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Hello friends !!! Wah we've come to the meeting of the 14th !!

Really did not feel

already approached Final Exam in STAN and soon will leave beloved campus and
began a career as a financial officer in the Institutional Customs hohohoho !!!
Starting from the 14th until the meeting at the last meeting, the meeting of the 16th, a
big topic that will be discussed is the theme WRITING. Yeah, at this stage all the
grammar and vocabulary that have been learned from the beginning of the meeting
would be applied in an article, and the article certainly can not be arbitrary. There
must be rules that followed, so that later, systematic writing created is good and of
course maximum in terms of both the presentation and the contents therein. At the
14th meeting, the discussion regarding the writing begins with the games! Yeah
simple games that test our character. From the way we answer can be classified into
three characteristics, an innovative characteristics, stagnant characteristics, and
characteristics that worse than stagnant: O Which can be classified on the nature of
the first is that had the answer at least 4 out of 5 questions, to that second
characteristics are that had an answer at least 2 of 5, and the rest is that having the
answers is less than 2. I am was included in second characteristics huhuhu. I
remember that was the first characteristics is Sholih hohoho he exceptional (y)
This discussion is about "Paragraphs and Topic Sentences". We are introduced the
notion paragraph, that paragraph is combined sentence neatly arranged an coherent
and it all boils down to one topic. Where in the paragraph topic sentences are
functioning as a single controlling idea. Where in one paragraph there is only one
specific idea and acceptable. Also coherent, which means there is continuity in these
sentences and nothing is off the mark. Ms. Efi explained the overall quality of writing,

Answer to question

Organization, the order is Topic, Supporting, and Concluding


Flows of Idea

Elaboration and Example

grammatical mistake

Vocabulary Range

Word Count, which in this case size is 130-200 words.

Then we were given exercises to 30 numbers. We must determine whether a topic

sentences is OK or even not acceptable. We must pay attention to whether or not
specific and that discussed topic did not too extensive.
Well, according to the existing syllabus that we should make an outline and a simple
paragraph about a topic that was done in 15 minutes and then collected. WOW, really
challenging! The theme given sorted in order of seating and I got a topic about the
food! Yeah I immediately thought about the taste of the delicacy of fried goat in the
area of Central Jakarta Kebon Nuts, why fried rice has become a famous legend.
Supporting sentences of my writing is that of how to cook it, the spices used and the
place is simple but strategic.
Yeah, with a very short time given my later writings became a mess, but at least I've
compiled the writings organizations arguably yeah that I make enough effort though is
still much to be improved. Later entered the 15th meeting, we will learn about editing
and revising. Starting the 15th meeting we were given the task to assess and evaluate
our friend's workbook. I was paired with Bagus Yuliandri. Ms. Efi explained that in
evaluating we can not go around judging, we have to show the evidence and at the
end we have to give them incentives to both me and the Bagus later can improve
ourselves (y)
So, as this was the 12th weekly journal! WOW, my workbook already exceeded half a
book. Yeah hopefully the contents of my weekly journal also improved amen !!!
So first friends, let's get ready for Eid. Congratulations to who celebrates Sorry
inwardly and outwardly. Horeeee Opor chicken and ketupat !!! Eid, Eid hahahahaa
body, too but did not seem for me. I was difficult to fat huhu, hopefully there is
progress on weight after the holidays, AMINNNN !!!!!!
Welcome reunited with family Happy holidays !! Do not forget tasks also yes: p

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