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Texto mdico:

Drug-induced pneumonitis is a general term for drug-induced nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis

(IP) and drug-induced hypersensitivity pneumonitis. IP is characterized by minimal inflammation
and heterogeneous fibrosis of the lung, most prominent in the peripheral areas, without infection,
which distinguishes pneumonitis from pneumonia. This inflammation inhibits the lung's ability to
transfer oxygen to the blood, and eventually results in scarring, making early recognition of druginduced interstitial pneumonitis (DI-IP) and prompt withdrawal of the drug critical.
DI-IP belongs to a larger class of pulmonary disorders called interstitial lung disease (ILD), a broad
term that refers to the many forms of disease affecting the interstitium of the lungs. ILDs constitute
an extensive group of diseases whose frequency in the general population is thought to be low,
with reports of the overall incidence in the general population ranging from 1 to 28.8
cases/100,000/year (Lopez-Campos, 2004). The pathology of ILDs ranges from mild conditions
that respond well to treatment to progressive, nonresponsive disease states that severely limit lung
function and may cause death. There are many entities for infiltrative lung disease such as nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, interstitial lung fibrosis, bronchiolitis
obliterans, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (Dimoupouli, 2006).
Epidemiological information on ILDs in the general population is limited to investigations within
local populations. The RENIA study was a multi-center prospective registry study conducted in the
south of Spain between 1998 and 2000 (Lopez-Campos, 2004). The mean age in that study was
61 16 years, with a range from 10 to 94 years and a slight predominance of males (56.9%). DI-IP
accounted for approximately 2% of the reported cases of ILD. Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia
(IIP), the most common ILD accounted for almost 40% of cases. This is significant because
idiopathic interstitial pneumonia has the same clinical presentation as DI-IP. Other commonly noted
ILD included sarcoidosis (12%), occupational-/environmental-related (12%), and organizing
pneumonia (5%).

Texto legal:
The Company's registered office is established in Luxembourg City. The board of directors may set
up administrative establishments, agencies, branches or offices both in the Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg and abroad.
Should any extraordinary events of a political, economic or social nature - or, more generally, any
case of force majeure - occur or be imminent, which may compromise the normal conduct of
business at the Company's registered office or trouble-free communications with that registered
office or communications between that registered office and places located abroad, the registered
office may be transferred on a temporary basis to a location outside the Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg until those abnormal circumstances have completely ceased; however, such
temporary measure shall in no way affect the nationality of the Company, which, notwithstanding
the temporary transfer of its registered office, shall remain a Luxembourg company.
Such a declaration of transfer of the registered office shall be made and notified to third parties by
one of the Companys executive bodies having the capacity to bind it in respect of acts of ordinary
day-to-day management.

Texto de TI:
Once youve gotten users to your site, Enhanced Ecommerce allows you to optimize the onsite
experience to drive sales. By using Product Lists, you can identify how customers are discovering
and interacting with products before purchasing them. Armed with this information, you can analyze
your onsite promotions in order to build a more effective merchandising strategy, or use the product
attribution functionality to understand which product lists drive conversions.
In an increasingly mobile world, this information is critically important since screen real estate is
limited and must be used wisely. For retailers with mobile apps, the Google Analytics SDK fully
supports Enhanced Ecommerce, so you can do rich analysis of product performance and customer
behavior across all sales channels. Across both desktop and mobile, Enhanced Ecommerce
delivers the information you need to increase sales on your site.

Legal text:
La ARRENDADORA declara, a travs de su representante, que:
Es una sociedad annima de capital variable constituida conforme a las leyes del pas, segn
consta en la Escritura Pblica Nmero ________, de fecha ___________, otorgada ante la fe
del licenciado ___________, Notario Pblico nmero ________ del Distrito Federal, y cuyo
Primer Testimonio qued inscrito en el Registro Pblico de Comercio del Distrito Federal, bajo
el folio mercantil nmero _______, el da ______________.
Modific su denominacin social por la actual, bajo la escritura pblica nmero __________ de
fecha _____________, ante la fe del Lic. _____________________, Notario Pblico
_________________, inscrito en el Registro Pblico de Comercio del Distrito Federal, en el
folio mercantil nmero __________.
Su representante cuenta con los poderes generales necesarios y suficientes para obligarla en
los trminos del presente contrato, mismos que a la fecha de firma del mismo, no le han sido
revocados, modificados ni limitados en manera alguna, y que constan en la Escritura Pblica
nmero ________ de fecha ___________, otorgada ante la fe del licenciado ____________,
Notario Pblico nmero __________.

Texto en francs:
Les actions souscrites en numraire doivent tre obligatoirement libres, lors de la
souscription, de la moiti au moins de leur valeur nominale la constitution de la socit, du quart
au moins de leur valeur nominale dans les autres cas et, le cas chant, de la totalit de la prime
d'mission. Le surplus est appel dans le dlai maximum de cinq ans par le Prsident.
Tout versement en retard sur les actions porte, de plein droit et sans mise en demeure pralable,
un intrt en faveur de la Socit, calcul au taux lgal en matire commerciale major de trois
points partir du jour de l'exigibilit.
Chaque fois qu'il est ncessaire de possder plusieurs actions pour exercer un droit
quelconque, notamment en cas de rduction du capital, pour quelque cause et de quelque manire
que ce soit, les associs doivent faire leur affaire personnelle du groupement et, ventuellement, de
l'achat ou de la vente du nombre d'actions ou de droits ncessaires.

Texto en alemn:
Durch den Sden des Kongo, in der Provinz Katanga, zieht sich der sogenannte Kupfergrtel. Der
Boden hier ist gesegnet mit wertvollen Rohstoffen. Neben Kupfer findet sich vor allem Kobalt in
ungewhnlicher Konzentration, das afrikanische Land ist mit Abstand der weltgrte Produzent des
seltenen Metalls. Und das hinterlsst Spuren.
Die Bden sind kontaminiert, die Flsse verseucht, die Regenwlder abgeholzt: Vom "KatangaSyndrom" ist die Rede, um die systematische Umweltzerstrung beim Abbau von Bodenschtzen
zu beschreiben. Ausgerechnet Kobalt und Kupfer aber sind zentrale Bestandteile von Elektroautos,
den grnen Vorzeigeprodukten der mobilen Gesellschaft.
In ihren Batteriezellen verbergen sich betrchtliche Mengen davon. 24 Kilogramm Kupfer bentigt
laut einer Studie der Technischen Universitt Graz der Roadster des kalifornischen Herstellers
Tesla, dazu kommen 67 Kilo Kobalt oder alternativ 69 Kilo Nickel sowie rund 14 Kilo Lithium:
allesamt Stoffe, deren Abbau einen massiven Eingriff in die Natur bedeutet. "Die euphorischen
Erwartungen an das Elektroauto sind vllig fehl am Platz", meint Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek. Ein
hartes Urteil.

Texto en italiano:
Uno studio appena pubblicato su Nature dimostra come gli eventi climatici estremi e avversi che il
cambiamento climatico sta esacerbando in portata e frequenza siano una minaccia grave alla
produzione di grano. Usando gli ultimi modelli climatici combinati alle pi recenti stime sulle
emissioni di gas a effetto serra, i ricercatori hanno mostrato come gli eventi climatici avversi
aumenteranno in maniera sostanziale entro il 2060, e come data loramai appurata correlazione
negativa tra caldo estremo e raccolti - ci si tradurr probabilmente in un pi frequente fallimento
dei raccolti di grano nel Vecchio Continente. Gli scienziati di Stanford lavevano appena ribadito
sulle pagine della stessa prestigiosa rivista scientifica: i raccolti europei risentiranno
dellinnalzamento della temperatura globale. I risultati hanno mostrato chiaramente come un
cambiamento climatico anche di modesta entit possa avere un grande impatto sui raccolti di
diverse colture in Europa, ha spiegato la co-autrice della ricerca Frances Moore.
Dal 1980, con il progressivo aumento delle temperature, gli agricoltori che si dedicano alle colture di
grano, mais e orzo hanno gi visto diminuire i raccolti - anche se, oltre a quello climatico, altri fattori
possono aver contribuito a tale declino. Con laumento di temperatura previsto per il 2040, dicono
ora gli scienziati, i raccolti di grano e orzo si ridurranno di oltre il 20%, mentre quelli di mais di circa
il 10%. Entrambe le ricerche mettono in rilievo limportanza delladattamento agli impatti del
cambiamento climatico da parte degli agricoltori europei nei decenni a venire. Adattarsi vuol dire
studiare una serie di misure - dalluso di variet colturali o colture diverse a quello di sistemi
dirrigazione pi adatti - basandosi sulle tecnologie attualmente disponibili, per ridurre gli impatti
negativi del riscaldamento globale. Strategie che sono mutualmente di supporto con le pratiche
dellagricoltura sostenibile, dato che ladattabilit e la flessibilit della gestione produttiva che tiene
conto della vulnerabilit del sistema agli stress esterni (come il cambiamento climatico) inerente al
concetto stesso dagricoltura sostenibile.

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