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Spanish 6 Honors

Class Information 2015-2016


Sra. Shields
Text: En Espaol Level 4 (Textbook and workbook)

Class Webpage: Create a free account if you do not already have one.

Enter this access code to join the class page: DCWF9-GHQQQ

On this site, accessible only to Spanish 5 students

and their parents, you will

find the homework assignments, class notes, links and more. There is also a free Schoology
app for most Smartphones so you can log in from anywhere.
Twitter: Follow @SraShields so I can tweet you the assignments, extra credit opportunities,
interesting factoids relating to the Spanish language and cultures! Parents feel free to
follow me as well!

Remind: Free App that will allow you to receive texts with class assignments/reminders. To

Text the message @mshiel to 81010 and it will sign you up!
Parents are welcome to join as well!

AudioBoom: You must also create a free account on using your email. I will
ask you to record yourself speaking Spanish using this site. There is also a free Audioboom
app for most Smartphones and you should be able to use a Smartphone or a computer to
record yourself for class assignments.

Google Drive/Docs/Slides/etc. We will frequently collaborate using Google to share ideas

and information so let Sra. Know if you are not familiar with how to utilize them.

Helpful Extras: Dropbox App (file sharing), (conjugation practice),

Apps for Independent Practice: Spanish Touch Trainer, Duolingo, Learn

Spanish by Mindsnacks, Memrise, Verb Champion: Spanish, Learn Spanish with
Lingo Arcade, WORDREFERENCE app (NOT Google Translate!)

Other required materials: A notebook, a folder, in which students will store assignments they
have yet to turn in, returned assignments and this contract, pens and pencils, LOTS of 3 X 5 note
cards and anything else the teacher deems necessary during the course of the year.

Course Objectives:

1. To develop skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking Spanish.

2. To develop a knowledge of and appreciation for the cultures of Spanish-speaking
countries and people.
3. To promote enthusiasm for learning, tolerance and understanding of others, and
mutual development.
4. To prepare students for the Spanish AP Language Exam, should they desire to take

Classroom Rules:

I have extremely high standards for all of my students when it comes to their behavior because I
believe there is a correlation between behavior and success in Spanish class. Appropriate behavior
contributes to an environment that is conducive to learning. I will work hard for you this school year
and I expect you to work hard also. We will work hard, laugh, and learn many interesting and useful
things along the way. You have the power to amaze yourself and when you come to class with a can
do attitude you will be amazed at what you can accomplish!






You have the right to learn Spanish in the best possible environment.
Therefore I will use Spanish as much as I possibly can and will expect you
to do the same. We will encourage and support each other in our attempts
to use Spanish.
You have the right to be treated in a respectful way that reflects your
value as a person. You have the responsibility to treat others in the
class in the same manner. NO ABUSIVE LANGUAGE OR PROFANITY
WILL BE TOLERATED. This includes having a positive attitude and not
using putdowns.
You have the right to count on the support of your classmates as well
as myself so that you can be successful in this class. We will review
assignments, quizzes, tests and class activities so you have the opportunity
to ask me questions and to ask me for help. Never be afraid to ask a
question! Questions merely indicate your desire to learn and therefore are
NEVER stupid.
You have the responsibility to come prepared to class every day, not
only for your success but to contribute to the success of your
classmates as we will often work in pairs or small groups. Your work
with others will be much more beneficial to you and to them if you come
prepared to class. Make sure you have everything with you and be ready
to start class as soon as the bell rings. Have your homework on your
desk and make sure to read the boards to see if there are activities
that I want you to begin or any new announcements.
You have the responsibility to be in class every day to participate fully
in the varied opportunities we will have to learn and practice Spanish
and to approach them with a positive attitude.
You have the responsibility to conduct yourself ethically and with
integrity at all times.
All purses will be stored on the floor, underneath the desk during class

DISTRICT TARDY POLICY: All students are expected to come to school on time and be in
their classroom when the tardy bell rings. This rule applies to morning arrival and also to
each class during the day. A verbal warning will be documented and issued by the teacher
for the first and second tardies. Students with 3-5 tardies will be issued a hour
detention that must be served within two days at 3:00 p.m. or 7:45 a.m. Failure to clear
tardy detentions within the prescribed time period will result in further disciplinary action.

Consequences of violating rules

The violation of any of these rules will result in extra assignments, 15 minute after school
detentions, referrals or parent conferences depending upon the specific circumstances.
--1st minor behavioral offense will earn 15 minutes after school and a phone call home

--2nd offense will earn a referral

--Major behavioral offenses will immediately receive referrals and parental contact
--Teacher may contact parent/guardian at any time regarding students behavior and/or

--Appropriate Use of the Internet, network, and technology equipment:

Students are responsible for appropriate behavior when using district technology resources and work
areas. The lists below do not cover every possible situation. If you have any question about
appropriate behavior, ask your teacher.


Use the district and school technologies for educational pursuits.

Use caution when giving out personal information on the Internet.
Take care of equipment.
Remember your user name and password.
Follow instructions of teachers, librarians, technology teachers and computer lab assistants.
Ask for help with equipment or software problems and report any equipment or software
Conserve technology resources including network space, bandwidth, etc. Only print what is necessary
or assigned.
Immediately back out of any questionable site and report it to your teacher or the technology
Log off when you are finished.
Cite your digital sources correctly.
Return all borrowed technology equipment promptly and in the same condition as you received it.

Do not:

Eat or drink at any school computer.

Share passwords.
Access or download any illegal, pornographic, abusive, obscene, or harassing materials.
Cyber-bully (Cyber-bullying is the willful harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text or
images. Examples include but are not limited to: sending threatening emails, posting derogatory or
personal comments and/or photos or video about someone on a web site, sending harassing text
messages, physically threatening or intimidating someone and/or spreading rumors about someone.)
Access or alter other peoples files.
Use your email for inappropriate or non-school related activity.
Download or install software, shareware or freeware.
Excessively consume limited hard drive space, network space, or bandwidth.
Violate copyright laws.
Create or spread computer viruses.
Attempt to gain unauthorized or illegal access to district technology resources.
Change any computer settings or alter hardware and/or cables.
Connect personal laptops to the network.

Unless you have your teachers approval and supervision do not:

Access, download, or play games; visit game sites, access game cheat codes, or participate in
Create or manage a personal web page on school computers.
Download music, programs or access streaming video or audio.
Participate in any online for-profit activities.

Consequences for disregarding the rules of this Technology Use Agreement:

Depending upon the age of the student and the severity and frequency of the misuse or abuse, one or
more of the following consequences will occur:
A warning, followed by re-clarification of the rules

Notification of parents and administrators by phone, personal conference, or discipline referral.

CHEATING: When a student obtains or assists others in obtaining credit for work that is not his or
her own, the resulting grade for the test, quiz, homework or other assignment will be a ZERO. I will
strictly enforce this policy. Remember, you are cheating yourself out of the opportunity to show me
how brilliant you are. If you googled something and copied it, I CAN FIND IT!!!!! Using GOOGLE
TRANSLATE or another translator constitutes
translators are

not very accurate

usage. I want to see what



and will result in a grade of 0. These

and it will be extremely easy for Sra. Shields to discern their

YOU, not a translator, can accomplish!

Students will have the opportunity to accumulate points through tests, quizzes,
homework, participation and oral expression. Students can expect frequent tests
and quizzes, both announced and unannounced, over material we have covered.

****Late Homework will NOT be accepted***

****If assignments are not 100% completed, they will receive NO credit****

Participation is essential and failure to bring required materials, participate with

enthusiasm, or keep on task will lower your participation grade. When a student
disrupts the class, thus impeding his or her own ability to learn, as well as the rest
of the class opportunity for learning, the disruptive student will have his or her
participation grade lowered to reflect the negative effect of the disruptive actions
on the class.
Verbal expression in Spanish is vital to success and students will be expected to
demonstrate their progress in this area in formal and informal evaluations as well
as during the regular classroom routine.
Grades will be weighted as follows:
Final Exam
Grading Scale:
A+ 98-100
A- 90-92
B 80-82
C 70-72
D+ 68-69
D- 60-62

Unexcused Absences-

Students will earn a grade of 0 on any assignment/quiz/test etc on the day of an unexcused absence.

Excused Absences-

Students have the responsibility of finding out their missed assignments using
Schoology/Twitter/Remind. Generally students will have one day for each day they were absent to
make up their work. In instances of prolonged absences, special arrangements will have to be made.
Students should check with the teacher for assignment information. All assignments for the day
missed will be entered as a 0 grade until made up by the student within the allotted time period.


I have read, understood and agree to abide by the policies outlined in the Spanish 5 syllabus.
Student Signature: ______________________________________________________
Print Student name: _____________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________


For each box of tissues or canister

of Clorox Wipes you bring to class you will receive 10 points extra credit. MAXIMUM of 3 items (30
points) allowed. This offer is good through Monday, January 11th, 2016.

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