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I Unit / I Chapter
Usability Goals and Measures
Time to learn.
How long does it take for typical members of the user community to learn how to
use the actions relevant to a set of tasks?
Speed of performance.
How long does it take to carry out the benchmark tasks?
Rate of errors by users.
How many and what kinds of errors do people make in carrying out the benchmark
tasks? Although time to make and correct errors might be incorporated into the
speed of performance, error handling is such a critical component of interface
usage that it deserves extensive study.
Retention over time.
How well do users maintain their knowledge after an hour, a day, or a week?
Retention may be linked closely to time to learn, and frequency of use plays an
important role.
Subjective satisfaction.
How much did users like using various aspects of the interface? The answer can be
ascertained by interviews or by written surveys that include satisfaction scales and
space for free- form comments.
Goals for requirements analysis
1. Ascertain the users needs.
2. Ensure proper reliability.
3. Promote appropriate standardization, integration, consistency, and portability.
4. Complete projects on schedule and within budget.

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Usability Motivations
Universal Usability
Goals for Our Profession
I Unit Chapter 2
User-interface designers have organized their experience and research into a
collection of guidelines, principles, and theories.
Guidelines give designers specific recommendations for creating good
designs and avoiding bad ones.
Principles bridge the gap between theory and guidelines, acting as practical
ways to compare and judge design alternatives.
Theories are useful to describe objects and actions in interface design.
Theories can also be useful as predictive instruments of user behaviors and
The use of each of these can provide designers with ways to improve existing
interfaces and can prevent poor designs from being created.
Guidelines are concrete and specific rules for designing interfaces based on an
organization's or an individual's experience and/or reasoning. This is a strength
because it gives developers a shared set of standards to work with. However, many
guidelines are criticized for being too specific , difficult to apply, or at times
wrong. Most designers do agree that discussion of guidelines is required to
promote awareness of best practices. The book has four sections of examples, and
many of the sections have overlapping examples.
Guidelines that kept reoccurring in each example
Use predictable and consistent standards for navigation, displaying data,
data entry, and tasks

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Minimize the memory load placed on users by limiting tasks to as few steps
as possible, displaying only information relevant or useful to the task(s) at
hand, and do not require users to remember complex commands or large sets
of data
Allow users to choose what information is displayed and how it is displayed
and formatted where possible
Limit the ways you draw attention to data so that users are not overwhelmed
and the interface does not become cluttered
Format information so that the way it was entered can be understood and
provide data inputs that easily translate into how the information will be
Provide users with disabilities alternatives to the interface
Creating guideline documentation is a good way for designers to make their
experience and intuition accessible to others. However, processes need to be in
place that educate designers and enforce guidelines, as well as determine the
exemption and enhancement of guidelines.
The text discusses the following principles:
Determine users' skill levels
o Novice/First-time users
o Knowledgeable intermittent users
o Expert frequent users
Identifying the tasks
o High-level actions can be divided into multiple mid-level actions that
can be further divided into smaller atomic actions. It is the atomic
actions that are most important to interface design. Making the atomic
actions to specific can result in user frustration as they have to

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perform so many small actions to complete a high-level action. The

reverse of this also results in user dissatisfaction since larger atomic
actions may prevent users from getting what they want from the
system, or force users to rely on a larger numbers of actions with
specialized options.
Choose an interaction style
o Direct manipulation
o Menu selection
o Form fill-in
o Command language
o Natural language
o box2.1, pg. 67 - Shows pros and cons of each interaction style
o box2.2, pg. 68 - Shows a progression of interfaces leading to more
direct manipulation
Eight Golden Rules of interface design
o Strive for consistency
o Cater to universal usability
o Offer informative feedback
o Design dialogs to yield closure
o Prevent errors
o Permit easy reversal of actions
o Support internal locus of control
o Reduce short-term memory load (which the book does not)

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Prevent errors
o Error prevention is the 5th golden rule but its importance warrants a
section of its own.
Understand the nature of errors
Provide feedback about the state of the interface
Design consistent actions
Correct actions
Complete sequences
Ensuring human control while increasing automation
o box2.3, pg. 74 - Comparison of humans and machine capabilities
o Human supervision is necessary for automation because the real world
is and open system and the computer is a closed system. It is nearly
impossible to determine and program all possible outcomes of an
action, so humans are needed to judge the unforeseen events.
o Agent Scenario
Microsoft BOB and Clippy
o Avatars
Second Life
o User Model (Adaptive Interface)
The system is able to keep track of the user's actions and
performance and adapt the interface to best suit the user.
However, the changes must not significantly alter the way the
user completes his/her tasks.
Google Search Results

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Recommender systems or collaborative filtering

Amazon.com suggestions
o Control-Panel Model
Gives the user a sense of control over the system
Theories fall under several different categories:
o Descriptive (consistency)
o Explanatory (sequences of actions)
o Prescriptive (guidance)
o Predictive (comparison among designs)
o Theory Skills
Perceptual What do you sense?
Cognitive What do you think?
Motor - What are you doing? (Physical)
Taxonomy - Ordering a set of phenomena or users into meaningful
Theories should:
o be central to both research and practice
Guide researchers in understanding concepts
Guide practitioners in making design decisions
o lead practice rather than lag behind

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Design by levels
One method to developing descriptive theories is to break down concepts into
separate levels.
Four-Level Approach
o Conceptual level a users mental perception of the system.
o Semantic level the meanings conveyed by the user's actions and the
output displayed by the system
o Syntactic level the complete sentences that are formed from user
actions to convey semantics that are inherent to the system. This is the
level in which the user takes action
o Lexical level The precise method that is used by users to specify the
syntax. Menu items, colors, buttons, mouse icons, etc
Designers need to decompose objects as well as complex actions
Predictive Approach - Tasks can be divided into a series of actions which
can help the designers predict the amount of time required to perform the
specific task.
o Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection Rules (GOMS) - goals
can be decomposed into several operators (actions) and then further
divided into methods. Selection Rules can also be applied to obtain
alternate methods for achieving a goal.
Stages-of-action models
The steps that the user must take in order to accomplish a task.
Norman's 7 stages of action (cycles of action and evaluation):
o Forming the goal
o Forming the intention
o Specifying the action

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o Executing the action

o Perceiving the system state
o Interpreting the system state
o Evaluating the outcome
Norman also suggests four principles of good design:
o the state and action alternatives should be visible.
o there should be a good conceptual model with a consistent system
o the interface should include good mappings that show the relationship
between stages.
o users should receive continuous feedback.
Amazon.com makes the complex checkout process comprehensible by
dividing it into a four-part process:
o (1)Sign-in; (2) Shipping & Payment; (3) Gift-Wrap; (4) Place Order
Consistency is very important for a successful interface.
Consistency is necessary in all aspects if the interface including:
o terminology for objects and actions
o colors
o layout
o icons
o fonts

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o buttons, etc.
However, sometimes inconsistency is required to draw attention to a specific
possibly dangerous action.
Contextual theories
The context in which the user completes an action has a crucial effect on the
nature of the action that has been preformed.
These theories are very important to mobile devices and ubiquitous computing
A taxonomy for mobile device applications:
o Monitor and alert
o Gather and spread
o Participate and relate
o Locate and identify
o Capture and share
Contextual theories are developed by observing users in their own environment
and interacting with them. These theories include every aspect of the users and the
environment in which the they will be interacting with the system. Because this
information is very hard to obtain using a controlled experiment, many researchers
have shifted their research away from this type of experimentation and have started
to focus more on ethnographic observation, focus-groups, and long-term case
Design guidelines and principles are becoming more important and understood in
the community of designers today. Both of them are emerging from practical
experience and studies created to monitor users. People in the field of design are
able to view already available guideline documents and then create their own based
on the experience and settings they have. It is important for designers to remember
the guidelines recognized by the public and those created for the project/company
should help shape any interface. Consistency, reduced errors, and automation are

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all also very important to the design process and should be looked at carefully as
well as planned for by the designer(s). Some principles have become more
accepted than others such as preventing errors, but each one may require some new
interpreting due to new and/or improved technologies emerge into the market.
Automation can be a great asset to an application because it takes away user
control and thus prevents possible user errors. Any successful designer must go
through an extensive process in developing a unique interface that should include
examination of the requirements, task analysis, and specifications of the user
population. Designers also have to take into consideration the systems that expert
users, with established sequences of actions, operate will have to have reduced
time required to take each step. Whereas systems that novice users operate need to
have a focus on task objects and actions so they can be learned easily while
promoting the confidence level for the users.

I Unit / Chapter 3
Managing Design Processes
With the expansion of computer use to more than just technically oriented
programmers, the complex interfaces of the past are no longer accepted. The
current user population are not as dedicated to the technology as they used to be.
Their use of computers are tied more for their work needs and the tasks they
perform, while the use of computers as entertainment has increased. Designers
need to observe current users trends to produce high-quality interfaces that
accommodate the users skills, goals, and preferences. Designers seek direct
interaction with users during requirements and feature definition, the design phase,
the development process, and throughout the system life-cycle through iterative
design methods. Usability engineering has evolved into a recognized discipline
with maturing practices and a growing set of standards.
Organizational Design:
Organizations recognize the role of usability for productivity. With the increase of
novice users, products with similar functionality can succeed or fail due in part to
good usability engineering. A shift in focus towards usability constitutes an
organizational change to be managed. The benefits of this change are; shorter

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learning times, performance, error reduction. The Return on Investment (ROI) in

major corporations is always questioned, the benefits must be made clear. As
projects become more complex, the critical specialization in the field of usability
and HCI increases. Their are interface-development activities where the ROI for
usability analysis is not immediately apparent, but usability of the delivered
systems crucial for success. Some industries, like aerospace, have Human Systems
Integration (HSI) requirements that deal with human factors, usability, display
design, navigation, and son, while meeting customer requirements. As userinterface design matures, projects grow in complexity, size, and importance where
the UI designs take on new perspectives. Usability engineers and user-interface
architects (UX) gain experience in managing organizational change. Design is
inherently creative and unpredictable.
Method in Recognizing the creative and unpredictable:
Design is a process, not an end-state and cannot be adequately represented
The design process is non-hierarchical; it is neither strictly bottom-up or topdown.
The design process is radically transformational; involves the development
of partial and interim solutions
Design intrinsically involves the discovery of new goals.
The Four Pillars of Design:
Used to help user interface architects to turn ideas into successful systems, though
not guaranteed to work flawlessly.
A set of fundamentals to assist interface designers optimize usability. These are
benefits that are derived from Academic Research and if used properly will assist
the designer in creating a Successful Interface.
Ethnographic Observation provides User-interface Requirements
Theories and Models provide a means of developing Guidelines
Documents & Process

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Algorithms and Prototypes assist the development of User-interface

Software Tools which can be used for Rapid-Prototyping.
Controlled Experimentation provides Expert Reviews & Usability
User Interface requirements
Soliciting and clearly specifying user requirements is major key to success in any
development activity for a successful end result. System Requirements, whether it
be hardware, software, system performance, or reliability, must be clearly stated
and agreed upon. Team must have clear understanding of requirements. Tools
which construct interactive user interfaces must support rapid development and
component and modular development through ethnographic observation. The
ability to rapidly prototype the look-and-feel leads to early and immediate
Guidelines Documents and Processes
Elicit user requirements and mutually agree to them
o System requirements and user requirements are aligned through
interface design
The more thorough and complete these are, the better chance of success
o Incomplete and vague requirements create an interface adrift
o Performance requirements
o Functional requirements
o Interface requirements.
User interface Software Tools
*Use simple and handy tools for early prototyping:*
Word, PowerPoint, Visio, etc.

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PageMaker, Illustrator, Photoshop.

Flash, Javascript, Processing, Ajax
Powerful IDEs
Visual Studio
C#, VisualBasic.NET, Expression Designer, etc.
Java SDK
Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines, Swing/JFC, LWUIT
Expert Reviews and Usability Testing
Development methodologies:
Many software development projects fail to achieve their goals due to poor
communication between Developers and their business clients/users.
Successful developers
o work careful to understand the business's needs and refine their skills
in eliciting accurate requirements
o also know that careful attention to user centered design issues during
software development dramatically reduces development time and
o Design methodologies include: GUIDE, STUDIO, OVID
Rapid contextual design Examples
o Contextual Inquiry
Field interviews and observation
o Interpretation sessions and working modeling
Team discussions on workflow and organizational issues

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o Model consolidation and affinity diagram building

Synthesize observations and share with target population
o Persona development
Develop fictitious characters and enact scenarios
o Visioning
Walk through scenarios using the developed persona
o Storyboarding
Design users tasks with visuals and sequencing
o User environment design
Comprehensive and coherent representation, built from the
o Paper prototypes and mock-up interviews
Testing on paper
Ethnographic Observation:
Early stages of most methodologies include observation of users. A user
group constitutes a unique culture so,
o Ethnographic methods are appropriate as they are used to observe
people within their own culture
o Ethnographic methods allow for immersion by listening, observing
and asking questions
Non-traditional ethnography
o User-interface designers observe and listen in order to create designs
which improve and otherwise change the users lives

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o User-interface designers do not have weeks and/months to observe,

they must keep it short
Intentions for observation
o Influence design
o Follow a valid process
Guidelines for an Ethnographic Study
o Understand policies in work environments and family values in
o Familiarize yourself with the existing interface and its history.
o Set initial goals and prepare questions
o Gain access and permission to observe or interview.
Field Study
o Establish a rapport with all users
o Observe and collect (objective/subjective, qualitative/quantitative)
o Follow any leads that emerge from the visits and record you visits.
o Compile and organize (databases)
o Quantify and summarize (statistics)
o Reduce and interpret data
o Refine and revisit goals

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Consider multiple audiences and goals
Prepare a report and present findings
Participatory Design
Direct and collaborative involvement, including the designers and users, in
designing the interfaces and organization will use. User-involvement brings richer
and more accurate information. Users have an elevated sense of purpose when
directly involved. Costs may increase as the project is slowed by this approach
Levels of participation:

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Scenario Development
When a current interface is being redesigned, reliable data about the distribution of
task frequencies and sequences is an enormous asset. If current data do not exist,
usage logs can quickly provide insight.
How is the interface used?
o What is the frequency wit which each user performs each task
Day-in-the-life helpful to characterize what happens when users perform
typical tasks.
Analogs and metaphors
Describes novel systems
Write scenarios of usage and then if possible, act them out as a form of
theater, effective with multiple user cooperation.
Useful applications
Control rooms, cockpits, financial trading rooms and other places where
people must coordinate
Notable uses of Scenarios(page 118 of text book)
Social Impacts
Interactive systems often have a dramatic impact on large numbers of users. To
minimize risks, a thoughtful statement of anticipated impacts circulated among
stakeholders can be a useful process for eliciting productive suggestions early in
* Inspired by the environmental impact statement
* Encourages early and wide discussion
Examples of a social impact statement
Describe the new system and it's benefits

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o Convey the high-level goals of the new system

o identify the stakeholders.
o Identify specific benefits
Address concerns and potential barriers
o Anticipate changes in job functions.
o address security and privacy issues
o Describe accountability and responsibility for system misuse and
o Avoid potential biases.
o weigh individual rights
o assess trade-offs between centralization and decentralization
o Preserve democratic principles
o ensure divers access
o promote simplicity.
Outline the development process
o Present an estimated project schedule
o propose a process for making decisions discuss expectations of how
stake holders will be involved.
o recognize needs for staff,training and hardware.
o propose a plan for backups of data
o outline a plan for migrating to the new system.
o Describe a plan for measuring the success of the new system.

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Legal Issues
As user interfaces have become more prominent, serious legal issues have
o Medical,legal, financial, an data that can be used for unapproved
access illegal tampering. .
Safety and reliability
o User interfaces for aircraft, automobiles, medical equipment, military
systems, utility control rooms anything that can effect a life or death
Paten protection for software
o developers who patent software who attempt to recover time and
money spent on the project and make a profit.
Piracy, P2P, file-sharing, etc.
o Do customers have the right to store the information electronically for
later use, can they share this copy, do you own the contents of an
Freedom of Speech
o Do users have the right to make controversial or potential offensive
statements through e-mail or list servers?
o International, Federal, State, Municipality, etc.

II Unit / I Chapter4

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Determinants of an evaluation plan:
o Stage of design (early, middle, late)
o Novelty of the project (well defined versus exploratory)
o Number of expected users
o Criticality of the interface (life-critical medical system vs. museumexhibit support system)
o Costs of the product and finances allocated for testing
o Time available
o Experience of the design and evaluation team
Expert Reviews
A natural starting point for evaluating new or revised interfaces is to present
them to colleagues or customers and ask for their opinions.
These methods depend on having experts ( whose expertise may be in the
application or user-interface domain)
Expert reviews can be conducted on short notice and rapidly
Expert reviews can occur early or late in the design phase
The outcome may be a formal report with problems identified or
recommendations for changes
Expert reviews usually take from half a day to one week, although a lengthy
training period may be required to explain the task domain or operational
There are a variety of expert-review methods from which to

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Heuristic evaluation
o The expert reviewers critique an interface to determine conformance
with a short list of design heuristics, such as the Eight Golden Rules.
Guidelines review
o The interface is checked for conformance with the organizational or
other guidelines document.
Consistency inspection
o The experts verify consistency across a family of interfaces.
Cognitive walk-through
o The experts simulate users walking through the interface to carry out
typical tasks.
Metaphors of human thinking(MOT)
o The experts conduct an inspection that focuses on how users think
when interacting with an interface.
Formal usability inspection
o The experts hold a courtroom-style meeting, with a moderator or
judge, to present the interface and to discuss its merits and
Different experts tend to find different problems in an interface, so three to
five expert reviewers can be highly productive, as can complimentary
usability testing.
Usability Testing and Laboratories
The usability-test report provided supportive confirmation of progress and
specific recommendations for changes.

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Usability testing not only sped up many projects, but also produced dramatic
cost savings.
Usability tests are designed to find flaws in user interfaces.
Usability Labs
A typical modest usability laboratory would have two 10-by-10-foot areas,
divided by a half-silvered mirror.
Step-by-Step Usability Guide
Test and Refine
Testing Considerations
A detailed test plan is needed
Pilot test
Handling participants and the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Representative samples of relevant populations
Controls: physical, time, place, etc.
IRB and Informed Consent
o the IRB governs any research performed with human subjects.
Record and annotate observations (Keystrokes, menu selections, eyetracking)
Participant encouragement

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Thinking aloud: (Enunciating what is being done as it is being done)
(Verbally evaluating on the fly)
o often leads to many spontaneous suggestions for improvements
o The think-aloud procedure may alter the true task time. i.e. The users
may pause the task activity as they vocalize their thoughts.
Retrospective think aloud
o With this technique, after completing a task users are asked what they
were thinking as they performed the task.
o The drawback is that the users may not be able to wholly and
accurately recall their thoughts after completing the task.
The spectrum of usability testing
Usability testing comes in many different flavors and formats. Most of the current
research demonstrates the importance of testing often and at varied times during
the design cycle. The purpose of the test and the type of data that is needed are
important considerations. Testing can be performed using combinations of these
methods as well.
Paper mock-ups and prototyping.
o A test administrator plays the role of the computer by flipping the
pages while asking a participant user to carry out typical tasks.
o Inexpensive, rapid, and usually productive.
Discount usability testing.
o Quick and dirty approach to task analysis, prototype development, and
o Widely influential because it lowers the barriers to newcomers.

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o Advocates point out that most serious problems are found with only a
few participants, enabling prompt revision and repeated testing.
Competitive usability testing.
o Competitive testing compares a new interface to previous versions or
to similar products from competitors.
Universal usability testing.
o This approach test interfaces with highly diverse users, hardware
software platforms, and networks.
o This will result in the creation of products that can be used by a wider
variety of users.
Field tests and portable labs.
o This testing method puts new interfaces to work in realistic
environments or in a more naturalistic environment in the field for a
fixed trial period.
Remote usability testing.
o Since web-based applications are available internationally, it is
tempting to conduct usability tests online, avoiding the complexity
and cost of bringing participants to a lab.
o This makes it possible to have larger numbers of participants with
more diverse backgrounds, and it may add to the realism, since
participants do their tests in their own environments and use their own
Can-you-break-this tests.
o Pioneered by game designers
o Users try to find fatal flaws in the system or otherwise destroy it.

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For all its success, usability testing does have at least two serious limitations: it
emphasizes first-time usage and provides limited coverage of the interface features.
Usability test reports
The U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology took a major step
towards standardizing usability-test reports in '97. The Common Industry Format
describes the testing environment, tasks, participants, and results in a standard way
sa as to enable consumers to make comparisons. The groups' work is ongoing.
Survey Instruments
User surveys are a familiar, inexpensive, and generally acceptable companion for
usability tests and expert reviews. The keys to successful surveys are clear goals in
advance and development of focused items that help to attain those goals.
Preparing and designing survey questions
A survey form should be prepared, reviewed by colleagues, and tested with a
small sample of users before a large-scale survey is conducted.
Pre-test or pilot-test any survey instrument prior to actual use.
Ascertain characteristics about the users (Background demographics,
Experience, Job responsibilities, Personality style)
Things to look for in a survey:
Task domain objects and actions
Interface domain metaphors and action handles
Syntax of inputs and design of displays
Types of surveys:
Likert scale
o i.e. (strongly agree) - (agree) - (neutral) - (disagree) - (strongly

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o Rank from 1-10 between two extremes
o i.e. -( Hostile 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Friendly )
Sample Questionnaires
Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS)
System Usability Scale (SUS)
o the "quick and dirty" scale
Acceptance Tests
A once over upon implementation
Generally, a set of tests to establish that requirements are met
Measurable criteria for the user interface can be established for the
o Time for users to learn specific functions
o Speed of task performance
o Rate of errors by users
o User retention of commands over time
o Subjective user satisfaction
The goal of early expert reviews, usability testing, surveys, acceptance testing,
and field testing is to force as much as possible of the evolutionary
development into the pre-release phase, when change is relatively easy and
inexpensive to accomplish.

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Evaluation During Active Use

Active use evolves the system
o Addressing all users
Perfection is elusive, but improvement is attainable
How to:
o Interviews
o Focus groups
o Analysis of use via data logging (The software architecture should
make it easy for system managers to collect data about the patterns of
interface usage, speed of user performance, rate of errors, and/or
frequency of requests for online assistance.)
Follow up:
o Telephone, e-mail, suggestion boxes, etc. (provide extremely effective
and personal assistance to users who are experiencing difficulties.)
o Communities
o Forums, wikis, newsgroups
Automated Evaluation
Display Analysis Program (Tullis, 1988)
Markup Validation Service (W3C)
NIST Web Metrics (NIST)
WebTango (UC-Berkeley)
Run-time logging

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o Key strokes, referrals (following links), screen changes, time to

complete tasks, etc.
Controlled Psychologically Oriented Experiments
Human performance measures
o Especially related to perception and cognition
o As relates to system usability
Scientific method and experimental approaches:
o Match theoretical framework to practical problem
o Testable Hypothesis/es
o Small number of Independent Variables (the thing that is being
o Carefully selected Dependent Variables (something that happens as a
result of the experiment and is usually measured)
o Careful selection of participants
o Control for bias
o Apply statistical methods to analysis
Resolve problem, advance/refine theory, and give advise for further research

II Unit / IIChapter
Direct Manipulation and Virtual Environments

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Direct manipulation interfaces enable users to visibly, rapidly, reversibly, and

incrementally perform actions that had traditionally required typed commands to
perform. The satisfaction users feel as the result of using these interfaces leads to
beneficial behaviors such as an eagerness to show off an interface to novice users,
and the desire of users to learn more advanced concepts of an interface.
There have been several new technologies that extend upon direct manipulation
including virtual reality, augmented reality, and other tangible/touchable user
Examples of Direct Manipulation
Direct manipulation may be thought of like driving an automobile. You turn the
steering wheel and the car turns, press the gas pedal and the car goes forward. In
contrast command based interfaces might be compared to a captain directing his
ship. The captain gives a command, but the helmsman does the turning.
The Legacy of Word processors, Spreadsheets, and Office Automation
Word processors can be thought of as the great-great-grandfather of most direct
manipulation interfaces. WYSIWYG word processors provide users with a
complete page to edit. The placement and styling of text that a user sees on the
screen is also what the document will look like printed. Coupled with the
immediacy of actions and their results, the use of the mouse cursor to select and
modify text in a physical way, and the ease of reversing ones actions and it is hard
to imagine trying to type a professional document using something as rudimentary
as Notepad.
The introduction of VisiCalc in 1979 introduced users to a visual way of
manipulating data with immediate results. Spreadsheets offered users a way to test
alternate calculation of the same data with the results being displayed on the screen
at the same time.
Early office automation systems also used direct manipulation techniques. The use
of a mouse cursor to interact with a constantly updating graphic interface, allowed
users to enjoy simplified procedures for accomplishing tedious tasks. In short,
users now had continuous and immediate feedback on their actions and inputs.

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Contemporary examples of direct manipulation interfaces

Spatial data management
o These systems create spatial models based on reality. Buildings,
geography, and file systems are represented in 3D spaces with
appropriate graphical representations and layouts.
Video games
o Video games represent a perfect example of direct manipulation
interfaces. Video games, even more so than spatial data interfaces,
involve users in a dialog where users are given prompt and immediate
feedback based on their their interaction with the game.
Computer-aided design
o Direct manipulation in computer-aided design allows users to shape,
build, design, and create objects and then manipulate them.
Discussion of Direct Manipulation
Direct manipulation interfaces let users involve themselves directly with objects
instead of forcing them to deal indirectly through an intermediary. They are
powerful tools for problem-solving and education because users naturally interact
with them. It is generally easier for people to retain and manipulate physical,
spacial and visual representations than it is for them to do the same with text based
Problems with direct manipulation
o Direct manipulation interfaces depend on spatial and visual
representations. This means they may not be the best interface for use
by those who are blind or visually-impaired. This spatial-visual
representation may also force potentially important information off
screen, requiring users to scroll to or perform multiple actions to get
to that information. Representations must be meaningful and easy for
users to understand. Problems may arise if users misinterpret the
meaning of chosen symbols, and users may be mislead into over or
underestimating the actual function of an application. Experienced

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users may find frustration in removing a hand from the keyboard to

use a mouse if a simple command could have accomplished the task.
Mobile devices with small screens can have problems with screen
space being taken up and smaller representations being difficult to see
or select.
The three principles of direct manipulation:
o Continuous representation of objects and actions with meaningful
visual metaphors.
o The use of physical actions or labeled buttons instead of complex
o Rapid, incremental, reversible actions whose effect on objects is
immediately visible.
2. Visual thinking and icons
o Depending upon the context and users of an application, the use of
text, visuals, or both may be justified. That is the major point to
remember however, the use of either(text, visuals, or both) must be
justified for the context of use and the users.
o Direct-manipulation programming
3D Interfaces
3D interfaces are not suitable for all applications. Industries that benefit from 3D
interfaces include medical, architectural, manufacturing, aviation, and of course
video games. Microsoft Office is an example of when a 3D interface might not be
the appropriate choice. 3D techniques that might enhance a 2D interface would be
raised/depressed buttons, overlapping windows, and representations of real-world
3D techniques such as shadows and perspective should only be included
when necessary.

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Keep navigational steps to a minimum.

Make text readable and with no more than a 30 degree tilt.
Keep visual clutter at a minimum to avoid distractions.
Make user movements simple.
Prevent errors.
Object movement should be simple and predictive.
Keep similar items grouped together for easy visual identification.
Allow users to organize objects to facilitate spatial recall.
Enhanced 3D Guidelines
Include a dashboard or overview.
Allow teleportation.
Offer x-ray vision to see into or beyond objects.
Show logging and undo actions.
Permit users to perform actions on objects such as save and copy.
Allow collaboration with other users.
Let users control explanatory text such as pop-ups and screen tips.
Provide tools to select objects, mark them, and perform measurements.
Allow for queries to filter out unnecessary items.
Support semantic zooming and movement that will bring objects closer and
provide more details.
Allow distant destination points to display themselves.

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Show different views of the environment simultaneously.

Show 3D icons in ways that are more recognizable.
Teleoperation is the child of direct manipulation and process control. Teleoperation
is closely linked to supervisory control. If the physical processes can be carried out
from a computer at a remote location it is considered teleoperation or remote
control. Typical scenarios involving teleoperation include manufacturing control,
surgery, unmanned aircraft, home security systems/energy controls, and steering
vehicles. It is more common for users to use point, click, and drag operation rather
than enter commands. Hardware, environment, and network design are to blame
for poor feedback and slow response times. Slow response times can confuse the
operator as to what the current status of the system is. The military and medical
communities heavily rely on this type on direct manipulation.
Virtual and Augmented Reality
VR applications are well suited for training and simulation in environments that
are normal to humans. Flight simulators and architectural design simulators are
persuasive arguments for "being in" rather than "looking at" environments. VR
experiences can assist people in overcoming their phobias. VR can also be used as
a distraction in surgery to helped dampen some pains.
Augmented Reality enables users to see the real world with an overlay of
additional information. Picture looking through eyeglasses at a wall and being able
to "see" the studs and electrical wires behind the walls. Desktop or fishtank
displays are becoming more common because they don't cause the discomfort and
can be used with standard equipment. To be successful, AR must integrate with
multiple technologies. Motion must be smooth and sensor precision high. Haptic
feedback and sound I/O is sometimes necessary to provide realism.
BOX 5.1 (Definition, benefits, and drawbacks of direct manipulation)
The most successful interactive systems give the user a sense of enjoyment and
allow them to create their own content. Novices must find them easy to use and
then be able to progress towards more detailed tasks. Actions must be fast and

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reversible. Feedback must be immediate and in turn this leads to less errors.
Iterative design is of utmost importance when testing direct manipulation systems.
These approaches in direct-manipulation can lead to unpredictable problems. The
potential for these systems is compelling but not all applications are suitable for
direct manipulation.

II Unit / III Chapter

Menus are designed around the idea as an attractive alternative when directmanipulation is intangible or inappropriate. They are effective because they offer
clues that elicit recognition.
Task-Related Menu Organization
The goal of the menu is to be sensible, comprehensible, memorable, and
convenient. This calls for like items to be grouped together. E.G. Restaurants have
appetizers entrees and desserts separated into categories.
Single Menus
A. Binary Menus
These are very simple and very basic and usually only have one option and one
command attached to them. The form would usually have a list of options but only
one choice would be acceptable and applicable in the list.
B. Multiple-item Menus
These are used when there are more than one function or features of a program that
can do somewhat the same thing, this menu allows for all the item to be listed and
your choice will execute the selected choice of the function for feature of a
C. Multiple-selection Menus or Check Boxes
These are used when more than one option is needed to continue with the job, they

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are used for more detailed applications or surveys and may not allow you to
proceed without multiple options being selected.
D. Pull-Down Menus
Available in the top level menu bar, when an option is chosen in the top level menu
it displays the following menu in a pull down or sometimes called a drop down
E. Pop-up Menus
When hovering over folders or checked items, a small pop-up menu will display
allowing for further choices to be selected or information will be displayed.
F. Toolbar Menus
Allow for actions to be executed on a displayed object like a picture or text box, it
will display a toolbar that will allow you to change color, text, text size, position,
window size and etc.
Menus for long lists
G. Scrolling Menus
These are becoming more widely used for pictures on websites, they can display
man different pictures but an arrow on each side of the listed pictures which allows
you to navigate through the pictures without having to open one up at a time.
H. Combo Boxes
Commonly-used graphical user interface which is a combination of a drop-down
list or list box and a single-line textbox, allowing the user to either type a value
directly into the control or choose from the list of existing options. Combo boxes
are typically applied to provide auto complete or autotype functionality in a
convenient way to the user.
Information Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combo_box
I. Fisheye Menus
Is a dynamically change the size of menu items to provide a focus area around the
mouse pointer. This makes it possible to present the entire menu on a single screen
without requiring buttons, scrollbars, or hierarchies.
Information Source: http://www.cs.umd.edu/local-cgi-bin/hcil/rr.pl?number=200012

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J. Sliders and Alpha Sliders

Are sliders that are commonly used for a long list of information that is sorted out
best alphabetically, which then the slider allows you to scroll through the
information quickly to say a contact on a phone or an artist on your ipod.
Combinations of multiple Menus
A. Linear Menu Sequences
Commonly used when installing programs, it is a menu that displays what is
needed and then a very clear button usually titled Next that will send you to the
next part for further instructions.
B. Simultaneous Menu Sequences
These menus are used in active sites that hold carts for purchases online, like
Amazon or Cingular, a cart is updated and menu that progress from what is the
most vital information need to the end, like a checkout menu and confirmation
C. Tree-Structured Menus
Are becoming more widely used in web pages with big menus but have been
mastered my Windows in Windows Explorer and recently in Office Suite. They are
items that are familiar in actions and are grouped together but once you go further
into the tree menu more options are available.
D. Menu Maps
Usually used in information handling of persons, businesses and products, its used
for product listing which displays the categorized information in an organized
view. The information usually has something in common which would allow for
list to be created. Etc. date, sequence number.
Content Organization
Meaningful grouping and sequencing of menu items, along with careful editing of
titles and labels and appropriate layout design, acan lead to easier-to-learn menus
and increased selection speed. This can be done by relating tasks and grouping
them together.

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Fast movement Through Menus

Once the general construction of the menu has been completed, it is ideal to allow
expert users the ability to speed through menu selections. This can be done with
shortcuts yet again, shortcuts need to follow general rules of menu selection by
grouping like items and when there is no group giving shortcuts intuitive key
Data Entry with Menus: Form Fill-In, Dialog Boxes, and Alternatives
Previous sections have shown how to enter some data but when it comes to things
that are more specific one must make use of items such as the form fill-in, and
dialog boxes.
Design Guidelines:
1) Meaningful titles
2) Comprehensible instructions
3) Logical grouping and sequencing of fields
4) Visually appealing layout of the form
5) Familiar field labels
6) Consistent terminology and abbreviations
7) Visible space and boundaries for data entry fields
8) Consistent cursor movement
9) Error correction for individual characters and entire fields
10) Error prevention where possible
11) Error messages for unacceptable values
12) Marking of required fields
13) Explanatory messages for fields
14) Completions signal to support user control
Format Specific Field
1) Coded Fields
a. Telephone numbers
b. Social-security numbers
c. Date and Times
2) Dialog Boxes is a combination of both menus and form fill-in techniques
Internal Layout Guidelines:
1) Meaningful title, consistent style

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2) Top-left to bottom-right sequencing

3) Clustering and emphasis
4) Consistent layouts
5) Consistent terminology
6) Standard Buttons (OK, Cancel)
7) Error prevention by direct manipulation
External Layout Guidelines:
1) Smooth appearance and disappearance
2) Distinguishable but small boundary
3) Size small enough to reduce overlap problems
4) Display close to appropriate items
5) No overlap of required items
6) Easy to make disappear
7) Clear how to complete/cancel
Audio Menus and Menus for small Displays
Once again ease of use is paramount, this is why it is important to use alternative
menu styles when necessary. When eyes are busy, it is advisable to use some sort
of auditory clue, and when displays are small, they either need be simple or
divided up into smaller steps. Common uses for audio menus and small displays
are in cell phones, iPods, and CD players.
Audio Menus
1) Useful for the blind.
2) Complex menu structures should be avoided.
3) Limit number of choices to 3 or 4 to reduce the amount the user needs to
memorize (in some instances, applications actually do need longer lists, such as a
theater information system).
4) Know the user's goals, and make those tasks the easiest to perform.
5) Let users speak while an instructional prompt is being read, so that users that
already know what's going to be said can go straight to where they want to go.
Menus For Small Displays
1) Common apps are calendars, address books, navigation systems, repair and
inventory management systems, and some medical devices.
2) These menus need to be learned quickly, and be easy to navigate as there are
usually no documentation at hand to help the user navigate.

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3) Since only a small amount of information can be displayed at one time,

interfaces should display the most important information first, and anything else
4) On cell phones, the use of "soft keys" is essential when displays are extremely
small. They allow designers to provide direct access to the next logical command.
5) Have dedicated buttons for launching the most used apps.
6) Do away with unnecessary letters or spaces, every word counts on small

III Unit / I Chapter

command and Natural Languages
The basis for command languages come from, of course, the natural language. This
can be dated back over 5,000 years ago to the Egyptian hieroglyphs.
The basic goals of language design
o Precision
o Compactness
o Ease of writing and reading
o Completeness
o speed of learning
o simplicity to reduce errors
ease of retention over time
several others found on P. 272.
Earliest and Most Important Natural Computing Languages

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o Binary
o Machine
o High-level
The first high-level computer languages, such as Fortran, Cobol, Algol, PL/I, and
Pascal, of the 1960s and 1970s were designed for use in a non-interactive computer
environment to compile and interpret data. Incremental Programming was one
design that was used to build small pieces online and to test the pieces interactively
to create a large program. Also, during the '70s database languages for relational
databases were developed which led to the creation of structured query language
(SQL). In the '80s scripting languages emphasized screen presentation and mouse
control. Command languages, which originated with operating-system commands,
produce an immediate result on some object of interest. When using a command
language users must recall a notation and initiate actions versus a menu-selection
were users view or hear menu items and respond more than initiate. The typical
form of a command is a verb followed by a noun object with arguments. This
natural language interaction made with the command language systems make it
easier for a wide range of users to interact and understand the programs content.
High-level Goals
o Trying reality to the notation
o Manipulation relevant to the users' tasks
o Compatibility with existing notations
o Flexibility to accommodate novices and experts
o Expressiveness to encourage creativiy
o Visual appeal
o Capacity for humans to record the notation
o The match between recording and display media

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o The convenience in speaking

o Success: serve goals within the constraints
Computer as Language Stimulus
o Widespread dissemination of computers through networks
o As a tool to manipulate language
o Language as a tool to manipulate computers
o Somewhat influences language (733t speak)
o Languages greatly influence the computer
Math, Logic, Data, Graphics, Sound, and Text
Languages cause computers to affect the real world
Effective computer Programming Languages
o Represent users' tasks
o Satisfy human need for communication
o Remain sympathetic to the constraints of the machine:
Recording, manipulating and displaying the data to which the
language refers.
Command Organization Functionality, Strategies, and Structure
o determined by studying the users' task domain to form a list of task
actions and objects, which is then abstracted into a set of interface
actions and objects; represented in the low-level interface syntax.

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o determine the system's audience by determining their position in an

organization, their knowledge of computers, or their frequency of
system use.
o identify error conditions and prepare error messages to reverse or at
least protect accidental invocation.
o provide help, tutorial features, and more advanced usable features for
expert users such as macro facilities.
o each command is chosen to carry out a single task and the number a
tasks matches the number of tasks.
o follow each command (COPY, DELETE, PRINT) by one or more
arguments (FileA, FileB, FileC) that indicate objects to be
o the set of commands is organized into a tree structure
e.g. the first level is the command action, the second level is the
argument, the third level is a destination argument
offers meaningful structure to a large number of commands and
can be developed to aid the novice or intermediate user as in
o users can recognize structure and easily encode it in their semanticknowledge storage
o use consistent argument ordering
Naming and Abbreviations
Command names are the most visible part of the system

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Specificity vs Generality - The choice of meaningful, organized sets of

names is very important.
o specific - more descriptive and distinctive = more memorial
o general - more familiar = easier to accept
Abbreviation Strategies and Guidelines
o Should be meaningful to facilitate human learning, problem solving,
and retentions that also must be in harmony with the mechanism for
expressing the commands to the computer.
o brevity can speed command entry and reduce error rates
o Strategies
1. simple truncation - Use the first, second, third, and so on letters
of each command.
2. vowel drop with simple truncation- Eliminate vowels and use
some of what remains.
3. first and final letter - Since the first and final letters are highly
visible use them, for example use ST for SORT.
4. first letter of each word in a phrase - popular acronym
5. standard abbreviations from other contexts - Ex. QTY for
6. phonics - the sound of the abbreviation. Ex. XQT for execute.
o Guidelines
1. simple primary rule for of abbreviation for most items and
simple secondary rule for conflicting items
2. abbreviations made by secondary rule should be marked e.g an

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3. number of words abbreviated by secondary rule kept to a

4. users should be familiar with the rules used to build
5. use truncation
6. use fixed-length abbreviations
7. design abbreviations to incorporate endings (ing, ed, s)
8. do not use abbreviations is messages generated by the computer
Command menus and keyboard shortcuts
o command menu - brief prompts of available commands. Used more
for novice users.
o keyboard shortcuts in a command language are the same as in a gui
interface. Used more for experienced users.
Command languages generate high syntactic error rates however some users gain
satisfaction in overcoming the difficulties and becoming one of the inner circle
("gurus" and "wizards") who are knowledgeable about system features - commandlanguage machismo. (That's funny!)
Natural Language in Computing
Using natural language for human-computer communication sounds promising,
however, natural language is subtle, there are many special cases, contexts are
complex, and emotional relationships have a powerful and pervasive effect in
human-human communication. Most effective systems require constrained or
preprocessed input, or post-processing of output.
Natural language interaction (NLI)
o the operation of computers by people using a familiar natural
language (such as English) to give instructions and receive responses
o no need to learn command syntax or select from menus

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o problems lie in not only implementation on the computer, but also

desirability for large numbers of users for a wide variety of tasks.
o impediment to NLI is the habitability of the user interface
defined as how easy it is for users to to determine what objects
and actions are appropriate
visual interfaces provide cues for the semantic interaction
Ex: The START Natural Language System is an interactive software system that
attempts to answer questions that are posted to it in natural language.
Natural language queries and question answering (NLQ and NLQA)
used against relational databases
a spoken query is parsed against instances in a database that
represent fields with values
users prepare fact questions and the system provides the answer
or a list of web pages related to the answer
difficulties include user questions that make incorrect
assumptions, ill-formed questions, and simple questions that
need more clarification
Natural language text generation (NLTG)
o a computer generates spoken and readable responses
o e.g. a computer generating a simple structured weather report or
something as complex as a story or poem
Text-database searching

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o filters and parses for queries expressed in natural language

the system parses the text grammatically, provides synonyms
from a thesaurus, deals with singulars and plurals, and checks
for misspellings and foreign words
the analyzer separates the query into standard components and
finds all meaningfully related items
o filters out noise words (e.g. the, of, or in)
o these systems do not deal with negations, broader or narrower terms,
and relationships
III Unit / II Chapter
Interaction devices - input
Extensive discussion of different devices in Shneiderman (Look there
for detailed information).
Discussion of properties of interaction devices
Which device for which task
User, work and environment and input devices
Basic Principle

All input needs feedback

o Keyboard - character on screen
o Mouse, joystick - movement on screen
o Button - audio or visual signal
o Voice - OK

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Types of input devices

Discrete - event (keyboard - button - switch)
Continuous (mouse - digitizer - joustick - slider)


Keyboard is a
familiar input device - typewriter

Standard layout not designed for computer usage
Problems in using several devices (keyboard - mouse)
Cultural problems (Chinese - Japanese Keyboard)
Keyboard arrangements
QWERTY - standard typewriter
DVORAK - more efficiernt input
ALPHABETICAL (Calculators)
CHORD-keyboard - a letter is formed using a combination of

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Pointing Devices

Dataglove - hand and finger position

Joystick - continuous movement + fire
Mouse - buttons and positioning
Touch Screen - discrete positions
Trackball - mouse replacement in portable computers
Device - work
What is essential

Tasks are extensive - usually need several input methods

Can devices be used simulataneously (examples).
How can you use keyboard with graphic screen: moving,
Mouse operating editing can be enhanced using keyboard
(drawing straight lines, scrolling, typing)
Accuracy (Touch screen - mouse)
Movement (Trackball - mouse)

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HCI 4,5,&6 Units

Q1 it has been observed that most computer users use menu option for input instead of keyboard
accelerator. What is the reason behind it? (2 Marks)
Answer:- 1. Menu options are easier to find.
2. You don't have to memories the keys for menu option but for key board accelerators you have
to memories them
Q.2 Define active intervention. (2 Marks)
Answer:- Active intervention with the participant and actively probes the participant understands
of whatever is being tested.
Q.3 what is Ubiquitous Computing? (2 Marks)
Answer:- The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into
the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it. These words have inspired a
new generation of researchers in the area of ubiquitous computing
Q.4 which display device is very cheap and has fast enough response time for rapid animation
with high color compatibility? (2 Marks)
Answer:- The CRT is a cheap display device and has fast enough response times for rapid
animation coupled with a high color capability.
Q.5 By breakdown Skelton plane into its component elements then how all piece fit together to
create this as whole user experience? (3 Marks)
Answer:- Beneath that surface is the skeleton of the site: the placement of buttons, tabs, photos,
and blocks of text. The skeleton is designed to optimize the arrangement of these elements for
maximum effect and efficiency
Q.6 Explain Meta data in term of data processing. (3 Marks)
Answer:- In data processing, meta-data is definitional data that provides information about or
documentation of other data managed within an application or environment

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Q.7 suppose you are a system analyst, with your work experience, briefly describe when it is
useful to observe in contrast to observation process? (3 Marks)
Answer:- Being a system analyst, Early in design, observation helps designers understand users'
needs. Other types of observation are done later to examine whether the developing prototype
meets users' needs.
Q.8 Describe any five usability goals of Internet Explorer. (5 Marks)
Answer:- Usability is broken down into the following goals: 1. Effective to use (effectiveness) 2.
Efficient to use (efficiency) 3. Safe to use(safety) 4. Have good utility (utility) 5. Easy to learn
(learnability) 1. Effectiveness It is a very general goal and refers to how good a system at doing
what it is suppose to do. 2. Efficiency It refers to the way a system supports users in carrying out
their tasks. 3. Safety It involves protecting the users from dangerous conditions and undesirable
situations. In relation to the first ergonomics aspect, it refers to the external conditions where
people work. 4. Utility It refers to the extent to which the system provides the right kind of
functionality so that user can do what they need or want to do 5. Learnability It refers to how
easy a system is to learn to use. It is well known that people do not like spending a long time
learning how to use a system
Q.9 when observation is useful and how to observe? (5 Marks)
Answer:- Observing is useful at any time during product development. Early in design,
observation helps designers understand users' needs. How to observe The same basic datacollection tools are used for laboratory and field studies (i.e., direct observation, taking notes,
collecting video, etc.) but the way in which they are used is different. In the laboratory the
emphasis is on the details of what individuals do, while in the field the context is important and
the focus is on how people interact with each other, the technology, and their environment.
Furthermore, the equipment in the laboratory is usually set up in advance and is relatively static
whereas in the field it usually must be moved around. In this section we discuss how to observe,
and then examine the practicalities and compare data-collection tools
Q.10 Difference between Semi-structure interview and focus group interview. (5 Marks)
Answer:- Semi-Structure Interview Focus Group Interview Semi-structured, interviews
combine features of structured and unstructured inter views and use both closed and open
questions. Use of pre-determined questions provides uniformity Requires some level of
training or practice in order to prevent interviewer suggesting answers It also allows
respondents to discuss and raise issues that you may not have considered One form of group
interview is the focus group that is frequently used in marketing, political campaigning, and
social sciences research. Normally three to 10 people are involved. Focus groups are also

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attractive because they are low-cost, provide quick results, and can easily be scaled to gather
more data. A preset agenda is developed to guide the discussion

Q.10 Differentiate between Visual Art and Visual Design?

Answer:- Visual Art Visual Design Visual art is art such as paintings, photographs, sculptures,
The term visual art separates those kinds of art from music, dance, and drama. It is twodimensional. Visual arts are things like paintings, drawings, visual designs, photography, and
computer art. There is no "designing" for a purpose; Visual design is the way a piece of
artwork, a room, yard, video game, photo or other artistic subject is composed and appeals to the
human eye Photoshop designs for each page, page type, module within an app/site/software.
Creates or contributes to style guides detailing how everything looks and it's just creating
something visually appealing. how it fits into the larger strategy.
Q.11which theory claimed Problem solving is both productive and reproductive what are
controlled vocabularies? Answer:- Gestalt theory Gestalt psychologists were answering the
claim, made by behaviorists, that problem solving is a matter of reproducing known responses or
trial and error. This explanation was considered by the Gestalt school to be insufficient to
account for human problem solving behavior.
Q.12 how active intervention technique performed?
Answer:- Active intervention is particularly useful early in design. It is an excellent technique to
use with prototypes, because it provides a wealth of diagnostic information. It is not the
technique to use; however, if your primary concern is to measure time to complete tasks or to
find out how often users will call the help desk. To do a useful active intervention test, you have
to define your goals and concerns, plan the questions you will use as probes, and be careful not
to bias participants by asking leading questions
Application software implemented in file system model?
Answer:- Software implemented in the file system model: Our software is already designed and
built that way, and users are used to it neither of these arguments is valid. The first one is
irrelevant because new programs written with a unified file model can freely coexist with the
older implementation model applications. The underlying file system doesn't change at all. In
much the same way that toolbars quickly invaded the interfaces of most applications in the last
few years, the unified file model could also be implemented with similar success and user
acclaim. The second argument is more insidious, because its proponents place the user
community in front of them like a shield. What's more, if you ask users themselves, they will

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reject the new solution because they abhor change, particularly when that change affects
something they have already worked hard to master like the file system. However, users are
not always the best predictors of design successes, especially when the designs are different from
anything they've already experienced,
Q.14explain metadata in term of data processing Answer:- In data processing, meta-data is
definitional data that provides information about or documentation of other data managed within
an application or environment. For example:- Meta-data would document data about data
elements or attributes (name, size, data type, etc) and data about records or data structures
(length, fields, columns, etc) and data about data (where it is located, how it is associated,
ownership, etc.).
Q.15Point out the problem with Excise task?
Answer:- The problem with excise tasks is that the effort we expend in doing them doesnt go
directly towards accomplishing our goals. Where we can eliminate the need for excise tasks, we
make the user more effective and productive and improve the usability of the software.
Q.16Define controlled Vocabularies?
Answer:- Vocabulary control comes in many shapes and sizes. At its most vague, a controlled
vocabulary is any defined subset of natural language. At its simplest, a controlled vocabulary is a
list of equivalent terms in the form of a synonym ring, or a list of preferred terms in the form of
an authority file.
Q.17Write principles to prevent user privacy?
Answer:- Most previous evaluations in human-computer interaction, these studies can be done
without users knowing that they are being studied. This raises ethical concerns, chief among
which are issues of privacy, confidentiality, informed consent, and appropriation of others
personal stories (Sharf, 1999). People often say things online that they would not say face to
Q.18what is Scope Plane in context of elements of user experience?
Answer:- On the software side, the strategy is translated into scope through the creation of
functional specifications: a detailed description of the "feature set" of the product. On the
information space side, scope takes the form of content requirements: a description of the various
content elements that will be required. Now we can map that whole confusing array of terms into
the model. By breaking each plane down into its component elements, we'll be able to take a
closer look at how all the pieces fit together to create the whole user experience.

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Q.19by breaking down Skeleton plane into its component elements then how all the pieces fit
together to create this as a whole user experience? Answer:- The skeleton plane breaks down into
three components.
1. On both sides, we must address information design: The presentation of information in a way
that facilitates understanding.
2. For software products: The skeleton also includes interface design, or arranging interface
elements to enable users to interact with the functionality of the system.
3. The interface for an information space is its navigation design: The set of screen elements that
allow the user to move through the information architecture
Q.20what "function" will create a copy of the original document in MS Word?
Answer:- The word snapshot makes it clear that the copy is identical to the original, while also
making it clear that the copy is not tied to the original in any way. That is, subsequent changes to
the original will have no effect on the copy.
Q.21Define Strategy and Scope planes?
Answer:- Strategy Planes The scope is fundamentally determined by the strategy of the site. This
strategy incorporates not only what the people running the site want to get out of it but what the
users want to get out of the site as well. In the case of our bookstore example, some of the
strategic objectives are pretty obvious: Users want to buy books, and we want to sell them. Other
objectives might not be so easy to articulate. Scope planes On the software side, the strategy is
translated into scope through the creation of functional specifications: a detailed description of
the "feature set" of the product. On the information space side, scope takes the form of content
requirements: a description of the various content elements that will be required.
Q.22 Usability tests?
Answer:- In most usability tests, you have one participant at a time working with the product.
You usually leave that person alone and observe from a corner of the room or from behind a oneway mirror.
Q.23Identify the main components that make up a global navigation system in context of a web
Answer:- Web designers use the term penitent navigation (or global navigation) to describe the
set of navigation elements that appear on every page of a site, Persistent navigation should
include the five elements you most need to have on hand at all times. 1. The Home page. 2.
Forms. 3. Site ID 4. The Sections 5. The Utilities
Q.24You are a software engineer and design different applications that are usable for users
without modifications. How do you define accessibility with respect to emerging paradigm? (5)

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Answer:- Accessibility is a general term used to describe the degree to which a system is usable
by as many people as possible without modification. It is not to be confused with usability which
is used to describe how easily a thing can be used by any type of user. One meaning of
accessibility specifically focuses on people with disabilities and their use of assistive devices
such as screen-reading web browsers or wheelchairs.
Q.25Suppose you are an HCI specialist, what do you think that evaluation of design or product
is beneficial? Justify your point of view. (5 marks)
Answer:- HCI specialists test design ideas on real users and use formal evaluation techniques to
replace intuition in guiding design. This constant reality check improves the final product. o most
effectively develop programs and products designed to meet customer needs, all operations are
strongly science based. For example, our research and development teams emphasize improving
rearing methodologies for current and new products, designing consistently significant quality
control evaluations, improving natural enemy delivery methodologies and developing
technologies for field population monitoring. Our science-based efforts are the best means to
achieve and maintain the highest standards of program and product quality. 1. Problems are fixed
before the product is shipped, not after. 2. The team can concentrate on real problems, not
imaginary ones. 3. Engineers code instead of debating. 4. Time to market is sharply reduced. 5.
Finally, upon first release, your sales department has a rock-solid design it can sell without
having to pepper their pitches with how it will all actually work in release 1.1 or 2.0.
Q.26 Match the following regarding Goal-Directed Design (5marks) A B Research Users and use
Context Modeling Definition of user, business& technical needs Requirements Definition of
design structure & flow Framework Of behavior, form & content Refinement User and the
Answer:- A B Research User and the Domain Modeling Users and use Context Requirements
Definition of user, business& technical needs Framework Definition of design structure & flow
Refinement Of behavior, form & content
Q .27 Suppose you are creating an account on yahoo, fill all the required information but forget
to retype password. As you click on submit button a warning is message appears This
information is required on retype password field. Yahoo suggests that your registration will not
be submitted until you retype password. Explain this specific characteristic of considerate
software.(3 marks)
Answer:- It ensures there are no mistakes while typing the password because retyping matches
and makes sure you do not make a mistake. You can type an error password once but not twice.
This is a security check and its good for user
. Q.28 you are assigned to perform trunk test on website "amazon.com". Write down all the
necessary steps to perform the trunk test.(3 marks) Answer:- Imagine that you've been

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blindfolded and locked in the trunk of a car, then driven around for a while and dumped on a
page somewhere deep in the bowels of a Web site. If the page is well designed, when your vision
clears you should be able to answer these questions without hesitation:
1. What site is this? (Site ID) amazon.com
2. What page am I on? (Page name)
3. What are the major sections of this site? (Sections)
4. What are my options at this level? (Local navigation)
5. Where am I in the scheme of things? ("You are here" indicators)
6. How can I search?
Q.29 I am working on a web site and have designed a home page. The information I added does
not fit into screen size of computer. I do not want to remove any data from this page. Is this any
solution that all data can be shown to user?(3 marks)
Answer:- Tabs can be used to group related data under one heading and then creating different
sections. Scroll bars can be used for data which does not fit on one screen. Different sections can
be created with a heading and some content given on main page with a "Read More" indicator.
This will take user to a new page if user is interested in reading more.
Q.30Suppose you are a web developer. While designing web applications you use metadata tags
in your application that make efficient search? Briefly explain metadata and its purpose in web
site. (3 marks)
Answer:- A web site is a collection of interconnected systems with complex dependencies. A
single link on a page can simultaneously be part of the site's structure, organization, labeling,
navigation, and searching systems. It's useful to study these systems independently, but it's also
crucial to consider how they interact. Reductionism will not tell us the whole truth.
Q.31Suppose you are an HCI specialist and have to perform the usability testing for those
products that do not even have to involve any hardware or software. Which usability testing
techniques you will use in this case. (2 marks)
Answer:- Usability testing was the dominant approach in the 1980s (Whiteside et al., 1998), and
remains important, although, as you will see, field studies and heuristic evaluations have grown
in prominence.
Q.32Which screen display when user launches the program and first loads into the memory?(2

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Answer:- A splash screen is a dialog box displayed when a program first loads into memory.
Sometimes it may just be the about box or Identity box, displayed automatically, but more often
publishers create a separate splash screen that is more engaging and visually exciting
Q.33what is the mean by life cycle of module? Why they are used in software development.
Answer:- Understanding what activities are involved in interaction design is the first step to
being able to do it, but it is also important to consider how the activities are related to one
another so that the full development process can be seen. The term lifecycle model is used to
represent a model that captures a set of activities and how they are related. SDLC stands for
Software Development Life Cycle. A Software Development Life Cycle is essentially a series of
steps, or phases, that provide a model for the development and lifecycle management of an
application or piece of software. The methodology within the SDLC process can vary across
industries and organizations, but standards such as ISO/IEC 12207 represent processes that
establish a lifecycle for software, and provide a mode for the development, acquisition, and
configuration of software systems
Q.34 Explain the concept of Attentive environment?
Answer:- Attentive environments are environments that are user and context aware. One project
which explores these themes is IBM's Blue Eyes research project is chartered to explore and
define attentive environments. software, and provide a mode for the development, acquisition,
and configuration of software systems
Q.34Explain the following planes of conceptual framework for development interactive product
The structure plane The strategy plane
Answer:- The structure plane The skeleton is a concrete expression of the more abstract
structure of the site. The skeleton might define the placement of the interface elements on our
checkout page; the structure would define how users got to that page and where they could go
when they were finished there. The skeleton might define the arrangement of navigational items
allowing the users to browse categories of books; the structure would define what those
categories actually were. The strategy plane The scope is fundamentally determined by the
strategy of the site. This strategy incorporates not only what the people running the site want to
get out of it but what the users want to get out of the site as well. In the case of our bookstore
example, some of the strategic objectives are pretty obvious: Users want to buy books, and we
want to sell them. Other objectives might not be so easy to articulate.
Q.35What are good reasons for investing in user testing which are points out by tognazzini
Answer:- Tognazzini points out that there are five good reasons for investing in user testing:
1. Problems are fixed before the product is shipped, not after.

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2. The team can concentrate on real problems, not imaginary ones. 3. Engineers code instead of
4. Time to market is sharply reduced.
5. Finally, upon first release, your sales department has a rock-solid design it can sell without
having to pepper their pitches with how it will all actually work in release 1.1 or 2.0.
Q.36How navigation excised justify your answer?
Answer:- The most important thing to realize about navigation is that, in almost all cases, it
represents pure excise, or something close to it. Except in games where the goal is to navigate
successfully through a maze of obstacles, navigating through software does not meet user goals,
needs, or desires. Unnecessary or difficult
Q.37 Why some time direct observation is not possible
Answer:- Sometimes direct observation is not possible because it is obtrusive or evaluators
cannot be present over the duration of the study, and so users' activities are tracked indirectly.
REF:: Handouts Page No. 366 QNo.38 Give two examples of Avoidance with respect to
Attitude-oriented questions. [2 Answer:- What would you prefer not to do? What do you
procrastinate on?
Q.39 Write any two common ways to Improve Navigation? [2]
Answer:- 1. One integrated within a web site or intranet to improve navigation and retrieval,
shares a common heritage with the familiar reference text but has a different form and function.
2. Thesaurus is a semantic network of concepts, connecting words to their synonyms,
homonyms, antonyms, broader and narrower terms, and related terms.
Q.39 List down any four principles that can help make your visual interface as easy and
pleasurable to use as possible.
Answer:- 1. Avoid visual noise and clutter 2. Use contrast, similarity, and layering to distinguish
and organize elements 3. Provide visual structure and flow at each level of organization 4. Use
cohesive, consistent, and contextually appropriate imagery 5. Integrate style and function
comprehensively and purposefully
Q.40Explain Participants Represent Real Users in context of usability testing.
Answer:- While there can be wide variations in where and how you conduct a usability test,
every usability test shares these five characteristics: 1. The primary goal is to improve the
usability of a product. For each test, you also have more specific goals and concerns that you
articulate when planning the test.

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2. The participants represent real users.

3. The participants do real tasks
4. You observe and record what participants do and say.
5. You analyze the data, diagnose the real problems, and recommend changes to fix those
Q.41When is it useful to observe in context to observation process? [3]
Answer:- Observing is useful at any time during product development. Early in design,
observation helps designers understand users' needs. Other types of observation are done later to
examine whether the developing prototype meets users' needs
Q.42Discuss the model problems of multiple undo.
Answer:- The problems with multiple undo are not due to its behavior as much as they are due to
its manifest model. Most undo facilities are constructed in an unrelentingly function-centric
manner. They remember what the user does function-by-function and separate the user's actions
by individual function. In the time-honored way of creating manifest models that follow
implementation models, undo systems tend to model code and data structures instead of user
goals. Each click of the Undo button reverses precisely one function-sized bite of behavior.
Reversing on a function-by-function basis is a very appropriate mental model for solving most
simple problems caused by the user making an erroneous entry. Users sense it right away and fix
it right away, usually within a two- or three-function Limit. For Example The Paint program in
Windows 95 had a fixed, three-action undo limit. However, when the problem grows more
convoluted, the incremental, multiple undo models dont scale up very well.
Q.43how can we improve data retrieval through storage and retrieval Systems?
Answer:- A storage system is a method for safekeeping goods in a repository. It is a physical
system composed of a container and the tools necessary to put objects in and take them back out
again. A retrieval system is a method for finding goods in a repository. It is a logical system that
allows the; goods to be located according to some abstract value, like name, position or some
aspect of the; contents
Q.44Does it is necessary for evaluation team to have the expertise needed to do the evaluation?
Justify your answer with example.
Answer:- Does the evaluation team have the expertise needed to do the evaluation? Example, if
no one has used models to evaluate systems before, then basing an evaluation on this approach is
not sensible. It is no use planning to use experts to review an interface if none are available.
Similarly, running usability tests requires expertise. Analyzing video can take many hours, so
someone with appropriate expertise and equipment must be available to do it. If statistics are to

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be used, then a statistician should be consulted before starting the evaluation and then again later
for analysis, if appropriate.
Q.45Define reliability in term of evaluation technique. [1]
Answer:- The reliability or consistency of a technique is how well it produces the same results on
separate occasions under the same circumstances. Different evaluation processes have different
degrees of reliability.
Q.45what is the first step which describes the process of defining the interaction framework?
Q.46 what is meant by term Color shows relationships with respect to misuse of colors in
visual Interface? [2]
Answer:- Color shows relationships. Color can provide a means of grouping or relating objects
Q.47 Explain any four disadvantages of Low-fidelity prototyping.
Answer:- 1. Limited error checking. 2. Poor detailed specification to code to. 3. Facilitatordriven. 4. Limited utility after requirements established.
Q.48 Explain any two necessary conditions regarding Page Names?
Answer:- 1. Street signs are big. When you're stopped at an intersection, you can read the sign
for the next cross street. 2. They're in the right placehanging ovsr the street you're driving on,
so all you have to do is glance up.
Q.48 can we make computers "see" and "feel"?
Answer:- We'd have to understand how the human body processes these things. Seeing is the
easier of the two, but unless you are talking of some tactile sensor, I don't know how someone
would make a computer feel.
Q.48 Describe quantitative data analysis. Answer:- Video data collected in usability laboratories
is usually annotated as it is observed Small teams of evaluators watch monitors showing what is
being recorded in a control room out of the users' sight. As they see errors or unusual behavior,
one of the evaluators marks the video and records a brief remark. When the test is finished
evaluators can use the annotated recording to calculate performance times so they can compared
users' performance on different prototypes
Q.49 Explain the following in context of problems with the web experience: No sense of scale.
No sense of location.

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Answer:- 1. No sense of scale. Even after we've used a Web site extensively, unless it's a very
small site we tend to have very little sense of how big it is (50 pages? 1,000? 17,000?). For all
we know, there could be huge corners we've never explored. Compare this to a magazine, a
museum, or a department store, where you always have at least a rough sense of the seen/unseen
ratio. The practical result is that it's very hard to know whether you've seen everything of interest
in a site, which means it's hard to know when to stop looking
. No sense of location. In physical spaces, as we move around we accumulate knowledge about
the space. We develop a sense of where things are and can take shortcuts to get to them. We may
get to the chainsaws the first time by following the signs, but the next time we're just as likely to
Q.50 Explain the following planes of Conceptual Framework for developing an interactive
product. The Structure Plane The Scope Plane The Surface Plane The Strategy Plane
Answer:- The Structure Plane The skeleton is a concrete expression of the more abstract
structure of the site. The skeleton might define the placement of the interface elements on our
checkout page; the structure would define how users got to that page and where they could go
when they were finished there. The skeleton might define the arrangement of navigational items
allowing the users to browse categories of books; the structure would define what those
categories actually were. The Scope Plane The structure defines the way in which the various
features and functions of the site fit together. Just what those features and functions are
constitutes the scope of the site. Some sites that sell books offer a feature that enables users to
save previously used addresses so they can be used again. The question of whether that featureor any feature-is included on a site is a question of scope. The Surface Plane On the surface you
see a series of Web pages, made up of images and text. Some of these images are things you can
click on, performing some sort of function such as taking you to a shopping cart. Some of these
images are just illustrations, such as a photograph of a book cover or the logo of the site itself.
The Strategy Plane The scope is fundamentally determined by the strategy of the site. This
strategy incorporates not only what the people running the site want to get out of it but what the
users want to get out of the site as well. In the case of our bookstore example, some of the
strategic objectives are pretty obvious: Users want to buy books, and we want to sell them. Other
objectives might not be so easy to articulate
Q.51 Explain the term Accessibility with respect to Emerging Paradigms. Accessibility is a
general term used to describe the degree to which a system is usable by as many people as
possible without modification. It is not to be confused with usability which is used to describe
how easily a thing can be used by any type of user. One meaning of accessibility specifically
focuses on people with disabilities and their use of assistive devices such as screen-reading web
browsers or wheelchairs.
QNo.52 Different between evaluation and usability?

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Evaluation Usability
Focus on users and their tasks
Observe, measure, and analyze their performance with the system
Design lucratively
Efficiency -- How much time, and how many steps, are required for people to complete basic
Accuracy -- How many mistakes did people make
Recall -- How much does the person remember afterwards or after periods of non-us
Emotional response -- How does the person feel about the tasks completed QNo.52Define
excise? Answer:- When we decide to drive to the office, we must open the garage door, get in,
start the motor, back out, and close the garage door before we even begin the forward motion that
will take us to our destination. All these actions are in support of the automobile rather than in
support of getting to the destination.
Q.53Name types of navigation?
Answer: Navigation between multiple windows or screens
Navigation between panes within a window (or frames in a page)
Navigation between tools or menus in a pane
Navigation within information displayed in a pane or frame (for example: scrolling, panning,
zooming, following links)
Q.54 What are Ancillary Application Windows?
Answer:- Ancillary application windows are windows that are not really part of the application's
functionality, but are provided as a matter of convention
Q.55How data needs are different from functional needs? [3]
Answer:- Functional needs are the operations that need to be performed on the objects of the
system and which are eventually translated into interface controls. Functional needs also define
places or containers where objects or information in the interface must be displayed.
Q.56What is the widespread misconception about the error messages?

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Answer:- This is a widespread misconception. Most error message boxes are informing the user
of the inability of the program to work flexibly. Most error message boxes seem to the user like
an admission of real stupidity on the program's part.
Q.57List three characteristics that must be present in a good website.
3 Answer:- Good Keywords Good keywords are the very first building blocks you must consider
before your webpage even becomes a dim notion in your head Simple Design Keep it simple.
You must keep your webpage simple and direct. Keep it professional Easy Navigation A great
webpage will have easy and simple navigation.
Q.58How visual explicitness of the GUI helps casual or first-time user to navigate and learn
what tasks are appropriate and when?
How can we relate excise with expert users? [4+6]
Answer:- One of the main criticisms leveled at graphical user interfaces by experienced
computer users notably those trained on command-line systems is that getting to where
you want to go is made slower and more difficult by the extra effort that goes into manipulating
windows and icons. Users complain that, with a command line, they can just type in the desired
command and the computer executes it immediately. With windowing systems, they must open
various folders looking for the desired file or program before they can launch it. Then, after it
appears on the screen, they must stretch and drag the window until it is in the desired location
and configuration Any user willing to learn a command-line interface automatically qualifies as a
power user. And any power user of a command-line interface will quickly become a power user
of any other type of interface, GUI included. These users will easily learn each nuance of the
programs they use. They will start up each program with a clear idea of exactly what it is they
want to do and how they want to do it. To this user, the assistance offered to the casual or firsttime user is just in the way.

III Unit / IV Cha

Collaboration and Social Media Participation

Goals of Collaboration :

Asynchronous Distributed Interfaces

Different place, different time
Email, list servers, blogs, wikis, online communities
Synchronous Distributed Interfaces
Different place, same time

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Chat, IM, texting, audio and video conferencing

Face-to-Face Interfaces
Same place, same time
Electronic classrooms, meeting rooms, control rooms

Introduction to Collaborations
Goals/Types of Cooperation
Focused Partnerships
A few people who need each other to complete a task
Pilot/copilot/air traffic controller, programming team
Customer support tech and customer
Lecture or demo
One person sharing information with many
Synchronous, asynchronous, or Face to Face
Groups with distributed participants
Structured Work Processes
distinct organizational roles combine on specific task
Ex: University Admissions
Meeting and Decision Support
Simulates a meeting environment, combining multiple contributions and
Characteristics and examples of collaboration and social media participation
Goals/Types of Cooperation

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Focused Partnerships
A few people who need each other to complete a task
Pilot/copilot/air traffic controller, programming team
Customer support tech and customer
Lecture or demo
One person sharing information with many
Synchronous, asynchronous, or Face to Face
Groups with distributed participants
Structured Work Processes
distinct organizational roles combine on specific task
Ex: University Admissions
Meeting and Decision Support
Simulates a meeting environment, combining multiple contributions and
Shared and private windows, large screen projector

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Goals/Types of Cooperation
Electronic Commerce
Online shopping sometimes offers live help links
Synchronous communication with sales representative
Online town hall meetings
Not strictly political, can be corporate
Online Communities
Groups of people widely distributed

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Communities of Interest/Communities of Practice

Networked Communities
Groups of professionals sharing equipment
Similar interest and purpose but compete for resources
Multiple types of collaboratories
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrnkju8o8vA 1:50
Remote experiences that are almost like being physically present
Includes games and virtual worlds

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Time/space matrix model of group-supported work

Asynchronous distributed interfaces:
Different place, different time
Close collaboration across time and space.
Yahoo!/Google groups (discussion boards)

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Online and networked communities

simple, personal, and prompt service
clearly convey facts through copying and pasting documents
typically text-only, but increasingly includes other structured objects
web pointers
mailing lists
discussion groups
Asynchronous distributed interfaces: Different place, different time
E-mail message on an iPhone
Googles web-based email (Gmail)
Electronic mail (cont.):
Email on mobile devices
Online directories
Web services with E-mail
E.g. Hotmail, and Yahoo! Mail

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Asynchronous distributed interfaces Different place, different time Email

can be too loosely structured
sometimes overwhelming
cost for downloading data on mobile devices
Evolution of email video:
Prequel: A funny look at email

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Asynchronous distributed interfaces: Different place, different time

more structured group discussion
individual must subscribe to receive e-mail notices
provides tools to organize, archive, and search discussion history
Asynchronous distributed interfaces: Different place, different time
may be moderated by a leader
may be mail reflector
receive messages as digests
server machine keeps searchable archive or past notes and subscriber list
users can get flooded with listserv emails
Asynchronous distributed interfaces: Different place, different time
Yahoo!/Google groups:
messages have a short headline and arbitrarily long body (threaded discussion)
easy to follow
two types of messages
launch a new topic
reply to a topic
Asynchronous distributed interfaces: Different place, different time
Yahoo!/Google groups:

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graphical attachments
private discussion groups
service to hundreds of users
security and privacy
archival backup

Asynchronous distributed interfaces: Different place, different time

Asynchronous distributed interfaces:

Different place, different time
supports democratic philosophy
typically focuses on a topic
used for open electronic documents or diaries
reasons of use
documenting ones life
providing comments and opinions
expressing emotions
articulating ideas
forming and maintaining community forums

Asynchronous distributed interfaces: Different place, different time (cont.)

Asynchronous distributed interfaces:
Different place, different time

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collaborative type of social media participation
used to talk about users lives as they happen

Asynchronous distributed interfaces: Different place, different time

Hawaiian word for fast
supports democratic philosophy
collaborative web pages
discussion of a variety of topics

Asynchronous distributed interfaces: Different place, different time

collaborative encyclopedia
over 40 countries, 250 languages
anyone can add to an existing topic or start a new one
archived previous versions
Wikipedia video
Online and networked communities
Group identity
Patient support groups
Impact on offline communities

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Community policies & freedom of speech

Network communities can be controversial
hate groups
para-military groups
Distance education courses
Reputation managers for online stores

Synchronous distributed applications

Group editing
Shared screens for customer assistance
Give demonstrations simultaneously at multiple sites
Allow sharing of information for various applications
Interactive games

Synchronous distributed interfaces:Different place, same time

Group editing
Google Drive
Ether Pad

Synchronous distributed interfaces:Different place, same time

Shared screens for customer assistance
Remote PC

Synchronous distributed interfaces:Different place, same time

Shared data for separate display needs

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De Mobo
PowerPoint controller
PowerPoint Keynote Remote
ShowDirector Remote

Synchronous distributed interfaces:Different place, same time

Give demonstrations simultaneously at multiple sites.
Usually simplified into the problem of video conferencing.
The simplest version of this situation is everyday television.
Synchronous distributed interfaces:Different place, same time
Audio and video conferencing
slow response times for entering and leaving session
distracting background audio
difficulty in determining who is speaking
inadequate lighting
difficulty in making eye contact
changed social status
small image size
potential invasion of privacy
need for convenient turn taking
need for document sharing

Synchronous distributed interfaces:Different place, same time (cont.)

Audio and video conferencing (cont.)
Issues of ownership and control
private and public workspaces

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identity of participants
location of actions
care with updating
Whether audio or video conferencing is more appealing than chat, IM, and texting, or more
effective than asynchronous text, depends on the goals and the task environment

Synchronous distributed interfaces:Different place, same time (cont.)

Allow sharing of information for various applications
HP ePrint
Google cloud
HP Direct
Interactive games
Any live online game
Multiple players seeing the same game and influencing it from different parts of the world.
Problems like lag
Design decisions

Synchronous distributed interfaces:Different place, same time

Chat, instant messaging, and texting

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CHAT, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), and TALK

Instant Messaging
LOL etc.
Texting and cell phones
Parental control system to oversee childrens online activities
Smart Camera by Samsung

Face-to-face interaction is the typical way people interact

As a designer we have to address this issue
Face-to-face interaction is important because it helps build trust in a team and has motivational
How do we address the issue?
Understand the role of of technology is to preserve face-to-face interaction
Recognize role of shared control of computing tools to promote active participation while
preserving leadership roles of the meeting organizer
Face-to-face interfaces:Same place, same time

Innovative approaches to work and learning include:

Shared display from lecturer workstation
Audience response units
Text-submission workstations

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Brainstorming, voting, and ranking. Benefits of electronic meeting systems:

Parallel communication promotes broader input into the meeting process and reduces the chance
that a few people dominate the meeting.
Anonymity mitigates evaluation apprehension and conformance pressure, so that issues are
discussed more candidly.
The group memory constructed by participants enables them to pause and reflect on information
and opinions of others during the meeting and serves as a permanent record of what occurred.
Process structure helps focus the group on key issues and discourages irrelevant digressions and
unproductive behaviors.
Task support and structure provides information and approaches to analyze it.

Face-to-face interfaces:Same place, same time

File sharing
Shared workspace
Group activities
Similar to LiveBoard but uses a projector instead of a monitor
Allows pen or finger interaction, locally and remotely
Public spaces facilitate sharing
Allows user to work jointly on a project
Coordination and technology can hinder seamless communication and stall work progress
Better suited for non-goal directed activities
Such as sharing photos or notifications
Modulor II is a time-dependent architectural work of art in which participants create
new patterns daily by collaboratively weaving colored strings

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through an interactive labyrinth of luminous poles (Halkia and Local)

Electronic classrooms
Active individual learning experiences include using software during class time to:
Write essays in English or poems in a foreign language
Find antecedents of Impressionism in an art history library of 9000 images
Run business simulations to increase product quality
Perform psychological statistical analyses
Do landscaping with computer-assisted design and graphics packages
Compose computer programs and search the Internet
Small teams and large teams
Changes teaching style

Face-to-face interfaces:Same place, same time (cont.)


Students in an online classroom. Activity is monitored by color: speech in yellow, hand

motion in red, body motion in green. Under each student is a timeline of their individual
activity and at the bottom is an activity picture (using the colors) of the class (Chen)
Computing has become more social
Many new software allow more personal communication remotely
Goals of Collaboration
Collaboration allows for communication and information sharing between businesses,
communities, and friends
8. Collaboration is required for groups who are geographically dispersed, dispersed across
time, or just in need of a more efficient way to communicate information face-to-face
9. Asynchronous distributed interfaces
10. Allow for collaborations between people in different locations without the constraint of
11. Synchronous distributed interfaces
12. Live sharing of data between two or more devices that can span any physical distance


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Quality of Service in HCI

Models of Response-Time Impacts
Expectations and Attitudes
User Productivity
Variability in Response
Time Frustrating Experiences


Perception of Computer Speed

o During the 1960s, computer speed was determined by the response time for
mathematical computations, programming compilations, or database searches.
o Today, because of the emergence of the World Wide Web, users have to take into
account network connection speed, server load, and network congestion.
o They also need to understand the source of errors

Before the mass use of PC networking, the source of the errors was always
the computer or directly connected devices.

Today users have to take into account the multiple sources that could have
caused the errors to occur, such as dropped connections, unavailable web
servers, and network outages.

o This complex set of concerns is discussed under the general term Quality of
Service (QoS)

Concerns over QoS

o Stem from a basic human value: Time is precious

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Delays that interfere with task completion such as, lengthy or unexpected
system responses can lead to:

Frustration, Annoyance and eventually Anger

These user reactions then lead to frequent errors and low


o QoS also takes into account a second human value: Harmful mistakes should be

There must be a balance between speed and error rates

When users work quickly they tend to make errors more frequently

This may cause stress for the users, especially if the errors
cause data loss, equipment damage, or imperil human life.

The pace of work must be slowed to force users to read and

comprehend the directions and actions that are present in the

o A third aspect of QoS is to reduce user frustration

User frustration usually occurs from:

Long, unexpected system delays

Crashed that destroy data

Software Bugs that produce incorrect results

Poor designs that lead to confusion

Network issues

Network designer, builder, and operator choices dramatically influence the user
o Web page optimization

Byte count and number of files

File Previews

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Choice of fast or slow services (high-resolution, low-resolution)

Models of Response-Time Impacts

For users, the main experience of Quality of Service is the computer's response time
Response time is the number of seconds it takes from the time a user initiates an action until the
computer presents the results.
User think time The number of seconds the user thinks before entering the next action.
Simple Stages of Action Model
1. initiation of an action
2. Wait for computer's response
3. Observe while results appear
4. Think about results
This simple model is not very realistic because users plan while they are initiating an action
(typing/clicking), waiting for results to appear, and interpreting results. Because users are able to
use this time to plan, it is very difficult to obtain precise measurements of user think time.

Response Time is usually easier to estimate

o Many times pop-up messages are displayed immediately after the initiation of an
action so the response time doesn't seem as long.
o Delays greater than 160 milliseconds are noticed and become annoying. However,
users have come to accept delays from networked devices.

Designers and network managers who seek to provide high QoS have to consider several factors
including: technical feasibility, costs, tasks complexity, user expectations, speed of task
performance, error rates, and error-handling procedures.

Most users prefer rapid interactions

o Response times that are longer than 15 seconds can be detrimental to productivity,
can increase error rates and decrease satisfaction.
o Rapid interactions, faster than 1 second, can increase productivity, but may also
increase error rates for complex tasks.

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Web-site display performance was studied by evaluating delay, familiarity, and breadth to
examine interaction effects on user performance, attitudes, stress, and behavioral intentions. Labtests were conducted to determine "acceptable" delays in two cultures, U.S. and Mexico.
Although not all results have been published, conclusions show that user impatience is high,
especially in the U.S. as compared to Mexico.

Refresh Rates - can lead to user frustration if too slow and can be very pleasing when
operating speedily
o In web applications screen refresh rate may be limited by network transmission or
server performance. Images may appear in fragments over several seconds.

Network Connection Speeds

o There are several network options for consumers to purchase from 56-Kbps dialup to 50-Mbps Fiber Optic Service (FiOS) that will affect the quality of service
that the user receives.
o Internet service providers (ISP) have typically offered plans with a much greater
download speed than upload speed because most users download more content
than they upload. However, with the current "user-generated" content era, it is
increasingly important for upload speeds to keep up with download speeds.
o There are tools available that allow users the check their connection speeds and
have a better idea of the quality of service they are receiving from their current
ISP. However, they need to understand that network traffic and server loads can
also have an effect on their connection speeds, especially during peak usage

Reading textual information from a screen is often a challenging cognitive and perceptual
o Users tend to relax, pace themselves, and work productively when the screen fills
with text instantly
o Users often scan the documents to find the information they are looking for
o Because of these facts, it is useful to display text first and leave space for graphics
that are slower to load
o As display quality improves, as more people are going 'green', and as online
books and newspapers become increasing available, there is an increasing demand
for rapid display of textual and graphical data.

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Limitations of short-term and working memory

o Magic number seven - plus or minus two

The average person can rapidly recognize seven 'chunks' of information at

any given time

They can hold this information for 15 to 30 seconds in short-term


The size of the chunks of information depends on the person's

knowledge and experience about the material

Performing a distracting task during this time, erases the chunks

If a person focuses on retaining the information it can be transferred to

long-term memory

o Short-term memory and working memory are used together to process

information and solve problems

Short-term memory processes perceptual input

Working memory generates and implements solutions

o People tend to combine several lower-level concepts into a single higher-level

chunk to help them remember complex problems
o Short term and working memory are both highly volatile

Disruptions can cause loss of memory

Delays may require that the memory be refreshed

What causes errors?

o After a user is able to construct a solution to a problem, he/she must then record
or implement the solution.

The potential for errors increases and the pace of work slows when the
solutions have to be recorded

o When using an interactive computer system, users formulate plans and then have
to wait while each step of the plans are executed. If the execution takes too long
or if an unexpected result is obtained, the users may forget a portion of the plan

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and therefore be forced to continually review the plan. This can cause slowed
productivity and more errors.
o Longer response times cause users to become anxious because the penalty for an
error increases

When users are anxious, their performance slows and errors increase.

o Response times that are too short could cause the user to skip or fail to understand
important materials or even obtain incorrect results

Paced vs. Un-paced tasks

Car driving analogy

o Higher speeds increase the potential for accidents, so speed limits are provided to
lower the risk of the dreadful consequences. "When incorrect use of computer
systems can lead to damage to life, property, or data, should not speed limits be
o Talking on a cell phone while driving has shown to increase accident rates.
Computer users who tend to multitask make more mistakes. GPS systems are
available to aid drivers in getting to their destination. Agents and wizards guide
novice users to successful conclusions, but will this grow in the near future?

Progress indicators tend to shorten perceived elapsed time and heighten satisfaction by
reassuring the user that the process is underway:
o Graphical indicators (usually better than static, blinking, or numeric)
o Blinking messages
o Numeric seconds left for completion

Conditions for Optimum Problem Solving

o Users can achieve rapid task performance, low error rates, and high satisfaction if
all the following criteria are met:

Users must have sufficient knowledge of the objects and actions necessary
to complete the task

The solution plan can be carried out without delays

Distractions are eliminated

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User anxiety is low

Feedback is given about progress toward solution

Errors can be avoided or easily handled

o Other conjectures that play a role in choosing the optimum interaction speed

Novices prefer to work at slower speeds so they normally exhibit better

performance with slower response times

When there is little penalty for an error, users prefer to work faster

When the task is familiar and easily comprehended, users prefer more
rapid action

If users have experienced rapid performance previously, they will expect

and demand it in future situations

In order to better evaluate user productivity, researchers have extended models to include
tempting distractions and unavoidable interruptions, such as arriving e-mail, instant messages,
phone calls, and other requests.

Expectations and Attitudes

Response Times
o What are acceptable response times?
o The 2 second limit is appropriate for many circumstances, but sometimes a tenth
of second is necessary.

Ex. 2s -v- .1s response times of dial tones and key presses

Factors that influence acceptable response times

o Expectations
o User tolerance for delays
o Task complexity


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o Once you go broadband, you never go back.

o If tasks are completed quicker than expected, people will be pleased, and vice
versa. (traffic lights)
o One way to reduce network complaints is by using a response-time choke.

When the load is light the system can perform slower to give uniform
speed to all users.

Disruptions frustrate users who develop a working style based on a certain

level of responsiveness.

Some users refuse to work when response times are slow.

o Users expect a rapid startup for laptops/cameras, and are annoyed with waiting

User tolerance for delays

o Novices have more patience.
o Variations in acceptable waiting times.

Personality (Laid back/Demanding)

Cost (Twitter/Air traffic control)

Age (Young/Old)

Mood (Carefree/Upset)

Cultural context (Mexico/US)

Time if delay (1:00pm/4:30pm)

Noise (Quiet/Loud)

Perceived pressure to complete a task (No pressure/Deadlines)

Task complexity
o Repetiitive tasks demand faster response times.

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o Complex tasks with longer response times allow for users to plan ahead.
o With complex tasks, users will adapt their working sytle to multitask duing
o Even so, excessively long delay will cause user dissatisfaction.

Tasks that demand rapid system performance:

1. Video games
2. Flight simulators
3. Graphic design
4. Dynamic queries
5. VoIP
6. Streaming multimedia
These tasks require no perceived delay (<100 milliseconds)
Long response times in the WWW lead users to view the company negatively and find the
content less interesting. Use of Ajax and other dynamic techniques increase responsiveness and
user expectations.
User controlled pace settings can benefit expert users as well as those who are older or disabled.
It also allows companies to charge a premium for faster internet service.


1. User are adaptive and will work faster as they gain experience. Allowing the user to set
their own pace can be useful.
2. Repetitive tasks require a short response time.
3. With complex tasks users can adapt to slow response times with productivity loss, but
dissatisfaction sets in with longer response times.
User Productivity
Productivity can in many ways be related to the amount of work accomplished in a given period
of time. Therefore, in order to improve user productivity, the efficient use of response times is

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Shorter response times can lead to increased productivity. However, long response times may
give users opportunities to work on concurrent processes, reducing the effort and/or time
required to finish a task.
The opposite of this may also occur. Working too quickly because of fast response times, can
result in errors, reducing productivity.
Because of these two extremes designers must carefully assess each situation to determine
appropriate response times for optimal levels of user productivity. For occasional tasks the
importance of this is less critical. But for tasks that occur frequently, determining proper
response times should be given greater priority in order to prevent loss of productivity.
An alternative to forcing users to sit through longer response times is to hide the delay. Designers
can display important or critical information while other information or processes are still
loading. This technique is very useful for websites in order to keep users engaged while they wait
for the rest of the content to be loaded in the browser.
The nature of a task strongly influences decisions about adjusting response time. Faster response
times can allow users to work more quickly, but decisions may be less than optimal. However,
this faster pace might also allow a user to quickly reverse actions and try new ones, reducing the
penalty for errors. Users may also learn how to use a system faster since shorter response times
would allow for easy exploration of alternatives.
Users adopt various strategies for data entry depending on the response time of a system.
Response Time

User Strategies


Less Than 1

Work without checking to see if the

system is ready for input.

Increased Errors

Between 1 and 2

Work is paced. Wait until system is

ready for input.

Appropriate time is given for the

system to accept inputs

Greater Than 2

Increased monitoring of system

Users make sure system is ready

for input

For complicated problem-solving, users adapt their work style to the response time. Changes in
response time between 0.1 and 5 seconds do not impact productivity because of this. Simple and
habitual tasks receive the greatest benefits in productivity due to faster response times.

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In the case of complex tasks, shorter response times result in hurried decisions and increased
errors. Longer response times increase the frustration a user may already be experiencing while
trying to solve a problem, placing a burden on short-term memory.
All of this information points to several things:

Users will adjust to the pace of an interface

As they adjust, users prefer a faster pace

Errors for complex tasks increase with faster response times

All tasks seem to have optimal response times that reduce errors

The greater the consequence for error, the more important it is to slow users down so they
will think

Variability in Response Time

Consistent and predictable experiences are valued for their ability to reduce anxiety and
If the actual response time differs from a users expected response time, the user may become
uneasy. Unsettling reactions like this can be prevented (or acknowledged) through the use of
indicators and progress reports.
Even moderate variations in response times can be detected by a majority of users. Because
providing a standard response time for all individual actions would be difficult, it is suggested
that designers specify a general response time for classes of similar or related actions.
These slight variations in response time do not seem to adversely affect performance, as users are
capable of adjusting to them in most contexts. It should be noted that this is not a universal
observation and a number of users will still be frustrated by variation in response time for some
For high stress work environments, adjustments to response times can lower the amount of
pressure being placed on users. For most environments however, there is no evident link between
response time variation and effects on user wellbeing.
To tie it all together:

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Minor variation in response time is tolerable for most users and has little effect on

Frustration can emerge if delays are roughly at least twice the expected response time

When slow responses cannot be avoided provide information about progress

Frustrating Experiences
Another thing to think about quality of service is the quality of user experiences. Recent research
has begun to document and help us understand the sources of user frustration with contemporary
user interfaces.
When computer cause users to become frustrated it can affect:

Workplace productivity

Users' moods

Interactions with other co-workers

The largest number of frustrating experiences occurred while using:

Word processors


Web browsers

Frustration levels were strongly related with the amount of time lost/ time required to fix the
problem and with the importance of the task.
The majority of users remembered frustrating incidents such as:

Incorrect auto formatting

Computer errors or bugs

Slow or dropped Internet connections

Unwanted pop- ups*

These incidents all seem to have a couple of things in common:

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They are external to the users cognitive processing

They interrupt the users task and take control away from the user

Infrastructure improvements to server capacity and network speed and reliability will improve
user experiences, but the continuing growth of Internet usage means there will be problems for
many years to come.
E- mail has become the source of frustrating spam. Some of these messages come from major
corporations who make an effort to focus their e-mail on current customers, but much spam
comes from small companies and individuals who take advantage of the low cost of e-mail to
send blanket notices to huge lists of unfiltered e-mail addresses. Anti-spam legislation is being
passed in many nations, but the Internets international reach and open policies limit the success
of legal controls.
Some spam senders and advertisers claim freedom of speech in their right to send spam or ads,
but most users wish to see some limitation on the right to send bulk e-mails or unsolicited pop-up
Another frustrating problem for users is the prevalence of malicious viruses which cause various
problems and frustration for users. In 2000, before anti-virus software became effective, the
famed ILOVEYOU virus contaminated millions of personal computers worldwide by tricking
users to open e-mail messages by placing the words I Love You in the subject line; recovering
from the damage cost an estimated $10.2 billion.
Since frustration, distractions, and interruptions can impede smooth progress, design strategies
should enable users to maintain concentration. Three initial strategies can reduce user frustration:

Reduce short-term and working memory load

Provide information-abundant interfaces

Increase automaticity.

Automaticity in this context is the processing of information (in response to stimuli) in a way
that is automatic and involuntary, occurring without conscious control. An example is when a
user performs a complex sequence of actions with only a light cognitive load, like a driver
following a familiar route to work with little apparent effort

P a g e | 92

IV UNIT / I Cha / II Cha

Balancing Function and Fashion

As the audience for computers expands, competition over design will heighten.
o Ex. First cars were purely functional; now they are functional as well as fully

Recognition of the creative challenge of balancing function and fashion may lead to
designers working even harder.

Chapter 11 deals with 6 design matters that are functional issues with varying solutions:
o Error Messages
o Nonanthropomorphic Design
o Display Design
o Web Page Design
o Window Design
o Color

Error Messages

A key part of interface design strategy of guidance for the user.

Should be consistent across one or multiple applications.

o Different messages should not read as if they were written by different authors.
o Solution: Error messages and help dialogues should be integrated into the design
process and not thrown in at the end

One problem can be that the error message does not clearly correspond to the proper
corrective action.

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o Common when material has to be translated.

o Solution: Split the error messages and help text into separate files for ease of
translation and maintenance.
o Also permits on-site local language selection.

Prompts, messages, and system responses to user actions influence user perceptions, so
phrasing is critical.

Most errors stem from a lack of knowledge, incorrect understanding or inadvertent slips.

Users are likely to be confused, and generic messages offer little assistance.

Improving error messages is one of the easiest ways to improve an existing system or

Error frequency must be monitored so that designers can improve the interface.

Error Message Guidelines

o Specificity
o Constructive guidance and positive tone
o User-centered phrasing
o Appropriate physical format

Messages that are too general make it difficult to determine what is wrong.

Dont offer an error-code number corresponding to a long explanation in the users

o Documentation may not be available or too time consuming.

Simple or condemning messages can be frustrating

o They provide neither enough information about the problem or a solution.
o Example: Poor: SYNTAX ERROR

Better: Unmatched left parenthesis

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Instead of condemning users for an error, messages should tell them how to correct it.
o Example: Poor: Network connection refused

Better: Your password was not recognized. Please retype.

Hostile messages can deter users.

o Avoid words like fatal, illegal, error, and invalid

Automatic error correction could be good or bad.

o Would reduce errors but would create a dependency

User-centered suggests that the user controls the interface.

Error messages should make the users feel like they are still in control of the interface
and not the other way around.
o Example: Were sorry, but we were unable to complete your call as dialed.
Please hand up, check your number, and dial again, or consult the operator for


Error code numbers should be avoided, or used at the end of a message for a reference.

Message placement:
o Over the problem?
o Consistently near the bottom?
o Near the problem?

Error tone:
o Can bring attention to the user if the error might have gone unnoticed.
o Can embarrass or annoy the user.

Improved messages will be of the greatest benefit to novice users, but everyone can

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Non-anthropomorphic Design
Reasons for non-anthropomorphic phrasing.
* Attributes of intelligence, autonomy, free will for computers is appealing to some but others it
can be frustrating.
* Use non- anthropomorphic phrasing to clarify the differences between people and computers.
* Designers must accept responsibility for misuse of computers, rather than blaming the
* Computers are not independent decision makers
* Computers are not evil

Anthropomorphic interfaces can be distracting or produce anxiety.

o computers make me feel dumb
o Dont promote the computer as a friend or partner

Avoid giving novice users the impression that the computer system is doing some
intelligent reasoning, this adds stress and disempowers the user.

* Airline reservation system says ok, I can help with that after you request to initiate a
domestic reservation
* Automated Banking system saying please hold, while I check you account balance

Speech recognition technology for these systems is not quite mature which adds to the

text based computer assisted instructions

* Earl studies with a text based computer assisted instruction task participants felt less
responsible for their performance when interacting with an anthropomorphic interface
* Animated characters that have been embedded in interfaces show to increase anxiety and
reduce performance.
* The thought of someone observing their work
* A common design controversy is over the use of first person pronouns in an interface. Such
interfaces are friendly but are counter productive because the can deceive, mislead
* and confuse.

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* Third person singular pronouns improve user interaction.

* You can begin the lesson b pressing RETURN Is better than saying I will begin the lesson
when you press RETURN
Guide lines for Nonanthropomorphic interfaces
* Be cautious in presenting computers as people, either with synthesized or cartoon characters
* Design comprehensible, predictable, and user-controlled interfaces
* Use appropriate humans for audio or video introductions or guides
* Provide user-ventured overviews for orientation and closure
* Do no use I when the computer responds to human actions
* Use You to guide users or just state facts.
Display Design

For interactive systems, the displays are a key component of successful designs.

Dense or cluttered displays and Inconsistent formats can provoke anger and inhibit

The visual aesthetics of computer interfaces are a strong determent of users satisfaction.

Designers should develop a knowledge of the users tasks. Effective display's must
provide all the necessary data in the proper sequence to carry out a task.
o Group meaningful items,
o Consistent sequences of groups

1. Elegance and simplicity: Unit, refinement and fitness
2. Scale, contrast, and proportion: Clarity, harmony, activity and restraint
3. Organization and visual structure: grouping, hierarch, relationship and balance.
4. Module and program: Focus, flexibility and consistent application.
5. Image and representation: Immediacy, generality, cohesiveness, and characterization.
6. Style: Distinctiveness, integrity, comprehensiveness, and appropriateness.
Guide lines

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1. Ensure that an data that a user needs, at an step in a transaction sequence are available for
2. Display data to users in directly usable forms; do not require that users convert displayed
3. Maintain a consistent format for an particular type of data display from one display to
4. Use short simple sentences
5. Use affirmative statements, rather than negative statements.
Empirical results

Guidelines for are important in Human computer Interaction research because of the
importance of displays in control-room and life critical applications.

Evolution in technology has caused the need for new empirical validated guidelines and
has presented further design challenges for developers

User control of font size, window size and brightness meant that designers had to ensure
the information architecture could e understood.

Eliminating unnecessary information, grouping related information and emphasizing

information relevant to required tasks could cut performance time in half.

Guidelines for are important in Human computer Interaction research because of the
importance of displays in control-room and life critical applications.

Evolution in technology has caused the need for new empirical validated guidelines and
has presented further design challenges for developers

User control of font size, window size and brightness meant that designers had to ensure
the information architecture could e understood.

Eliminating unnecessary information, grouping related information and emphasizing

information relevant to required tasks could cut performance time in half.

Web Page Design


User performance

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o Visual layout has a strong impact on (human) performance and is a critical factor
in web page design.
o Some specific patterns of performance with web pages reflect differences between
web page and traditional GUI design.

User performance test based on layout and language

o Layout factors: Quantity of links, alignment, grouping indications, and density
o Languages: Hebrew (right-to-left) and English (left-to-right)
o Measurement: Search times and eye movement

o Performance patterns were similar between languages

Poor performance in pages with many links and variable densities

But improved with the presence of uniform density

Alignment did not improve performance

A more accurate prediction of user performance is likely to come with metrics that
integrate task frequencies and sequences.

Layout appropriateness
o A task-dependent metric developed to asses whether the displays spatial layout is
in harmony with the users tasks.
o A widget-level metric that deals with buttons, boxes, and lists
o Designers specify the sequence of selections and the frequency for each selection
o The layout of the widgets is evaluated by how well it matches the task
o Used to produce a layout that minimizes visual scanning
o Figure 11.3 on page 454


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User Preference
o Crucial to the broader consumer-oriented audience
o Visually compelling web sites encourage users to stay longer and buy more
o Designers use colorful graphics, eye-catching photos, and attention-grabbing

Research that quantified design-feature impacts on preference showed that high

preferences could be expected if large pages had:
o Columnar organization
o Limited animated graphical ads
o Two to three words for link text
o Sans-serif fonts
o Varied colors to highlight text and headings

These results support design goals for high preference

o Comprehensibility, predictability, familiarity, visual appeal, and relevant content

Mistakes and Issues

Top ten mistakes in presenting information on the web
1. Burying information too deep in a web page
2. Overloading pages with too much material
3. Providing awkward or confusing navigation
4. Putting information in unexpected places in the page
5. Not making links obvious and clear
6. Presenting information in bad tables
7. Making text so small that many users cannot read it

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8. Using color combination for text that many users cannot read
9. Using bad forms
10. Hiding (or not providing) features that could help users

Web content issues can be broken up into:

o Site-level issues - are apparent throughout the entire site

They include the depth versus the breadth of the site

The use of frames

The presentation of navigation options

o Page-level issues observed at the individual page

They include components of pages

Tables, graphs, forms, and controls

Also page layout and the presentation of links

o Special types of information

Site maps, search functions, user assistance, and feedback


Numerous guidelines exists that ensure consistency and adherence to standards

o The Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines
o Suns Web Design Guide
o The National Cancer Institutes Research-Based Web Design & Usability
o The World Wide Web Consortiums Web Accessibility Initiative
o The Web Style Guide

Web sites that address web design

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o Web 2.0 How-To Design Guide

o Web Bloopers
o KillerSites.com

Mash-ups web pages or applications that integrate complementary elements from two
or more sources
o Part of an ongoing shift towards a more interactive and participatory WWW
o Aimed at enhancing creativity, collaboration, and functionality
o Often created using Ajax
o Examples include integrated maps and geo-positioned photographs, maps of realestate or rental property, book websites and hiking information resources,

Flash Earth, Housingmaps.com

Mash-ups and open-source software are driving new practices in development

Designers can rapidly create web applications by combining pre-existing software


This allows for:

o Rapid user-interface prototyping and application development
o Reduced development risk
o Reduced time-to-market

Window Design

Computer users frequently have to consult documents, forms, e-mail messages, and more
to complete their tasks.

Designers struggle to:

o Offer users sufficient information and flexibility to accomplish their task

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o Reduce window-housekeeping actions (stretch, move, and scroll a window)

o Minimize distracting clutter

Overlapping, draggable, resizable windows on a broad desktop have become the standard

The dynamics of windows have a strong effect on user perceptions, animations for
transitions must be designed carefully
o Zooming boxes
o Repainting when a window is opened or closed
o Blinking outlines
o Highlighting during dragging

Advanced users working on multiple tasks can switch among collections of windows
called workspaces or rooms

Coordinating Multiple Windows

Coordinated Windows:
o Windows that appear, change contents, and close as a direct result of user actions
in the task domain
o Example medical insurance claims processing application

An agent retrieves information about a patient and fields with contact and
membership information are automatically filled

At the same time another window opens containing the patients medical

Also, a third window appears that contains the patients previous claims

Scrolling in the medical history windows also causes the previous claims
window to scroll

Coordination's for developers to consider:

o Synchronized scrolling the scroll bar of one window is coupled to the scroll bar
of another

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o Hierarchical browsing Windows Explorer and Outlook

o Opening/closing of dependent windows simultaneously open dependant
windows in another convenient location
o Saving/opening of window state save the current state of the display with all the
windows and their contents. Save screen as
o Tabbed browsing view multiple web pages without opening a new browser
o Tiled windows automatically resize and arrange windows so they do not overlap
o Ribbon interface Microsoft Office 2007

Categories of interface schemes according to the interface mechanisms used to separate

and blend views
o Spatial separation

Typified by overview + detail interface

o Temporal separation

Typified by zoomable interfaces

o Seamless focus + context

Typified by fish-eye views

o Cue-based techniques

Selectively highlight or suppress items within the information space

Image Browsing

Image browsing enables users to work with large maps, circuit diagrams, magazine
layouts, photos, or artwork

How is this accomplished an a display with a fixed size?

o Users see an overview in one window and the details in a second window
o Users move a field-of-view box in the overview to adjust the detail-view content

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o If the user pans within the detail view, the field-of-view box should move in the
overview window

The magnification from the overview to the detail view is called the zoom factor

Semantic zooming the way in which objects are represented changes depending on their

Side-by-side placement of the overview and detail view is most common

Some systems provide a single view

o Either zooming smoothly to move in on a selected point
o Or replacing the overview with the detail view

Another option is to overlap the overview and detail view

Fisheye views
o Interest comes from trying to provide detail views (focus) and overviews
(context) without obscuring anything
o Provides a focus + context view of information
o The focus area is magnified to show detail while preserving the context all in a
single display
o Examples: Dock on MAC OS X, AWN and Cairo Dock for Linux

The design for image browsers should be governed by the users tasks, which can be
classified as follows:
o Image generation paint or construct a large image or diagram
o Open-ended exploration browse to gain an understanding of the map or image
o Diagnostics scan for flaws in an entire diagram, image, or layout
o Navigation have knowledge of the overview, but need to pursue details along a
highway or vain
o Monitoring watch the overview and, when a problem occurs, zoom in on the

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Personal Role Management

The current GUI offers a desktop with applications represented as icons and documents
organized in folders

The next progression is towards role-centered design

Users focus on their roles rather than arranging windows

A personal role manager

o Used instead of a window manager
o Could improve performance and reduce distraction while the user is working in a
given role
o Could facilitate shifting of attention from one role to another

Could simplify and accelerate the performance of common coordination tasks, in the
same way that GUIs simplify file-management tasks

Organization Overviews and Role Management: Inspiration for Future Desktop

o [http://hcil.cs.umd.edu/trs/95-11/95-11.html]
o Can you guess the authors names Catherine Plaisant and Ben Shneiderman

Each role has a vision statement that describes responsibilities and goals

Each role also has a set of people, a task hierarchy, a schedule, and a set of documents

Screen management is a key feature

o All roles should be visible but the current focus of attention is on the current role
o As the user shifts attention to the second role, the current one shrinks and the
second grows to fill the screen

Requirements for a personal role manager:

o A unified framework for information organization according to users roles
o A visual, spatial layout that matches tasks

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o Multi-window actions for fast arrangement of information

o Information access with partial knowledge of an information items nominal,
spatial, temporal, and visual attributes and its relationship to other information
o Fast switching and resumption of roles
o Free users cognitive resources to work on task-domain actions, rather than
making users concentrate on interface-domain actions
o Use screen space efficiently and productively for tasks
Color displays are attractive to users and can often improve task performance, but the danger of
misuse is high.
Colors offer the following:

Soothe or strike the Eye

Add accents to an uninteresting display

Facilitate subtle discriminations in complex displays

Emphasize the logical organization of information

Draw attention to warnings

Evoke strong emotional rations of joy, excitement, fear, or anger

Color Guidelines for Designers

Use color conservatively too much color can be counterproductive and misleading

Limit the Number of Colors limit single displays to 4 colors and entire sequence
displays to 7. Too much may cause confusion.

Recognize the power of color as a coding technique Ex Red means stop, overdue tasks.
Green means go, completed tasks.

Ensure that color coding supports the tasks

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Have color coding appear with minimal user effort

Place color coding under user control Users should be able to turn off or correct color

Design for monochrome first

Consider the needs of color-deficient users

Use color to help in Formatting

Be consistent in color coding

Be alert to common expectations about color codes

Be alert to problems with color pairings Ex. Red and Blue

User color changes to indicate status changes

Use color in graphic displays for greater information density

Model Question Papers

1. Discuss the impact of inefficient screen design on processing time with an
2. Discuss the chronological history of the internet
3. Compare and contrast the graphical user interface and the web user interface
4. Discuss the important human characteristics which have influence on
interface and screen design
5. State the screen design goals.
6. Discuss how a poor screen design can distract the user and what a user
expects in good screen
7. What are the guidelines for selecting the proper device-based control?
Explain in detail.
8. Explain in detail about the factors considered in choosing colors.
9. Illustrate the following specification methods with suitable examples.
(a) State charts
(b) Grammers
10.What are various type of mouses. Distinguish their operations.
11.Compare mouse and joystick.
12.Discuss the impact of ineffecient screen design on processing time with an
example (b) Discuss the chronological history of the internet
13.Compare the application oriented approach and object oriented approach in
designing GUI.
(a) (b) Discuss the following principles of user interface design

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(b) i. Transparency ii. Simplicity
iii. Responsiveness
iv. Recovery
14.What is meant by basic business functions? Discuss indetail the process of
determining basic business functions
15.Discuss the following in respect of designing a web site. (a) Browsing (b)
Search facilities.
16.Explain how menu choices can be selected (b) What are unavailable menu
choices, toggled menu items and mark toggles.
17.Give a brief note about icon animation and audition.
18.(b) Explain what are the issues to be considered in combining mediums?
19.Give a brief note about the features of user - interface building tools.
20.Explain the functioning of the following interactive devices
(a) Track ball
(b) Graphics tablet
(c) Touch-pad
(d) Joystick
21.Discuss the history of screen deisgn
22.Compare a 1970s screen, a 1980s screen, and a 1990s and beyond screen
23.Compare the print page design and web page design
24.What is meant by extranet? How it is different from internet?
25.Discuss about users tasks and needs which are also important in user
interface design
26.List various statistical graphic forms and explain surface charts, bar graphs
and histograms with suitable examples.
27.Identify the characteristics and capabilities of the following device-based
(a) Joystick (b) Track ball (c) Light pen
28.What are the issues to be considered in choosing proper words.
29.What are common message types, explain briefly.
30.Explain the role of software engineering tools in building the user interface.
31.Distinguish between QWERTY and ABCDE style.
32.What are the function keys? What are their advantages?
33.Discuss the history of screen deisgns (b) Compare a 1970s screen, a 1980s
screen, and a 1990s and beyond screen
34.Discuss the following charateristis in respect of web pages
(a) (a) Page size
(b) Page rendering
(b) (c) Page layout
(d) Page resolution
(c) (e) User focus
(f) Page navigation
(d) (g) Sense of place (h) Page independence.
35.Discuss about users tasks and needs which are also important in user
interface design
36.Discuss briefly about intranet and extranet design guidelines.
37.What are factors upon which selection of the proper input device depends?
38.What are the typical characteristics of proper screen-based controls?
39.What are the issues to be considered in designing title bar and message box.
40.Give a brief note about different widget supports and interface features
supported in user-interface building tools.
41. Explain briefly about the features of following key board layouts:
(a) QWERTY layout (b) DVORAK layout

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