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Pocket e-Guide

Wealth Astro-Numerologist

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

Here is your special gift my very own 2016 AstroNumerology Pocket e-Guide!
I suggest you print it out, grab a pen to make notes with,
have a cup of water or tea and find a quiet place to digest
the important moments in this 2016 e-Guide so you can
plan your year month-by-month.
Have a copy of the guide on your desk, computer or mobile
device as a handy reference tool for the whole year!

This e-Guide lists all the important planetary transits, aspects and lunations
- including eclipses and numerology codes with Tanias short descriptions
of the secret symbolism for each.

2016: Royal Year of Wealth, Wisdom and Leadership

2016 is the year you step into your own royal code. As a 9 Universal Year (2+0+1+6 = 9), this
12-month cycle emphasizes Leadership through wisdom and stepping onto the royal carpet
to experience and manifest your true purpose as a divine being of light.
You are releasing age-old patterns and programming, making room for lasting wealth and
deep fulfillment. You will be given many opportunities to feel self-empowered this year. Share
your ideas and energy in a spirit of love, clarity and confidence for the greatest growth.
Every opportunity to connect heart-to-heart, each time you are asked to lift the veil and see
the truth, will help you step into your royal code as a divine being.
Whether it is a birth of a new connection, a deepening of an existing bond, a healing of the
past, or a rebirth of a new brand or business you are expanding your heart and raising your
In 2016 wealth comes naturally to those who FEEL a wealth of love and gratitude!
May your year be magnificent, rich and fulfilling.

Tania Gabrielle

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

January, 2016
January is a 10/1 Universal Month in 2016 and signifies New Beginnings perfect for
the first month in the year! You have powerful opportunities to manifest quickly all
month long. The number of love and light guarantees rapid developments and shifts.
January 5 Mercury stations Retrograde

Mercury stations Retrograde for three weeks until January 25. This is a time to be
introspective, reflective. You are getting a great perspective on the last three months
and enter this next period with renewed focus.

January 7 Jupiter stations Retrograde

Jupiter moves into retrograde which means youll be relying more on rolling up your
sleeves and accomplishing your goals. Jupiter stations at 23 Virgo, a number
signifying the Royal Star of the Lion a powerful energetic surge of confidence and

January 8/9 Venus conjunct Saturn

Venus conjuncts Saturn today for a dose of reality and bringing a sense of duty. You
need quiet time and have greater self-control. You may place your trust in an older or
wiser person.

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

January 10 New Moon in Capricorn

A New Moon in Capricorn on January 10/1 in a 10/1 Universal Month brings so many
new beginnings! In the case of Capricorn the new beginnings are a revitilization of your
career the area of life that brings you most fulfillment.

January 18 Mars trine Neptune

Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces two water signs! How deeply spiritual this energy is
an activation to shine your light and spiritualize your life. You are more receptive to the
mystical while your mind is brilliantly infused with attention to your galactic connections.

January 24 Full Moon in Leo

Venus conjuncts Saturn today for a dose of reality and bringing a sense of duty. You
need quiet time and have greater self-control. You may place your trust in an older or
wiser person.

January 25 Mercury Direct

Mercury stations Direct today! Your mind moves into implementation mode again you
feel free to activate the new goals youve explored in the last three weeks.

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

February, 2016
February is an 11 Universal Month in numerology attracting double new beginnings as
you step intrepidly through the 11 portal into the unknown. Be open to major shifts this
month. 11 also governs relationships and love as it adds up to the root number 2.

February 5 Venus conjunct Pluto

Venus conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn at 16 activating part of the 2016 code. This is a
deeply passionate conjunction bringing strong feelings of love and strong
attractiveness. Your sensual and sexual feelings are fired up as is your creativity!

February 8 New Moon in Aquarius

This brilliant New Moon in the sign of breakthroughs guarantees many new beginnings. It
occurs at 19, another number that reduces to 10 and 1 so the New Moon continues a new
storyline that began for you in January.

February 9 Venus trine Jupiter

Venus trines Jupiter at 21, the number of the 21st century. This is a beautiful and
fortunate trine of intimacy, beauty, abundance and joy in the month of Love! A warm
feeling envelopes your heart as you celebrate harmony and love with gratitude.

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

February 22 Full Moon in Virgo

With the Moon grounded in Virgo an Earth Sign you feel called to be of service and have far
greater clarity about your deep feelings. The Sun in Pisces sensitizes your, imbuing your heart
with empathy and compassion.

February 28 Sun conjunct Neptune

The Sun conjuncts Neptune on this day of vivid imaginative ideas and inspiration. You
are more impressionable today. Guard against not seeing beyond the veil of illusion,
this will only cause confusion rather trust your intuition to guide you in every decision
on this profound spiritual day.

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

March, 2016
March in 2016 is a 12 Universal Month in numerology. 12 is the number of learning and
waking up to your natural creative urges. As you branch out and recognize new
opportunities to grow, stay clear of drama and instead channel your emotional
expression into creative writing, conversation, music and art.

March 8/9 Total Solar Eclipse (New Moon Eclipse)

Moon and Sun merge as one at 18 in Pisces 18/9 in a 9 Universal Year in the final
horoscope sign. This is a moment of rebirth - big shifts, major letting go and amazing new
beginnings, A powerful T-square to Jupiter at 18 and Saturn at 16 makes this eclipse a
memorable one regarding steady, calm and lasting implementation of goals and expansion.
Major growth can happen when the Moon blocks out the light of the sun. We symbolically
learn to see in the dark by leaping into the unknown, the new (and generally improved) terrain,
even if seemingly forced to do so by outside circumstances.

March 16 Jupiter trine Pluto (first meeting)

This is a highly fortunate transit for manifesting abundance. You have a strong urge to
influence others as a leader, both spiritually and professionally. Your organizational
abilities are brilliant and allow you to achieve lasting success and wealth. The more
faith you have in yourself, the more others will have in you, and the more likely things
flow to you, since expectations are that they will!

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

March 23 Jupiter square Saturn (first meeting)

Saturn and Jupiter square each other at 16 - triggering the royal code of 2016. Be sure to not
sit on decisions at this time. Welcome the changes, be patient and diligent. Focus resolutely
on pursuing your goals - they will manifest with patience and perseverance. Take time to be
alone. This is the beginning of a one-year transit ushering in many changes and allowing you
to pierce through confusion. Plan ahead, persevere, be focused and vigilantly present so
wisdom and patience guide your way to wealth.

March 23 Partial Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon Eclipse)

With the Moon in Libra and Sun in Aries, this culminates the FINAL Cardinal Eclipses in a
series that began in October, 2013. After this Full Moon Eclipse we will be fully immersed in
the Mutable signs bringing a lot of change. During a Lunar Eclipse, as the Sun and Moon
oppose each other, we can see the Earths shadow turning the beautiful Full Moon intense
shades of reds, browns and grays. Lunar Eclipses allow us to see our shadow side and
though this can at times seem challenging, the end result is that we have come face to face
with the part of our nature that made visible now is allowing us to be set free.

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

April, 2016
April 2016 is a 13 Universal Month of changes and embracing the divine feminine. You
are awakening more and more to the infinite depths of your internal power and some of
those awakenings appear as sudden surges of energy translated as unexpected
April 7 New Moon in Aries
This New Moon in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, signifies double new beginnings with a
twist! The Sun and Moon lie at 18 which brings in the element of endings, so again we have a
moment of letting go to make way for the new. Aries always symbolizes rebirth and courage,
so this is a beautiful moment for you to start fresh and move forward with clarity and energy.

April 17 Mars stations Retrograde

Mars turns retrograde on the 17th (17/8) at 8 degrees Sagittarius. A double 8-8 starting point
for this retrograde signifies storylines about power and leadership for the next 2.5 months.
You look within for courage and guard against emotions simmering. Keep your energy in flow,
clear any misunderstandings quickly, so they do not stagnate. Your inner confidence grows

April 22 Full Moon in Scorpio

This Full moon at 2 Scorpio (Sun at 2 Taurus) on April 22 delves deeply into heart of
the matter regarding our most important relationships. The number 2 is reflected
across the board, beckoning cooperation, compromise and peace.

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

April 28 Mercury stations Retrograde

Mercury goes retrograde at 23 in Taurus and that enables you to take responsibility
for your freedom. Taurus soothes and 23/5 activates the urge for liberty. This is a time
to be introspective and reflect on the balance of your values, relationships, love and
independence. You are getting a great perspective on the last three months and enter
this next period with renewed focus.


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

May, 2016
May is a 14 Universal Month in 2016 in enabling you to communicate your message at
a deeper level. 14 brings changes, situations that require quick decisions, ideas that
invite exploration and moments of shifts that take you into new dimensions. Welcome
each experience as a gift and you navigate the rapidly shifting energies without losing
your balance.
May 6 New Moon in Taurus
This New Moon in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, signifies double new beginnings with a
twist! The Sun and Moon lie at 18 which brings in the element of endings, so again we have a
moment of letting go to make way for the new. Aries always symbolizes rebirth and courage,
so this is a beautiful moment for you to start fresh and move forward with clarity and energy.

May 9 Transit of Mercury across the Sun (Planetary Eclipse)

On the average, there are only 13 transits of Mercury each century. The last Mercury eclipse
was Nov 8, 2006. Mercury eclipses in May are about half as frequent as November transits,
but are bigger because Mercury is farthest from the sun. This planetary eclipse symbolizes
your mind seeing the messages that were heretofore in the dark. Clarity about hidden
programming and unconscious mindset patterns can iliicit a game-changing AHA moment.
Mays 14/5 Universal Month energy magnifies your ability to hear the message and
communicate on a deeper level.

May 9 Jupiter stations Direct

Jupiter stations direct at 13 in Virgo awakening the divine feminine. Your optimism about
being of service is enhanced and any health issues improve. Life feels more expansive again.


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

May 21st Full Moon in Sagittarius

This Full moon at 1 Sagittarius (Sun at 1 Gemini) brings New Beginnings and a lot of
faith about your future. You are expanding your horizons now, exploring new options
and have a big thirst for knowledge and wisdom. This is the first of two consecutive
full moons in the sign of Sagittarius so what you start now will culminate with a
celebration in June)

May 22 Mercury Stations Direct

Mercury stations Direct today! Your mind moves into implementation mode again you
feel free to activate the new goals youve explored in the last three weeks.

May 26 Jupiter Square Saturn (2nd meeting)

Saturn and Jupiter square each other for the second time, this go around at 13 - a code of
empowerment and the divine feminine. Welcome all changes, be patient and diligent. Focus
resolutely on pursuing your goals - they will manifest with patience and perseverance. Take
time to be alone. This is the beginning of a one-year transit ushering in many changes and
allowing you to pierce through confusion. Plan ahead, persevere, be focused and vigilantly
present so wisdom and patience guide your way to wealth.


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist


June, 2016
June is a 15 Universal Month in numerology in 2016, symbolizing love, responsibility,
family and abundance. 15 represents the spiritual alchemist the magician who
transmutes energy into joy. Uplift your life with all that makes you happy. In this 9
Universal Year, this is the month that BOTH numbers of LOVE (6 and 9) are activated.
June 5 New Moon in Gemini
This New Moon in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, signifies double new beginnings with a
twist! The Sun and Moon lie at 18 which brings in the element of endings, so again we have a
moment of letting go to make way for the new. Aries always symbolizes rebirth and courage,
so this is a beautiful moment for you to start fresh and move forward with clarity and energy.

June 17 Saturn square Neptune (2nd meeting)

November 26, 2015 was the first meeting of these two planets a message that defines 2016.
Spirituality vs. Realism are the themes and your ability to get clear on how to practically
share your true soul purpose, how to merge spirit with matter in your life, and how to nourish
the spiritual in a very down-to-earth step-by-step way this paradox will take you on many
deep journeys of exploration.

June 20 Full Moon in Sagittarius

This Full moon at 29 Sagittarius (Sun at 29 Gemini) is very auspicious. 29 is a master
number. June 20 and the number 29 both reduce to 2 governing peace, balance,
cooperation and relationships. This is the second consecutive Full Moon in the sign of
Sagittarius and represents a celebration of joy since the first full Moon in Sagittarius on
May 21st.

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

June 26 Jupiter trine Pluto (2nd meeting)

This is the second of three Jupiter trine Pluto tansits - a highly fortunate activation for
manifesting abundance in 2016. Jupiter and Pluto are at 16 for this meeting,
activating the 2016 Royal Code. You have a strong urge to influence others as a
leader, both spiritually and professionally. Your organizational abilities are brilliant and
allow you to achieve lasting success and wealth. The more faith you have in yourself,
the more others will have in you, and the more likely things flow to you, since
expectations are that they will!

June 29 Mars stations Direct

Mars Stations direct at 23 Scorpio and that means you regain more vitality and
direction. Your will power and courage increase as you get clear about how to
implement your gifts. This is a deeply passionate time for relationships.


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

July, 2016
June is a 16 Universal Month in 2016 triggering the number 16 and 7 two of three
numbers in the 2016 Royal Code. This month you step into a place where the sixth
sense, your intuition is expanded tremendously. Sudden insights, unexpected changes
and transformation allow you to access wisdom, wealth and leadership.
July 4 New Moon in Cancer
This New Moon in its own sign of Cancer is a beautiful moment to honor those who are family
to you blood and soul family members nurture your heart and give you emotional
sustenance and security. You are starting a new chapter regarding where you feel at home
within and without.

July 6 Venus trine Mars

November 26, 2015 was the first meeting of these two planets a message that defines 2016.
Spirituality vs. Realism are the themes and your ability to get clear on how to practically
share your true soul purpose, how to merge spirit with matter in your life, and how to nourish
the spiritual in a very down-to-earth step-by-step way this paradox will take you on many
deep journeys of exploration.

July 19 Full Moon in Capricorn

This Full Moon in Capricorn occurs at 27 - a number that reduces to 9. In this 9
Universal Year you are feeling an even greater urge now to connect with others in
brotherhood and sisterhood, to place love above all else and to let go of old emotional
patterns. Your career may go through a transition at this time.


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

July 20 Venus trine Saturn

When Venus and Saturn form a harmonious trine it is a great time to manifest your
financial abundance goals. Saturn is about taking responsibility and Venus governs
love and prosperity. You are getting serious about your relationships and actively
working on your wealth implementation projects.

July 31 Venus trine Saturn

On the final day of July Venus forms another wonderful trine, this time to Uranus. And
at 24 in the fire signs of Aries and Leo. Breakthroughs in abundance and love are
yours now! Be open to change, welcoming of shifts regarding your relationships and
financial windfalls. You are excited about opportunities and sudden shifts in wealth
and romance.


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

August, 2016
August is a 17 Universal Month in 2016 triggering the number 17/8 of Immortality.
What you focus on this month leaves behind a legacy. You are clear about your
direction and taking the reigns as a leader and visionary. Any obstacles that come your
way are placed there as major growth experiences and the courage you gain as a
result of overcoming such challenges allows you to step into your royal code.

August 2 New Moon in Leo

This New Moon in Leo at 10 is a beautiful moment in 2016 for new beginnings as both the
New Moon and the number 10/1 put an accent on starting fresh. In Leo you feel vibrant,
energized and lit up from the inside out. Spread your light with joy you will be manifesting
rapid results.

August 13 Saturn stations Direct

Saturn moves direct again at 9 in Sagittarius! This is great news for concentration,
steadiness, implementation of your goals and creates a stronger focus on your career.
Organization and planning are easier to manifest in a clear, concise way for lasting success.

August 18 Full Moon in Aquarius

This Full Moon in Aquarius at 25 (with Sun at 25 Leo) - triggers the number 7, also
part of the 2016 code. You are reflecting on your future, taking time out to rest and
rejuvenate before the big eclipse cycle in September


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist


August 24 Mars conjunct Saturn

Lay low during this time breathe deeply and guard being rash. This is a fiery transit
that can either lead to feeling irritable or allow you to pursue your goals with ambition
and self-confidence. Youll do well taking some time alone to feel grounded amidst the
high energy.

August 25 Mars square Neptune

Take time off to get clear on how you channel your energy into feeling connected in a
spiritual way. On the one hand you may feel very hopeful around this time, on the
other hand you may not see the truth clearly so its important to take time with all
your decisions and responses.

August 30 Mercury stations Retrograde

Mercury goes retrograde at 29 in Virgo, a critical degree in astrology, making this

retrograde even more powerful. Any Mercury retrograde period enables you to be
introspective. You are reflecting on your daily routine, your health and your ability to
be of service. You are also getting a great perspective on the last three months and
enter this next period with renewed focus.

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

September, 2016
September is an 18/9 Month in a 9 Universal Year! This is the moment the number
doubles up and that means the royal code of wealth, wisdom and leadership is more
active than ever. You are releasing, making room for amazing new opportunities and
allowing your past to melt away.
September 1 Solar Eclipse in Virgo

This big Virgo Eclipse happens at 9 in an 18/9 Month in a 9 Year. Triple 9-9-9 means a lot of
endings, culminations and release! Virgo makes it all real as you focus on the details of your
big transition. This New Moon Eclipse is also focused on Beginnings (New Moon) as it
happens on the 1st day of September. Big Shifts are in store.

September 9 Jupiter enters Libra

Jupiter enters the sign of Libra! How beautiful for all our intimate relationships! How marvelous
for embracing luxury and abundance! Libra is ruled by Venus the planet of love, values and
abundance. Merged with Jupiter this is a highly auspicious moment, and one you will benefit
from for the rest of the year!

September 16 Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

A major Full Moon Eclipse signifies tremendous shifts in your relationships and
spiritual life. On the 16th it activates the powerful 2016 royal code and attracts sudden
unexpected shifts. At 24 in Pisces, you are connecting to the deeply sensitive and
loving part of you, awakening those heartstrings in a way that is absolutely exquisite.


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

September 21 Mercury Stations Direct

Mercury stations Direct today! Your mind moves into implementation mode again you
feel free to activate the new goals youve explored in the last three weeks.

September 26 Pluto Stations Direct

Pluto moves direct again great news for feeling empowered and clear about your
confidence and leadership capabilities. There is a lot of flexibility in movement now for
you to step up and try new ideas and explore, since the change of direction for Pluto
happens at 14. Your message now will be even more powerful.


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist


October, 2016
October in 2016 is a powerful 10/1 Universal Month of new beginnings and instant
manifestation. After the eclipse cycle in September you feel renewed and ready to
move forward! This is a beautiful time to dive into your goals as you are guaranteed fast
turnaround time and results.
October 1 New Moon in Leo
October kicks off with a bang with this New Moon at 9 Libra. Again the number 9 which
defines 2016 is activated in the astrology degree. 1 and 9 when merged in a code always
bring a shift as they represent beginnings and endings. With three lunations this month (the
third of which is referred to as a blue moon this is a powerful month to shift your emotions.

October 16 Full Moon in Aries

This full moon at 23 Aries (with the sun at 23 Libra) triggers the Royal Star of theLion
Number 23 on October 16 which activates the royal code of 2016! You are truly embracing
your royal nature.

October 19 Mars conjunct Pluto

You have an unusual amount of energy and a heightened sense of self confidence.
This conjunction occurs at 15 Capricorn such a powerful combination of alchemy
and action. Success is achieved more easily now as the fire of Mars and Pluto merge
in one powerful conjunction on the 19th symbolizing beginnings and completion.

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

October 28 Mars square Uranus

Your strong urge for freedom is unleashed now. Guard against being rash with your
decisions or to act in haste. Make sure you take lots of time to breathe and center
yourself as this powerful surge of energy courses through your life. Surgeries during
this time are not recommended.

October 29 Venus conjunct Saturn

Beauty, love and values merge with reality and discipline as you get sincere and real
about relationships, finances and making your environment exquisite. You need time
alone to stay centered and emotionally balanced.

October 30 New Moon in Scorpio (Blue Moon)

A lunation is called a blue moon when it occurs twice in one calendar month. In this case the
blue moon is a new moon in the powerful transcendent sign of Scorpio. At 7 this lunation
carries many opportunities use your laser-like intuition to set a new agenda for your life.
Scorpio and 7 are about truth and wisdom at the deepest levels.


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

November, 2016
November 2016 is an 11 Universal Month! A double 11:11 gateway is opened ALL
month long. This is a very rare phenomenon that only occurs during 9 Universal Year
cycles every nine years. Walking through the gateway into the unknown to discover
the truth that sets up free is the key to the whole month.
November 14 Full Moon in Taurus
This full moon at 22 Taurus (with the Sun at 22 Scorpio) merges the 11:11 for November
with another master number 22. Opportunities for growth are magnified and this growth is
symbolized by your urge for Freedom. Many internal and/or external changes propel you into
embracing new realities.

November 19 Neptune stations Direct

Neptune opens you up to receptivity and sensitizes everything, so your psychic

abilities are moving you into a new, clearer direction now. Listen closely as this
supremely clairvoyant planet changes direction when a planet stations (before
moving retrograde or direct( is the time they exude their greatest influence.

November 24 Jupiter square Pluto

Take time to balance and stay grounded now as Jupiter expands Plutos power. You
may be very enthusiastic about a new idea or project however, make sure you back
it up with a concrete plan. There is a pressure to move forward and if felt that way,
pull back and breathe in until the pressure dissipates.


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist


November 29 New Moon in Sagittarius

This New Moon on the 29th an 11 Day in the 11th month in an 11 Universal Month sets up
one of the most amazing new beginnings code in years. You will feel so renewed, so refreshed
and so ready to embrace a new life, a new perspective a new view of the worlds.

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist


December, 2016
December in 2016 is a 12/3 Universal Month. Decembers 12:12 code initiates both
learning and joy. 12 reduces to the root number 3 of self expression and creativity.
Coupled with the number 9 for 2015 this amazing code unlocks your creative nature
and sets the stage for social connections and sharing of feelings all in a spirit of
December 14 Full Moon in Gemini
This full second consecutive full moon at 22 - this time in Gemini (with the Sun at 22
Sagittarius) unlocks 22, Master Architect of Peace number and merges it with number
14 of communication, freedom, shifts and adventure. Youll be juxtaposing the
freedom of Gemini and 14 with the grounding, patient, reliable and peace-loving 22
during this full moon.
December 19 Mercury stations Retrograde

This is one of those rare calendar years where Mercury retrogrades four times, not the
usual three. This retrograde begins on the 19th (beginnings and endings generate a shif
at 15 in Capricorn, a vibration of magical alchemy and uplifting others through joy. In
Capricorn you are reflecting on how to bring more fulfillment into your vocation. You
are also getting a great perspective on the last three months and enter this next period
with renewed focus.

December 24 Saturn trine Uranus

When hardworking, patient Saturn trines the breakthrough planet Uranus the harmony
generated calms down your nerves so you can calmly master every opportunity for
change, persevere through big and small shifts and feel more in control of every
situation that arises. You feel confident in tackling all the demands and changes of life.

2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist

December 29 New Moon in Capricorn

The final New Moon of 2016 occurs at 7 Capricorn, activating the 2016 Code.
December 29 opens the 11 portal into double new beginnings right in the final
moments of 2016. What you experience now, especially regarding what brings you
most fulfillment in your vocation, brings vital insights in how you will take the reigns in

December 29 Uranus stations Direct

Uranus moves direct and has a big influence on your life. Changes and breakthroughs
the themes that defined the 2016 code are bringing the year to a very exciting and
unexpected completion. Any chance you have to explore and break through
boundaries are going to help set you free in the final days of the year. All preparation
for the major celebration that awaits you in 2017

December 31/January 1

Mars conjunct Neptune

On August 25 Mars formed a square to Neptune. Now the year ends and New Year
begins with a conjunction by these two planets Fire merges with Spirituality. Your
inner soul fire feels a great urge to merge with everything and everyone. You feel
spiritually stimulated and have a passionate perspective on how your sensual and
spiritual nature work hand in hand to birth miracles. This message for 2017 means you
are about to birth a new cosmic creation.


2016 Astro-Numerology Pocket e-Guide Copyright 2015 Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist


Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two

ancient divination arts Astrology and
Numerology to the Western World.
As a Wealth Astro-Numerologist, spiritual teacher,
personal oracle to her clients, author and classical
composer, Tania uses the frequencies in letters,
numbers and the stars to inspire others to a life of
wealth and fulfillment. Tania has coached
thousands of clients and entrepreneurs worldwide, helping them to design abundant
lives by unlocking the secrets in their birth code, checking the vibration of their current
name, and revealing the opportunities in their future astro-numerology cycles. To her
VIP Clients, she is a personal oracle, precise forecast strategist and hands-on business
Tanias insights have being published on the front page of USA TODAY newspaper
edition and, in Entertainment Weekly, ESPN Magazine and online in The
New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Essence Magazine,, US Magazine
and on Sirius XM Radio.
Her uplifting free Weekly Forecast Videos and Full and New Moon videos reach tens of
thousands of readers worldwide. As the creator of Numerology Academy the first
online certification course integrating two ancient spiritual modalities, Astrology
and Numerology she has taught and certified hundreds of coaches and healers.
Tania is renowned for reading name vibrations, spiritual DNA codes, sacred geometry
and future timelines. She has been featured in two documentaries, Quantum
Communication and The Voice.

To receive FREE Weekly Astro-Numerology Forecast Videos from Tania,

Click here:

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