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United Nations

The First Committee of the General

Disarmament and International Security

Biological and Chemical Weapons
Proposer: Albania, Saudi Arabia
The First Committee of the General Assembly,
Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,
Reaffirming the Biological Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapon Convention
Reaffirming its call upon all signatory States that have not yet ratified the Convention
to do so without delay, and calling upon those States that have not signed the
Convention to become parties thereto at the earliest possible date, thus contributing to
the achievement of universal adherence to the Convention
Considering the importance and effectiveness of confidence-building measures taken
at the initiative and with the agreement of all States concerned, and taking into
account the specific characteristics of each region

Encourages civil society, including non-governmental organizations, such as ICRC

and human right watch to engage, as appropriate, in efforts to enhance the
implementation of Biological Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapon
Enhance the transparency, urge all countries not only to declare their stockpiles

Isolating the relatively small number of countries that refuse to join, limiting their
access to precursor chemicals, and bringing international political and economic
pressures to bear if these states maintain their CW programs
Strengthening and enhancing the effective functioning of the OPCW to monitor the
existence of biological and chemical weapons development, technical assistance for
destroying the chemical weapons
1. Additional funding to maximize the monitoring function of Organization for
the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
2. Allow OPCW to examine whether a weapons can be considered as chemical
3. As an addition, OPCW also monitor the weapons makers to make sure there is
no more chemical weapons are being developed
Making the CWC and BWC legally-binding treaties to make sure that all states will at
first destroy all of their existed stockpiles or develop another type of BW and CW
Set the legal definition of CW and BW,

The term chemical weapons is applied to any toxic chemical or its precursor
that can cause death, injury, temporary incapacitation or sensory irritation
through its chemical action. The chemical substantion contained in a delivery

system, such as a bomb or shell.

The term biological weapons is applied to refer actions of spreading disease
among humans, animals, plants, with the intent to kill as an act of war

Recognizes the need to continue ensuring that fair and clear procedures under the
United Nations disarmament-related sanctions regime are strengthened in order to
enhance their efficiency and transparency, and welcomes and encourages the ongoing
efforts of the Security Council in support of these objectives, including by supporting
the enhanced role of the office of the ombudsperson and continuing to review all the
names of individuals and entities in the regime, while emphasizing the importance of
these sanctions in using chemical and biological weapons
Recommend Security Council to impose economic sanction to non-compliant member

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