Full Wave

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ECE103 / T191

Submitted by: Etorma, Ariston A.

Course/Year: BSCpE/2nd
Date of Experiment: December 11, 2015
Date of Submission: December 18, 2015



II. Objective

To become familiar with full-wave rectification

III. Introduction
The conversion of AC into DC is called Rectification. Electronic devices can
convert AC power into DC power with high efficiency. A drawing of a full-wave bridge
rectifier is given below. The bridge is composed of four diodes in a diamond shape.
During the positive half-cycle of input voltage vin the terminal A is at positive potential
with respect to the terminal B and because if this diodes D1 and D2 are forward biased
whereas diodes D3 and D4 are reverse biased. The current therefore flows through diodes
D1, D2 and load resistor RL. During the negative half-cycle of input voltage waveform,
on the other hand, the diodes D3 and D4 are forward biased whereas the diodes D1 and
D2 are reverse biased. Like the half wave circuit, a Full Wave Rectifier Circuit produces
an output voltage or current which is purely DC or has some specified DC component.
Full wave rectifiers have some fundamental advantages over their half wave rectifier
counterparts. The average (DC) output voltage is higher than for half wave, the output of
the full wave rectifier has much less ripple than that of the half wave rectifier producing a
smoother output waveform. In a full wave rectifier circuit we use two diodes, one for
each half of the wave. A multiple winding transformer is used whose secondary winding
is split equally into two halves with a common center tapped connection. Configuration
results in each diode conducting in turn when its anode terminal is positive with respect
to the transformer center point C produces an output during both half-cycles. Full rectifier
advantages are flexible compared to that of half wave rectifier. The full wave rectifier
circuit consists of two power diodes connected to a single load resistance (RL) with each
diode taking it in turn to supply current to the load resistor. When point A of the
transformer is positive with respect to point A, diode D1 conducts in the forward
direction as indicated by the arrows. When point B is positive in the negative half of the
cycle with respect to C point, the diode D2 conducts in the forward direction and the
current flowing through resistor R is in the same direction for both half-cycles of the

IV. Discussion
On the part 1 of the experiment we determine the threshold voltage using
The diode-checking capability of the DMM. After checking the threshold voltage we
construct the full wave bridge rectifier and were stuck on part 2 for 30 minutes because
even if we did construct the circuit correctly it still having short circuit when we put the
transformer on the diodes. We kept on changing the layout of the circuit and it still has
the same result. Until on the last 30 minutes somehow we make it work and it has too
much noise on the oscilloscope. So on our data we just imagine what would be the figure
that will be flashed on the oscilloscope. After getting the values that is needed on the
experiment we computed for the calculated values and we got a 6-9% percentage error
V. Procedure
PART 1. Threshold Voltage
Choose one of the four silicon diodes and determine the threshold voltage, VT, using
The diode-checking capability of the DMM.
VT = 0.7v
PART 2. Full-Wave Rectification
a) Construct the full wave bridge rectifier of fig 4.14. Be sure that the diodes are inserted
correctly and that the grounding is as shown. If unsure ask your instructor to check your
setup. Record the measured value of the resistor R

In addition, measure the rms voltage at the transformer secondary using the DMM set to
AC. Record that rms value below. Does it differ from the rated 12.6V?
Vrms (Measured) =12.45v
b) Calculate the peak value of the secondary voltage using the measured value
Vpeak (Calculated)=17.60v
c) Using the VT of Part 1 for each diode, sketch the expected output waveform vo on
fig.4.15. Choose a vertical and horizontal sensitivity based on the amplitude of the
secondary voltage. Consult your oscilloscope to obtain a list of possibilities. Record your
choice for each below.

Vertical Sensitivity=5v
Horizontal Sensitivity=7ms
d) Using the oscilloscope with the DC position, obtain the waveform for Vo and record on
fig.4.16. Use the same sensitivities employed in part 5(c) and be sure to preset the Vo
=0V line using the GND position of the coupling switch label the maximum and
minimum values of the waveform using the chosen vertical sensitivity.
How do the waveforms of part 5(c) and 5(d) compare?

e) Determine DC level of the full-wave rectified waveform of fig.4.16

VDC (calculated) =10.74v
f) Measure the DC level of the output waveform using the DMM and calculate the
percent difference between the measured and calculated values.

VDC (measured) =10.06V

(% Difference) =6.54%
g) Replace diodes D3 and D4 by 2.2 kOhm resistors and forecast the appearance of the
output voltage. Including the effects of VT for each diode. Sketch the waveform on
fig.4.17 and label the magnitude of the maximum and minimum values. Record your
choice of sensitivities below

Vertical Sensitivity=5v/div
Horizontal Sensitivity=2ms/div
h) Using the oscilloscope obtain the waveform for V0 and reproduce on Fig 4.18
indicating the maximum and minimum values. Use the same sensitivities and determine
in Part 5(g)

How do waveforms of figs. 4.17 and 4.18 compare?

i.)Calculate the DC level of the waveform of fig. 4.18
VDC (calculated)=
j.) Measure the DC level of the output voltage using the DMM and calculate the percent
VDC (measured)=
(% Difference)=
k) What was the major effect of replacing the two diodes with resistors?
Part 3. Full wave center tapped Configuration
a. Construct the network of fig.4.19. Record the measured value of the resistor R

Measure the two secondary voltages of the transformer with the DMM set on AC. Record
below. Do they differ from the 6.3V rating?
Vrms (measured)=
Vrms (measured)=
Using an average of the two rms readings, calculate the peak value of the overall
secondary voltage.
Vpeak (calculated)=
b. Using the VT of part 1 for each diode, Sketch the expected output waveform
Vo on fig. 4.20. Choose a vertical and horizontal sensitivity based on the
amplitude of the secondary voltage. Consult your oscilloscope to obtain a list
of possible settings. Record your choice for each below.

Figure 4.20
Vertical Sensitivity=
Horizontal Sensitivity=
c. Using the oscilloscope with the coupling switch in the DC position obtain the
waveform for Vo and record on fig. 4.21. Use the same sensitivities employed
in part 6(b) and be sure to preset the Vo= 0V line using the GND position of
the coupling switch. Label the maximum and minimum values of the
waveform using the chosen vertical sensitivity

Figure 4.21
How do the waveforms of figs 4.20 and 4.21 compare?
d. Determine and compare the calculated and measured valies of the DC level
associated with Vo

VI. Sample Computation

VII. Problems
VIII. Interpretation of Data
IX. Conclusion
Rectification is the process of converting an alternating voltage or alternating current into
direct voltage or direct current. The device used for rectification is called rectifier.
Rectifiers are mainly two types, half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier. Full wave

rectifier is a circuit which rectifies both half cycles of the a.c. when P of 1st diode is
positive, the 1st diode is forward biased and will conduct. Now the 2nd diode will not
conduct as it is reverse biased. In all the half cycles either of the two diodes will be
conducting. It is clear to see that full wave rectifier offers better efficiency since the full
ac supply cycle is used to supply power to the load although this is at the cost of an
additional three diodes. However, if a relatively smooth dc level is required the full wave
rectifier offers a dc output with much less ace ripple superimposed upon it, this means
that smaller and therefor cheaper smoothing capacitors could be used to make the
waveform much closer to a dc value
X. References
XI. Data Sheet

XII. Index

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