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Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Delhi

CHL231: Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers

Course coordinator: Paresh Chokshi (Office: II-374)
Course Outline:
1. Introduction to fluids, Continuum hypothesis, Forces on fluids
2. Vector and tensor analysis index notations (review)
3. Fluid statics pressure distribution and measurement, Hydrostatic force on submerged
surfaces (planar and curved), Buoyancy, Rigid-body motion (translation and rotation)
4. Kinematics of flow Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions, Flow visualization, Stream
function, Vorticity and Circulation, Kinematic decomposition of flow
5. Reynolds transport theorem, Integral balances mass, momentum and energy,
Bernoullis equation and applications, Head loss in pipe flow
6. Flow measurement, Transportation of fluids pumps, design of pumps
7. Differential analysis of flow, Navier-Stokes equation, Unidirectional flows
8. Dimensional analysis and similitude
9. Viscous flows, Stokes law, Skin drag and pressure drag
10. Potential flows, Potential function, Solution of Laplace equation
11. Boundary layer theory, Blasius solution, Boundary layer separation, Drag and lift force
on immersed body
12. Compressible flows, Blowers and compressors
13. Introduction to turbulence modeling
1. R. W. Fox, P. J. Pritchard and A. T. McDonald, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 7th
Edition, Wiley-India (2010)
2. F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, 7th Edition, Tata-McGraw Hill (2011)
3. V. Gupta and S. K. Gupta, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 2nd Edition, New Age
International (2011)
4. B. R. Munson, D. F. Young, T. H. Okiishi and W. W. Huebsch, 6th Edition, Wiley-India
5. W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith and P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7th
Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition (2005)
6. R. L. Panton, Incompressible Flow, 3rd Edition, Wiley-India (2005)

7. R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart and E. N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, 2nd Edition, WileyIndia (2002)
8. F. M. White, Viscous Fluid Flow, 3rd Edition, Tata-McGraw Hill (2006)
9. G. K. Batchelor, Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge Press (1967)
10. A. Dewan, Tackling Turbulent Flows in Engineering, 1st Edition, Springer (2011)

Minor exams
Major exam

25% (quizzes, attendance, class participation)

Attendance policy: One grade down in case of lecture attendance below 75% (not including
tutorial attendance)
Minimum marks for pass grade: 35
For E-grade:
Minimum marks: 25
Minimum attendance: 25%

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