Uttaradi Math - Numerology 1

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Uttaradi Math - Numerology 1

Numerology 1 - 10 in Sadhana
Let us understand the significance of Numbers from 1 to 10 with respect to our
spiritual progress:
1 - Vishnu
Number 1 stands for the supreme Vishnu who is without a second 'Advitiya'. He is the
sakala veda pratipadya. We require his grace from beginning to the end.
2 - Lakshmi
Number 2 stands for Goddess Lakshmi who is the sakala vedabhimanini. By the
grace of Lakshmi we will be able to gain the knowledge of the Vedas which are the
only means of getting the knowledge about the Supreme Being.
3 - Vayu
Number 3 stands for Jivottama Bhagavan Vayu. To learn Vedas, we need an
omniscient Guru who teaches us the correct meaning of the Vedas. Bhagavan Vayu is
our Guru, by whose grace we can strive to understand the true purport of all the
4 - Vedas
Number 4 stands for the four Vedas without whose correct knowledge we cannot
reach the Supreme God.
5 - Brahmasutras
The word Brahma Sutra when written in Devanagiri contains 5 letters ( ).
Hence the Number 5 stands for Brahma Sutras. We should get Vedic knowledge in
the light of the Brahma Sutras. Otherwise we can be mislead and stray from our Goal.
6. Arishad-Varga The number 6 stands for the Six internal enemies - The Arishadvarga. Without
winning over these 6 internal enemies Kama, Krodha, Moha, Lobha, Mada and

Matsarya our spiritual progress (shastra adhayana) will never take-off.

7. The 7 Sadagamas The number 7 stands for the Seven Sadagamas, with whose knowledge we can cross
the ocean of Samsara.

The 4 Vedas, Mahabharata & Moola Ramayana, Pancharatra and Puranas based on
it are collectively called as Saptashiva or the Seven Sadagamas.
8. Sri Krishna No. 8 stands for Sri Krishna, the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient Being. He is no.
8 in Dashavatara sequence, born on 8th Tithi (Ashtami), to destroy the demons in 8
directions, to instigate dharma in 8 directions, to demonstrate to the world that he
takes care of 8-fold activities with respect to the world (creation, sustenance,
destruction, control, knowledge, ignorance, bondage and liberation) and to prove the
the world that he is infinite. The No. 8 is a mystic number which indicates that Sri
Krishna in infinite. " No matter however you write it points
to infinity (8, ).
Those who are immersed in the study of 7 Sadagamas are very dear to Lord Krishna.
9. Navavidha Bhakti
The number 9 stands for Navavidha Bhakti. It tells us that nine-fold devotion towards
Krishna is the only path to liberation.
10. Completeness
The number 10 stands for completeness or . Pleased by Navavidha Bhakti, the
Supreme Lord Grants us completeness where we enjoy supreme spititual bliss which
is our very own nature.

- )

This completeness is only possible by Navavidha bhakti.

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