NH-24 Tenders - Extracts

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National Highways Authority of India

Request for Qualification


(Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways)
Government of India


Request For Qualification
Public Private Partnership
Development of Delhi Meerut Expressway (from Km. 0.000
to 27.500) including 6/8 laning of NH-24 from Km. 0.000 to
Km. 49.923 (Hapur Bypass) in the States of Delhi and Uttar
Pradesh on BOT (Toll) (design length 49.923 Kms.)
February, 2015

G-5&6, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075

Development of Delhi Meerut Expressway (from Km. 0.000 to 27.500) including 6/8 laning of NH-24 from Km.
0.000 to Km. 49.923 (Hapur Bypass) in the States of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh on BOT (Toll) (design length 49.923

National Highways Authority of India

Request for Qualification

Government of India
National Highways Authority of India


1.1.1The National Highways Authority of India (the

) is engaged in the
development of National Highways and as part of this endeavour, the Authority has
decided to undertake development and operation/ maintenance of the Development of
Delhi Meerut Expressway (from Km. 0.000 to 27.500) including 6/8 laning of NH-24
from Km. 0.000 to Km. 49.923 (Hapur Bypass) in the States of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh
on BOT (Toll) (design length 49.923 Kms.) (the
) through Public-Private
Partnership (
PPP ) on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (the
"DBFOT") basis, and has decided to carry out the bidding process for selection of a
private entity as the bidder to whom the Project may be awarded. A brief description of
the project may be seen in the Information Memorandum of the Project
website www.nhai.org Brief particulars of the Project are as follows:
Name of the National

Length in Km

Indicative Project Cost

(In Rs. cr.)

Meerut Expressway (from
Km. 0.000 to 27.500)
including 6/8 laning of NH24 from Km. 0.000 to Km.
49.923 (Hapur Bypass) in
the States of Delhi and Uttar
Pradesh on BOT (Toll)
(design length 49.923 Kms.)



The Authority intends to pre-qualify suitable Applicants

Bidders ) who will
be eligible for participation in the Bid Stage, for awarding the Project through an
open competitive bidding process in accordance with the procedure set out herein.
1.1.2 The selected Bidder, who is either a company incorporated under the Companies
Act, 1956 or undertakes to incorporate as such prior to execution of the
concession agreement (the
) shall be responsible for designing,
engineering, financing, procurement, construction, operation and maintenance of
the Project under and in accordance with the provisions of a long - term
concession agreement (the
) to be entered into between
the Concessionaire and the Authority in the form provided by the Authority as
part of the Bidding Documents pursuant hereto.

Development of Delhi Meerut Expressway (from Km. 0.000 to 27.500) including 6/8 laning of NH-24 from Km. 0.000
to Km. 49.923 (Hapur Bypass) in the States of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh on BOT (Toll) (design length 49.923 Kms.)

National Highways Authority of India

Request for Qualification

evaluation of Bids. The Project shall be awarded to the Bidder quoting the highest
Premium, and in the event that no Bidder offers a Premium, then to the Bidder
seeking the lowest Grant.
Highest Bidder
Bidder who is offering the
highest Premium, and where no Bidder is offering a Premium, the Bidder seeking
the lowest Grant shall be the Highest Bidder.
1.2.9 The Concessionaire shall be entitled to levy and charge a pre-determined user fee
from users of the Project under and in accordance with the National Highways
Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008 and subsequent
amendment G.S.R 950 (E) dated 03.12.2010 & G.S.R 15(E) dated 12.01.2011
and GSR 756(E) dated 12.10.2011,GSR 778((E) dated 16,12.2013 and GSR
26(E) dated 16.01.2014.
1.2.10 Further and other details of the process to be followed at the Bid Stage and the
terms thereof will be spelt out in the Bidding Documents.
1.2.11 Any queries or request for additional information concerning this RFQ shall be
submitted in writing or by fax and e-mail to the officer designated in Clause
2.13.3 below. The envelopes/ communications shall clearly bear the following
identification/ title:
"Queries/ Request for Additional Information: RFQ for Development of Delhi Meerut
Expressway (from Km. 0.000 to 27.500) including 6/8 laning of NH-24 from Km. 0.000
to Km. 49.923 (Hapur Bypass) in the States of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh on BOT (Toll)
(design length 49.923 Kms.).

Schedule of Bidding Process

The Authority shall endeavour to adhere to the following schedule:
Event Description


Qualification Stage

Last date for receiving queries



Pre-Application Conference



Authority response to queries latest by



Application Due Date



Announcement of short-list

Within 15 days of
Application Due Date

Bid Stage

Sale of Bid Documents

Estimated Date
To be specified

Development of Delhi Meerut Expressway (from Km. 0.000 to 27.500) including 6/8 laning of NH-24 from Km. 0.000
to Km. 49.923 (Hapur Bypass) in the States of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh on BOT (Toll) (design length 49.923 Kms.)

National Highways Authority of India

Request for Qualification


Last date for receiving queries

To be specified


Pre-Bid meeting 1

To be specified


Authority response to queries latest by

To be specified


Bid Due Date

To be specified


Opening of Bids

On Bid Due Date


Letter of Award (LOA)

Within 30 days of Bid Due



Validity of Bids

120 days of Bid Due Date


Signing of Concession Agreement

Within 30 days of award of



Development of Delhi Meerut Expressway (from Km. 0.000 to 27.500) including 6/8 laning of NH-24 from Km. 0.000
to Km. 49.923 (Hapur Bypass) in the States of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh on BOT (Toll) (design length 49.923 Kms.)

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