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Healthy Working guide


Are You

Smartphones and
Eye Comfort and
Desk Stretches & the
Importance of Breaks
Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your

For detailed information on Accentures management of

Safety, Health and Welfare please read UK Policy 773 or your
relevant Safety Statement (Ireland).

Using Your Portable


Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

This guide provides a summary of information that you may

find useful in improving your comfort at work. It will help to
reduce the risk of experiencing any pain or discomfort when
sitting at your workstation or travelling to various locations.


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Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Workstation Safety

Are You
Using Your Portable

Stand and take a break from your computer every 30

Stand during phone calls
Use the stairs
Have standing or walking meetings
Eat your lunch away from your desk
Walk to your colleagues desk instead of phoning or
emailing them
Stand at the back of the room during presentations
To help balance your working life with opportunities for
regular exercise and relaxation, take advantage of Accentures
gym membership subsidy scheme

Smartphones and
Eye Comfort and
Desk Stretches & the
Importance of Breaks
Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your

Follow these simple changes to convert sitting time to

standing time whilst in the office;

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

It has been estimated that an office worker can spend up to

5 hours a day sat down; around 25 hours a week or 45 days
per year. Whats more, office workers are not compensating
for this sedentary lifestyle once they escape the office. Keep
moving by limiting the length of time spent on individual


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Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Keep Moving!

Are You

Adjust to ensure there is

a 3-5cm gap between the
seat and the back of your

Lumbar Support

Adjust to ensure the

support fits into the
small of your back

Using Your Portable


Seat height

Sit at a height where

your forearms are at 90

Eye Comfort and


Smartphones and

Seat Pan

Desk Stretches & the

Importance of Breaks

Adjusting your

Can be adjusted
backwards and
forwards to ensure
your back is
adequately supported
and the natural S
shape of the spine is

Ways to Reduce Stress

Back rest

Adjust to ensure they do not prevent you from

getting close enough to your desk. Pivot arms can
be brought closer to the body and can be used as
an extension of the desk to rest arms

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

Arm Rests


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Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Adjusting your chair

Are You

Smartphones and
Eye Comfort and
Desk Stretches & the
Importance of Breaks
Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your
Using Your Portable

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

Relax your arms by your sides and bend your arms at the
elbow to 90
Keep wrists and hands in a neutral position whilst typing
Adjust the armrests on your chair (if any) so they allow you
to get close to your desk
Eyes should be roughly at the same height as the top of
your screen
Screen at arms length
Feet should be resting flat on the floor, knees at roughly
90 (if not you may require a footrest)
Back straight, supported though relaxed and not leaning
Ideally seat pan should be adjusted to allow a 3-5cm gap
between the seat and the back of your knees
Joints should be in a neutral position
Avoid slouching or leaning forward or backwards in your


Contact Information

Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Are You Comfortable?

Are You
Using Your Portable

Place the body of the laptop on the portable riser so that the
screen is upright (see picture)
Adjust the height of the riser using the tabs at the back of the riser
so that the top of the screen is at eye level
Should you have an external monitor available for use, connect the
monitor to the laptop at the pin port on the laptop. Ensure the top
of the screen is at eye level.
It is difficult to adopt the correct sitting position whilst working
directly from a laptop when travelling. You are advised to never
work directly from your laptop for more than 2 hours without a
portable Accessory Pack; laptop riser, keyboard and mouse. If
working from a laptop is unavoidable, please ensure you take
frequent stretch breaks.

Smartphones and
Eye Comfort and
Desk Stretches & the
Importance of Breaks

UK: A portable keyboard and riser can be obtained (free of charge)

from LTS (ext. 45995 / 020 7844 5995). Please note a mouse is
standard issue with all new laptops.
Ireland: A portable keyboard and riser can be obtained (WBS element
required) via SmartBuy. Please note a mouse can be ordered free of
charge from

Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your

To order this equipment, please follow the instructions below;

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

We recommend you never work directly from your laptop for more
than 2 hours without the external equipment; monitor or laptop riser,
separate keyboard and mouse. Using the external equipment will
ensure that you adopt the correct posture and minimise the risk of
back injury and Upper Limb Disorders.

Contact Information

Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Using YourPortable Equipment

Are You

Smartphones and
Eye Comfort and
Desk Stretches & the
Importance of Breaks
Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your

Use a backpack with both shoulder straps to allow the

weight to be spread evenly across the upper back and
Use a trolley bag to assist you when when carrying heavy
Reducing the amount of items carried (the battery can
often be removed from laptops when not required)
Posting any documentation to its destination rather than
Storing documentation electronically

Using Your Portable


Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

Should your job require you to transport a laptop and

documentation - Consider the following to assist you:


Contact Information

Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Transporting Equipment

Are You
Using Your Portable

Eye Comfort and


Smartphones and

A tablet is a great device

for when travelling or
completing quick tasks such
as checking email, browsing
the internet or note taking.
For longer periods of work
be smart and use your laptop
with an Accessory Pack.

Desk Stretches & the

Importance of Breaks

Adjusting your

The best way to use your tablet is on a table or other

surface that raises the height of the tablet. Laying your
tablet flat on your lap causes you to tilt your head forward
eventually causing neck and shoulder strain
Consider using a tablet case (with a built in stand)
designed to make gripping a tablet easier, more
comfortable, and more secure
If you are using the on-screen keyboard for extended
periods consider using a bluetooth external keyboard
When using a tablet away from your desk and no
peripheral equipment is available, you should;
-- Vary the hand you hold the tablet in
-- Vary the position of the hand on the tablet and the way
the device is held
-- Not use the tablet for too long at any one time
If you find you are leaning forwards to view the tablet,
enlarge the image or text
Use a light touch when using the screen regularly. Have
the tablet flat or only slightly angled to ensure your wrists
are not in awkward positions
Keep your screen clean for good visibility and hygiene

Ways to Reduce Stress

To reduce the risk of developing neck and upper limb if using

a tablet follow the healthy working advice below;

Take regular short breaks every 15 minutes. Stretch your hands,

shoulders and neck and look into the distance to relax your eyes
Avoid using your tablet before bedtime. This can have a
negative effect on sleep as using the tablet stimulates the brain

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving


Contact Information

Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Smartphones and Tablets

Are You

To avoid stress:
Take breaks between 2 and 3 minutes every 15 minutes
and enjoy your free time by silencing your phone

Using Your Portable


To help prevent accidents:

Employees driving for business reasons must never make
or receive calls, texts or web browse on a mobile device,
whether hand-held or hands-free, whilst driving.
It is recommended to turn off the phone or put to silent
when you are driving

Smartphones and
Eye Comfort and
Desk Stretches & the
Importance of Breaks

To relieve muscle tension in the neck:

Avoid holding the phone between the face and shoulder
Use a wired or wireless headset with microphone to avoid
awkward postures

these basic
smart device
safety tips to
improve your

Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your

To relieve muscle tension of the fingers:

Alternate between thumbs and other fingers to type
Hold the phone in one hand and operate touch screens
with fingers on the other hand
Keep wrists straight and relaxed to hold and use the phone
Gently stretch finger muscles and joints regularly

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving



Contact Information

Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Smartphones and Tablets

Are You
Using Your Portable

Accenture provide free eye test for all employees. The

procedure and associated forms can be found in the Health
and Safety Policy 773 for the UK and the Accenture Safety
Statement for Ireland

Smartphones and
Eye Comfort and
Desk Stretches & the
Importance of Breaks
Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your

Rest your eyes periodically by focusing on distant objects

Stop, look away and blink at regular intervals to moisten
the eyes
Alternate duties with other non-computer tasks such
as filing, phone work or customer interaction to provide
periods of rest for the eyes
Stay hydrated
Take regular breaks
Optimise your workstation to adopt the correct posture
and minimise tension headaches

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

Viewing the monitor for long periods of time can cause eye
fatigue, dryness and headaches.


Contact Information

Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Eye Comfort and Headaches

Are You
Using Your Portable

Hold your right arm out in front

of you - hand facing out. With
your left hand pull downwards
until you feel a stretch along the
forearm and/or wrist. Repeat for
the left arm.

Chin tuck

Place a finger on your chin and

gently push your head back a
little. Repeat with your other

Arms across chest

Raise your right arm to near

shoulder level. Grasp behind the
right elbow with your left hand
and pull the arm across your
chest until you feela stretch.
Hold for 5 seconds and repeat
with the other arm.

Smartphones and
Eye Comfort and

Pull shoulders back

Sitting upright in your chair (so

that your back is not touching
the back rest), pull your
shoulders backwards until you
feel a slight stretch across your

Forearm wrist stretch

Place your hands together in

a prayer position. Apply gentle
pressure allowing your palms to
make contact and your wrists
to bend back, until you feel
a stretch on the back of your

Desk Stretches & the

Importance of Breaks

Make sure there is plenty of

room behind your chair. Put your
hands behind your head and
lean back in your chair. DO NOT
lean so far back that your chair
becomes unstable.

Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your

Forearm stretch down

Lean back

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

Prolonged sitting at a workstation can cause muscular

tension and pain
Taking a few minutes every hour to do a series of stretches
can make your body feel better
Learn to stretch throughout the day whenever you feel
Complete some standing stretches, to improve circulation
Make sure you take regular, non-sedentary screen breaks
every hour, vary working tasks where possible and limit
prolonged screen use. You can achieve this by taking
regular water breaks (also beneficial in keeping yourself
well hydrated) and meeting in-person where possible

Contact Information

Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Desk Stretches and the

Importance of Taking Breaks

Are You

The following may help to reduce Stress:

Using Your Portable


Talk to someone to establish support: HR rep, Line

Manager, Family, Friends
Take regular breaks and drink plenty of water
Eat regularly
Use relaxation techniques
Massage therapy


Remember, stress is not always unhealthy. Some levels of

stress are required for us to perform optimally, stay motivated
and energised. However it is important to know your limit
and learn how to recognise when stress is beyond an ideal

Smartphones and
Eye Comfort and
Desk Stretches & the
Importance of Breaks
Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your

Physical ill-health such as: musculoskeletal disorders,

heart conditions, gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, and
Mental ill-health such as: poor concentration, depression
and/or anxiety
Behavioural changes such as: increased smoking, drinking,
short temper, withdrawal, or other sudden changes in

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

When there are a combination of pressures at a level which

exceeds your ability to cope, this may result in stress. Stress
can lead to many problems, including;

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Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Ways to Reduce Stress

Are You

Air conditioning and central heating systems in the workplace

can make you dehydrated. As a result, many people suffer
from fatigue and headaches, ultimately affecting their ability
to concentrate. Most people need 1.5 2 litres of fluid a day.
To keep yourself hydrated, try to keep a glass of water next to
you, drink a glass of water with every meal and carry a bottle
with you so its constantly available (Source: Bupa Health
Information 2012).

Using Your Portable


3. Organise your working life

If your work day often leaves you feeling stressed and

overwhelmed, it is time get more organised. Firstly, make sure
you arrive a few minutes early for work to give you time to
organise your tasks for the day and get mentally prepared.
Secondly, organise your workspace including clearing your
desk and deleting old emails.

5. Snack on happy foods

Pack some healthy snacks for work to keep your spirits up and
boost your mood. Certain nutrients in food can affect how we feel,
so try stocking up on well-known happiness-inducing foods such
as walnuts, bananas and wholegrains. Also, stick to low-GI foods
for slow- release energy, as low blood sugar levels can lead to

Smartphones and
Eye Comfort and
Desk Stretches & the
Importance of Breaks

2. Keep Hydrated

Try giving yourself an instant happiness boost by squeezing some

exercise into your lunch break. Exercise is good for boosting selfesteem and letting off stress, and it also releases chemicals in the
brain such as endorphins which can boost your mood and leave
you feeling great. If you have shower facilities at work you could
go for a lunchtime run. Alternatively, a brisk walk around the
shops will get your heart rate up without working up a sweat.

Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your

Walking or cycling to work will act as the perfect wakeup

as well as getting you to your destination. If you travel by
public transport, consider getting off a stop or two earlier or
even parking your car just that little bit further away. You will
feel more energised, stimulated, all at no extra cost!

4. Get active in your lunch break

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

1. Make the most of your journey


Contact Information

Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Are You

We have said it before and we will say it againtake frequent

breaks while at work! It will help you to focus better. Simple
stretching exercises will help prevent your muscles from
getting tired. Some people make the mistake when under
pressure at work of skipping breaks because theyre trying to
catch up when in fact having a break would be of more
benefit. You should also ensure that you take all the breaks
and holidays youre entitled to.


Smartphones and
Eye Comfort and
Desk Stretches & the
Importance of Breaks

7. Take time out

On the way home you should start to put all your work thoughts
aside. Have a quick debrief with yourself - consider questions such
as what you did well today, what didnt go well, or what things
you need to do tomorrow. Do your best to forget about anything
work-related. In most cases, once youve left the workplace there
will be little you can do about any problems until youre back in
work tomorrow so dont worry about it!

Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your

Regardless of how you feel, try to adopt a positive and

friendly attitude when talking to colleagues. Research shows
that the act of smiling can actually make you feel happier, so
try to paste on a smile however you really feel it may just
boost your mood and your workplace happiness.

8. Debrief your day

Using Your Portable


Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

6. Be positive and friendly towards your colleagues


Contact Information

Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Top 8 Ways to Have

a Healthier Work Day

+ 44 20 7844 1102 or

Other Contacts

Are You

CIO Technology Services

(for telephone and OC headsets)
+44 20 7844 5995
UK Facilities
(for issues with lighting and temperature)
+44 20 7844 1111 or

Smartphones and

Big White Wall is a proactive online wellbeing service and community. It is

an open forum to share and be heard and is strictly anonymous. There are
guides online to support and steer users into action when necessary. It is also
a great resource for all mental health related information. To access Big White
Wall click this link:

Using Your Portable


Ireland Facilities
(for issues with lighting and temperature)
Ext. 8401 or

Employee Assistance Programme Ireland

Other Links

The EAP website provides you with information, advice and support to help
you improve your wellness:

Homeworking UK and Homeworking Ireland

or email


Irish Smartbuy
UK Smartbuy

Employee Assistance Line 1800 995 956 (available to employees and

immediate family in Ireland)

Username: vhiaccenture

Eye Comfort and


Sleepio is an app that is designed to help overcome acute poor sleeping.

Following a 10 minute sleep test, you are provided with personalised
recommendations to help remedy the issue that support a better nights sleep
via clinically proven techniques. To access the programme contact where you will be provided a unique code that will
enable access.

Desk Stretches & the

Importance of Breaks

UKI Workplace Risk Management

Bupa Healthy Minds (Employee Assistance line) - 0800 023 4833 (option 1)
available to employees only

Ways to Reduce Stress

Adjusting your

Employee Assistance Programme UK

Top 8 Ways to Have a

Healthier Work Day

Keep Moving

Should you have any questions about this document, or if you

are experiencing any pain or discomfort while working please
contact the UKI Risk Management Team;

Contact Information

Workstation Safety
UK & Ireland

Contact Information

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