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This article will cover basic welding techniques in "stick welding."

Before welding make a final check and remove consumable material. Remove the
cigarette lighter from you pocket. Check your machine to make sure it's on and
adjusted to the approximate settings. Clean the joint. Clamp the rod in the stinger at
a 45 to 90 degree angle. Warn those around you. Place the rod about two inches
from the work. Adjust your hood so that when you nod your head the hood will fall
over your face.
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Strike the arc using the tip of the rod on the surface using a wrist motion, just like
when you strike a wooden match. When the arc is struck lift the rod about 1/8"
above the base material. If the rod "sticks" snap the stinger backward from the
direction of the work. Become light handed. Practice on scrap pieces.
Proper Welding Techniques
Run a practice bead. Strike an arc moving the welding rod across the plate at a
uniform speed and at an incline of about 20 degrees in the direction of travel. A right
handed person usually welds from left to right. Steady your elbow against your body,
the table, or the work. Use the free hand as needed to control the stinger. Run beads
that consume the entire rod. Let the arc penetrate the base metal and deposit the
filler metal (from the rod) into the joint.
Continue to strike arcs and run beads across the joint making proper adjustments
until you start and stop as desired, with no problems. No further adjustments should
be needed. Burn the rod down to about 1 and 1/2" from the end. One welding rod
usually produces a weld about 1" long.
To continue or to restart the bead:
When you stop there is a "crater." Chip the slag and re-strike the arc a little bit
ahead of the crater and then run the bead. In time this method will produce uniform
welds of high strength without trapping any slag in the bead that cause defects. At
the end of a weld or when the rod is used up, pause slightly to fill the crater then pull
the rod away. Chip the slag and inspect the weld.
Good welds are dependent on five techniques: correct amperage setting; correct arc
length; correct rod selection and angle to the work; correct travel speed; and
welding rods that have been stored and maintained properly.
When electrodes absorb moisture from the atmosphere, they must be dried in order
to restore the ability to deposit quality welds. Electrodes with too much moisture
cause unexplained cracking, poor operating characteristics, and porosity. If you've
experienced these conditions it usually is due to your storage methods or re-drying
procedures. All electrodes, even those outside of the "stick" category, must be stored
and then dried to the right level to work well. Even a small amount of moisture in low

hydrogen electrodes, for example, can lead to major weld problems such as internal
porosity and weld cracking.
Too little amperage causes a weak arc that is hard to strike. Too much amperage
causes a large crater, or a flat bead with excessive spatter.
An arc that is too short will make the rod stick. Too long and large drops of melted
metal will drip off the rod and it will tend to "blow' and spatter. A long arc also
produces uneven bead with poor penetration.
The rod angle affects the penetration. An important welding technique is holding the
rod nearly perpendicular to the joint increase penetration but can cause slag to get
trapped in the weld. Lowering the rod too flat or low lessens the penetration and
causes ripples.
Speed affects the amount of rod deposited and the uniformity of the bead. Correct
speed produces about 1" of weld per rod. Travel too fast and it makes a thin bead
with little penetration. Too slow lets the bead build up with edges that overlap the
base metal. Too slow of travel on thin metal will blow a hole through.
See chart for recommended welding rod storage and temperature.
All of the electrodes listed below should be stored dry at room temp when in
unopened cartons

Storage open

Holding Oven



Dry @ room temp

Not Recommended

Not done


Dry @ room temp

Not Recommended

Not done


Dry @ room temp

Not Recommended

Not done


Dry @ room temp

Not Recommended

Not done


150 - 200 F

150 - 200 F

250 - 300 F 1 hr.


150 - 200 F

150 - 200 F

250 - 300 F 1 hr.


150 - 200 F

150 - 200 F

250 - 300 F 1 hr.


150 - 200 F

150 - 200 F

250 - 300 F 1 hr.

E-60 or 7015

250 - 450 F

150 - 200 F

500 - 600 F 1 hr.

E-60 or 7016

250 - 450 F

150 - 200 F

500 - 600 F 1 hr.


250 - 450 F

150 - 200 F

500 - 600 F 1 hr.


250 - 450 F

150 - 200 F

500 - 600 F 1 hr.

E-80 or 9015

250 - 450 F

200 - 250 F

600 - 700 F 1 hr.

E-80 or 9016

250 - 450 F

200 - 250 F

600 - 700 F 1 hr.

E-80 or 9018

250 - 450 F

200 - 250 F

600 - 700 F 1 hr.

E-90 12015

250 - 450 F

200 - 250 F

650 - 750 F 1 hr.

E-90 12016

250 - 450 F

200 - 250 F

650 - 750 F 1 hr.

E-90 12018

250 - 450 F

200 - 250 F

650 - 750 F 1 hr.

E -XXX-15 or

250 - 450 F

150 - 200 F

450 F 1 hr.


250 - 450 F

150 - 200 F

450 F 1 hr.

When being reconditioned, electrodes should not be baked for more than 4
hours and should be kept at temp for at least 30 minutes. Baking more than 3
times is not recommended.
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Tips on Handling Welding Rods

Welding rods get no respect. Out in the field I've seen guys throwing 50lb. rod cans
from the truck onto the ground, torching cans open diagonally, beating the wrong

end open with a chipping hammer and every other conceivable tool, and leaving
open rod cans out in the open.
Let's look at what's wrong with each
First and foremost, ALWAYS open the "right" end of the can. Some cans and boxes
even say "open other end", or "don't open this end", or "the other end moron!." (last
one made up by me.) The reason you need to open the right end is because you can
damage the flux coating. You want to open it on the side where the rod is bare for
the stinger, or electrode holder. There's a lot less chance of damaging the flux that
way. 7018 is very prone to flux damage while 6010 is a lot tougher.
Most guys out in the field aren't gonna' be thinking about the welding rods inside the
can as they toss them from the truck to the ground. When the cans get manhandled
the flux gets jarred loose on the welding rods inside. It's bad enough when the flux
gets chipped off the end of the rod, flux chipped from the middle and you can pretty
much kiss that rod goodbye. It's worse, if you don't realize it's chipped because right
in the middle of a good weld you'll suddenly be welding with no flux. No flux equals
no shielding from the atmosphere, and that equals a garbage weld.
You can use a lot of different ways to open rod cans out in the field if you are careful.
I've even used the P38 C ration can opener I had in the army.If you use an
oxygen/acetylene torch you need to be real careful not to burn the flux on the rods
You can open a rod can with a chipping hammer, but it's not advisable. You gotta' be
sure and hit it just right, at the edge of the can. You should hit the edge with the
hammer follow-through swinging away from the can, not striking down into the can
at the top. (I'm sure the electrode manufacturers are cringing when they read this!)
Of course the best way is whatever the can is designed for, some of them open like a
sardine can, but a lot of times it doesn't work so you gotta' improvise.
Leaving open cans out allows moisture to get into the flux. Moisture in the flux can
cause porosity, or worm holes in the weld. Rods should be stored in a proper oven or
unheated container if they don't need the moisture protection. 7018 needs an oven,
while 6010 doesn't need the heat, but still needs to be kept protected.

Heat Treatment of Standard Steels

Heat-Treating Definitions - This glossary of heat-treating terms has been adopted

by the American Foundrymen's Association, the American Society for Metals, the
American Society for Testing and Materials, and the Society of Automotive Engineers.
Since it is not intended to be a specification but is strictly a set of definitions,
temperatures have purposely been omitted.
Aging: Describes a time-temperature-dependent change in the properties of certain
alloys. Except for strain aging and age softening, it is the result of precipitation from
a solid solution of one or more compounds whose solubility decreases with
decreasing temperature. For each alloy susceptible to aging, there is a unique range
of time-temperature combinations to which it will respond.
Annealing: A term denoting a treatment, consisting of heating to and holding at a
suitable temperature followed by cooling at a suitable rate, used primarily to soften
but also to simultaneously produce desired changes in other properties or in
microstructure. The purpose of such changes may be, but is not confined to,
improvement of machinability ; facilitation of cold working; improvement of
mechanical or electrical properties; or increase in stability of dimensions. The timetemperature cycles used vary widely both in maximum temperature attained and in
cooling rate employed, depending on the composition of the material, its condition,
and the results desired. When applicable, the following more specific process names
should be used: Black Annealing, Blue Annealing, Box Annealing, Bright Annealing,
Cycle Annealing, Flame Annealing, Full Annealing, Graphitizing, Intermediate
Annealing, Isothermal Annealing, Process Annealing, Quench Annealing, and
Spheroidizing . When the term is used without qualification, full annealing is implied.
When applied only for the relief of stress, the process is properly called stress
Black Annealing: Box annealing or pot annealing, used mainly for sheet, strip, or
Blue Annealing: Heating hot-rolled sheet in an open furnace to a temperature
within the transformation range and then cooling in air, to soften the metal. The
formation of a bluish oxide on the surface is incidental.
Box Annealing: Annealing in a sealed container under conditions that minimize
oxidation. In box annealing, the charge is usually heated slowly to a temperature
below the transformation range, but sometimes above or within it, and is then cooled
slowly; this process is also called "close annealing" or "pot annealing."
Bright Annealing: Annealing in a protective medium to prevent discoloration of the
bright surface.
Cycle Annealing: An annealing process employing a predetermined and closely
controlled time-temperature cycle to produce specific properties or microstructure.
Flame Annealing: Annealing in which the heat is applied directly by a flame.
Full Annealing: Austenitizing and then cooling at a rate such that the hardness of
the product approaches a minimum.

Graphitizing: Annealing in such a way that some or all of the carbon is precipitated
as graphite.
Intermediate Annealing: Annealing at one or more stages during manufacture and
before final thermal treatment.
Isothermal Annealing: Austenitizing and then cooling to and holding at a
temperature at which austenite transforms to a relatively soft ferrite-carbide
Process Annealing: An imprecise term used to denote various treatments that
improve workability. For the term to be meaningful, the condition of the material and
the time-temperature cycle used must be stated.
Quench Annealing: Annealing an austenitic alloy by Solution Heat Treatment.
Spheroidizing: Heating and cooling in a cycle designed to produce a spheroidal or
globular form of carbide.
Austempering: Quenching from a temperature above the transformation range, in a
medium having a rate of heat abstraction high enough to prevent the formation of
high-temperature transformation products, and then holding the alloy, until
transformation is complete, at a temperature below that of pearlite formation and
above that of martensite formation.
Austenitizing: Forming austenite by heating into the transformation range (partial
austenitizing ) or above the transformation range (complete austenitizing ). When
used without qualification, the term implies complete austenitizing .
Baking: Heating to a low temperature in order to remove entrained gases.
Bluing: A treatment of the surface of iron-base alloys, usually in the form of sheet
or strip, on which, by the action of air or steam at a suitable temperature, a thin blue
oxide film is formed on the initially scale-free surface, as a means of improving
appearance and resistance to corrosion. This term is also used to denote a heat
treatment of springs after fabrication, to reduce the internal stress created by coiling
and forming.
Carbon Potential: A measure of the ability of an environment containing active
carbon to alter or maintain, under prescribed conditions, the carbon content of the
steel exposed to it. In any particular environment, the carbon level attained will
depend on such factors as temperature, time, and steel composition.
Carbon Restoration: Replacing the carbon lost in the surface layer from previous
processing by carburizing this layer to substantially the original carbon level.
Carbonitriding: A case-hardening process in which a suitable ferrous material is
heated above the lower transformation temperature in a gaseous atmosphere of such
composition as to cause simultaneous absorption of carbon and nitrogen by the
surface and, by diffusion, create a concentration gradient. The process is completed
by cooling at a rate that produces the desired properties in the workpiece .

Carburizing: A process in which carbon is introduced into a solid iron-base alloy by

heating above the transformation temperature range while in contact with a
carbonaceous material that may be a solid, liquid, or gas. Carburizing is frequently
followed by quenching to produce a hardened case.
1) The surface layer of an iron-base alloy that has been suitably altered in
composition and can be made substantially harder than the interior or core by a
process of case hardening
2) the term case is also used to designate the hardened surface layer of a piece of
steel that is large enough to have a distinctly softer core or center
Cementation: The process of introducing elements into the outer layer of metal
objects by means of high-temperature diffusion.
Cold Treatment: Exposing to suitable subzero temperatures for the purpose of
obtaining desired conditions or properties, such as dimensional or microstructural
stability. When the treatment involves the transformation of retained austenite, it is
usually followed by a tempering treatment.
Conditioning Heat Treatment: A preliminary heat treatment used to prepare a
material for a desired reaction to a subsequent heat treatment. For the term to be
meaningful, the treatment used must be specified.
Controlled Cooling: A term used to describe a process by which a steel object is
cooled from an elevated temperature, usually from the final hot-forming operation in
a predetermined manner of cooling to avoid hardening, cracking, or internal damage.
1) The interior portion of an iron-base alloy that after case hardening is substantially
softer than the surface layer or case
2) the term core is also used to designate the relatively soft central portion of certain
hardened tool steels
Critical Range or Critical Temperature Range : Synonymous with Transformation
Range ,which is preferred.
Cyaniding: A process of case hardening an iron-base alloy by the simultaneous
absorption of carbon and nitrogen by heating in a cyanide salt. Cyaniding is usually
followed by quenching to produce a hard case.
Decarburization: The loss of carbon from the surface of an iron-base alloy as the
result of heating in a medium that reacts with the carbon.
Drawing: Drawing, or drawing the temper, is synonymous with Tempering, which is

Eutectic Alloy: The alloy composition that freezes at constant temperature similar
to a pure metal. The lowest melting (or freezing) combination of two or more metals.
The alloy structure (homogeneous) of two or more solid phases formed from the
liquid eutectically .
Hardenability: In a ferrous alloy, the property that determines the depth and
distribution of hardness induced by quenching.
Hardening: Any process of increasing hardness of metal by suitable treatment,
usually involving heating and cooling. Also: See Aging
Hardening, Case: A process of surface hardening involving a change in the
composition of the outer layer of an iron-base alloy followed by appropriate thermal
treatment. Typical case-hardening processes are Carburizing, Cyaniding,
Carbonitriding , and Nitriding .
Hardening, Flame: A process of heating the surface layer of an iron-base alloy
above the transformation temperature range by means of a high-temperature flame,
followed by quenching.
Hardening, Precipitation: A process of hardening an alloy in which a constituent
precipitates from a supersaturated solid solution. See also Aging.
Hardening, Secondary: An increase in hardness following the normal softening that
occurs during the tempering of certain alloy steels.
Heating, Differential: A heating process by which the temperature is made to vary
throughout the object being heated so that on cooling, different portions may have
such different physical properties as may be desired.
Heating, Induction: A process of local heating by electrical induction.
Heat Treatment: A combination of heating and cooling operations applied to a
metal or alloy in the solid state to obtain desired conditions or properties. Heating for
the sole purpose of hot working is excluded from the meaning of this definition.
Heat Treatment, Solution: A treatment in which an alloy is heated to a suitable
temperature and held at this temperature for a sufficient length of time to allow a
desired constituent to enter into solid solution, followed by rapid cooling to hold the
constituent in solution. The material is then in a supersaturated, unstable state, and
may subsequently exhibit Age Hardening.
Homogenizing: A high-temperature heat-treatment process intended to eliminate
or to decrease chemical segregation by diffusion.
Isothermal Transformation: A change in phase at constant temperature.
Malleablizing: A process of annealing white cast iron in which the combined carbon
is wholly or in part transformed to graphitic or free carbon and, in some cases, part
of the carbon is removed completely. See Temper Carbon.

Maraging: A precipitation hardening treatment applied to a special group of ironbase alloys to precipitate one or more intermetallic compounds in a matrix of
essentially carbon-free martensite .
Martempering: A hardening procedure in which an austenitized ferrous workpiece is
quenched into an appropriate medium whose temperature is maintained substantially
at the Ms of the workpiece , held in the medium until its temperature is uniform
throughout but not long enough to permit bainite to form, and then cooled in air. The
treatment is followed by tempering.
Nitriding: A process of case hardening in which an iron-base alloy of special
composition is heated in an atmosphere of ammonia or in contact with nitrogenous
material. Surface hardening is produced by the absorption of nitrogen without
Normalizing: A process in which an iron-base alloy is heated to a temperature
above the transformation range and subsequently cooled in still air at room
Overheated: A metal is said to have been overheated if, after exposure to an unduly
high temperature, it develops an undesirably coarse grain structure but is not
permanently damaged. The structure damaged by overheating can be corrected by
suitable heat treatment or by mechanical work or by a combination of the two. In
this respect it differs from a Burnt structure.
Patenting: A process of heat treatment applied to medium- or high-carbon steel in
wire making prior to the wire drawing or between drafts. It consists in heating to a
temperature above the transformation range, followed by cooling to a temperature
below that range in air or in a bath of molten lead or salt maintained at a
temperature appropriate to the carbon content of the steel and the properties
required of the finished product.
Preheating: Heating to an appropriate temperature immediately prior to
austenitizing when hardening high- hardenability constructional steels, many of the
tool steels, and heavy sections.
Quenching: Rapid cooling. When applicable, the following more specific terms
should be used: Direct Quenching, Fog Quenching, Hot Quenching, Interrupted
Quenching, Selective Quenching, Slack Quenching, Spray Quenching, and Time
Direct Quenching: Quenching carburized parts directly from the carburizing
Fog Quenching: Quenching in a mist.
Hot Quenching: An imprecise term used to cover a variety of quenching procedures
in which a quenching medium is maintained at a prescribed temperature above 160
degrees F (71 degrees C).

Interrupted Quenching: A quenching procedure in which the workpiece is removed

from the first quench at a temperature substantially higher than that of the
quenchant and is then subjected to a second quenching system having a different
cooling rate than the first.
Selective Quenching: Quenching only certain portions of a workpiece .
Slack Quenching: The incomplete hardening of steel due to quenching from the
austenitizing temperature at a rate slower than the critical cooling rate for the
particular steel, resulting in the formation of one or more transformation products in
addition to martensite .
Spray Quenching: Quenching in a spray of liquid.
Time Quenching: Interrupted quenching in which the duration of holding in the
quenching medium is controlled.
Soaking: Prolonged heating of a metal at a selected temperature.
Stabilizing Treatment: A treatment applied to stabilize the dimensions of a
workpiece or the structure of a material such as
1) before finishing to final dimensions, heating a workpiece to or somewhat beyond
its operating temperature and then cooling to room temperature a sufficient number
of times to ensure stability of dimensions in service
2) transforming retained austenite in those materials that retain substantial amounts
when quench hardened (see cold treatment)
3) heating a solution-treated austenitic stainless steel that contains controlled
amounts of titanium or niobium plus tantalum to a temperature below the solution
heat-treating temperature to cause precipitation of finely divided, uniformly
distributed carbides of those elements, thereby substantially reducing the amount of
carbon available for the formation of chromium carbides in the grain boundaries on
subsequent exposure to temperatures in the sensitizing range.
Stress Relieving: A process to reduce internal residual stresses in a metal object by
heating the object to a suitable temperature and holding for a proper time at that
temperature. This treatment may be applied to relieve stresses induced by casting,
quenching, normalizing, machining, cold working, or welding.
Temper Carbon: The free or graphitic carbon that comes out of solution usually in
the form of rounded nodules in the structure during Graphitizing or Malleablizing .
Tempering: Heating a quench-hardened or normalized ferrous alloy to a
temperature below the transformation range to produce desired changes in
Double Tempering: A treatment in which quench hardened steel is given two
complete tempering cycles at substantially the same temperature for the purpose of

ensuring completion of the tempering reaction and promoting stability of the

resulting microstructure.
Snap Temper: A precautionary interim stress-relieving treatment applied to high
hardenability steels immediately after quenching to prevent cracking because of
delay in tempering them at the prescribed higher temperature.
Temper Brittleness: Brittleness that results when certain steels are held within, or
are cooled slowly through, a certain range of temperatures below the transformation
range. The brittleness is revealed by notched-bar impact tests at or below room
Transformation Ranges or Transformation Temperature Ranges: Those
ranges of temperature within which austenite forms during heating and transforms
during cooling. The two ranges are distinct, sometimes overlapping but never
coinciding. The limiting temperatures of the ranges depend on the composition of the
alloy and on the rate of change of temperature, particularly during cooling.
Transformation Temperature: The temperature at which a change in phase
occurs. The term is sometimes used to denote the limiting temperature of a
transformation range. The following symbols are used for iron and steels:
Accm =In hypereutectoid steel, the temperature at which the solution of cementite in
austenite is completed during heating
Ac1 = The temperature at which austenite begins to form during heating
Ac3 = The temperature at which transformation of ferrite to austenite is completed
during heating
Ac4 = The temperature at which austenite transforms to delta ferrite during heating
Ae1, Ae3, Aecm , Ae4 = The temperatures of phase changes at equilibrium
Arcm =In hypereutectoid steel, the temperature at which precipitation of cementite
starts during cooling
Ar1 = The temperature at which transformation of austenite to ferrite or to ferrite
plus cementite is completed during cooling
Ar3 = The temperature at which austenite begins to transform to ferrite during
Ar4 = The temperature at which delta ferrite transforms to austenite during cooling
Ms = The temperature at which transformation of austenite to martensite starts
during cooling
Mf = The temperature, during cooling, at which transformation of austenite to
martensite is substantially completed

The Importance of Low-Hy Rods in a Welding Job

Low-hydrogen welding rods are the backbone of structural welding. Known as "lowhy" to welders in the field, this versatile electrode is manufactured to contain less
than 0.6% of moisture in the covering and is required by currently acceptable
welding standards and procedures to be stored in an environment that maintains
factory quality dryness. Its low hydrogen content ensures a smooth, strong
weld that is very ductile, making it the welding rod of choice for structural
welding jobs.
It is well known that prior to beginning a structural welding job that low-hydrogen
electrodes must be conditioned properly to avoid damaging defects in the welds. One
of the ways utilized to protect the low-hydrogen coating is to double coat using a
titania layer to help avoid defects when low hydrogen deposits are required. But
problems such as porosity, hydrogen embrittlement, lack of fusion and cracking can
result if standard low hydrogen rods are not stored according to the manufacturer's
Specifically, hydrogen can adversely affect a weld and some steels under a variety of
conditions. The primary source for the presence of hydrogen is moisture in the
electrode coating picked up through exposure to the atmosphere. For this reason
with any welding job proper storage, handling and treatment of low hydrogen
electrodes is critical to prevent a defective weld. This is especially important in the
construction and erection of multiple story buildings which rely for their support and
inner structure on welded steel beams.
A defective weld can result in the collapse of a building or during subsequent
inspection rejection of the weld. This requires rebuilding a portion of the metal inner
structure of a skyscraper or other building sometimes at a cost of many millions of
Welding electrodes are manufactured to be within acceptable moisture limits
consistent with the type of covering and strength of the weld metal to be used with
the electrode. They are then packaged in a container which has been designed to
provide the degree of moisture protection considered necessary by the industry for
the type of covering involved. A common mistake is opening the container from the
wrong end, or tossing them around which can crack the low hydrogen coating on the
welding rods rendering them useless.
With any welding job It is very important to maintain your rods or electrodes within a
temperature range of 100F and 300F. This temperature range has been determined
by the welding industry to be adequate to prevent atmospheric moisture from
entering the welding rod coating and subsequently entering the weld during the
welding process.
In particular, maintaining low-hydrogen electrodes in a dry, consistently heated
environment is a must. Ask any welding professional and they will recommend that
low-hydrogen electrodes be stored in a rod oven. Any other rudimentary method
such as utilizing an old refrigerator or microwave with a 100 watt light bulb is
laughable and is in no way acceptable for today's welding professional.

Storing and Re-drying Electrodes

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) electrodes

must be properly stored in order to deposit
quality welds. When electrodes become absorb
moisture from the atmosphere, they must be
dried in order to restore the ability to deposit
quality welds. Electrodes with too much
moisture may lead to cracking or porosity.
Operational characteristics may be affected as
well. If youve experienced unexplained weld
cracking problems, or if the electrode arc
performance may have deteriorated, it may be
due to your storage methods or redrying procedures.

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All electrodes must be dried to the right level to perform properly. Even a small
amount of moisture in low hydrogen electrodes can lead to major weld problems
such as internal porosity, weld cracking or poor operating characteristics. We will look
at three different types of electrodes:
1. Low Hydrogen Electrodes
Storing and exposure limits
SMAW electrodes with low hydrogen coatings, such as E7018 and E8018-C3, must be
kept very dry since hydrogen induced cracking can easily occur, especially in steels
that are 80,000 psi and higher yield strengths. To keep these electrodes dry during
storage and to prevent welding defects, here are some suggestions:

Purchase these electrodes in hermetically sealed containers, which provide

excellent protection against moisture pickup.
Do not open the hermetically sealed containers until the electrode is needed
for use.
When the cans are opened, electrodes that will not be immediately used
should be placed in a cabinet at 250 degrees to 300 degrees (120 150
degrees C).
Electrodes should be supplied to welders in quantities that can be consumed
within time limits that are dependent on the electrode type and strength level.
For example, standard E7018 electrodes can be safely be exposed to the
atmosphere for 4 hours whereas standard E11018 electrodes are restricted to
only hour.

When the hermetic seal is broken, (either deliberately such as when a can is opened,
or accidentally as when a can is punctured) a can of low hydrogen SMAW electrodes
must be redried. When the electrodes have been exposed to the atmosphere for
period of a few days, the electrode can be re-dried. The following re-drying
procedures should be used:

To re-dry, electrodes should be removed from the can, and placed in suitable
oven. The electrodes should be spread out in the oven so that all electrodes
will reach the drying temperature. The can of electrodes should not be put in
the oven; the cardboard liners can char, and the temperature of the
electrodes will not be uniform.
When the electrodes are initially placed in the oven, the temperature should
not be greater than half the re-drying temperature. The electrodes should be
held at that temperature for hour before heating the electrode to the final
For mild steel low hydrogen electrodes governed by AWS A5.1 (such as
E7018), the final re-drying temperature is typically 500-800 degrees F. For
low alloy electrodes governed by AWS A5.5, the final re-drying temperature
should be 700-800 degrees F. The manufacturers recommendations should be
One hour at the listed final temperature is satisfactory. Do not dry electrodes
at higher temperatures. Also, several hours at a lower temperature is not
equivalent to using the specified requirements. Moisture becomes chemically
bonded (absorbed) to the electrode coating and those chemical bonds must
be broken at the proper temperature for the proper length of time or the
electrode can be damaged.
Any electrode should be discarded if excessive re-drying causes the coating to
become fragile and flake or break off while welding. Or, dispose of the
electrode if there is a noticeable difference in handling or arc characteristics,
such as insufficient arc force.

2. Austenitic Stainless Steel Electrodes

Storing and exposure limits
Austenitic Stainless Steel for SMAW must be kept dry. Typically, the first problem that
will be noticed with welding with such electrodes that have been contaminated with
moisture will be weld porosity. Other operational characteristics may also be affected.
To keep these electrodes dry during storage, here are some suggestions:
3. Non-low hydrogen electrodes
Storing and exposure limits
SMAW electrodes such as E6010 and E7014 are not low hydrogen, and yet it is
important that these electrodes also be properly stored. Unlike the low hydrogen
electrodes that always must be kept dry, some of the non-low hydrogen electrodes
need some moisture in the coatings in order to perform properly. If these electrodes
are too dry, they may not function properly. Alternative, excessively moist electrodes
may cause other problems. The following procedures should be followed:

Store these non low hydrogen electrodes from the freshly opened containers
in heated cabinets at 100 degrees 120 degrees F (40 50 degrees C).
Do not use higher temperatures, particularly for electrodes from the Fast
Freeze group, which includes Lincoln Shield-Arc and certain types of
Fleetweld electrodes.

Follow these simple storage, exposure and re-drying techniques to ensure the
highest quality welds, as well as the best operational characteristics from your SMAW
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Different kinds of TIG welding supplies and equipment available. They often include a
hand or foot pedal to control the heat. They come in both AC and DC current. Both
water and air cooled torches are available. Each type of machine carries different
amperage ratings and run on single or three-phase power. Consult the appropriate
guides/manuals for the type of machine and torch to use.

Check out our TIG Welding Storage Ovens

For TIG welding you will need electrical power, shielding gas, and a water inlet and
outlet for cooling. Personal protective gear, especially gloves, shields and eyeglasses,
should be worn to protect the weldor.
Argon gas is supplied in steel cylinders similar to oxygen/acetylene cylinders. Use a
two-stage regulator for better gas flow control. (The rate of flow required depends on
the kind and thickness of the metal to be welded.)
Tremendous heat from the arc and high electric current may make water-cooling
necessary. The cooling water and the TIG torch must kept be clean and well
maintained to prevent damage to the equipment. In some cases filtered water,
instead of tap water, may be required.
TIG welding machines are usually rated as light, industrial or heavy duty. They run
on both AC and DC current. Most machines are capable of TIG and Stick welding and
they work on single or 3-phase power and have varied amp settings. When
purchasing a TIG welding machine package all you need is a bottle of shielding gas
to get started.
Most light duty packages feature a TIG output adjustment with the remote foot or
fingertip control; an AC output for superior aluminum welding; a DC output for mild
and stainless steel Cost range for a light duty package runs $1200 to $2400.
Industrial duty packages include a cart for the water cooler; micro-start technology
for state-of-the-art low amperage starting; and water-cooled torch connections. Most
outfits include stick-welding capabilities with E6010 and E7018 electrodes. Some
machines have advanced control panels that integrate TIG "pulsing" and trigger
controls into the machine. Most industrial duty machines have an interior automatic
cooling fan. These packages usually range in cost from $2000 to $5000.
Optional or separate TIG supplies can include A) an undercarriage for the machine
itself. It has a single gas cylinder platform bracket with a chain to accommodate 6 to
9 inch diameter gas cylinders. B) Hand amperage controls that fasten to the TIG
torch for convenient thumb control. C) A water solenoid kit that enables use of tap
water for an economical water-cooled system. C) Various air and water-cooled TIG
torches are available.
In addition, there are TIG ovens which are designed to store a combination of
welding consumables. These mixed-use ovens are capable of maintaining dryness in
filler wire, electrodes and flux-cored wire.

Welding Flux

There is some mystery involved with the term "welding flux." Hopefully, this article
will give you a better understanding of what flux is, what its functions are, and how
to store flux and consumable stick and wire electrodes.
Fusion VS. Non Fusion:
When soldering copper or brass, a non-fusion process, the area has to be cleaned
first. The most common chemical used for this is muriatic acid. After the joint or area
to be soldered is cleaned the metal is evenly heated and the "flux" is applied; it's
usually brushed on. When the metal is heated solder is added manually and the
metals become joined. (The same process holds true with "brazing." In brazing steel,
the area is cleaned, the metal is heated and the brazing rod is heated and dipped
into the can of "flux" and used that way.)
However, "welding" metals, fusing them together, requires more than just heating
the metals to be joined. When welding, the base metals along with the welding rod
or wire electrode need to be taken to high temperatures for fusion. This causes
chemical reactions that do not exist at low or moderate temperatures.
Flux, Rod, Gases And Heat:
The electrode, a coated rod or wire, the base metal (s) and the heating action itself
react chemically with the oxygen and nitrogen in the air. During the process the
metal must be protected from these reactions so the strength and integrity of the
welded joint can be assured. Therefore, the stick or wire electrode and the flux it
provides, cover the arc and the molten pool with a protective shield of gas and vapor.
"Shielding the arc" is the term most often used.
With welding rods and wire electrodes the "flux" is applied in the factory. The flux
has several functions:

It helps to clean the metals surfaces.

It helps to join the filler metals to the base metals.
It provides a protective barrier against igniting.
It helps with heat transfer from heat source to metal surface and it helps in
the removal of surface metal wastes.
It also helps the deposits of metal from the electrode.

With any low-hydrogen or wire electrodes, it is imperative to use proper storage

procedures. Welding rods and wire electrodes need to stay in their sealed container.
Once opened and the electrode is exposed to the air (even for a few hours in humid
conditions) they should be reconditioned and then stored in a rod oven until used.
(When in doubt always consult the manufacturer or suppliers recommendations.) has a wide range of reconditioning and holding ovens, in all sizes,
models, and shapes. We also carry unheated storage containers and replacement
parts for ovens. We feature a 30-day money-back and guarantee FREE shipping to
your business.

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