Sales Process Document

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Lead Generation, Sales

and Presales process

by Enoch Pakanati

INBOUND Lead Gen process

Outbound Lead Gen process

Outbound Lead Gen process

1.1 Inside Sales(Email/LinkedIn)
1.1.1Process Elements Region/Domain wise division of Inside Sales team
Description: Inside Sales team is divided on the basis of Region/Domain. An individual may have 1 region-1 domain, 1 region-multiple domains etc. Database Formation
Description: Database needs to be formed based on the division/domain. Database Validation
Description: Data obtained may contain errors viz. old employees or invalid e-mail id's etc. Hence data has to be verified. Target companies
1) Priority
2) Incase companies over 500 mn are exhausted Companies with revenue of 500mn & +
Description : Priority is to target companies having revenue over 500 million. Find E-mail Id's of Senior Executives
Description : After identifying target companies, contact details (e-mail id's/LinkedIn profiles) are to be obtained.
. If more than 5 contacts available Mail to top 5 executives

Description : Top 5 executives across depts. are to be mailed to avoid clutter in one dept. Mail next 5 executives Description
If first 5 contacts do not respond, next 5 contacts are to be mailed

Descriptions 1st follow up (depending on the importance of lead within 2-3 days)
Description : 1st follow up is to be done on the basis of importance of the lead. If the lead is very important 1st follow up is done within 2 days of 1st mail/message. 2nd follow up (next week) Description
2nd follow up to be done in the following week. 3rd follow up (20days-1month) Description
3rd follow up to be done after 20 days /1month. Setup Meet/Conference call with HOS or concerned person
Description : If there is a positive reply from the lead, a meeting/conference call is setup with the Head of Sales or another concerned person. Contact with reference of 1st contact
Description : Incase the lead gives another point of contact for further discussions, the new POC is contacted with reference to the 1st contact.
Description : If 5 or less contacts are available
Mail to all executives
Try combination of E-mail id's till 1 works
In case of no data for e-mail id's , various combinations of e-mail id's are tried e.g., fistname.lastname , lastname.initial etc. Companies with revenue less than 500mn
Description : If companies having revenue over 500 million are exhausted, Companies below the 500 million mark may be targeted in descending order

Sales Process

Sales Flow - Startups and SMBs

1.1.1Process Elements Sales-Operations Head
Description : Sales Operations Head receives leads from various sources. His responsibility is to differentiate between qualified & unqualified leads & allocate it to the
concerned BDM.
. Qualify the lead Background research on lead

Description : Background check on the lead with various parameters viz. Financials, no .of employees etc. Qualified lead
Description : By looking into the profile of the lead if the SOH thinks the lead can be a potential prospect. SOH Assigns BDM
Description : Based on the type of application (enterprise/gaming) SOH assigns BDM. Unqualified lead
Description : If SOH finds lead to be low on funds or impractical concept Have an Introduction call/E-mail
Description : BDM sends an introductory mail or calls the prospect Obtain detailed information of project
Description : BDM/SOH requests for detailed information about the project

Description Follow-ups
Description : If the client does not respond to the introductory mail/call, follow ups may be made depending upon the importance of the prospect. Request/Prepare Scope Document

Description : If client agrees, request for scope document is made. Scope document contains accurate requirements & features of the application. Request for estimate (Old lead) Request for estimate
Description : As per the scope document request for an estimate is made to the technical department. Proposal sent to prospect

Description : After the estimate is prepared it is sent to the BDM, who sends it to the client in form of a proposal. Main Flow 1(Big Enterprise module) Discount/Payment options offered
Description : If client indicates disapproval with the estimated cost, payment options or discounts are offered. END of process

Description: If still client disagrees, END of process Statement of Work sent to Client

Description : If client agrees with the proposal, SOW followed by MSA are sent Master Service Agreement sent

1.2 Main Process
1.2.1 Out of sales module Elements
Description: Technical dept. analyses requirements and generates an estimate with the timeline. Kick off - Project Manager (Walkthrough of Development Process to the client)
Description: The project manager along with the BDM gives the client a walkthrough of the entire project. Billing Team
Description : Initialization request is sent to the Billing team to generate an initial invoice. Initial Invoice generated (30% of total project cost)
Description : Initial invoice is 30% of the total project cost which has to be paid by client, unless it is received the project does not start. Invoice for remaining 70% cost is generated at intervals of 15 days
Description : Remaining project cost is to be paid at intervals of 15 days. Project manager has to remind Billing team to generate invoices.

Sales Process for Enterprises

1.1 Big Enterprises
1.1.1Process Elements Request for Information (from lead)
Description : Big enterprises put out an RFI to selected companies who they think can work with them in solving their issue. Filling of R.F.I (Done by Pre-sales team)
Description : The RFI is filled in by the pre-sales team carefully and accurately within the stipulated time period. Request for quote is received from client side
Description : IF shortlisted, RFQ is received from client end. Client may directly ask for RFQ also. END of process
Description : If not shortlisted. END of process.
. Client Company Resend to pre-sales with correction to be made

Description: If any errors are found at the time of reviewing , it is sent back to the pre-sales with the corrections to be made. Point of contact/BDM
Description : If pre-sales team has any queries, the queries should be passed on to the POC/BDM who will send it to the client. After recieving the answers from the client
POC/BDM will pass it back to pre-sales. Estimate Made by Pre-sales team

Description Estimate Reviewed by CEO,BDM & Technical Team until it is properly drafted
Description : Estimate made by pre-sales team is reviewed by CEO,BDM & technical team. If it is properly drafted, it is sent to the client in form of proposal

Pre-Sales Process Flow Chart

1. The sales team sends Request for Information (RFI) or Request for Proposal (RFP) to the
Estimates team or the Pre-sales team.
2. Based on the budget the sales team decides if the project has to go to the estimates or pre-sales
3. If <$100,000 then the project goes to the estimates team, if >$100,000 then the project goes to the
pre-sales team.

1. The sales team passes on the RFI/RFP to the estimates team if the project value is less than
2. The estimates team further gives it to the estimators that comprise of Lead, senior producer or
senior developer.
3. Thereafter customer needs are understood and new opportunities are explored by assessing
4. The next step involves filling a detailed workbook taking various technical details into
consideration, assumptions related to the project are also made in this stage.
5. This goes back to the estimates which further pass it on to the sales team.

1. The sales team passes on the RFI/RFP to the pre-sales team if the project value is more than
2. Thereafter a detailed study over customer requirement, feasibility and opportunities is done. This
also involves identifying opportunities.
3. If there is requirement for any clarifications the sales team is asked which reverts back to the
presales team once again with the solution and the same process is followed till the time all the
questions are answered.
4. In the next step a detailed proposal is prepared that involves a series of sub-processes. This is
shown in the next flow chart.
5. Finally a proposal is prepared and sent to the sales team which sends it to the client to get clients
6. The last stage involves a client call which is done by sales team and pre-sales team jointly.
7. Lastly the details are given to the engineering team which in collaboration with the sales and presales teams prepare the SOW.
8. Thereafter, a delivery team takes it further.

Detailed proposal involves a series of important processes. It includes defining the problem and finding
out a solution to it. Understanding the functional requirements and assumptions that are to be made
while preparing the process plan. The approach to get the deal done is also an important aspect of
detailed proposal which involves expertise and providing relevant solutions based on the requirements.
This also includes defining a team for the process and provide training and support throughout. Onsite
visit is also a part of this which is done only when required.
Describing the PT-SDLC and other technical specifications is another important aspect of detailed

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