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Present Simple and Present Continuous

Exercise 1: Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form


Jane (not/drink) ____ tea very often.

What time (the banks/open) ____ in Britain?
Where (John/come) ____ from?
It (take) ____ me an hour to get to work.
She (not/wake) ____ up early on Sundays.

Exercise 2 : Put the verbs into the present continuous:


Listen to the birds. They (sing) _____.

Look at that one. It (fly) ____ high in the sky.
The other one (play) ____ with a worm.
I feel happy because I (have) ____ a good time here in these

Exercise 3 : Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or
present continuous)

Look! Sara (go) ____ to the movies.

On her right hand, Sara (carry) ____ her handbag.
The handbag (be) ____ very beautiful.
Sara usually (put) ____ on black shoes but now she (wear)
___ white trainers.
5. And look, she (take) ____ an umbrella.

Past Simple and Past continuous.

Exercise 1 : A) write the past tense of these verbs


Past tense














Past tense

B) Complete this paragraph. Use the past tense of each of the verbs in
part A.
My best friend in school _____ Miguel. He and I ____in Mrs.
Gilberts third grade class, and we ____ friends then. We often
____crazy things in class, but I dont think Mrs. Gilbert ever really
___.mad at us. For example, Miguel ____.a pet rat named Curly.
Sometimes he ___ it in Mrs. Gilberts desk. Later, when she ___ the
drawer, she always.loudly and the class.. After two years,
Miguels family ____to another town. We ___letters to each other for
a few years, but then we ___contact. I often wonder what hes doing

Exercise 2: Complete what Jenny says using the following verbs in

the Past Continuous:
Verbs to use: watch, listen, sing, clean, cook, play, lie.
Jenny is telling her teacher why she couldn't study for an exam.
It was impossible for me to concentrate! I went to my bedroom and
my mother________ the carpet with the vacuum cleaner. Then I went
to the living room but my brother Paul ______ on the sofa. He
_____with his guitar. After that I decided to go to the kitchen. There,
my grandmother ______ and she ____also _____ TV. Finally, I went
out to the garden where I found my sister. She _____ to her Walkman
and she _____ at the top of her voice.

Exercise 3: Complete the following sentences with the correct

form (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

1. A: What (you, do) ____ when you heard that noise?

2. B: I (try) ______ to change a light bulb that had burnt out. 2.
After (find)_______ the wallet full of money, I (go,
immediately)_____ to the police and (turn)_____ it in.
3. The doctor (say) _____ that Brian (be) _____ too weak to go to
work and that he (need) ______ to stay at home for a couple of
4. My best friend (arrive) ______ at my house a little before 9:00
pm, but I (be, not_____ there. I (study) _____ at the library for my
final examination in Italian

Present Perfect simple and Present Continuous:

Exercise1: write sentences in present perfect simple.

1. They / play / football :
2. He / speak / English :
3. I / write / a poem :
4. We / not / wash / the car :
5. Nancy / not / meet / her friend :
Exercise2: write the sentences in the Present Perfect Continuous.

Albert / squash / play :

Hannah / the match / watch :
we / in the park / wait :
you / a song / sing :

Exercise3: Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect
simple or continuous).
1. I think the waiter (forget) _____ us. We (wait) ___ here for over
half an hour and nobody (take) ____ our order yet.
2. I think you're right. He (walk) ____ by us at least twenty times.
He probably thinks we (order, already) _____.

Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous

Exercise 1: Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using the Past
Perfect Simple.
A. My little brother ate all of the cake that I ______ (make).
B. The waitress brought a dish that we _____ (not / order) .
C. Last night I couldn't get in because I _____ (forget) my keys.
D. When we arrived at the station, the train _______ (go).
E. They didn't have any money because they _______ (pay) all the
F. We had a big party because we _____(pass) all our exams.
G. I got to the cinema at 6.30 but fortunately the film ________ (not
start) .
H. I was exhausted because I ________ (study) too much. to the
Exercise 2: Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect
1. We (sleep)___ for 12 hours when he woke us up.
2. They (wait) ___ at the station for 90 minutes when the train finally
3. We (look for) ___ her ring for two hours and then we found it in the
4. I (not / walk) ___ for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.
5. How long (learn / she) ___ English before she went to London?
6. Frank Sinatra caught the flu because he (sing) ___ in the rain too
7. He (drive) ___ less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.

8. They were very tired in the evening because they (help) ___ on the
farm all day.
9. I (not / work) ___ all day; so I wasn't tired and went to the disco at
They (cycle) ___ all day so their legs were sore in the evening.
Exercise3: Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense
(past perfect simple or continuous.)
1. I (try ____ to get tickets for that play for months before my
friend finally got them.
2. When I arrived at the theater, my friend (pick, already)___ up
the tickets.
3. He was really angry because he (wait)__ for more than half an
hour when I arrived.
4. When the play started, I (already, apologize)___ to my friend.
5. We (watch) ___ the play when the lights went off.

Future simple and Future Continuous:

Exercise1: Put the verbs into the correct form (future Continuous).
1. Tomorrow morning we (work) ________ .
2. This time next week we (have)________ a party.
3. At midnight I (sleep) _________.
4. This evening we (watch) ______ a talk show.
5. They (not/do) _____ their homework this afternoon.
6. He (listen) _____ to music.
7. I (read) a book _____ this evening.
8. (walk / you) ______ home this afternoon?
9. He (not/draw) ______ tomorrow morning

They (argue) _______ again?

Exercise2: Put the verbs into the correct form (simple future)
James, 18 years old, asked an ugly fortune teller about his future.
Here is what she told him:
1. You (be) ______ very happy.
2. You (get) ______ a lot of money.
3. You (buy) ____ a beautiful house.
4. Your friends (envy) ______ you.
5. You (meet) _____ a beautiful girl.

6. You (marry) _____ her.

7. You and your wife (travel) ____ around the world.
8. People (serve) ______ you.
9. They (not/refuse) _____ to make you happy.

But all this (happen / only) _____ when you are 70 years

1. The tourists _____ (go) sight-seeing in the country all next week.
2. You ____soon ____(tell) what to do next.
3. They _____( be) here again at exactly 7 p.m. tomorrow.
4. The boy ______(teach) how to swim when he grows up.
5. You _____(give) a prize if you come first in the examination.
6. We ____ still _____ (sail) through the Red Sea when you arrive at
7. Where ____ you ____(stay) this time next year?
8. Your shoes ____ (be) ready in fifteen minutes.
9. He ______ (sleep) when you come this afternoon.
10. It _____still _______(rain) when we leave.
11. They ______(attend) a meeting between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. today.

Future perfect
Check your overall knowledge of tenses
A Supply the correct tense of the verbs between brackets:
1. By this time next year my brother
(spend) three years in Canada.
2. My sister (probably, get)married by
this time next year.
3. By the end of this century, we
(find)..cures for almost all lifethreatening diseases.
4. By Monday, we (finish)..the
baccalaureate exam.
5. They (expand)the neighboring
factory by the time we get back from our holiday.
6. By 2020, computers
(become)..ordinary gadgets in
almost all Moroccan homes just like fridges and
washing machines.
7. By the middle of this century, most of the diseases
(probably, disappear)..
B- Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. Im sorry you got lost coming here. I (go).to

meet you at the railway station if I (know)you
(want)..me to. Henry said to a friend of his.
2. Roddy: when shall I come to get my TV set back?
TV repair: you can come at 7 oclock tonight. I
(finish).(repair).it by then.
3. Your work is far from satisfactory, Im afraid. You made a lot
of mistakes. If you (pay)more attention, you
(make).fewer mistakes and your scores
(be)..higher. The teacher said to his class.
4. Rashid studied marketing in Brussels for four years. After he
(graduate), he (move)..to England
where he (complete)a two-year training course
in marketing. He (live).now in London but spends
his time (travel)..abroad. He
(visit).Tunisia and Egypt twice, but he (not
have).the opportunity to visit the other Arab
countries yet.
5. Nadia had a terrible car accident on her way to the seaside last
Sunday. She wishes she (never, borrow)..her
neighbors car. Nadias husband didnt stop
(blame)her. You (not have). That silly
accident if you (be).more careful. He kept
(say). To her. Next time, I (not let). You

(drive)my car in the future at all. I (not

want)..you (damage).it

Conditional type 0, 1 , 2 and 3

Exercise1: Complete the sentences using : If/When or unless


Take the train ____ they are on strike again.

_____ you see them, say hello from me.
_____ you get there, call me.
_____ you have finished with it, bring it back.
Come with me ____ you have something better to do.

Exercisee 2: Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I) by

putting the verbs into the correct form.

If you (send) ___ this letter now, she (receive) ___ it tomorrow.

2. If I (do) ____ this test, I (improve) ____ my English.

3. If I (find) ____ your ring, I (give) ___ it back to you.
4. Peggy (go) _____ shopping if she (have) ____ time in the afternoon.
5. Simon (go) ____to London next week if he (get) ____ a cheap flight.
6. If her boyfriend (phone / not) _____ today, she (leave) ____ him.
7. If they (study / not) ____ harder, they (pass / not) ____ the exam.
8. If it (rain) ____ tomorrow, I (have to / not) ____ water the plants.
9. You (be able/ not) ____ to sleep if you (watch) ____ this scary film.
Susan (can / move / not) __ into the new house if it (be / not)
___ ready.
Exercise3 : Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form
a Conditional sentence type II.
1. If I ___ (to come) home earlier, I (to prepare) dinner.

2. If we ____ (to live) in Rome, Francesco _____(to visit) us.

3. If Tim and Tom ____(to be) older, they ____ (to play) in our
hockey team.
4. If he _____(to be) my friend, I ____(to invite) him to my
birthday party.
5. If Susan _____(to study) harder, she _____ (to be) better at

Exericse3: Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type III) by

putting the verbs into the correct form. Use conditional II with
would in the main clause.
1. If you (ask) ____ me, I (help) ____ you.
2. If we (go) ____ to the cinema, we (see) ____ my friend Jacob.
3. If you (speak) ____ English, she (understand) ____.
4. If they (listen) _____ to me, we (be) _____ home earlier.
5. I (write) ____ you a postcard if I (have) _____ your address.
6. If I (not / break) ____ my leg, I (take part) ____ in the contest.

Phrasal Verbs
Check your knowledge of phrasal verbs
-A- Read the following passage and underline all the phrasal verbs
in the text. Then match them with their synonyms or definitions
Everything seems to be going up these days. Food prices are going up.
Oil price is going up. People whose salaries go up are fortunate
because they can manage to live comfortably. On the contrary, people
without a good income find it difficult to cope with the high cost of
Populations are going up, too. As a result, our natural resources are
being used up and pollution is threatening life on this planet.
However, we must not give up. Who knows what the future has in
store for us? We may feel depressed, but good fortune may turn up
soon. So, please don't lose heart and cheer up!
1.appear :...............


2.be happy :.............

5.increasing :............

3.surrender :.............
successfully :............

6.deal with problems

-B- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the appropriate
phrasal verbs in the box:
Hurry up - stand for - hang up - check out - give up - come
across - lay off - take off - make up - run out of
1. We've ............................. milk, Jim. Will you please go to the
grocer's and get some?
2. "You'll have to .......................... smoking, otherwise your cough
will get worse," said the doctor to the patient.

3. The company went bankrupt due to financial difficulties. So the

employees were all ......................
4. We'll probably miss the opening ceremony if we don't.....................
5. .......................... your coat and ............it........... in the wardrobe.
6. I was rearranging my home library books when I .................... an
old school report of mine.
7. My brother is determined to emigrate somewhere. However, he
hasn't .................. his mind yet which country to go to.
8. "Could I have my hotel bill, please? I'm............... . I was in room
number 78."
9. Look at these abbreviations, Jacky. Do you know what they

A Add the following prefixes (un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, dis-)to the
adjectives in the box to make their opposites. Then complete
the sentences below:
1. Safe: ..

6. Curable:

2. Respectful:
3. Fit: .
4. Relevant:

7. Resistible:
8. Secure:
9. Kind: ..

5. Logical: ..

10. Satisfied:

B- Fill in the blanks with an appropriate prefix from the box

Un im in over il ir dis mis
sub re under
1. Many athletes in the last Olympic Games were
.qualified after positive blood tests.
2. Your composition is ..coherent. you need
to write it and make it more coherent.
3. It is .responsible of some country people not
to send their children to school.
4. Will you please help me ..load the furniture
from the lorry and take it into the house?
5. The European Union is discussing new policies to stop
..legal immigration.

6. XZY is known to be a company where women are

worked and paid. They do
more work than men, but get less pay.
7. My neighbors husband .appeared in her life
after a ten-year absence.
8. Im sorry to say this, but your son is a naughty student.
Hes always ..behaving.
9. Most of the English films shown on MBC2 are
. Titled in Arabic.
10.Mr Mokhtari, our teacher of English, is
..partial. He never discriminates against
anyone in the class.

Check your overall knowledge of suffixes
A Turn the verbs in the box into nouns by adding any of the
following suffixes (-tion -ance -ment or -ing).





B- Fill in the blanks with the correct suffix and make any
necessary changes:
1. It was fool..of him to start smoking again after
all this time.

2. The best treatfor a cold is just plenty of rest.

3. You ought to rewrite your composition. Its full of
4. The legs of these trousers are too long. Could you
short.them for me, please?
5. Heavy rely..on parents causes children more
harm than good.
6. Rural girls couldnt have benefited from education without
the governments assist
7. The idea of equal..between men and women
is fairly recent in Arab countries.
8. Id like to make a suggest.here. how about
meeting tomorrow to discuss our future plans for the
company expansion?
9. Most banks in Morocco have installed video cameras as
part of secure.measures.
10.I cant understand Jamal Debbouzs
refuseto take part in that film.
In example a) Jack stopped in order to talk to his friend. In example b)
he used to talk to him but now he doesnt any more. Perhaps they do
not get on well with each other any longer.

Gerund and infinitive

Check your overall knowledge of the gerund and the infinitive

A- Put the following verbs in brackets in the infinitive or

1. (Exclude).women from the political scene is a
hindrance to women empowerment.
2. Thank you for (devote)..some of your time to our
3. I like (keep)... all my credit card and receipts just in
case the bank makes a mistake.
4. What would you like (do)next weekend?
5. On my way to work, I usually stop (pick up).
Hitchhikers, whatever they look like.
6. Have a cigarette! Sorry, I dont smoke anymore. I stopped
(smoke)about two months ago.
7. After working continuously for four hours, we stopped
(have).a meal.
8. When I need to remember (do).something
important, I tie a knot in my handkerchief so that I wont
9. Would you prefer (stay).at home tonight or
B- Choose the correct answer:
1. He spent his time in Las Vegas..
(to sightsee sightseeing sightsee going to sightsee)

2. a celebrity has both advantages and

(be to be been being)
3. I couldnt concentrate on my work because my brother
keptme with his silly questions.
(to bother bother bothering bothered)
4. Although he didnt have much money left, he
insisted..everybody a drink.
(buying to buy about buying on buying)
5. It was wrong of youher the way you did. You
caused her a lot of embarrassment.
(to insult insult insulting insulted)

Modal perfect
A- Match the following sentences with the meanings they
1. It must have been a good

a. Ability

party. Everybody stayed

b. Certainty

till dawn.

c. Impossibility

2. The music cant have been

d. Criticism

good. I saw nobody

e. Probability

dancing at all.

f. Possibility

3. He could have had an

4. He didnt turn up at the
party. He may have got
5. He should have telephoned
and let us know the cause
of the delay.
6. They could have helped the
hostess clean up the mess.

B-Rewrite the following sentences using the

appropriate modal perfect:

1. I didnt apologize to my neighbor for my rudeness.

Thats something I really regret.
2. Im positive it was Susan who made the announcement
on the microphone. I recognize her voice.

3. Im certain the scooter rider wasnt wearing his helmet

at the time of the accident.
The scooter

4. It wasnt necessary to type that letter. I had wordprocessed it.

5. I know she didnt do the work on her own. Im positive
that someone gave her a hand.

6. I telephoned Bobby late last night. He didnt like it at


7. Its like that the Chernobyl nuclear tragedy was caused

by human negligence.
The Chernobyl nuclear
8. It was wrong of the industrialized world to squander
huge sums of money on armament
The industrialized
9. The streets are all wet this morning. Im almost certain
that it rained all night long.
10. It wasnt necessary for you to wait all that long.

Relative Clauses
A- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate relative pronoun:
1. The Paddington Hotel, ..................we stayed at while we were in
London, is rather expensive.
2. The hotel manager, to....................... I expressed my dissatisfaction
about the room service, turned out to be hard of hearing.
3. The Rai singer, .....................album is number one just now, is
coming to Saidia.
4. My uncle has a factory...................... employs a large number of
5. The house, ....................has been empty for about a year, has just
been sold.
6. The man ................... name I can't remember is a talented comedian.
7. Jane's fianc ..................works for Air France is hoping to get
transferred to another airline.
8. The children, ................... families were killed in the war, were all
taken to the nearest refugee camps.
9. Gad Elmaleh, .....................sense of humor is highly appreciated by
critics, is famous Moroccan comedian....................lives in France.
10. The United Nations is an international
organization...................mission is to maintain world peace and
B- Join these sentences using "who, which, whose, that, whom":
1. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French. It was shipped to

America in 214 cases in the 19th century.

2. Coppola said he had fallen in love with Morocco at first sight. His
latest film was shot in Ouarzazate.
3. My sister has just got twin babies. She lives in Marrakesh.
4. Morocco is suffering from a high rate of unemployment. Its
economy is based on agriculture and tourism.
5. Mr Morgan is an excellent colleague of mine. I have worked with
him for years now.
6. Jane is visiting us next week. You had the opportunity to meet her
7. A friend of mine helped me find a part-time job in the summer, His
uncle is a manager of a company.

8. The annual reception will be held at the Academy. It's for invited
guests only.
9. I complained to the directing manager. He was extremely rude.
10. Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world. It has built a huge
airport in the sea.

Reported Speech
-A- Report the following statements as suggested:
1."Keep the environment clean!" He said.
The city councillor ordered the
2. "Don't leave your luggage unattended!" They wrote on the notice.
The notice on the wall reminded the
3. "I can't put up with the noise you are making". She said.
She told the
4. " We want peace and harmony in the world." They shouted.
The crowd
5. " A new policy will be adopted in the management of human
resources in the Ministry".
The Minister of Education informed the
6. " We've done very little to improve the working conditions of
immigrants in our country".
A Spanish government official
7. " You must unload your luggage so that I can check it." The
customs officer said.
The customs officer told

8. " I'll phone you back later in the evening." He told me.
He let me
9. " We havent't been able to find the missing little girl yet."The police
officer said.
The police officer
10. " When I retire from my job, I'll set up my own business." The
man said.
The man told his
-B- Report the following statements using the appropriate
reporting verbs in the box:
regretted - invited - compared - apologized - describes promised - refused - warned - blamed - recommended - offered ordered - admitted - confessed - advised - begged - revealed insisted - accused - suggested.
1. "If I see you hanging around here again, I'll call the police ." Father
said to the suspicious man.
2. "Let's eat out tonight!" The husband told his wife.
3. "Charlie Chaplin is one of the greatest comedians the 7th art has
ever known." A critic said.

4. "If only I had applied for that job!" My friend said sadly.
5. "Yes, I stabbed the old lady with a knife and ran away." The
arrested man said.
6. "No, thanks! No more chocolate for me. I'm on diet." Mina said to
her hostess.
7. "Get a theatre ticket. The play is very interesting!" My friend told

Passive Voice
Check your overall knowledge of the passive
-A- Rewrite the following sentences as indicated:
1. People don't respect children's rights in many countries.
2. Every week, they bring food supplies by helicopter to the
Every week, food
3. Passengers must not us mobile phones on planes.
4. They launched an anti-smoking campaign to sensitize the public
to the danger pf tobacco.
An anti-smoking
5. Scientists have made great progress in genetic studies.
6. Some people consider speed as the main cause of accidents on
our roads.

7. You should take drastic measures if you want to keep your city
8. They deported all illegal African immigrants to their home
All illegal African
9. Many people think that the United Nations Organization ought
to be dismantled.
10. We need to integrate environmental sustainability into all our
policy decisions.
-B- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the box:
Welcome - situate - furnish - reserve - include - serve - charge book - guarantee - equip
"The Ibis Hotel ....... in a quiet residential area within easy reach from
the city centre. It has got 50 bedrooms. They ........ all ......... to a high
standard. All rooms ........ with colour TV sets, coffee machines and
direct-dial telephones. Some rooms........ for non-smokers.
Breakfast........ ine the price and .........between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. in
the Breakfast Bar. Dinner is avialable between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. and
can ........ at Reception. A supplement of 3......... for a single room. So
don't miss this opportunity. Don't miss the friendly atmosphere

which......... at the Ibis Hotel. You ............ 24 hours a day."

-C- Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
Mr Jefferson: What procedures do you abide by when you want to
recruit new employees?
Manager: Well, first of all, the vacant jobs (advertise).................... in
the newspapers or other media. When the applications arrive, they
(sort)................... and the unsuitable applications (discard).................
.Next, the candidates (interview).................... and the successful ones
(select)....................and (retain).................. .

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