ type in: Bertha Ginsburg Elaine Schuster Baron
Anna Golper Jennie Wagner Berson
Beth Israel Library and hit ―enter‖ Rosa Greenblatt Irving Blumenfeld
Click on ―Blankstein Library‖ Jennie Hansher Mary Brillman
AND THERE’S OUR WISH LIST Emil Hersh Suzann Colton
Samuel Hirschman Charlotte Denny
Philip H. Horwitz Philip Dwoskin
When you’ve made your selections, just follow the Ben A. Jacobson Ruben Fischer
prompts from Amazon. Abraham Kantrovich Emil Hansher
Eva Kohler Lawrence Klinghoffer
By the way, you might want to use our Wish List to help you Alma Laux Steven Korobkin
select books for your family to read (especially children) or Helen Luban Libby Kosberg
to use a guide for gift-giving. Louis Nashban Eve Lazarus
Sabine Neuer Esther Lubotsky
Gidon A. Oren Isaac Nelson
...and thank you for your support of Harry Petashnick Abraham Ottenstein
the library Louis Polakow Emanuel Michael Oxman
Rose Pachefsky

We acknowledge with gratitude and appreciation the generous contributions made to various funds in February.

General Synagogue Fund Kiddish Fund

In memory of: In honor of:
Norman Schneider Betty Wallens
Leo, Donna, Jacob and Evan Kleiner Harry and Edie Pump
Mark and Barbara Glazer Miriam Kahn
Daniel and Caren Goldberg Marcus Wohlfeiler
Shirley Aaron Rachael Frydman
Dora Russek Shel and Bobbie Fishman
Sari Rappaport Hannah Sattler
Sandra Weinstein and Edward Blumberg Shel and Bobbie Fishman
Rosalyn Matsoff
Ted and Barbara Bradbury Speedy recovery:
Sue Berland
In honor of: Jordy and Merry Atinsky
Yael and Nat Stein Shel and Bobbie Fishman
Mark and Barbara Glazer Harry and Edie Pump
Hersh Gellerman Rhoda Wertheimer
The Wertheimer family Shel and Bobbie Fishman
Selma Zeiger
Speedy recovery: Harry and Edie Pump
Nancy Shapiro
Michael Kleiner Rabbi PanitchCamp Ramah Scholarship Fund

Hazzan’s Tzedakah Fund In honor of:

Rabbi Herbert Panitch
In honor of: The Florida CBI Reunion
Hazzan Jeremy Stein
Larry and Ruth Page School Fund

Isadore & Sylvia Blankstein Library Fund In memory of:

Norman Schneider
In memory of: Jonathan and Sheryl Rubin
Jack Langer
Alan and Wendy Melton

Looking to play softball this summer?--Men needed for CBI's recreational softball team which plays in the JCC
Softball League. The games are Tuesday evenings starting in May and continue thru mid August. You must be
18 years old or older. If you are interested, call Jerry Deutsch 262-512-1360.’ve got something to kvell about?
Greetings From … An anniversary maybe? A birthday?
The Glass Box A new child or grandchild? A promotion?
A higher degree of education?
Need a quick gift?
Don’t know what to get? Has Sisterhood got a deal for you!
The Glass Box will have it For a $100 donation, you will help support the
So don’t be upset. Shabbat Kiddish, your news will be announced from the bima,
listed in the Shabbat Supplement, and there will be a lovely balloon
No matter what simha
bouquet or plant in honor of your occasion! Interested?
A new baby or home Minyan Services
Just stop at Beth Israel Please call Suzy 414-352-7310 or
Or pick up the phone. Monday - Friday
7:30am  6pm E-mail: to pick a date for your event.
We have platters & pitchers Jewel &
good books. Mezuzahs and candlesticks Sunday
How great it all looks. 9:00am  6:00pm
Our Judaica is superb as always, but we Please check the
have secular gifts as well and we love to Bulletin monthly for
holiday time
show them to you. Remember—it does
not have to be Yom Tov to celebrate
being a member of Beth Israel.

Shop Hours
Mon-Thurs: 10:00-4:00
Fri: 10:00-12:00
Sun: 10:00 - 12:00
Do all of your online shopping through the online shopping mall,
where you can shop at more than 700 top online retailers. Select Congregation Beth
Sunday (when school is in session)
Israel as your designated cause and a percentage of your purchases will come to
CBI. You pay the same price as you normally would, but your purchase will
Jacob Herber ..................................................................... Rabbi generate a donation to CBI!
Herbert G. Panitch ............................................... Rabbi Emeritus
Jeremy Stein….……….………………..…………………………………………….. Hazzan
Samara Sofian ................................................. Education Director Here are just a few of the many retailers who participate in
Gayle Weber Rakita………………………………………..Congregation President
Anita Nagurka……….………………………………………………..Executive Director Chico’s ♦ Ace Hardware ♦ Barnes & Noble ♦ eBay
Suzy Peltz .....................................................Executive Assistant
Debbie Friberg…………………………………………..…………Executive Secretary
Jane Cotton……..……………………………………………………………...Office Assistant
John Fields .............................................. Maintenance Supervisor
Merry Atinsky & Bobbie Fishman…………..…… Co-Sisterhood Presidents
Mike Spanjar………... ………………………………….……...…………..…..Men’s Club President
Paula Fine .................................................................... Librarian Congregation Beth Israel Presort Std
Delores Kramer………….………………...…Second Home Cemetery-Secretary
Marvin & Marilyn Zetley Family Campus U.S. Postage
Asman Fund…………………..……………………………………………… ……$10.00 min 6880 N. Green Bay Ave PAID
Balkansky Fund…………..………………………….……………………………$10.00 min
Beth Hearst Youth Fund…………………………………………………………………...$10.00 min Milwaukee, WI 53209 Milwaukee, WI
Bima Fund……………………………………………………………………….………………….$10.00 min Permit No. 3426
CBI Special Endowment Fund…………………………….….………………...$10.00 min
CBI Youth Scholarship Endowment Fund…………….…..……..…$10.00 min Return Service Requested
Carl S. Zetley Generation to Generation Fund…….. ………..$18.00 min
Dr. Ervin & Suzann Colton Education Endowment Fund…..……….$10.00 min
Gemilut Chasidim Fund (In Memory of Abraham & Rose Bass)… ….…..$10.00 min
General Synagogue Fund ............................................$10.00 min
Harold M. Kramer Beautification Fund………………… ………….$10.00 min
Hazzan’s Tzedakah Fund .............................................$10.00 min
Isadore & Sylvia Blankstein Library Fund ......................$10.00 min
Jacobson Chapel Fund ................................................$10.00 min
Kiddish Fund…………………….…………………………………………………$10.00 min
Landscape Fund .........................................................$10.00 min
Louis Rabinovitz Memorial Minyan Fund ........................$10.00 min
Marilyn Zetley Children’s Library Fund ..........................$10.00 min
Panitch “CBI Family Education Fund” ............................$10.00 min
Pentateuch/Humash Fund ...........................................$60.00 min
Prayer Book Fund.......................................................$35.00 min
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund ..........................................$10.00 min
Rabbi Panitch Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund……..…………..$10.00 min
Sam Cooper Capital Art Fund……….…………………………………..$10.00 min
School Fund ..............................................................$10.00 min
Senior Activities Fund………………………………………………………..$10.00 min
Shirley Bass Floral Fund………………….…………………………………$10.00 min
Sol & Esther Blankstein Scholarship Fund ......................$10.00 min
Solomon & Yetta Soloff Memorial Adult Education Fund ........$10.00 min
Stein Mendelson Scholarship Fund………………………… ……….$10.00 min
William & June Sherkow Scholarship Fund .....................$10.00 min
Youth & Education Endowment Fund ............................$10.00 min


Monday-Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Friday 8:30 am - 2:00 pm

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