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P. O Box 66138-00800, Web:

Email:, Phone: +254710913242

SECTION 1: Student Information

FULL NAMES (First, Middle and Last according to Identification

Date of Birth


Mobile Number

ID/Passport/Birth Certificate No.


Current School

Current School's Number

Physical Address

Post Box Number


Current Teacher's Name

Current Teacher's
Phone Number

Family Doctor
Mobile Number

Family Email


Do you have any

medical problem?

Family Doctor Name

If Yes, Explain

SECTION 2: Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian 1

FULL NAMES (First, Middle and Last according to Identification


Date of Birth


Mobile Number


Duty Station

ID/Passport No.


Name of Company/Org.

Office Phone

Physical Address

Post Box Number



Parent/Guardian 2
FULL NAMES (First, Middle and Last according to Identification

Date of Birth


Mobile Number


Duty Station

ID/Passport Number


Name of Company/Org.

Office Phone

Physical Address

Post Box Number



Section 3:

Additional Contacts
Name of Person to be contacted in case of emergency

Mobile Number

Name of person responsible for picking student

Mobile Number

Attachments Required
i. A copy of the student's Certificate of Birth and/or Passport
ii. Copies of the student's Kindergarten/former school academic report forms
iii. Parent(s) ID/VISA/PASSPORT Copies
iv. A Copy of the Child's Clinic Card
v. A copy of the doctor's recommendations if the pupil suffers from a serious illness or allergies
vi. To reserve a place upon successful performance in interview pay the caution fees (Ksh 5,000)

1.The school requires that fees be paid before the first date of school term. All fees must be paid directly to
the bank or bankers cheque payable to WARIDI DAY NURSERY ,BANK OF AFRICA ,WESTLANDS
BRANCH , 03029840007
2. Submit the paying slip immediately to school to obtain the school receipt as a prove of your payment.
3. The school management committee reserves right to send the child home, if fees is not paid by the first
week of the term or on admission.
4. The school reserves the right to raise the level of fees by giving three month notice.
5. Remission of school fees is not made in case of illness, absence or any other reason.
6. Parents must give a calendar month notice in writing when and if they wish to withdraw their child from
7. School fees once paid is not refundable or transferable, Parents who withdraw their children any time for
leave or any other reason during the term are liable for full terms fees.
8. Admission age-Day care & reception class..1 1\2yrs to 3yrs. And 3 yrs. to baby class.
9. A waiting list will be maintained and strictly adhered to. A child with no previous school or doesnt meet
our standard will not be admitted in middle class(NURSERY)
10. Children's names will be entered in the attendance register and checked daily. In case of absence for seven
consecutive days without reason given, either prior to, will be considered withdrawn from school and the
vacancy filled.
11. Any child with a poor attendance record, the parent will be summoned in the office and if no change noted
we will send the child away.
12.The nursery reserves the right to exclude any child for any reason whatsoever, entirely at its own
13. NO person will be allowed into the school compound exempt for those authorized to drop or collect the
child. In case of a change, please ring or inform the class teacher.
14. Hot lunch and break snacks will be provided. Children are required to carry their own drinking water.
15. All Nursery children are allowed to report between 7.15 am to8.00 am those who report latter are
considered late. School ends by 3.30pm. The school will be responsible for your child until 5.00pm. Those
who leave their children to remain beyond 5.00pm will be charged a fine of 500kshs.
16. Any injury happening to children while playing in school will be taken care of by the Insurance fee,
although every care will be taken to ensure for safety.
Note: when a child is sick we take any possible measure to contact the parents. In case of an emergency
requiring hospital treatment every endeavor will be made to contact the parent or the family doctor
before taking the child to the hospital.

The statements and information furnished by the undersigned in this application form are true and complete.
The undersigned applicant's parent(s)/guardian(s) give permission for representatives of the sending school to
release the applicant's records including, grades, attendance, conduct/discipline records, as well as any other
pertinent information that may be required by Majestic for the purpose of admission.
Our signatures certify that we have read and agree with the above statements.
Name of student


Signature of Parent/Guardian


I have read and understood this admission form and declare that all the information I have
provided is correct

Fees are payable to:

Bank: Bank of Africa, Westlands Branch
Account Number: 03029840007
Please complete this form and mail it to Do not forget to attach the required
files. Subject of the mail should be: Admission 2016
P. O Box 66138-00800, Web:, Email:,
We are located in Westlands Nairobi, Kenya along Prof Saitoti Road, Opposite Parklands Baptist Church

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