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Aromatic plants:

1) Ringelblume, Marigold
- Teas: Anti-inflammatory effects, antiseptic, speeds up
cicatrization processes
- Stimulates gallbladders activity
- Salads: flowers replaces saffron
- Creams: speeds up cicatrization processes, reduces skin
2) Salbei, Sage
- Anti-inflammatory effects
- Reduces sweating
- Balances the nervous system
- Stimulates the digestion
3) Ysop, Hyssop
- Biblical plant
- Beneficial for the respiratory system; antidepressant and
invigorating for the whole organism
4) Oregano
- Teas: stimulates digestion, powerful Antiseptic: respiratory
5) Pfefferminze, peppermint
- Beneficial for the respiratory system; regulates digestion
6) Currykraut, Curry plant
- Oil: Anti-inflammatory effects, fungicidal
- Perfumes: It is used as a fixative in perfumes and has an
intense fragrance.
7) Zitronenmelisse, Lemon balm
- Regulates digestion
- Protects the heart - useful in cardiovascular disorders
8) Schafgarbe, Common yarrow coada soricelului
- Teas:
properties: poultices can be applied on wounds
- Flowers have a strong specific smell antiallergic properties
- Leaves contain bitter substances stimulate livers and
gallbladders activity
9) Koriander, Coriander
- Stimulates the digestion and the gastric juices

10) Kamille, chamomile

- Powerful antiallergic
- Removes pregnancy nausea
- Removes baby cramps
- Cosmetic purposes: purifies the skin
11) Frauenminze/ Balsamkraut, Costmary calomfir
- Used in bronchitis
- Stimulates digestion, gallbladder activity
- Reduces bloating
12) Schwarznessel, beefsteak plant busuioc chinezesc/
susan salbatic, shiso
- Traditional chinese medicinal plant: stimulates the
immunitary system activity
- Used in Japanese cuisine for different recipes: tempura and
also for pickles
13) Borretsch, borage
- Used in respiratory system problems
- Has diuretic, depurative properties
14) Kapuzinerkressen, garden nasturtium
- Ornamental and medicinal plant
- Used for salads: peppery taste, contains vitamin C
- Food plant for insects
Companion plant: repellent for cucurbit pests, for broccoli
and cauliflower
15) Beinwell, comfrey
- Anti-inflammatory effects
- Antitumoral properties
- Speeds up the cicatrization process
16) Echtes Laubkraut,
Yellow bedstraw sanziene
- Bitter taste, but sweet smell
- Increases external cicatrization speed
- Regulates thyroids activity
- Bath: regulates immune systems activity, helps in
rheumatism problems
17) Echte Eibisch , Common marshmallow - nalba mare
18) Thymian, Thyme

- Used for respiratory system problems, used for coughs

and bronchitis
- Regulates digestion
- Antiseptic: it is an active ingredient in various commercially
produced mouthwashes such as Listerine
- effective against various fungi that commonly infect toenails
19) Sand-Thymian, Creeping Thyme
- Used for respiratory system problems, used for coughs
and bronchitis
20) Ruprechtskraut , Herb Robert
- Powerful aphrodisiac, heals infertility
- General tonic for the whole body
- Antitumoral properties
21) Lavendel, Lavender
- Teas: Balances the nervous system, antidepressant, helpful
for insomnia
- Oil: used in massage therapy
- The flowers are also used as a culinary herb, most often as
part of the French herb blend called Herbes de Provence
- Dried lavender flowers and lavender essential oil are also
used as a prevention against clothing moths because of the
intense fragrance
22) Breitwegerich, Common plantain patlagina mare
- Speeds up the wounds healing, insect bites
- Heals cough
23) Spitzwegerich, English plantain patlagina ingusta
- Speeds up the wounds healing, insect bites
- Heals cough
24) Rosmarin, rosemary
- Regulates digestion
- Increases memory, ballances the nervous sysyem
- Reduces bloating
25) Portulak, Common purslane
- Salads: sour leaves
- Tea: beneficial for the digestive system
26) Liebstckel, Lovage
- Useful for respiratory and urinary system
- Elimates cramps


Stimulates the immunitary systems activity

Decreases blood pressure
Estragon, Tarragon
Salads, preserved in vinegar
Antiseptic, antiinflamatory properties
Stimulates digestion
?? Leimkraut, bladder campion gusa porumbelului
Melandrium album opaita??
Lwenzahn, Dandelion
Detoxifies the whole organism
Ballances the livers and the gallbladders activity
Purifies the skin
Spring cure: 5 leaves/day 2 weeks: detoxifies the whole
30) Basilikum, Basil
- Known as a sacred plant: used in orthodox ceremonies
- Powerful Antiseptic: respiratory system, antidepressant

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