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Julia Na******o

Writing Assignment: African Proverb
Speak softly and carry a big stick was President Theodore Roosevelts motto in
imperialism. If the African proverb is continued, then the next section states that you will go
far. Americas imperialistic stance at that time was a peace negotiator. The U.S. backed up
weaker countries saying that they will protect threatened countries, but were not afraid in using
their military powers. This big stick diplomacy characterized imperialism.

The imperialistic attitude of the United States regarding the fight in Cuba is a prime
example of this famous proverb. The U.S. was expanding its naval powers with the building of
the U.S.S. Maine. President McKinley sent the U.S.S. Maine to Cubas capital to aid in riots
between Cuba and Spain. As a peace negotiator, the U.S. tried to calm riots and help Cuba as
much as possible. When the U.S.S. Maine was bombed, the Spanish were blamed and the
Spanish-American War began on April of 1898. The U.S. defeated the Spanish in two months
and was given twenty million dollars along with the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam and Cuba.
The U.S. declared itself an imperial power in the Caribbean and Pacific. However, the U.S. also
negotiated and helped smaller countries gain its independence and power back. For example,
Cuba was declared independent after the Spanish-American War and the immense help they
received from America. Also, the Philippines became independent in 1946 after many bloody
years of war.

The Philippines depended on the United States for stability, but many radical rebels
fought for independence during a long and bloody quarrel with the American military. The big

stick policy was very prominent in the Philippines, since America was not afraid to use their
military to control rebellions. More deaths were reported in the fight with the Philippines than
the Spanish-American War. However, the Philippines were an important stepping stone for
Americas involvement with Asia. President McKinley tried to hold onto the Philippines,
because of his commercial interest in China. This led to the Open Door Policy, created by John
Hay, that allowed countries other than the European powers to have opportunities to trade with

President Theodore Roosevelt accomplished many impossible tasks during his

presidency, but his greatest accomplishment is the Panama Canal. Roosevelt strengthened
foreign policy in the South America. After defeating the Spanish, the U.S. was known as an
imperialistic power in the Pacific. Panama was a part of Colombia and the U.S. wanted access to
this narrow isthmus in order to create a connection from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean. In order
to do this, America took a controversial approach. America offered ten million dollars to the
Colombian government, but they refused to take it. The U.S. government secretly offered the ten
million to Panamanian mercenaries who then revolted against the Colombian government and
created the independent country of Panama. The Panamanian government quickly sealed the
contract to build the Panama canal. This displays the imperialistic attitude of President
Roosevelt and how he spoke softly to create the Panama canal, but also showed authority with
his big stick.
Americas imperialistic attitude during the time of President McKinley and Roosevelt can
be seen through the U.S. relations with Cuba, China, the Philippines and Panama. Although the
government mainly used peaceful negotiations to achieve new lands, a strong military force
supported them. Some of the strategies used are controversial such as President McKinleys

decision with the Philippines and President Roosevelts contract to build the Panama Canal
through the newly found, Panama. The African proverb, speak softly and carry a big stick,
embodied the overall mindset of the U.S. when dealing with foreign affairs.

"Theodore Roosevelt." SparkNotes. SparkNotes. Web. 30 Dec. 2015.
"American Imperialism - Boundless Open Textbook." Boundless. Boundless.
Web. 30 Dec. 2015. <>.
"AMERICAN IMPERIALISM: 1890-1913." AMERICAN IMPERIALISM: 18901913. Web. 30 Dec. 2015.
"The Rise of U.S. Imperialism in the Early 20th Century." Pdx. Web. 30 Dec.
2015. <>.

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