Excel2R 2014-02

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The Fastest Way to Quickly & Easily

Import MS Excel Data to Revit Project

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Working with MS Excel data

Creates/updates table in Revit drafting view according to the selected table settings;
Keeps these MS Excel settings:
- Cell width and height;
- Text size per cell;
- Text font per cell;
- Text style per cell (Bold, Italic, Underline);
- Text alignment within the cell (Left, Center, Right, Top, Middle, Bottom);
- Merged cell;
- Three cell border line thicknesses (Thin, Medium, Wide).

Has possibility to use Revit text fonts instead of those that are created in MS Excel;
Creates stable link between MS Excel and Revit;
Location of the imported MS Excel file is stored in Revit project;
Has possibility to map Text and Line Styles between Excel and Revit project;
Has possibility to update MS Excel data;
Informs user when the MS Excel file was modified and to be updated in Revit project;
Informs if the original MS Excel file was deleted or moved to other place;
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Excel2R - imports MS Excel spreadsheets into Autodesk Revit with
its design settings. Such data can be synchronized with the original
MS Excel spreadsheet any time.

Almost anything you

can create in Excel
can be imported into
Revit with Excel2R

You can find this

product under
T4R: Document
tab in Revit

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Create Tables
Create Tables imports selected MS Excel spreadsheet with
predefined configuration into Revit Drafting view.

Creates a Detail
Group consisting of
detail lines and text,
in a new or existing
Drafting view.

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Create Tables - steps how to make it work

Browse MS Excel file from

your computer or server

Select spreadsheet you

want to link to Revit

Add drafting view name.

Default name will be the same as
MS Excel spreadsheet name

Select what Text and Line

Styles you would like to

Draw Table will create drafting view in current

Revit project with all data from MS Excel file

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Create Tables - TIP

The tool will skip spreadsheets that begins

with @ symbol in MS Excel.

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Create Tables - Preview
Preview quick preview of data from
MS Excel file that will be inserted

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Create Tables - Result
Result can be founded under Drafting Views in the current Revit project:

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Created data
Created data (lines and text notes) are grouped with Revit Group function. In case if you
would like to modify it you can select Edit Group or Ungroup:

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Text and Line Styles
There are three options:

Use Text and Line Styles same as it is

in MS Excel File;

Use Text Font from Revit Project;

Use Text and Line Styles from Revit


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Use Text and Line Styles same as it is in MS Excel File
Use Text and Line Styles same as
it is in MS Excel File - Excel2R will
create new text types with the
same text fonts, sizes and styles as
it is in MS Excel.
Text type name will consists of
E2R, text size, text font name,
text font style.
Create and format the table in Excel to
look like you want it to appear in Revit.
Formatting should include fonts,
character formatting such as bold,
border lines with their desired line
weights, cell sizes and justifications,
and merged cells as needed.

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Use Text and Line Styles same as it is in MS Excel File
Excel2R will assign line styles
from Revit project according to
line weights that are used MS
Excel file.

Three cell border line thicknesses (Thin,

Medium, Wide) can be assigned.
Excel Line Weights




Revit Line

Thin Lines

Medium Lines

Wide Lines


Revit Line Styles

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Use Text Font from Revit Project
Table from MS Excel will be created with Text
Font from the current Revit Project.

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New feature in v2014.3, v2013.3:

Improved Size Converter!

Use Text and Line Styles from Revit Project

Use Text and Line Styles from Revit
Project allows to map text and line styles
from current Revit project.
Press Next to see mapping settings.

Size Converter here you can enter Excel

Points, Millimeters or Inches and convert
them to associated units.

Size Converter will let you know if the value

you have entered cant be converted to other
units. It will give you approximately values.
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Use Text and Line Styles from Revit Project
Line and Text Style Mapping settings to map
line and text styles.
For lines: there is a possibility to create new line
style with the same weight as it is in Excel file.
For texts: there is a possibility to create new text
style the same as it is in Excel file.
The tool automatically will suggest the best
mapping scenario. You cant choose Revit text
styles larger than the size in Excel.

Press Draw Table to finish the process and create

the table in Revit project.
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Create Tables - TIPS
If you have an existing table in MS Word, you can copy and paste it into MS
If you have an existing table in AutoCAD, you can export it to MS Excel :
AutoCAD files can contain four types of tables which you can export to MS Excel and format as
Table Objects:
Select > Right-click > Export (exports data only to CSV file), then open CSV in Excel and SaveAs XLS or XLSX,
or use TableBuilder to export with formatting, lines, and data.

Lines and text, or blocks, which look like tables:

Use TableBuilder to export.

Microsoft Word tables embedded or linked as Ole objects:

Select > Right-click > OLE > Open (in Word), then cut and paste into Excel and save as XLS or SLSX.

Excel tables embedded as Ole objects:

Select > Right-click > OLE > Open (in Excel) > SaveAs
TableBuilder is available from http://www.cadig.com/products/tablebuilder.php
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Manage Tables
Manage Tables shows all information about all already linked and gives
possibility to update or delete existing drafting views.

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Manage Tables

Status column.

Possible statuses:

File has to be updated.

Everything is ok.
Table is ungrouped.

Select select the views that will be deleted or updated;

View Name drafting view name from Revit project;
Excel Document Path path to MS Excel file. If you would press on the link then the
tool will open this file with MS Excel program;
Excel Data Sheet spreadsheet from MS Excel file.
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New feature in v2014.3, v2013.3:

Improved graphical design!

Manage Tables

Updates selected drafting view.

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Manage Tables if you want to change mapping settings for existing table
If you want to change mapping settings for existing table then you need to select the table
from Manage Table dialog and press Update:

The tool will show previous mapping

settings for selected table. Here you
will be able to change it and recreate
the table.

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New feature in v2014.3, v2013.3!

Tooltip On, Tooltip Off

Tooltip On - shows MS Excel file name and Spreadsheet name when the
cursor is over the active drafting view.

Tooltip Off switches off the possibility to see tooltip.

Tooltip switches on automatically when the user creates the table first time.
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The Revit plug-in Excel2R forces Revit project organizing & documenting processes.

Time-saving productivity When you link MS Excel information to Revit project.

Easy to Use Trouble-free creation of tables.

Always Up-to-Date data in Revit project.

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Tools 4 Revit

Tools 4 Revit is developed by AGA CAD Ltd., Autodesk

Authorised Developer
AGA-CAD is the supplier of computer-aided design software and data management solution, operating since 1991.
Companys activities consist of Tools 4 Revit development, Revit families creation, programming services for
working with BIM projects faster and easier. With resellers in a number of countries AGA CAD Ltd. implements BIM
solutions for architects, structural and MEP engineers, constructors and building contractors.

If you have any ideas or problems and you would like to

make your work with BIM projects faster and easier we can
design a tool or a program especially for you. Write your
ideas directly to info@aga-cad.com.

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