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I. Books and Supplies

The following table lists the required texts for Physics 198. You will need to purchase a lab manual and a
laboratory notebook before the first meeting of your lab section. The textbooks and lab manual are downstairs
in the textbook section of the campus bookstore. The lab notebook is shelved upstairs in the bookstore with all
the other types of laboratory notebooks.
Required Texts Thomas A. Moore: Six Ideas that Shaped Physics, McGraw Hill (2003).
Unit E: Electric and Magnetic Fields are Unified (3rd Edition)
Unit Q: Particles Behave Like Waves (2nd Edition)
Unit T: Some Processes are Irreversible(2nd Edition)
WU Physics 118/198 Lab Manual (Spring 2010FREE DOWNLOAD ONLINE)
Hayden-McNeil Physical Science Student Lab Notebook
Copies of the textbooks will also be on reserve in the Physics Library. Errata in the textbooks are posted on the
course website (see below). It is a good idea to correct these in your textbooks if and when you have decided to
remain in the course.
You will also need the following:
A good scientific calculator
A purple or green pen
A ruler with metric rulings (mm & cm)
II. Instructor Information
Dr. Thomas J. Bernatowicz (
Compton 468
Office Hours: After Class Crow 201 MWF => 10 10:30 AM (Section 1); 2 2:30 PM (Section 2);
4 PM 4:30 PM (Section 3)
Help Sessions (with Prof. Israel) =>
Tuesday 1:30 PM 3 PM Compton 245
Thursday 10:30 AM Noon Compton 245
Directions to Professor Bernatowicz Office: See Section VIII. A.
III. Course Website
The course webpage for Physics 198 is at General information that you need for
this course (syllabus, homework schedule, web links to homework solutions and computer programs for
homework assignments, how to find your professor, lab manual, etc.) is posted on this website. The professor
will give you the user ID and password to access the course content link on the first day of class. NOTE: You
may need to disable your popup blocker to successfully download items from the course website.
IV. Summary of the Course
Three one hour class meetings per week (1-2 PM or 3-4 PM) Monday, Wednesday, Friday in Crow 201.
NOTE: You must remain in the Section for which you registered. Switching sections is not permitted.
One 2.5 hour lab most weeks (Crow 311, 314, 316).
Three 2-hour (nominal) exams, each emphasizing material from about one-third of the semester.
NB: You are required to take all three exams! DO NOT schedule any commitments that will conflict
with the exam times in the following table. DO NOT make end-of-semester travel plans that would
prevent you from taking the third exam at the designated time!!!
Exam #

Thursday, February 24
Thursday, March 31
Friday, May 6

6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

V. Course Description

A. Textbook Reading and Class Assignments

Daily reading and homework assignments for the entire semester are posted on the course web page under the
Course Content link, in the Syllabus, and in the Homework Assignments sub-links. We will cover one new
chapter of the text in each class meeting. Because the class meetings will be structured on the assumption that
you are adequately prepared, simply attending the lectures does not fulfill your obligations to the course. You
will be expected to participate actively in various kinds of group discussions and exercises. Therefore, it is not
only recommended, but is absolutely essential to your success in the course to carefully read and study each
assigned chapter before coming to class. The text has exercises embedded in each chapter that you should
attempt to solve as you go along. The solutions to these exercises appear at the end of each chapter in case you
get stuck. It is strictly your responsibility to consult the Homework Assignment sheet to find out what
assignments (reading and homework) are due on a given day. Because you will need to do this nearly every
day, it is recommended that you save the printed Syllabus and the Homework Assignments sheets in this
document and/or get them from the course website and keep them in a convenient place for reference.
B. Homework Problems
Problem solving is a crucial component of Physics 198. To encourage you to grapple with the subject matter,
TWO DAILY homework problems will be assigned from each chapter. These problems are due at the
beginning of class on the day the chapter will be discussed in class. In addition, there will be two or three
weekly, generally more labor-intensive, homework problems assigned (typically due on Monday, see Syllabus).
The WEEKLY problems consist of one problem per chapter covered that week, so that you can work on the
weekly problems in parallel with your daily problems if you wish, instead of putting off these problems until the
weekend. Note: short answers to all of the problems are available using the ProbViewer software (see below).
However, please note that these answers will be incorrect occasionally! Do not try to modify your solutions to
obtain the posted numerical answers in cases where you are asked to estimate input quantities!
Homework problems are due on the dates indicated in the Syllabus and Homework Assignments sheets. Initial
grading for each problem is based on a 10-point scale organized under five categories:
3 = all parts present and fully developed
2 = some parts incomplete
1 = major sections missing
0 = little meaningful work done
2 = model (i.e. physical reasoning) is clear to the grader
1 = some aspects are unclear
0 = model is completely opaque
Plausible: One point is awarded if the result's magnitude, sign, and/or units are
Initially OK: One point is awarded if the solution is acceptable on the first pass.
3 = no modeling or algebraic errors
2 = some modest errors were made
1 = fundamental errors were made
0 = almost nothing was correct

Graded problems will be returned to you the next class meeting after they are turned in. If you wish to submit
revisions (in the manner discussed below) to your solutions, you must do so on the day indicated in the syllabus
for that particular homework. However, you are not required to resubmit if you are satisfied with your grade
on that homework. Note that the initially graded problems will not contain any comments as to what specific
improvements are needed. It is up to you to correct your solutions intelligibly (in purple or green ink only)
on the paper you originally submitted, by comparing them to the detailed solutions that (by then) will be posted
on the web. To see the solutions, you will need to have the ProbViewer program, which is obtainable in both
Mac and PC versions from the Six Ideas website ( under the Useful
Computer Programs sub-link. You will also find a link to the Six Ideas website in the Physics 198 website.
You may use the posted solutions as examples of good style and content, although you will often be able to give
a good solution in far fewer words. Revised problems should include all originally submitted sheets.
Revisions submitted by the due date (see Syllabus) for REVISED homework will be re-graded. You can earn
additional points in the Clear and Correct categories (but ONLY in these categories)! This means,
for example, that a solution that was initially complete and evaluated for plausibility, but not initially OK, could
earn a maximum of 9 out of a possible 10 points. Thus, if you are conscientious about doing your homework
and make a serious attempt to solve every problem that is assigned, you should be able to receive no less than
an A- on the homework (which constitutes 35% of your final grade)think about it!
Since the point of the daily homework is to ensure that you are prepared for class and that you are able
to contribute effectively, the professor will NOT accept submissions after the beginning of the class on
which they are due, and you will receive ZERO credit for the assignment.
CLASS ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. If you submit an assignment on time, but LEAVE without
staying for the class, the work will NOT be accepted (unless you have obtained prior permission from the
professor) and you will receive ZERO credit. You may NOT submit homework for another student
without permission from the professor.
Revisions will NOT be accepted for work previously assigned a 0, or for homework that is submitted
after the deadline.
=> All initial and revised submissions should show your name, student ID number, and section number
LEGIBLY on the top of the first page. You should provide the identification label for the assignment. Daily
homework has a D label (1D, 2D, etc.) and Weekly homework has a W label (1W, 2W, etc.), as indicated
in the Homework Assignments sheet.
There can be circumstances beyond your control (illnesses, pressing deadlines for other courses, etc.), so
flexibility is built into this systemthe lowest 4 daily homework grades, and the lowest weekly homework
grade, will be dropped before your final homework score for the course is calculated. If there is some longterm problem, do not hesitate to contact the professor in person or by email to make suitable accommodations.
As with the initial submissions, the dates that revised problems should be submitted are listed in the Syllabus
and also in the Homework Assignments sheet.
The same rules as for the Daily Homework apply to the Weekly Homework. Solutions to Weekly Homework
problems will also be posted and viewable using the ProbViewer program.
=>Note: students missing more than four of the daily homework assignments and/or more than one of the
weekly homework assignments will fail the entire course, regardless of their overall grade!
Boxes for initial and revised submissions of daily and weekly homework will be present in the classroom. You
may use loose-leaf paper for the assignments, but make sure that multiple sheets are stapled together and that
each sheet contains your name.

C. Homework and Classroom Ground Rules

Physics as practiced in real life is often a collaborative exercise. Students are therefore permitted and
encouraged to work with classmates on homework to stimulate their own thought processes and to receive
feedback from their peers on possible misconceptions. However, the written work that you submit should be
yours aloneactual or effective xerox copies of homework are not permitted.
Class activities will always assume that you have done the assigned reading and daily homework.
These will include group discussion and two minute problem solving exercises, experiment
demonstrations, interactive professor-led problem solving, and mini-lectures to amplify course material.
Questions about the subject matter at hand are welcomed and encouraged. Do not hesitate to stop the
professor to ask about something that is unclear, or to suggest that he may have said or written something
that is incorrect (inevitably, he will!). Bring your textbook to EVERY class. You will need it for the
two minute problems.
You are expected to show up for class on time. Late arrival is rude, and disruptive to the professor as well
as to the entire class. Do not fumble around in the front of the room extracting your homework from your
backpack. Have it ready to turn in by the time you enter the classroom. Class will start promptly at 7
minutes after the hour and end promptly on the hour. When the classroom clock indicates that it is time
for the class to begin, stop talking and give the professor your full attention. You will be treated with
respect by the professor, and the same is expected from you. Show respect for your fellow students and for
their opinions. Do not roll your eyes or otherwise behave like a jerk. Should you arrive after class has
started, turn in your homework and take your seat as unobtrusively as possible. Five percent (5%) of your
final grade is based on attendance and class participation. Chronic lateness and/or absence from
class will result in complete or partial removal of this percentage from your TOTAL course score.
D. Laboratory
Laboratory experience is an integral component of the course that provides students with the opportunity to
explore physics concepts in an up-close and personal manner, and to develop careful measurement and
documentation skills. =>Note: any student missing more than two of the labs will fail the entire course
regardless of his/her overall grade.
First Week of Labs: Labs begin on Monday, Jan. 24. The schedule for laboratories can be downloaded
from the course webpage. It is imperative that you attend the first week of lab even if you have a conflict
with the lab section for which you are registered (see the next section on resolving lab conflicts). Before the
first lab session, students need to purchase a Hayden-McNeil Physical Science Student Lab Notebook from the
bookstore. Students should also download and read the Lab Information document and all the supplementary
material in the lab manual.
Lab Section Conflicts: Students who cannot attend the lab section for which they are registered
should try to switch lab sections using WEBSTAC. If there is a problem after January 22 that you cannot
handle, contact Dr. Mairin Hynes ( Send her an e-mail explaining your conflict and
your top 3 choices for a new lab section. Be sure to include your name, student identification number, e-mail
address, and course number (Phys 198) in the message. Any conflicts must be resolved before February 2.
Make-up Labs: Make-up labs will be scheduled only for legitimate absences and if lab space
permits. Make-up labs will take place on Saturday afternoons from 3:30-6:00 PM. The schedule for make-up
labs is posted on the course web page under the links Course Content -> Makeup Lab Policy and Schedule. To
request a make-up lab, complete the web-based form at the following URL:

Make-up lab requests must be submitted at least 24 hours prior to the time you want to make-up the
missed lab. You do not have a seat in a make-up lab until you receive a confirmation email message from
the head lab T.A. Make-up lab write-ups are due by 5 PM the Monday following the make-up lab.

E. Exams
You are required to take all three exams. Every exam is worth 15% of the final course grade.
i. Content: Each exam will emphasize material from about one-third of the course, but you may need to
draw upon material from earlier in the year in order to solve problems on the second and third exams.
Exam problems will be similar in difficulty to the homework problems.
ii. Review Sessions: The professor has set aside the class period preceding each exam for review of
material covered since the last exam (see Syllabus).
iii. Materials to Bring to the Exams: Bring pencils, erasers, a ruler and a calculator to each exam. You
may bring an ordinary sheet of paper to the exam (a so-called cheat-sheet) containing any kind of
information that you think might be useful. Only handwritten notes on both sides are permitted. You
may not attempt to obviate this rule by layering sticky notes, using extreme xerox size reduction, or
any other such tricks. The professor will take a dim view of duplicitous tactics, which will subject your
cheat sheet to confiscation. Any numerical constants that you need will be provided. No blue books are
needed--you will write your solutions on the exam paper itself. Cell phones must be turned off during
exams! Use of a cell phone will be considered cheating, and subject to the consequences in Section VI.
iv. Exam Locations, Duration, Protocol and Study Tips: Exams are given in various large classrooms
around campus. You will be assigned an exam room on the week of the exam. The exams are designed
such that average students will be able to complete them in two hours or less. However, we understand
that bad problem-solving strategies can sometimes lead to exams taking longer than two hours to
complete. Thus, to reduce stress and to eliminate such mishaps from being factors in determining your
grade, the exams have no time limit, provided that they are completed during the same calendar day
(i.e., before midnight). Given that exams start no later than 6:30 PM, you will always have sufficient
time. Exam questions will tend to be like homework problems, except that, in general, they will consist
of several parts that will help to guide you systematically in your thinking. The equivalent exam from
the previous year (with solutions) will be posted online during the week prior to your exam to give you
an idea of what kinds of questions and the level of difficulty you should expect. There will never be any
true/false or multiple-choice problems! Note: you may not ask questions of the exam proctor during
exams. The exams, unlike the homework, are intended for you to demonstrate what you yourself have
learned, and how you personally interpret physics questions, independent of help from anyone else. It is
therefore wise to participate actively in any study group of which you are a member. Passive study
habits, letting others do the work, and/or neglecting textbook study almost certainly will eventually hurt
you, because exams will require you to solve problems completely on your own, without any assistance.
Keep this in mind right from the very beginning of the semester!
v. Re-grade Requests for Exams: Graded papers are returned about one week after the exam. If you
think a grading error has occurred, give the exam to your professor with a note attached to the front
of the exam giving your specific reasons for the request.
vi. Make-up Exams: Make-up exams are a great inconvenience for everyone, and will be considered only
under extraordinary circumstances such as serious illness, off-campus varsity events (not practices), or
other off-campus university-sponsored activities. For medical excuses, the student must give permission
to the Student Health Service to tell the instructor the nature of the illness. For off-campus activities, the
groups faculty sponsor is required to contact the professor. If an unexpected emergency prevents you
from taking the exam, let your professor know as soon as possible.
vii. Do not schedule any commitments that will conflict with the exam times listed in the table on this
information sheet. DO NOT make end-of-semester travel plans that would prevent you from
taking the third exam at the designated time.
VI. Cheating
Cheating on exams, and copying homework or laboratory work are serious offenses. All suspected cases of
cheating are turned over to the Committee on Academic Integrity.

Final Course Grades
Your final course grade in Physics 198 will be determined from a weighted average of your exam, lab, and
homework scores. At any given time, you can figure out how you are doing based upon the following calculus:
Class Attendance
and Participation: 5%
Exam 1: 15%
Exam 2: 15%
Exam 3: 15%
Your course grade is based on an absolute scalethere is no curve! Therefore, your performance is judged
strictly on how well you have performed, not on how well or how poorly your fellow students have done. A
final course percentage of at least 90% will earn at least a grade of A-. A final course percentage of at least
80% will earn at least a grade of B-. A final course percentage of at least 70% will earn at least a grade of C-.
If the course is taken pass/fail, a grade of C- must be earned in order to pass the course. If an exam is judged to
have been too difficult based on overall results, the grade on that exam may be shifted up by a uniform number
of points for all students (Yes, it will then be possible for some students to get more than a perfect score on that
exam!). Grades will never be shifted down.
=>NOTE: in order to pass Physics 198, you must (1) take all three exams; (2) not miss more than ONE of
the labs; (3) not miss any more than FOUR of the daily homeworks; (4) not miss any more than ONE of
the weekly homeworks. If ANY of these criteria have not been met, YOU WILL NOT PASS THE
exceptions, and there is no extra credit work permitted.

Opportunities for Assistance

A. Instructor Availability
Physics 198 does not employ graduate students to answer student questions about the subject matter. The course
relies on interaction between the student and the professor for dealing with questions after-class and during the
hours allotted for help in problem solving (see Section II above for the location, days and times). In addition,
students are encouraged to contact the professor by e-mail for brief questions about the course material,
discussion of personal issues relevant to performance in the course, or to make an appointment. This can
save you time and shoe leather, and is especially effective when you want feedback sooner. Dont leave phone
messagesthe professor will usually not get them in time! Special appointments with the professor must be
scheduled by email in advance of any visit. To get to the professors office, take the stairs to the top floor of
Compton Hall. Bang loudly on the doors, and someone will come and let you in. Go to room 468. Questions
about the laboratory part of the course should be directed to Dr. Mairin Hynes (
B. Cornerstone (Center for Advanced Learning)
Cornerstone, located in Gregg Hall on the South-40, provides resources for students in academic counseling,
study/test-taking skills, reading skills, and time management skills. Students are encouraged to take advantage
of these services. For more information, contact the Cornerstone office (935-5970) or visit the web page at
IX. Special Accommodations (Disability Resource Center)
Special accommodations for lectures, laboratories, or exams are offered to students who have registered in a
timely manner at the Disability Resource Center (DRC), which is also located at Cornerstone in Gregg Hall on
the South-40. Information about the DRC may be found at Students who desire to
take advantage of this service should go to the DRC early in the semester well before the first exam. As soon as
you receive a letter from the DRC describing your accommodations, you should bring it to your instructor either
after class or during office hours so that the accommodations can be implemented.

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