UCC Bulletin 1-10-2016

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C at h o l i c
2010 University Ave. | Austin, TX 78705
Phone: 512.476.7351 | Fax: 512.476.7377

Close to Campus, Close to Christ




Office Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sunday Mass

10:30 am
8:00 pm

Daily Mass

MWF 12:05 pm TTh 12:30 pm

In the Holy Spirit Chapel

For alternative Mass times at St. Austins see page 3 


Monday 12:30 pm Tuesday 1:00 pm

Or by appointment

Other sacraments
Baptism or Marriage
Fr. Ed | frednowak@utcatholic.org
Fr. Jamie | frjamie@utcatholic.org
Marti Salas | marti@utcatholic.org
Becoming Catholic
Marti Salas | marti@utcatholic.org
Marriage Prep Workshop
Brandon Kraft | public@brandonkraft.com
Religious Education
Julie Ulrich | re@utcatholic.org

January 10, 2016 | The Baptism of the Lord

He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Luke 3:16
Your Ministry Team

A ministry of the Paulist Fathers

Fr. Ed Nowak, CSP


Fr. Jamie Baca, CSP

Associate Director

Marti Salas
Campus Minister

Br. Rob Clark, FMS

Campus Minister

Elizabeth Bertrand
Director of Development

Carol Filip
Development Associate

Danielle Castillo
Business Manager

Matthew Anderson
Administrative Assistant

Joseph Gonzales
Sunday Sacristan

Natalie Ross
Sunday Sacristan

Josh Parker
Sunday Sacristan
Monthly e-newsletter

Christina Sanchez
Team Leader
Margaret Beasley

In fellowship with

Erin Scanlan

Geoffrey Calvert
David Driskill

Our mission is to provide pastoral care to the Roman Catholic community at The University of Texas at Austin
and to advance the spiritual, intellectual, and social life of the students, faculty, staff, and administration.

January 10, 2016

The Baptism of the Lord

Reection & Weekly Readings

UCC News and Events


In what concrete ways are you living your faith

through service to others?

2-Masses ONLY today, January 10.

UCC reopened on weekdays

The UCC has now reopened for business according to our usual
semester schedule, Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Daily
Masses and Reconciliation times are as usual. Daily Masses are
MWF 12:05 pm & TTh 12:30 pm. Reconciliation Times are
Mondays at 12:35 pm & Tuesdays at 1:00 pm or by personal
appointment with one of the priests.
Prayer intention

Let us pray for our students who attended the FOCUS Leadership
Summit January 1-5, as well as for our students who will be
attending the Caritas Mission January 12-16.
Texas Catholic Pro-Life Day January 23, 2016

Join Catholics from across the state to promote

a Culture of Life on January 23, 2016. Prayer
begins at 7:00 am at Planned Parenthood at 201
E. Ben White in Austin. At 9:00 am all will
proceed to Saint Vincent de Paul Parish in
Austin. Mass with Bishop Joe Vsquez begins at
10:00 am. Lunch will be available after Mass. Buses will be
available to join the March for Life, which starts at 1:00 pm at 18th
Street & Congress Avenue and joins the Rally for Life at the Capitol
at 2:00 pm. Buses will return to St. Vincent de Paul at 3:30 pm
from the southeast corner of the Capitol at Brazos & 13th Street.
For those not riding a busjoin us at the Party for Life
here at the University Catholic Center from 3:30-5:30 pm!
Volunteers needed for party for life!

The Diocese of Austin will hold its Party for Life

here at the UCC on January 23, 2016, and they
need student volunteers! Set-up will begin at the
UCC around Noon, and your help is needed. The
event will be from 3:30-5:30 pm. If you or your
student group are interested in helping, email our Campus
Minister, Marti Salas, at marti@utcatholic.org.
Adult confirmation prep Spring 2016

If you are a baptized Catholic who has received first

communion and would like to be confirmed in the spring
of 2016, please contact our Campus Minister at:
marti@utcatholic.org. Classes will begin mid-January.

Catholic services appeal (CSA) update

As of December 21, 2015, UCC

parishioners have pledged
$4,956.00 to the CSA, which is
only 85% of our goal of $5,800.
Parishioners have paid $4,441.00 to the CSA, which is 90% of the
total amount pledged. Thank you all!

When was the last time you were filled with expectation? Advent?
Engagement? Graduation? New job? New city? How did that feel?
Was it a mixed feeling of anxious anticipation and uncertainty?
United with Christ in baptism our expectation has transformed
into mission. How will your mission reveal Christ?

Readings for the week

4-Mass Sundays will resume again NEXT

SUNDAY, January 17, 2016, with Masses at
9:00 am, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm, & 8:00 pm.


1 Sm 1:1-8; Mk 1:14-20
1 Sm 1:9-20; Mk 1:21-28
1 Sm 3:1-10,19-20; Mk 1:29-39
1 Sm 4:1-11; Mk 1:40-45
1 Sm 8:4-7,10-22a; Mk 2:1-12
1 Sm 9:1-4,17-19;10:1;
Mk 2:13-17
Is 62:1-5; 1 Cor 12:4-11;
Jn 2:1-11

Our Gifts to God

Sunday, December 6: $2,413.96
Living Faith Society: $10,577.00
$20 for $20k:
Black Bag:
Sunday Tithe, Mail-In $2,962.50
Overall amount $3,7543.61, NOT including any contributions
for Matching Gift Weekend. Further details on November
online giving will be published in the coming weeks!
Weekly Expenses approx. $11,000;
Building Debt: $47,641.62

UCCs Wish List

Want to contribute to a specific need?

Please take a look at our wish list!

50 New Monthly Donors ($50/month)

New Carpet & Installation ($11,500)
Carbos for Christ weekly spaghetti lunch ($100)
Semester of ministry activities for one student ($250)
Speaker Series event ($500)
Any gift you make to our ministry will help us bring the light of
Christ to more students at the University of Texas. Want to
make a difference? Contact Elizabeth Bertrand at:
elizabethb@utcatholic.org Thank you!

January 10, 2016

The Baptism of the Lord

St. Austin Parish

Week At A Glance
| Monday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time
Holy Spirit Chapel
St. Paul Reconciliation Chapel

2026 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX 78705 512.477.9471

Monday, JAN 11

12:05 pm
12:35 pm

Mass Times
Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:30 am | 9:00 am | 11:30 am| 5:30 pm
Daily MonFri 8:00 am | Mon-Thu 5:20 pm
Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment

| Tuesday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time

Holy Spirit Chapel
St. Paul Reconciliation Chapel

Tuesday, JAN 12

12:30 pm
1:00 pm

Wednesday, JAN 13

12:05 pm


Thursday, JAN 14

12:30 pm


| Wednesday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time

Holy Spirit Chapel

| Thursday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time

Holy Spirit Chapel

| Friday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time

Holy Spirit Chapel

Friday, JAN 15

12:05 pm

More UCC News and Events


If you are interested in attending World Youth Day with other

members of the UCC, the deadline to register has been
extended to February 1st. World Youth Day will be held in
Krakow, Poland from July 24August 1, 2016.
To learn more and to register: http://pilgrimages.com/ucc/
Questions? Contact Kay Coleman at: kay.coleman@gmail.com

Other Featured News and Events

Extraordinary Jubilee of mercy

Pope Francis has announced an Extraordinary

Jubilee of Mercy beginning on December 8, the
feast of the Immaculate Conception, and
concluding on November 20, 2016, the feast of
Christ the King. The Diocese of Austin will
observe the jubilee through the year by highlighting
mercy under three aspects: availing ourselves to
receive Gods mercy, especially through the
sacraments; catechesis to help us better understand Gods mercy;
and obeying the call to share Gods mercy with others, especially
through the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.
In addition to the many resources available on the Vatican website
(www.im.va), all are encouraged to visit the diocesan site at
www.austindiocese.org/yearofmercy, where you can find helpful
links and local information about the Opening of the Holy Doors
for the Jubilee. The site also includes details on the five designated
pilgrimage sites in the Diocese of Austin and instructions on
obtaining the jubilee indulgence.

Interfaith Friday January 22, 2016

The University Interfaith Council (UIC)
cordially invites you to INTERFAITH FRIDAY,
New online giving platform!
January 22, 2016! We will join Nueces Mosque
Online giving is now available
for jumah prayer at 2:05 pm followed by a tour
for community members with
of the mosque at 2:35 pm. Later in the evening, we will continue
WeShare. Donating is simple,
safe, and completely secure. You at Texas Hillel for Ask a Rabbi and/or Friday night services
followed by a FREE DINNER. All faiths and beliefs are welcome.
can set up a recurring weekly or monthly transaction using your
Join us for this amazing opportunity to learn about Jewish and
checking, savings, or credit card account. You can decide how
much to give to any collection and make changes any time, day or Muslim faith traditions and engage in interfaith dialogue.
night. Plus, you can leave your checkbook at home on Sundays.

To update your online giving profile, or to enroll, please visit

www.utcatholic.org/give. If you have any questions or concerns
about the program, or if you would like help setting up your
account, please call Carol at 512-476-7351.
smart phone app for Paulist vocations!

The Paulist Fathers have a new smart phone app

for vocational discernment! The app pulls
together Paulist content from many online
sources, and puts them together in one
convenient place. Its free to download for
iPhones/iOS and Android phones. Scan the QR
Code to the left to start your download!

Prayer Intentions

Please pray for:

Pope Francis & Bishop Joe

Fr. Ed Nowak
Ann Byrd
Bishop Joes father
Terry Long
Olga Milk
Fr. Pat Hensy, CSP
Diane Key
Denali Huff

Prayer intentions can be submitted

at: bulletin@utcatholic.org.
Please note if you would like to
remain anonymous.

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