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Bracing Connection Design Reference: CSA S16-09

Bracing Member: WT125x19.5
Height: d1 = 131 mm
Width of flange: b1 = 147 mm
Thick. of web: w1 = 6.6 mm
Thick. of flange: t1 = 11.2 mm
Eccentricity: x1 = 0 mm
Eccentricity: y1 = 26.7 mm
Cross section area: A0 = 2460 mm2
Minimum specified yield strength: Fy = 350 MPa
Minimum tensile strength: Fu = 450 MPa
Welds and bracing angle: = 45o
Gusset Plate:
Thickness: tp = 10 mm
Minimum specified yield strength: Fyp = 300 MPa
Minimum tensile strength: Fup = 450 MPa
Diameter: d0 = 19 mm
Hole diameter of bolt: dh = d0 + 2 =21 mm
Rows of bolts: n = 2
Bolt edge distance: e = 30 mm
Minimum tensile strength: Fub = 830 MPa
Gauge: g0 = 80 mm
Pitch: p = 80 mm
Leg size: w0 = 8 mm
Supporting Member:W250x49

height: d2 = 247 mm
Thickness of flange: t2 = 11 mm
width of flange: b2 = 202 mm
Web thickness: w2 = 7.4 mm
k2 = 28 mm
Web length between flanges (d - 2k) : h2 = 191 mm
Minimum specified yield strength: Fy2 = 350 MPa
Bracing factored axial force (tension +, compression -): Pf = 100
Calculate Gusset Plate Gross Area Properties:
From the sketch: Whitmore length: Bw = 172 mm
Gross area of the Whitmore section: Apc = tp . Bw = 10 x 172 = 1,724
Radius of gyration about weak axis: ry = tp / (12)0.5 = 10 / 3.464 =
2.9 mm
Bracing Tensile Capacity: Cl. 12, Cl. 13.2
x0 = y1 = 26.7 mm
Gross section area: Ag = A0 = 2,460 mm2
Reduction coefficient: U = Min. {1 - x0 / [(n-1) . p], 0.9} = Min. {1
- 26.7 / [(2-1) x 80], 0.9} = Min. [ 0.67, 0.9] =0.67
Effective net section area: Ae = (Ag - 2 dh.t1) . U = (2,460 - 2 x 21 x
11.2) x 0.67 =1,326 mm2
Yielding strength: Tr1 = . Ag . Fy = 0.9 x 2,460 x 350 / 1,000 =775
Fracture strength: Tr2 = u . Ae . Fu = 0.75 x 1,326 x 450 / 1,000

=447 kN
Factored tensile strength of bracing: Tr = Min. [ Tr1, Tr2] = Min.
[ 775, 447] =447 kN
Pf / Tr = 100 / 447 =0.22
Bracing Block Shear: Cl. 13.11
Gross area in shear for block failure: Agv = 2[(n - 1).p + e] . t1 = 2 x
[(2 - 1) x 80 + 30.0] x 11.2 = 2,464.0 mm2
Net area in tension for block failure: Ant = (b1 - g0) . t1 - dh . t1 =
(147.0 - 80) x 11.2 - 21.0 x 11.2 =515.2 mm2
Vr = u . [Ut .Ant . Fu + 0.6 Agv . (Fy + Fu)/2 ] = 0.75 x [Ut x 515.2 x
450 + 0.6 x 2,464.0 x (350 + 450)/2 ] / 1,000 =617.4 kN
Pf / Vr = 100 / 617 =0.16
Gusset Plate in Tension:
Tr = . Apc.Fyp = 0.9 x 1,724 x 300 /1,000 =465.4 kN, Cl. 13.2
Pf / Tr = 100.0 / 465.4 =0.21
gusset Plate Block Shear: Cl. 13.11(a)
Gross area in shear for block failure: Agv = 2[(n - 1).p + e] . tp = 2 x
[(2 - 1) x 80 + 30.0] x 10 = 2,200.0 mm2
Net area in tension for block failure: Ant = (g0 - dh) . tp = (80 - 21) x
10.0 =590.0 mm2
Vr = u. [Ut. Ant . Fup + 0.6 Agv . (Fyp + Fup)/2 ] = 0.75 x [1.0 x 590.0 x
450 + 0.6 x 2,200.0 x (300 + 450)/2 ] / 1,000 =570.4 kN
Pf / Vr = 100 / 570 =0.18
Bolt Shear:
Pfb = Pf / (2 n) = 100.0 / (2 x 2) = 25 kN
Bolt shear Resistance
Factored shear resistance per bolt: Vrb1 = 0.6 b.(1).(0.7).Fub..d02 / 4
= 0.6 x 0.8 x 1 x 0.7 x 830 x 3.14 x 192 / 4 x 0.001 =79 kN, Cl.

Gusset plate Bearing Resistance

Vrb2 = 3br. tp.d0.Fup = 3 x 0.8 x 10.0 x 19.0 x 450 /1,000 = 205
kN, Cl.
Bracing Bearing Resistance
Vrb3 = 3br. t1. d0. Fu = 3 x 0.8 x 11.2 x 19.0 x 450 /1,000 = 230
kN, Cl.
Bolt Tear Out of Gusset Plate Edge
Vrb4 = 2 (0.6)u . e . tp. (Fyp + Fup)/2 = 2 x 0.6 x 0.75 x 30.0 x 10.0 x
(300 + 450) / 2,000 = 101 kN, Cl. 13.11
Bolt Tear Out of Bracing Edge
Vrb5 = 2(0.6). u . e .t1. (Fy + Fu)/2 = 2 x 0.6 x 0.75 x 30.0 x 11.2 x
(350 + 450) / 2,000 = 121 kN, Cl. 13.11
Factored shear resistance per bolt: Vrb = Min. [ Vrb1, Vrb2, Vrb3, Vrb4, Vrb5]
= Min. [ 79, 205, 230, 101, 121] =79.1 kN
Pfb / Vrb = 25 / 79 =0.32
Welding Check:
Fillet Weld Check
From the sketch, the weld eccentricity: ew = |(L2 + L1) / 2 - L1| = |
(305 + 132) / 2 - 132| =87 mm
Effective weld length: Lw = L1 + L2 - 2 w0 = 132 + 305 - 2 x 8
=421.6 mm
Weld unit force due to strong axis moment: Fa = Pf . Sin().[1 / (2
Lw) + 3 ew / Lw2] = 100.0 x 1,000 x Sin(45) x [1 / (2 x 421.6) + 3 x
87 / 421.62] =187.2 N/mm
Weld unit force due to strong axis shear: Fv = Pf. cos() / (2 Lw) =
100.0 x 1,000 x cos(45) / (2 x 422) =83.9 N/mm

Resultant weld unit force: Vf = [Fa2 + Fv2]0.5 = [187.22 +

83.92]0.5 =205.1 N/mm
Angle of resultant relative to axis of weld: = tan-1[Fa / Fv] = tan1
[187.2 / 83.9] =66 o
Resistance for fusion face of base metal: Vr1 = 0.67 w. w0. Fup = 0.67
x 0.67 x 8 x 450 =1,616.0 N/mm, Cl.
Resistance for welding metal: Vr2 = 0.67 w .(0.707 w0).Xu.(1 + 0.5
sin1.5) = 0.67 x 0.67 x (0.707 x 8) x 490 x [1 + 0.5 x sin 1.5(65.9)]
=1,786.6 N/mm, Cl.
Resistance for shear rupture of base metal: Vr3 = u (0.6). tp. (Fyp +
Fup)/ (2 x 2) = 0.75 x 0.6 x 10 x (300 + 450) / (2 x 2) =843.8
N/mm, Cl. 13.11
Vr = Min. [ Vr1, Vr2, Vr3] = Min. [ 1,616.0, 1,786.6, 843.8 ] = 843.75
Vf / Vr = 205.1 / 843.8 =0.24
Supporting Web Check for Web Welded with Gusset Plate
(Just for reference):
The following criteria from Kapp (AISC Engineering Journal, 2rd
quarter 1974) assumes the sides of the web are restrained by the
the bending failure in the web is due to the out-of-plane force from
the gusset.
L1+L2 is the length of gusset plate.
Yielding line dimension: b = (h2 - tp) / 2 = (191.0 - 10) / 2 =91 mm
Web resistance: Pr = . Fy2 . w22{(L1 + L2) / b + 4[1 + tp / (2b)]0.5 }
= 0.9 x 350 x 7.42 x {(132 + 305) / 90.5 + 4 x [1 + 10 / (2 x
90.5)]0.5 } / 1,000 =154 kN
Pf / Pr = 100 / 154 =0.65

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