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School Investment in

standards school buildings Income Pension Financial

Other school credit Council
£1.5bn Student
Improving supply & support tax benefit services
spending quality of housing Disability
£4.9bn loans £8.687bn £7.798bn compensation
£1.5bn Other benefit
Higher Education scheme
Learning and spending £16.218bn £4.23bn Bank recapitalisation
Academies & General schools'
Skills Council £4.441bn £5.506bn Funding Council
£7.3bn £21bn
spending for England (Lloyds & RBS) Northern Rock
specialist schools
£28.9bn £4.1bn £18.8bn
£0.9bn Research
councils £25.4bn Spending by local &
regional government Housing
School meals £3.295bn £7.192bn benefit
£0.01bn Dept of £17.181bn Jobseeker’s
£42.8bn Student grants
+4% £1.197bn
Department for
Communities Department for Work allowance
£2.881bn Bradford &
+7% & Local
Teachers' Other spending on
Innovation, Government
and Pensions [5] Financial
pension Universities
further education Other admin
Learning and
£0.708bn and Skills [12] £36.8bn spending
Skills Council +8%
science programmes Department for Business, State pensions £85.5bn Dunfermline debt

£0.42bn Enterprise & Regulatory
Reform [3]
£62.677bn +8% Winter fuel
Her Majesty’s £1.6bn
Icesave (Landsbanki)
Department for +9% £2.694bn Treasury [2] debt
Children, Schools Free & Fair
Promoting £0.8bn

markets Statutory
Other and Families Border control £1.624bn Police £0.646bn business
maternity pay
Kaupthing statutory debt
£6bn £0.831bn £0.6bn
Children &
£63.18bn Office for Security &
Counter-terrorism £0.826bn
UKAEA pension
schemes £0.286bn
Invalid care allowance /
+4% National policing improvement
agency £0.596bn £9.98bn Home
Professional support &
infrastructure £0.178bn
Better regulation Over-75s
carer's allowance
£1.367bn +49,891% Tax credits
Sure Start
Serious Organised +5% Office £0.005bn UK Trade &
Investment [11]
TV licences Employment
support allowance
Crime Agency £0.463bn £0.528bn
£1.7bn Other £0.095bn (+8%) £0.769bn +22% Child trust
£1.6bn Identity & passport fund
service £0.124bn Independent Debt interest Office of Fair Trading (Oft) National Savings Cabinet Security £0.19bn
Department Police Complaints £0.078bn & Investments Office services £1.777bn
for Transport
GLA transport
grants Capital grants to private sector
Commission £24.1bn [1] (-1%) £0.190bn (+12%) HM Revenue
£ 0.035bn
£2.5bn £4bn +7% Office of the third sector £0.171bn and Customs [8]
Capital support
to local authorities £1.9bn
Office of Gas & Electricity
Markets (Ofgem)
Revenue & Customs
Prosecutions Office
Charity Commission
for England & Wales
BBC media monitoring £0.025bn £34.1bn
£0.034bn (+10%) £0.0323bn (-2%) Government security programme £0.012 +10%
Railways £1.8bn
SCOPE programme £0.006bn
Net capital expenditure £15.362bn Office for Electronic communications
on fixed assets £1.1bn -6% Standards in Postal Services Treasury Solicitors' Electoral assurance programme
Education (Ofsted) Commission Department Commission £0.001bn
DVLA £0.023bn Parliamentary Environment £1.0bn
£0.57bn £0.222bn (+3%) £0.0097bn £0.015bn
(+8%) (+2%) Counsel Office Environmental emergencies £1.0bn
Office of Rail Regulation (+3%) £0.012bn (+3%)
Bus service operators’ grant £0.4bn Department for Rural payments agency £0.3bn
British Transport police £0.27bn £0.0323bn
Accident investigation £0.016bn Environment, Food Consumption & production £0.2bn
VOSA £0.19bn Clean fuels & vehicles £0.016bn (+8%) National School & Rural Affairs [4] £3.051bn Farming and food £0.2bn
Driving standards agency £0.19bn Ports & shipping £0.06bn of Government
Coastguard £0.1bn (+1%)
£0.002bn Departmental operations £0.2bn
(-36%) Rural communities £0.1bn
Forestry Commission £0.1bn
RAF regt & Climate change £0.02bn
ground services

Intelligence & £2bn Combat

£3.7bn aircraft
Department for International Food Standards Agency Nuclear
reconnaissance aircraft
Development £0.155bn (-10%) Department of Energy decommissioning £1.7bn
£0.85bn As public spending again comes under the spotlight, the Guardian and the
Water Services Regulation
& Climate Change [3]
Royal Multilateral aid effectiveness Institute for Fiscal Studies present the ultimate guide to how central govern- Low-carbon UK £0.7bn
Air Force Sub-Saharan Africa £1.3bn Authority (Ofwat)
Submarines £2.1bn
£7.7bn £1.8bn ment spends our money - and how it has changed since last year. From hospital £2.1bn
Field units Asia £0.7bn beds to missiles, this is what happens to your taxes £0.0149bn (+14%) Clean energy £0.08bn
Frigates & £8bn
destroyers £1.8bn Army Eliminating
Royal £10bn Rest of world £0.4bn £5.2bn poverty International deal
Prison service £2.18bn on climate change £0.008bn
aircraft £1.2bn
Development £0.3bn
Total spending, 2008/2009 Ministry of Justice
Central debts £0.2bn

Operating £1.8bn Support & +15% Publicly funded
Royal training Environment £0.1bn
Marines £0.6bn costs legal services £1.91bn
Central £2bn £27bn Conflict prevention
Crown Prosecution Service
+5% Community
Public bodies £1.39bn
Command -2% £0.042bn £0.631bn (+0.3%) health services
Serious Fraud Office General & acute Mental
HM courts service £1.24bn illness
£0.051bn (+11%) £32.4bn £7.8bn £7.1bn Learning

+7% on 2007/08
Private difficulties
Equipment £6.1bn Government Actuary's Dept prisons National offender £2.4bn
£0.012bn (+13%) £0.28bn management service £1.16bn
Ministry of
Attorney General's Office
Pay and defence [9] £0.006bn (-16%) Other
£5.6bn Policing & £2.3bn
£44.6bn Northern Ireland Office
security £1.009bn
HM Crown Prosecution
+5% Prisons £0.157bn
Service Inspectorate
Afghanistan £2.6bn Compensation agency £0.055bn
Public prosecution service £0.038bn
£1.44bn £0.004bn (+2%) NHS Maternity
Operations £5bn
War pensions
Criminal justice £0.034bn
Youth justice agency £0.022bn Scotland Office £94.522bn £2bn

Iraq £2bn £1bn Bloody Sunday inquiry £0.004bn
(+5%) Office Of (+6%) Accident &
Wales Office National Audit Communications Health Protection emergency
House of House of From Government
£0.005bn Office Lords Agency £1.9bn
Devolved spending Health Devolved (-1%) £0.103bn (+28%) £0.104bn
Commons Funding (Ofcom) [10]
£0.17bn (+8%)
Northern Ireland £11.55bn spending £0.404bn (+4%) £0.134bn (66%)
£5.19bn Social Scotland
Health, development Department for
social services £4.87bn Finance &
sustainable growth
Health & social
services £5.995bn Culture Media & Sport Total Department
Local government Devolved Foreign and National lottery
S4C £0.10bn
Film council £0.03bn
of Health [6] NHS pensions
spending Commonwealth
Education & social justice
£2.68bn £16.3bn Environment £0.14bn Education £33bn £4.403bn Office [7] Consular &
funds distributed
£3.12bn Broadcasting & media £13.387bn
£2.82bn +6.26% Wales visa services £0.415bn £1.5bn
+6% Culture, arts & leisure £0.20bn £15bn £1.931bn Delivering foreign policy £1.094bn Royal parks £0.02bn
Museums and galleries £0.54bn
Tate gallery £0.06bn
Children & education DCMS
+8.27% (-8%)
Regional development Admin £0.431bn Tourism £0.06bn British museum £0.05bn
Trade, enterprise £0.25bn NHS & teachers’ £1,876bn £5.3bn Personal
£2.46bn Natural History Museum £0.05bn social services
pensions FCO programmes £0.147bn Local staff £0.079bn Libraries £0.12bn
Agriculture £0.34bn Economy & transport V&A £0.05bn
£2.55bn Accommodation costs £0.038bn Architecture & history £0.21bn £1.516bn
Employment & learning Finance £0.36bn £1,186bn Subscriptions to UN & other bodies Sport £0.50bn
Rural affairs, £0.154 BBC World Service £0.242bn Royal household £0.02bn
£0.96bn Justice environment Rural affairs Arts Olympics
£1.71bn £0.48bn £0.152bn British Council £0.188bn Conflict prevention £0.236bn £0.44bn £0.61bn
The figures give a picture of major expenditure but exclude local predominantly financed by their income, such as the Crown Estate ALL % CHANGES DO NOT TAKE ACCOUNT OF INFLATION were made in return for assets - they do not show up as net outlays Change (DECC) on 3 October 2008. This explains the significant by transfers from EU so do not show up as net spending here [7] Running costs includes salaries, hospitality budgets, home and cover operations. The total amounts may not sum as there are [12] BERR and DIUS have been merged to create the new SOURCES: DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS, INSTITUTE FOR FISCAL STUDIES,
government spending not controlled by central government. We or the Export Credits Guarantee Department. The totals here add [1] Interest paid on the public debt in figures for overall public sector spending in the National decrease in BERR's departmental spending between 2007-08 and [5] Benefit spending excludes child benefit, guardians' allowance; overseas accommodation costs overlapping amounts, ie between operations and running costs Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. The
don't have room to show everything — some programmes are just up to more than the total budget, because some of the smaller [2] The large increase in HM Treasury spending reflects the Accounts. 2008-09. DECC is shown separately. BERR has now become the widow’s pensions; statutory paternity pay, statutory [8] Spending on Child Benefits and Tax Credits etc does not come [10] The amount of government funding from DBERR and DCMS, departments are shown separately here, as this reflects the way
too small to go here, but this gives a flavour of where your tax government departments are funded via the larger ones, such as payments made in supporting the financial sector - not all of which [3] BERR figures exclude spending on energy policy, which was Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). adoption pay - these paid by HMRC, MoD, DBERR respectively out of the departmental expenditure pot rest from licence fees from broadcasters and media organisations they functioned in 2008-09. From 2009-10 onwards the functions RESEARCH: SIMON ROGERS, GEMMA TETLOW, KATY STODDARD
pounds go. It also excludes government departments who are the Parliamentary Counsel Office, funded via the Cabinet Office. are scored as “financial stability” here. However, as these payments transferred to the new [3] Department for Energy and Climate [4] The Rural Payments Agency distributes CAP payments - covered [6] Excludes spending on family health services and GP [9] Is higher than budget due to extra from Treasury reserves to [11] Split between Parliament direct, the FCO and DBERR and spending of these two departments will be merged. GRAPHIC: JENNY RIDLEY, MICHAEL ROBINSON

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