DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies - Recipe #18302 - Foodgeeks

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DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies - Recipe #18302 - Foodgeeks

5/23/15, 4:07 PM

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DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies

(/people/jenny8675) jenny8675

0:30 prep
1 day total

20 servings


ing_meas=imperial&ing_form=fraction) METRIC
1/2 cup rolled oats
2-1/4 cup all-purpose flour

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DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies - Recipe #18302 - Foodgeeks

5/23/15, 4:07 PM

1-1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1-1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. lemon juice
2 eggs
3 cups semi-sweet, chocolate chips
1-1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Grind oats in a food processor or blender until fine. Combine the ground oats with the flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a
medium bowl.
Cream together the butter, sugars, vanilla, and lemon juice in another medium bowl with an electric mixer. Add the eggs and mix until
smooth. Stir the dry mixture into the wet mixture and blend well. Add the chocolate chips and nuts to the dough and mix by hand until
ingredients are well blended.
For the best results, chill the dough overnight in the refrigerator before baking the cookies.
Spoon rounded 1/4 cup portions onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Place the scoops about 2 inches apart. Bake in a 350F oven for
16-18 minutes or until cookies are light brown and soft in the middle. Store in a sealed container when cool to keep soft.

Author's Comments
My mom worked at this hotel for years and we always had them around the house. This is the actual recipe from a DoubleTree chef!

Have you made this recipe? What'd you think?

Sign in (/login?recipe_review=1) to review this recipe.

82 Recipe Reviews
Pete Andersen reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies
( on June 25, 2004
I had these cookies for the first time the last week prepared by a former Double Tree chef. I
begged him for the recipe and he wouldn't give it to me. I'm glad I found it here. These were the
best chocolate cookies I have ever had.
The Cook! reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies
( on July 18, 2004
My mother was an incredible cook and baker. I am one of those folks who knows good food and
good recipes. This cookie recipe is incredible. It literally tastes just like those famous Doubletree
cookies! I've had them after refrigerating the dough overnight, and immediately after preparing
the dough. It's great both ways.


live2eat (/people/live2eat) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on September 8, 2004

I found this same recipe on another site and went crazy making batch after batch for all my
friends. My sister is a flight attendant and brings the original cookies to me all the time. On the
package, it says they use Ghirardelli chocolate chips, and they make a big difference. I've found
also, in my electric oven, I only need to bake them for 13 minutes, so be careful not to overbake.


jessicapino (/people/jessicapino) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on September 18, 2004

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DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies - Recipe #18302 - Foodgeeks

5/23/15, 4:07 PM

Each time I make this cookie, people beg me for more! It's an awesome recipe. Very similar to
TollHouse cookies but with an extra kick. I think I'm obsessed!


jeannieg (/people/jeannieg) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on October 12, 2004

This is by far the very best chocolate chip recipe EVER!! My daughter and her friends came
home this weekend from college and they ate the batch as quick as I could make them. They
even made an extra batch to take back with them.


quinci (/people/quinci) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on December 12, 2004

This is an awesome cookie recipe. You will not be disappointed!


eurcynia (/people/eurcynia) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on December 14, 2004

These are the first cookies I've ever baked from scratch. I've always loved Doubletree cookies so
when looking for a recipe what better cookies to make than my favorite?? My friends hardly
believed these were my first cookies ever -- they came out absolutely PERFECT and definitely
store them in a sealed container... I baked them on a Fri night and gave them out Saturday and
they were toasted on the outside but soft and perfect still on the inside. Absolutely awesome!


wyokidrx (/people/wyokidrx) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on January 16, 2005

These Cookies are awesome! I've given the recipe to several of my friends at work after they've
tasted mine. I like to increase the vanilla to 2 tsp. of Mexican Vanilla, add a bit more cinnamon,
and mix up the chocolate chips with milk chocolate and semi-sweet.


sande (/people/sande) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on May 26, 2005

We stayed at a DoubleTree Hotel in Virginia a few months ago and they served these delicious
Chocolate Chip Cookies. I kept the wrapper and was on a mission to find the cookies. I was so
thrilled to see that foodgeeks had the recipe. I'm making a batch right now. My kids love them,
and everyone that eats them swears they are the best cookies ever! Thank you!


howdyags (/people/howdyags) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on June 26, 2005

We had the original cookies for the first time at a DoubleTree in Houston this weekend. As soon
as we got home, I got online to order a tin but I came across this recipe instead. My wife picked
up the missing ingredients and we made a batch... Couldn't wait to chill the dough overnight.
They were awesome! REAL close to the cookies we had at the hotel! Can't wait to taste the
chilled version! Thanks foodgeeks!



smartcookie7653 (/people/smartcookie7653) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel

Chocolate Chip Cookies ( on August 5, 2005

Just what I've been searching for -- a chocolate chip cookie recipe that yields a hearty result
packed with chocolate flavor! Bye-bye overused Toll House recipe!
csimpson (/people/csimpson) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip
Cookies ( on August 10, 2005

Doubletree Hotel has the best cookies I've ever had. So when I saw the recipe here, naturally I
was ecstatic! Well, I did everything the recipe said, including chilling it overnight, and I think
they're wonderful. They're about as close to the real thing as you can get. This will definitely be
my new Choc. Chip Cookie recipe--- FOREVER! :-)

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DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies - Recipe #18302 - Foodgeeks


luckyheart (/people/luckyheart) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on August 31, 2005

5/23/15, 4:07 PM

This was like, the best cookies in the entire world! I made them for a school fundraiser and they
were the first things to go! I made 72 cookies and they ALL sold in 5 minuets! They are THE



joyowen (/people/joyowen) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on September 26, 2005

ruthie (/people/ruthie) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on October 3, 2005

my husband went to oklahoma and brought back these supreme tasting cookies. I went just
about mad looking for this recipe. they are so much better then the toll house cookies. I will
never lose this recipe. I intend to make them all the time now. thank you


mapleleaf (/people/mapleleaf) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on November 11, 2005

I followed this recipe EXACTLY (as any good cook should before attempting any tweaking)... and
it's a good thing too, this recipe needs no tweaking! EVERYONE who has tried these cookies
have said they are THE BEST. Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! (and silly me, I -DID- send
away for a tin of those $8.95 for 6 cookie DoubleTree cookies... They are 'O.K.', but this recipe,
fresh from the oven, is so so so much better. :) Take my word for it, you MUST make these





sonjabelanger (/people/sonjabelanger) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel

Chocolate Chip Cookies ( on December 8, 2005

I made this cookies the first time and they turned out super flat and crispy. The second time,
after I made the cookie dough, I scooped out the dough and dropped them into a container. I
then froze the dough in ball form. The next day, I cooked them at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
They were fluffy and soft. They tasted just like the doubletree! The first recipe I made, I used
"light" butter. The second time, I used whole butter. I think that made a huge difference. The
cookies are beautiful and I can't wait to give them away for Christmas!
lucyandzazu (/people/lucyandzazu) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel
Chocolate Chip Cookies ( on February 6, 2006

These cookies came out AMAZING! Just like the Doubletree (Christie) cookies. I used real butter
(not light) and Ghirardelli chocolate chips (like the Doubletree cookies have). I chilled the dough
for about 6 hours, which was apparently long enough, and I baked them for about 13-14 minutes
as they would have been too dark if I'd given them the full 16 minutes. Otherwise, I followed the
recipe to the letter. I will be making these to give away as gifts!
gabymsk (/people/gabymsk) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip
Cookies ( on February 21, 2006

hartmakj (/people/hartmakj) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on April 5, 2006

I followed the exact recipe. BUT, when I went for my chocolate chips, I had NONE! I did have,
however, peanut butter chips instead. The cookies were AWSOME! I can't wait to try these with
actual Chocolate Chips!
TIP: A standard Ice Cream scoop with the little thumb lever = 1/4 cup...Perfect for dipping out


jennw (/people/jennw) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on April 24, 2006

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DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies - Recipe #18302 - Foodgeeks

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I made these cookies and they were really good. I brang some to work they were gone up in


jessbeal (/people/jessbeal) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on May 26, 2006

Awesome! They came out thick and chunky just like the Double Tree cookies. I only had to bake
for 13 minutes. This was the first time I had used lemon juice in a cookie recipe. After
investigating a little on the web, I found out that the lemon juice reacts with the baking soda to
result in a softer, chewier cookie. Definitely worked!


anna-pants (/people/anna-pants) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on June 12, 2006

I worked for doubletree and I gained about 10 pounds eating these exact cookies. They are
delicious - and I never got the recipe.
Thanks so much Jenny! A word of caution- use wiselyyeeaahh
you use a pound of butter.


chrissidoll (/people/chrissidoll) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on July 17, 2006

I first tried these cookies after my mom had ordered a tin online. She had stayed in a hotel in
Savannah and knew I'd love them just as much as she does. After we had finished the tin of
cookies, I knew I wanted more. I'm so glad you posted this recipe. I've baked them twice and
each time they've turned out PERFECT. I burned my very first sheet of these cookies, so try
baking them for only 14 minutes...they turn out crispy on the outside, and soft on the inside that
way :)


dojemi (/people/dojemi) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on August 24, 2006

We eat at the luncheon buffet at Doubletree quite often take home some of these yummy cookies
everytime. They are well worth the price they charge. They're the most delicious cookies we've
ever eaten. I decided to Google the recipe and was delighted to find it here. Thank you so much
for sharing it.


gail1943 (/people/gail1943) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on October 16, 2006

I was just at a luncheon at the DoubleTree Hotel and had the wonderful cookies again. I decided
to go on a hunt to find a good match for these cookies. How wonderful to find the recipe so
easily. I LOVE these cookies. I only had regular chocolate chips can't wait to try the Ghiradelli
chocolate chips. Thank you so much for sharing. No more insipid chocolate chip cookies for me!
I also baked them about 13 - 14 minutes and they were perfect.


mary0530 (/people/mary0530) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on December 1, 2006

Everyone at work loved these cookies!!!!


helena143 (/people/helena143) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on December 6, 2006

So after reading all the glowing reviews and being a Doubletree cookie fan for years, I had to try
this. I followed every step. I used the best, freshest ingredients (Ghiraradelli choc chips, fresh
lemon juice, hi-quality flour, etc.). And well, the cookies are just OK. They taste OK, if you like a
dense, cakey cookie. But everyone who says they taste just like the Doubletree cookie must be
high on sugar. They just don't taste the same. Just to make sure I was not the one high on
something, I went to Doubletree today and bought FOUR cookies, to compare. There is no

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DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies - Recipe #18302 - Foodgeeks

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comparison. These cookies do not have anywhere near the same crisp on the outside, moist on
the inside texture. They also do not brown as well as the real hotel cookies. And they do not taste
as buttery as the real cookie. VERY disappointing.



arizonacook (/people/arizonacook) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on December 22, 2006
I love this cookie but I have made a couple of changes that were given to me by a local pastry
chef. I add in an extra egg for a total of 3, use powered sugar instead of granular, take a Hersey
chocolate candy bar 4oz. and grate it into the mix with nuts. Then I use a half regular chocolate
chips and half semi sweet chips. These extras add to the smooth, moist and mouth watering
taste. Enjoy!!
colly9845 (/people/colly9845) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip
Cookies ( on December 27, 2006

I thought this recipe was great. The cookies are so chocolatey. I usually use the Nestle recipe
but I think I'll switch to this one from now on. PS I didn't refrigerate overnight and they still came
out moist.


hhendrick (/people/hhendrick) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on January 13, 2007

My cookies came out perfect! Just like Double Tree's. I did refrigerate overnight and used an ice
cream scoop. It made the cookies large enough and perfectly round. My husband stays at the
Double Tree often for business and I tricked him. When he tried these cookies - he thought they
were the real thing. I highly recommend this recipe.


sheryl (/people/sheryl) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on January 15, 2007

My husband stayed three nights at the Doubletree Hotel Lloyd Center in Portland, and were
spoiled by the delicious, warm cookies every day. I was thrilled to find this recipe....I made the
cookies yesterday, and they're gone!!!!!!!


tmcarr (/people/tmcarr) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on February 10, 2007

These cookies came out great, but I made some changes that made them DoubleTree authentic.
I added 2 cups of additional rolled oats (do not grind). After scooping out dough on a cookie
sheet using a 1/4 cup ice cream scoop, freeze for 30 minutes. Bake as directed. After 15
minutes, if cookies are still in high mounds, use a spatula to flatten slightly. Continue baking until
edges are golden. This addition makes the texture and thickness of the cookie more original.


rinlg14 (/people/rinlg14) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on March 10, 2007

How could you get the recipe from the Doubletree Chef when the cookies are not even made
there? They are in box that is in the freezer purchased from Christie Cookies. I find this


blazer (/people/blazer) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on May 1, 2007

Followed the recipe and they came out great! Don't really care where the recipe came from, the
cookies I baked came out just like the one's from Doubletree Christy Cookie Company


mlizotte (/people/mlizotte) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on July 12, 2007

These cookies are great! BTW, the cookies have only been made by Christie's since 1995 before that they WERE made on site at the Double Tree (beginning in the 1980s). It is very
possible that Jenny got the recipe from her mom!

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DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies - Recipe #18302 - Foodgeeks


kskarad (/people/kskarad) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on July 26, 2007

5/23/15, 4:07 PM

These are wonderful! They are the only chocolate chip cookies I make now. I always have
people asking for the recipe. Thank You!


srestelle (/people/srestelle) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on August 20, 2007

I thought this was a really great, substantial chocolate chip cookie. One recipe yields 17 if made
with a regular size ice cream scoop, which makes perfectly even cookies. I left out the walnuts
and they were fine. I also used a margarine/butter blend and got wonderful results.
Love it and will make it over and over again!



outlawjesco (/people/outlawjesco) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on December 4, 2007

I made these and took my first batch to work and they were a hit. Could not have asked for better
results. I will be adding this to my cooking repertoire. I added additional chocolate chips and
skipped the nuts making it a very chocolate chip cookie.
starjade77 (/people/starjade77) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate
Chip Cookies ( on December 22, 2007

This recipe is the best cookie recipe...I have also tried it with different chip (like peanut butter)...I
also used Splenda and Splenda brown sugar to cut down on the sugar and they taste just as
Great recipe...Thanks for posting it :)


lbgchris (/people/lbgchris) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on January 2, 2008

I tried this recipe to the letter the first time I tried this recipe and was very disappointed with the
results! I'm not sure how everyone else on here said it was so good. Biting into the cookie was
like eating a mini-cake. It was not at all the correct texture and I found 1 1/2 tsp of vanilla was
overdoing it and only added 1 tsp the next time around. I also added 2 1/2 cups (unground) of
oatmeal, used powdered sugar instead of granular and also used 3 eggs instead of 2 (adding all
that extra oatmeal!). Chilled overnight, the results were much better. I had to leave out the nuts
unfortunately because I was out, but I substituted them with an extra cup of chocolate chips (2
cups semi sweet, 2 cups milk chocolate). Try this recipe, trust me!



mferng (/people/mferng) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on January 27, 2008

amdphoto (/people/amdphoto) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on February 10, 2008

I made these last night after finding the recipe. The Doubletree sales rep dropped off two tins of
these cookies to our office the other day. They were the best. I found a tip about baking them at
300 degrees for 15 minutes. These were awesome. I actually had 1/4 cup of cinnamon chips left
over from something else as well as 1 cup of white chips so I added these. My coworkers and
son said they were the best. I also put the cookie batter in the freezer while baking to keep the
butter in the batter cold so they don't spread a bunch. I will be making these often.


myeoman (/people/myeoman) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on February 22, 2008

made these last week for a silent auction at the hospital i work for.I past around a few before the
auction started.The final bid was 31.00 for a bakers dozen.I"ve been asked for the recipe, but i
might keep my little secret.

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DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies - Recipe #18302 - Foodgeeks


marinalex (/people/marinalex) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on May 14, 2008

5/23/15, 4:07 PM

After reading all these great reviews, I cannot wait to try this cookie. I had them for the first time
this weekend, immediately asked the front desk about them and bought a tin. I will make these
for my son's 1st birthday and let you all know how it comes out, which will be 6/2/08!


serenity (/people/serenity) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on May 17, 2008

These are hands-down the BEST chocolate chip cookies I have ever tasted in my life! They are
identical to the Doubletree hotel cookies, and the results are just incredible!
The only suggestion I have is to bake at a 300-degree oven for 15 minutes, then turn the oven up
to 325-degrees and bake for another 5 minutes. The cookies come out just slightly flatter using
this variation, but it's the only way I could prevent the bottoms from burning. Otherwise, it's an
absolutely PERFECT recipe!


gracchus (/people/gracchus) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on May 30, 2008

Everything for this recipe is wonderful. I may increase the walnuts

by 1/4 c and decrease the chocolate chips by 1/4 c to be slightly
closer the the double tree cookies.



misspenny7 (/people/misspenny7) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on June 13, 2008

These were excellent cookies. My husband and I stayed at the Doubletree in Bloomington Ill.
recently and loved the cookies! I was happy to see a recipe online that came close to the DT
cookies. The recipe was easy and I followed the hint about baking at 300 deg. first then raising
the temp. to 325deg for the last 5 min. Also, I don't have a traditional ice cream scoop so I took
about 1/4 of dough for each cookie and gently rolled them into a ball and baked them that way.
They came out perfectly round and not too thin. I am not sure if chilling the dough is necessary.
Since the cookies probably come from Chrisities refrigerated, that may be how DT bakes them,
right out of the fridge. Anyway, I chilled mine for 8 hrs first. My family raved about them! Thanks
for the recipe!!
bjaney (/people/bjaney) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip
Cookies ( on September 4, 2008
I often use whole wheat pastry flour or just half regular whole wheat flour with unbleached flour.
These are the best cookies!




bjaney (/people/bjaney) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on September 4, 2008

mnguyen34 (/people/mnguyen34) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on October 19, 2008

This recipe was so delicious! I did make some tweeks to make the cookies thicker and less
cakey. I used 2 1/2 cups unground oats in place of the ground oats, used 3 eggs instead of 2,
and increased the chocolate chips and walnuts by 1/2 cup each (my son really loves chocolate
and walnuts). I then baked the cookies at 300 degrees for 14 mintues and then 325 for 5
minutes. This gave me a cookie that I feel was identical to the real Doubletree cookies...very
thick, chewy, and incredible yummy!!
lisalisa (/people/lisalisa) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip
Cookies ( on October 19, 2008

Thank You Jenny! Thank You Jenny! I made these cookies and everyone loves them including
me. I have been longing for some cookies from the Doubletree Hotel now I can make them
myself and anytime.........

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DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies - Recipe #18302 - Foodgeeks


ksmaddux (/people/ksmaddux) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on December 30, 2008

5/23/15, 4:07 PM

I really really love this. but the lady who submited this cant take credit for this recipe. She stole
this recipe from by todd wilbur this is the identical recipe i mean
steps and all. On his websight you do have to pay 79cents for each recipie but it is definitly
worth it!! it also say that all of his recipeis are copyrighted and it is aginst the law to post his
recipies online. So the women who said it is her moms recipie is a liar and she could go to jail if i
was todd i would prosicute. I just wanted everyone to no that it is a great recipe. But she gave no
credit to todd and even if she did it would still be aginst the law. So two big thumbs up to todd
and keep up the good work hopefully people like the lady who submitted this wont steal and
take credit for your amazing recipies.



bgrlmichele (/people/bgrlmichele) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on January 10, 2009

i think the person below is a little to passionate about what he /she said...the cookies re great
L.I.G. it....let it go!
allison (/people/allison) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip
Cookies ( on January 11, 2009

Jenny, you rock! I have been staying at Doubletree for years, and these are definitely a dead
ringer. Didn't have any walnuts, so I used hazelnuts and macadamia nuts. The cookies STILL
came out with that extremely similar, oh-so-familiar taste.
Increased the vanilla by 2-3 times (didn't measure). Also, my stove is gas, so I leave them on the
middle rack until they sort of "start," and then move them to the top at 325.
This is normal of any cookie recipe, though, in my oven...decreased temp and moving up.
Another thing I always do is undercook for that soft texture even once cooled.
Will be making them again and again and again! Thank you so very much :) xo, Allison


cadbury (/people/cadbury) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on January 27, 2009

Loved the cookies. I think ksmaddux was a little out of control about the "recipe thief". If you read
Jenny's comment about where the recipe came from you will see it was from her mom who got it
when she was working at the hotel. Lighten up.



pattiluce (/people/pattiluce) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on March 31, 2009

dianalynn (/people/dianalynn) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on May 21, 2009

My Son is in the Army, he was stationed in Bagdad, I would send these cookies weekly, the
whole unit loved them. Great recipe, send them to someone you know who is stationed overseas
they will be greatly appreciated


fish122 (/people/fish122) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on August 20, 2009
Doubletree Cookies are prepared by the company that won the contract to produce them. They
come to the hotels frozed and cooked according to the directions from then company. No
property makes them from scratch. I worked for Doubletree for years and oversaw the food and
beverage department. So this can not be from the hotel chef.

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ryansnyder (/people/ryansnyder) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on November 1, 2009

5/23/15, 4:07 PM

These cookies were great!

daveh (/people/daveh) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip
Cookies ( on December 3, 2009
We have made these several times, all with great results. Don't use more than 1/4 cup for
each...they are large cookies.
To make gluten free cookies which are also great and VERY similar to orig. recipe, substitute:
Quinoa flakes for oats
Bob's Red Mill All Purpose Gluten Free flour for all purp. flour
add 2 rounded tsp xanthum gum
I also mix milk choc and semi-swt choc with great results.


tarcotti (/people/tarcotti) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on January 1, 2010

This recipe is good, but its not a Doubletree Cookie Recipe. I have worked for the Doubletree
Hotel for about a year now, and I became addicted to those things! (and gained weight, they
have like 300 calories each) Anywho, I read a bunch of these comments and decided to try it out
for myself. I had a taste test, side by side. A doubletree cookie against this one. And this recipe
fails big time. Not because its a bad recipe, but becuase the doubletree cookie is just...cookie
perfection. All these people who said they taste identical are just remembering a wonderful
cookie, and then this recipe tastes wonderful too! They must be the same!!! But no, its not. Trust
me, they don't taste anything alike. Try it for yourself. But make sure to get a fresh one from a
hotel, not the ones you buy in tins online. As for the cookies themselves, they were fine. I've had
better. (not including doubletree cookies)
Oh, and I gave it 3 stars, but my opinon is definately biased.


sbird52 (/people/sbird52) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on March 1, 2010
these cookies are the best chocolate chip cookie! Everyone i shared with,loved them! :)


biguy (/people/biguy) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on April 11, 2010
I will try! Oh!Chocolat~~~~~~~



koohiichan (/people/koohiichan) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on April 28, 2010
I'm not a great cook but these cookies were easy to make, extremely delicious and just like the
real thing (maybe better.) I found that 16 minutes made for perfect, stay-soft cookies. BTW: we
added 2 cups semi-sweet and 1 cup white chocolate chips and it was a nice twist. You can't go
wrong either way. Enjoy!
stacyjanice (/people/stacyjanice) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate
Chip Cookies ( on July 29, 2010

I tried this recipe last night and they were a hit! I refrigerated the mix over night and baked them
the next day. I used an ice cream scooper for measuring but made them slightly smaller. It made
over 4 dozen cookies and I was able to give some to my family, co-workers, and friends to take
home. I only baked them for 13-14 minutes and they came out great. This was my first attempt at
a recipe from scratch and it was a success. Thank you for the recipe!!! >_
missweetooth (/people/missweetooth) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel
Chocolate Chip Cookies ( on September 7, 2010

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5/23/15, 4:07 PM

I just made these. I am a chocolate chip cookie connoisseur and for years I have been looking
for the most perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. Keeping in mind that home made cookies
never seem to be as good as they are from the establishment where you discovered them, I have
to say these are outstanding!!! This will definitely be the recipe I now use for chocolate chip
cookies at home. Some people don't like to share great recipes and I say "What's the point in
that?" Thank you Jenny for sharing!

mauntie (/people/mauntie) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on September 12, 2010

The dough alone is good...and the baked results are yummilicious. Thanks.


jeanstar (/people/jeanstar) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on January 20, 2011
We stay at the Doubletree whenever there is one available in the city where we are staying and
are always so excited when we recieve the cookies at check-in. We try to save the cookies but
they are gone as soon as we get in our room. We "snuck" a taste of the batter when I was making
the cookies for the first time and could tell they were going to taste just like the hotel's recipe.
Sure enough they do! ove the recipe, Thanks



busybostonmom (/people/busybostonmom) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel

Chocolate Chip Cookies ( on March 31, 2011

This recipe is fabulous. My family sometimes chooses the DoubleTree hotel just because of the
cookies. Now I can just make these cookies and bring them to whichever hotel has the best
rates. :-) I made these for the first time the other day, for a family gathering. I had many rave
reviews, and more than one person recognized them as being DoubleTree cookies without me
saying so. I baked them in an electric oven for 12 minutes, and I think they were in for about 1
minute too long, so certainly be sure to check on them sooner than the 16-18 minutes that is
listed in the instructions.
curl (/people/curl) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies
( on May 16, 2011

Interesting article and one of the best for sweet dish lovers. I had seen an another great article in
one of the episode of Hell's Kitchen. (



topsecretrecipes (/people/topsecretrecipes) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel

Chocolate Chip Cookies ( on August 22, 2011

This recipe was created by Todd Wilbur for his book "Even More Top Secret Recipes" (Penguin
Group USA 2002)
jamila (/people/jamila) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip
Cookies ( on August 26, 2011

I love these cookies. I had a similar recipe that I couldn't find and this one has all of the same
ingredients! Key ingredients are lemon and rolled oats... I made two batches of cookies and my
family and friends raved about how good they were. In the future the only thing I'm going to
modify is the salt. The salt over powered the sugar. People still loved the cookies, however next
time I prepare this recipe, I'll use 1/2 a tsp of salt instead of a full tsp of salt. Thank you for


amydgarrett (/people/amydgarrett) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on November 8, 2011
This recipe is always a hit, although I agree that while they are delicious, they don't taste exactly
like the ones you get at the Doubletree hotels. I would say that refrigerating overnight is essential
for the texture of these cookies, and cooking time is a matter of preference--less cooking time for
a softer cookie, or, as I prefer them, longer for a nice brown, crunchy cookie. Also, I have a few
variations: I double always double this recipe and only put in 1 cup each of brown and white

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sugar instead of 1 1/2 of each. Also, using Ghiradelli chocolate chips is essential. They are more
expensive, but worth it. Also, I use two bags of milk chocolate and one bag of 60% cocoa
(bittersweet) chocolate. Finally, I really dump in the cinnamon (also a matter of preference),
probably using a couple tablespoons (for a double batch).


hexdek16 (/people/hexdek16) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on November 12, 2011

Wonderfully Done, with a nice twist!


jases10 (/people/jases10) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on March 13, 2012

I love these cookies. I made these the first time by following the recipe to the T. There were good
cookies but not Double Tree Good. But now they are, and heres what I did. Try it with my
changes and you'll love them. With these changes they look and taste just like what you get at
the hotel.
2 1/2 Cups rolled oats, DON'T BLEND THEM
Instead of all purpose flour I used Swons Down Cake flour
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 sticks butter
3/4 cup brown sugar - packed
3/4 powdered sugar instead of granulated
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp lemon juice
3 eggs
2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
1 1/2 cups chopped walnut that I crunch up smaller
Temp 350 for 14-15 mins


jeff1955 (/people/jeff1955) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on September 9, 2012

I fell in love with this cookie at first bite. I've tried other recipes but this one is dead on! Worth
every bit of the time needed to make, when followed to the letter you'll produce the greatest
chocolate chip cookie of all time!


alex27 (/people/alex27) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip

Cookies ( on July 11, 2014
Oh gosh i cant wait to give this to my sis to make for me. I had the DoubleTree cookies at one of
their hotels and was hooked. I honestly ate pices off everyone elses cookies after i inhaled my
own. Im gona go beg my sis to make them now ;)


lynni (/people/lynni) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookies

( on November 13, 2014

Perfect! I've tried the recipe before and thought it was close but not perfect. Then, recently, I
went to the Double Tree site to order cookies which led me to The Christie Baking Co. I ordered a
tub of dough and a baked batch of cookies. Ingredients on the packaging are spot on to this
recipe posted here! I was able to make them from scratch with this recipe. Difference this time
around was the processing of the oatmeal (over processed last time), the chopped walnuts
(actually processed them this time) and chilled before baking (makes a huge difference). Plus,
taking them out of the oven right before I think they're done because the slightest over baking
causes them to be crunchy all the way through. So happy to have this recipe perfected! The
perfect cookie! Thanks!


katieevans (/people/katieevans) reviewed DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate

Chip Cookies ( on March 28, 2015
These cookies look amazing! Any idea how much xanthan gum to use if it is not included in the
gluten free flour blend? I would to try these tonight! Thanks (

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