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in Dulwich & West Norwood

“I live and shop locally and

DECISION TIME FOR understand the issues that concern

West Norwood residents. People
want a change for the better now”.

Kemi Adegoke
Conservative Parliamentary Candidate

A Better Deal for

With MP and Britian’s financial mess.
Kemi Adegoke, your
West Norwood
councillor elections
imminent, there’ll be Conservative
lots of promises Parliamentary Candidate
from all parties over says, “This is not a
the next few weeks. popularity contest, but a
The economy is the chance to vote on all our
No. 1 issue raised when futures. To decide
we’re out in the whether you want me to
community. Our country’s be your MP, and to have a
finances are in tatters. new set of councillors who
Pensioners on fixed actually live in West
incomes and savers have Norwood and know the
Your three Conservative council candidates,
been hit hard by the Kemi discussing pensioner issues issues personally. We
Luke Tryl, Nicholas Rogers and Betty
recession while Labour at a local coffee morning have a great chance of Evans-Jacas have been working hard for
are racking up debt at the winning in West Norwood local residents. Successes so far include:
rate of over £20 million every hour. Gordon this time, but are not taking any votes for
Brown has “maxed out the national credit card” granted. We won’t use false figures or dishonest
and is spending more on interest alone than on tactics like our opponents, but will campaign
educating our children! based on our local record.
We urgently need a Conservative government People are crying out for a change to restore
that has the vision and ability to sort out integrity to government.”

This is a two horse race –

the Conservatives can and will win here Forcing the council to act over illegal
flytipping on Knollys Road and Cameron
The Dulwich & West Norwood before the downfall and loss of confidence in
constituency is a straight fight between the current Labour government.
Labour and the Conservatives. The News Just an 8% swing will get Tessa Jowell out
of The World survey 2009 for this and Kemi Adegoke in.
constituency predicted a Conservative Make sure you use your vote wisely and
win with Labour losing the seat. make the change happen.
12 Conservative A vote for The Lib Dems here will just let
councillors were elected Tessa and Gordon back in! They have no
in the last local chance of winning here.
elections and
only 8 for The respected opinion poll website
Labour. says
And “This seat is not safe and voters And organising the clear up of the
that was have a real say on their MP.” overgrown and rubbish-strewn railway verge
in Bloom Grove.
Promoted and published by Stephen Smith on behalf of Kemi Adegoke, Betty Evans-Jacas, Nicholas Rogers and Luke Tryl all of 495 Norwood Road SE27 9DJ and printed by Multiprint Lithographics Limited, Unit 3, Gardner Industrial Estate, Kent House Lane, Beckenham, Kent BR3 1QZ

Knights Hill Conservatives get things done


5 Reasons To Vote
Conservative in Knights Hill
Sorting out
Housing Mess
Kemi and Nicholas
worked on exposing
the scandal of Labour
Lambeth’s 1,500
Fighting for Local Making West Norwood Greener
empty and derelict
School Places for Kemi has worked hard with Conserv
properties that cost us ative
Families councillors to get trees planted in
all £8million a year in hundreds of
One of the most streets. It is just a small part that
lost rent. The home we can play in
exciting new policies this a great place to live.
in the picture below
that will come with Betty has worked hard on getting em
a Conservative is now being put back into use after we pushed pty tree
pits such as the one below replant
government will be the the council for action. ed.
power for parents to
get new schools built
using government
funding and expertise.
This will stop Lambeth Council playing politics
with our children’s education. We worked with
local parents and shamed Lambeth into stopping
the gerrymandering of places as exposed last
month on the BBC.

Dog Ownership
Kemi worked
to promote Contact Details
responsible dog
ownership and in
partnership with 495 Norwood Road
the Mayor of London SE27 9DJ
Stopping Train Cuts London’s office
Kemi fought for compensation for all train users wants to reduce
the growing 020 8355 7524
for the poor service from Tulse Hill, Herne Hill
and West Dulwich over the winter, while she and number of weapon
the Conservative councillors are still fighting to and status dogs in
West Norwood.
stop our First Capital Connect train services from
Herne Hill terminating at Blackfriars.

Labour’s neglect in West Norwood Can you help?

I can deliver leaflets in my road
Since taking control of the you have a senior council officer saying I can display a poster at election time
council in 2006, Labour have that “West Norwood is not on the I would like a postal vote
done little to address local council’s list of priorities”, an MP who I would like to make a donation
I would like to register my local support
issues in West Norwood. From lives in Camden and invisible local
their failure to build a new councillors, you have to question Name: ……………..................…………...........…

Address: …………………........…………...........…
school and redevelop Norwood Labour’s commitment to Knights Hill
Hall to small but important and West Norwood.”
things such as tackling concerns Knights Hill Conservative Action Team .........................................................................
over dog fouling and potholes, has been working hard over the last few .........................................................................

E-mail: …...................................................……
they have consistently let down years to fill the void left by Labour
residents. inaction. We are asking for your vote on
Conservative Election Camapign
Kemi Adegoke, Conservative 6th May so that we can achieve even
FREEPOST SE5180, London SE27 9BP
Parliamentary candidate, said: “When more for our local area.

Promoted and published by Stephen Smith on behalf of Kemi Adegoke, Betty Evans-Jacas, Nicholas Rogers and Luke Tryl all of 495 Norwood Road SE27 9DJ and printed by Multiprint Lithographics Limited, Unit 3, Gardner Industrial Estate, Kent House Lane, Beckenham, Kent BR3 1QZ

A record of action... and promise of more

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