1 Wall+ Introduction

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Design wall framing with Wall+

Wood Framing Wall+ application for Autodesk Revit
1. ....allows designers to quickly pre-define their wall framing configuration and frame walls by only few easy steps;
2. ...is an all-in-one solution with different types of framing, from panels to logs;
3. ...easily edit framing manually or automatically;
4. ...lets you design framing in thousands different possible configurations;
5. ...prepares workshop drawings in few clicks;
6. ...saves vast amounts of time.

Wood Framing Wall+

Wood Framing Wall+ automates wood framing work for walls in Revit projects. Powerful, flexible and easy to use. It helps
you make optimal choices, move much faster and avoid errors at every BIM stage from design and documentation to wall
segment fabrication and construction.

Wood Framing Wall+

Wood Framing Wall+ has an E-Help where users can find a sample projects and explore it.

Wall+ installation includes:

Sample Structural Framing and Structural Connection families
Note: You can find these families in Project Browser and create new types if needed. Also you can modify
these families, like framing profiles etc.
Sample schedules and tags for a quick start to your work with shop drawings.
Configuration files which are pre-defined with basic and the most popular framing settings

1. Build a model using Revit Wall functionality
2. Create wall types with layers assign materials
3. Split walls into prefabricated segments using Revit Split Element functionality
4. Write unique marks to wall Mark parameter
5. Modify wall joins using Revit Wall Joins functionality
6. Wall+ Load Families and Schedules
7. Wall+ define Framing Configuration
8. Wall+ map wall types with framing configuration using Wall Link
9. Wall+ frame walls
10. Wall+ make stud alignment and add additional elements if needed
11. Wall+ define Shop Drawing Configuration
12. Wall+ make shop drawings for one wall using Create Frame Assembly
13. Wall+ sort frame members
14. Add shop drawing views into the sheet for one wall and save it as a template for the future walls
15. Wall+ make shop drawings for other wall segments

Best practices of making walls

Walls has to be modeled according to your framing needs. Wall+ has the ability to frame sloped faces, but sides of wall
should always be vertical as it is in real life (Picture 1)
Avoid abnormal wall forms which sometimes occurs when it is attached to roof (Picture 2)

Walls should be modeled as it should be paneled and prefabricated (Picture 3)

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Best practices of making walls

Wall types:
Wall structure should be layered out in the way the parts of framing will be modeled e.g.
1. Siding (top)
2. Nailers
3. Sheathing
4. Framing
5. Sheathing (bottom)
Materials for every layer are mandatory.

Best practices of making walls

Wall splitting:
Wall+ is capable of making frames for both: on-site and modular wall framing. Splitting defines the modules of wall.
To define panels of framing, maximum height of studs, maximum length of sidings, etc. you should split wall where you want
your framing to end.
Walls should be split straight vertically or horizontally.
After horizontal split new created walls has to be aligned to levels which it represents.

Best practices of making walls

Knee wall:
If wall is attached to roof then framing adapts to the slope of this roof.
Exterior walls has to stay horizontal for placing structural elements, e.g. girders

For knee walls to work as expected,
wall function has to be set to Exterior.
If wall is left unattached to roof, top
plate of that wall will always be

Wall+ families
AGACAD provides sample, the most popular framing and connection
families together with Wall+ software. Default Metric and Imperial
libraries are located here:
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\TOOLS 4 BIM\2016 (or other
version) \Wall+\16.7.50824.0 (or other version)
\Wall+\Libraries\Metric or Imperial
If you modify these families in the future then you can hold it in your
company template or place into this catalogue for the new projects.


Wall+ families
Each Wall+ structural framing
family has its subcategory
which is used for visual
appearance setting in the


Family Name


Family Name

Wood Stud

M_Wall_Frame Stud (old name

M_Wall_Frame Common Lumber)
M_Wall_Log Opening Trim
M_Wall_Log Opening Trim with Cut

Opening Finish Board

M_Wall_Opening Finish Board

Siding Finish Board

M_Wall_Siding Corner Finish Board

M_Wall_Siding Header Finish Board
M_Wall_Siding Sill Finish Board
M_Wall_Siding Top&Bottom Finish Board
M_Wall_Siding Trimer Finish Board

Siding Waterproof

M_Wall_Opening Sill Waterproof

Wood Nailer

M_Wall_Nailer Plate (old name

M_Wall_Nailer Common Lumber)
M_Wall_Nailer Stud


M_Wall_Log Common Log

M_Wall_Log Top Half Log
M_Wall_Log Bottom Half Log

Opening Axis

M_Wall_Frame Serice Holes

Wood Plate

List of family subcategories:

M_Wall_Frame Plate (old name

M_Wall_Frame Top&Bottom Plate)
M_Wall_Frame Top Plate Header
M_Wall_Frame Top Plate Support
M_Wall_Log Opening Header
M_Wall_Log Opening Sill

Metal Brace

M_Wall_Brace Metal T-Brace

M_Wall_Brace Metal L-Brace

Wood Brace

M_Wall_Brace Wood Brace

Horizontal Siding

M_Wall_Siding Strip_Horizontal
M_Wall_Siding Strip_ST_Horizontal

Vertical Siding

M_Wall_Siding Strip_Rect_Vertical
M_Wall_Siding Strip_ST_Vertical
M_Wall_Siding Strip_Vertical


Wall+ configurations
Wall+ framing, numbering, sheathing and shop drawing configurations are saved in C:\Users\user
name\AppData\Roaming\Tools 4 Revit\Wall+2015 Configurations catalogue.
The content from this catalogue can be copied to other users computer if needed.


User permissions
To flawlessly work with Wall+ user permissions for Wall+ 2016 (or other catalogue) directory should be set to "Full Control" in
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\TOOLS 4 BIM\2016 (or other version) \Wall+\16.7.50824.0 (or other version)
\Wall+\Libraries\Metric or Imperial
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Tools 4 Revit\Wall+2015 Configurations

Go to C:\ProgramData\Tools 4 Revit\
press right mouse click on Wall+ 2015 (or other version) catalogue
Go to Properties
In "Security" tab press "Edit"
Choose the User and Set "Full Control" to "Allow"
Press "OK, "OK"


After framing a wall DO NOT use Undo (Undo button or Ctrl + Z) function, because configuration setting of a wall will be lost.



T: +370 618 55671 | E: support@aga-cad.com | W: www.aga-cad.com

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