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Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Mandate

The DepEd Vision
We dream of Filipinos
who passionately love their country
and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential
and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.
As a learner-centered public institution,
the Department of Education
continuously improves itself
to better serve its stakeholders.

The DepEd Mission

To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic
education where:
Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.
Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.
Administrators and staf, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment for
effective learning to happen.
Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing
life-long learners.

Our Core Values


Our Mandate

The Department of Education was established through the Education Decree of 1863 as the Superior
Commission of Primary Instruction under a Chairman. The Education agency underwent many reorganization
efforts in the 20th century in order to better define its purpose vis a vis the changing administrations and
charters. The present day Department of Education was eventually mandated through Republic Act 9155,
otherwise known as the Governance of Basic Education act of 2001 which establishes the mandate of this
The Department of Education (DepEd) formulates, implements, and coordinates policies, plans, programs and
projects in the areas of formal and non-formal basic education. It supervises all elementary and secondary
education institutions, including alternative learning systems, both public and private; and provides for the
establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic education relevant
to the goals of national development.

Historical Perspective of the Philippine Educational System

Education in the Philippines has undergone several stages of development from the pre-Spanish times to the
present. In meeting the needs of the society, education serves as focus of emphases/priorities of the leadership at
certain periods/epochs in our national struggle as a race.
As early as in pre-Magellanic times, education was informal, unstructured, and devoid of methods. Children
were provided more vocational training and less academics (3 Rs) by their parents and in the houses of tribal
The pre-Spanish system of education underwent major changes during the Spanish colonization. The tribal
tutors were replaced by the Spanish Missionaries. Education was religion-oriented. It was for the elite,
especially in the early years of Spanish colonization. Access to education by the Filipinos was later liberalized
through the enactment of the Educational Decree of 1863 which provided for the establishment of at least one
primary school for boys and girls in each town under the responsibility of the municipal government; and the
establishment of a normal school for male teachers under the supervision of the Jesuits. Primary instruction was
free and the teaching of Spanish was compulsory. Education during that period was inadequate, suppressed, and
The defeat of Spain by American forces paved the way for Aguinaldo's Republic under a Revolutionary
Government. The schools maintained by Spain for more than three centuries were closed for the time being but
were reopened on August 29, 1898 by the Secretary of Interior. The Burgos Institute in Malolos, the Military
Academy of Malolos, and the Literary University of the Philippines were established. A system of free and
compulsory elementary education was established by the Malolos Constitution.
An adequate secularized and free public school system during the first decade of American rule was established
upon the recommendation of the Schurman Commission. Free primary instruction that trained the people for the
duties of citizenship and avocation was enforced by the Taft Commission per instructions of President
McKinley. Chaplains and non-commissioned officers were assigned to teach using English as the medium of
A highly centralized public school system was installed in 1901 by the Philippine Commission by virtue of Act
No. 74. The implementation of this Act created a heavy shortage of teachers so the Philippine Commission
authorized the Secretary of Public Instruction to bring to the Philippines 600 teachers from the U.S.A. They
were the Thomasites.


Official Name of Department

Official Titular

Legal Bases


Superior Commission of Primary



Educational Decree of 1863


Department of Public Instruction


Act. No. 74 of the Philippine Commission, Jan.

21, 1901


Department of Public Instruction


Organic Act Law of 1916 (Jones Law)


Department of Education, Health and

Public Welfare


Renamed by the Japanese Executive

Commission, June 11, 1942


Department of Education, Health and

Public Welfare


Renamed by Japanese Sponsored Philippine



Department of Public Instruction


Renamed by Japanese Sponsored Philippine



Department of Public Instruction and



Renamed by the Commonwealth Government


Department of Instruction


Renamed by the Commonwealth Government


Department of Education


E.O. No. 94 October 1947 (Reorganization Act o



Department of Education and Culture


Proc. No. 1081, September 24, 1972


Ministry of Education and Culture


P.D. No. 1397, June 2, 1978


Ministry of Education, Culture and



Education Act of 1982


Department of Education, Culture and



E.O. No. 117. January 30, 1987


Department of Education, Culture and



RA 7722 and RA 7796, 1994 Trifocalization of

Education Management

2001 present

Department of Education


RA 9155, August 2001 (Governance of Basic

Education Act)

The high school system supported by provincial governments, special educational institutions, school of arts
and trades, an agricultural school, and commerce and marine institutes were established in 1902 by the
Philippine Commission. In 1908, the Philippine Legislature approved Act No. 1870 which created the
University of the Philippines.
The Reorganization Act of 1916 provided the Filipinization of all department secretaries except the Secretary of
Public Instruction.
Japanese educational policies were embodied in Military Order No. 2 in 1942. The Philippine Executive
Commission established the Commission of Education, Health and Public Welfare and schools were reopened
in June 1942. On October 14, 1943, the Japanese - sponsored Republic created the Ministry of Education.
Under the Japanese regime, the teaching of Tagalog, Philippine History, and Character Education was reserved
for Filipinos. Love for work and dignity of labor was emphasized. On February 27, 1945, the Department of
Instruction was made part of the Department of Public Instruction.
In 1947, by virtue of Executive Order No. 94, the Department of Instruction was changed to Department of
Education. During this period, the regulation and supervision of public and private schools belonged to the
Bureau of Public and Private Schools.
In 1972, it became the Department of Education and Culture by virtue of Proclamation 1081 and the Ministry of
Education and Culture in 1978 y virtue of P.D. No. 1397. Thirteen regional offices were created and major
organizational changes were implemented in the educational system.
The Education Act of 1982 created the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports which later became the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports in 1987 by virtue of Executive Order No. 117. The structure of
DECS as embodied in EO No. 117 has practically remained unchanged until 1994 when the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED), and 1995 when the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA) were established to supervise tertiary degree programs and non-degree technical-vocational programs,

The Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) report provided the impetus for Congress to pass RA
7722 and RA 7796 in 1994 creating the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical Education
and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), respectively.
The trifocal education system refocused DECS mandate to basic education which covers elementary, secondary
and nonformal education, including culture and sports. TESDA now administers the post-secondary, middlelevel manpower training and development while CHED is responsible for higher education.
In August 2001, Republic Act 9155, otherwise called the Governance of Basic Education Act, was passed
transforming the name of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) to the Department of
Education (DepEd) and redefining the role of field offices (regional offices, division offices, district offices and
schools). RA 9155 provides the overall framework for (i) school head empowerment by strengthening their
leadership roles and (ii) school-based management within the context of transparency and local accountability.
The goal of basic education is to provide the school age population and young adults with skills, knowledge,
and values to become caring, self-reliant, productive and patriotic citizens.
DepEd Management Structure
To carry out its mandates and objectives, the Department is organized into two major structural components.
The Central Office maintains the overall administration of basic education at the national level. The Field
Offices are responsible for the regional and local coordination and administration of the Departments mandate.
RA 9155 provides that the Department should have no more than four (4) Undersecretaries and
four (4) Assistant Secretaries with at least one Undersecretary and one Assistant Secretary who are career
service officers chosen among the staff of the Department.
At present, the Department operates with four (4) Undersecretaries in the following areas:

Programs and Projects

Regional Operations

Finance and Administration

Legal Affairs
Four (4) Assistant Secretaries are assigned in the following areas:

Programs and Projects

Planning and Development

Budget and Financial Affairs

Legal Affairs
Supporting the Office of the Secretary (OSEC) at the Central Office are the different services, bureaus and

There are six (6) services under OSEC:

Administrative Service

Financial and Management Service

Human Resource Development Service

Planning Service

Technical Service

Procurement Service
Three (3) staff bureaus provide assistance in formulating policies, standards, and programs related to curriculum
and staff development:

Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE)

Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE)

Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS)

Six (6) centers or units attached to the Department similarly provide technical and administrative support
towards the realization of the Departments vision:

Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF)

Health and Nutrition Center (HNC)

Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (IMCS)

National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP)

National Education Testing and Research Center (NETRC)

National Science Teaching Instrumentation Center (NSTIC)

There are four (4) special offices under OSEC:

Adopt-a-School Program (ASP)

Communications Unit

Detxt Action Center

Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (DRRMO)

Other attached and support agencies to the Department:

Early Childhood Care and Development Council (ECCD Council)

Instructional Materials Council (IMC)

Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC)

National Book Development Board (NBDB)

National Council for Childrens Television (NCCT)

National Museum

National Science Reaching Instrumentation Center

Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA)

Teacher Education Council (TEC)

At the sub-national level, the Field Offices consist of the following:

Sixteen (16) Regional Offices, and the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM*), each
headed by a Regional Director (a Regional Secretary in the case of ARMM).

Two hundred twenty-one (221) Provincial and City Schools Divisions, each headed by a Schools
Division Superintendent. Assisting the Schools Division Offices are 2,602 School Districts, each headed by a
District Supervisor.
Under the supervision of the Schools Division Offices are 62,605 schools, broken down as follows:

49,209 elementary schools (38,648 public and 10,561 private)

13,396 secondary schools (7,976 public and 5,420 private)

*ARMM is included in the budget of the Department on the following:
Creation of teaching and non-teaching positions;
Funding for newly-legislated high schools;
Regular School Building Program; and
Certain foreign-assisted and locally-funded programs and projects.

Attached Agencies
The Department of Education has the following attached agencies:

Early Childhood Care and Development Council (ECCD Council)

National Book Development Board (NBDB)
National Council for Childrens Television (NCCT)
National Museum
Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA)

K to 12 General Information

What is the K to 12 Program?

The K to 12 Program covers 13 years of basic education with the following key stages:

Kindergarten to Grade 3

Grades 4 to 6

Grades 7 to 10 (Junior High School)

Why are we now implementing 12 years of basic education?

The Philippines is the last country in Asia and one of only three countries worldwide with a 10-year preuniversity cycle (Angola and Djibouti are the other two).

A 12-year program is found to be the best period for learning under basic education. It is also the
recognized standard for students and professionals globally.

What has been done to get ready for K to 12? Are we really ready for K to 12?

SY 2011-2012: Universal Kindergarten implementation begins

SY 2012-2013: Enhanced curriculum for Grades 1-7 implemented

2013: K to 12 enacted into Law

2014: Curriculum for Grades 11-12 finished

This 2015, we are getting ready for the implementation of Senior High School (SHS) in SY 2016-2017.

We are on the fifth year of the implementation of the K to 12 Program. Our last mile is the Senior High
School. All 221 divisions of the Department of Education (DepEd) have finished planning and have figures on
enrolment a year in advance. These plans were reviewed by a separate team and finalized upon consultation
with other stakeholders.

Classrooms: DepEd has built 66,813 classrooms from 2010 to 2013. There are 33,608
classrooms completed and undergoing construction in 2014. As of DepEd is planning to establish 5,899 Senior
High Schools nationwide. As of April 30, 2015, DepEd has issued provisional permits to 1,866 private schools
set to offer Senior High School in 2016.

Teachers: From 2010-2014, DepEd has filled 128,105 new teacher items. DepEd is targeting two
kinds of teachers: those who will teach the core subjects, and those who will teach the specialized subjects per
track. DepEd will hire 37,000 teachers for Senior High School for 2016 alone.

Textbooks: Learning materials are being produced for elementary to junior high while
textbooks for Senior High School (which has specialized subjects) are being bid out.

Curriculum: The K to 12 curriculum is standards- and competence-based. It is inclusive and

built around the needs of the learners and the community. The curriculum is done and is available on the
DepEd website. It is the first time in history that the entire curriculum is digitized and made accessible to the

Private SHS: There are 2,199 private schools cleared to offer Senior High School and over 200 more
being processed.

How will K to 12 afect the college curriculum?

The College General Education curriculum will have fewer units. Subjects that have been taken up in
Basic Education will be removed from the College General Education curriculum.
Details of the new GE Curriculum may be found in CHED Memorandum Order No. 20, series of 2013.

Ive been hearing that a lot of people have not been consulted regarding K to 12. Is this true?

DepEd has always been transparent in the planning and implementation of K to 12. There have been
regular consultations with various sectors since 2010, before the law was passed, during the crafting of the
IRR, and during implementations. DepEd representatives have also attended various fora and conferences,
including legislative inquiries, regarding K to12. We are open to criticisms and suggestions regarding this.

How can I help improve basic education?

Private partners can donate through the Adopt-A-School program. A 150% tax incentive will be
provided for every contribution.

Help spread awareness and information on the K to 12 Program.

Kindergarten Concerns
Under K to 12, will Kindergarten be a pre-requisite for entering Grade 1?

Yes. Republic Act No. 10157, or the Kindergarten Education Act, institutionalizes Kindergarten as part of
the basic education system and is a pre-requisite for admission to Grade 1.

With K to 12, will there be an overlap between the Day Care program of Local Government Units (LGUs)
and DepEd Kindergarten?

No. Day Care Centers of LGUs take care of children aged 4 or below, while the DepEd Kindergarten
program is intended for children who are at least 5 years old by October 31st of the present school year.

With K to 12, should schools prepare permanent records for Kindergarten students?

Yes. While the assessment on readiness skills of students in Kindergarten is not academically driven, a
good measure of the child's ability to cope with formal schooling is needed for future learning interventions.

Who is in charge of Kindergarten teacher compensation?

DepEd is the main agency that employs and pays Kindergarten teachers in public schools. However,
there are LGUs that help in the Kindergarten program and provide honoraria for additional Kindergarten
teachers in public schools.

Senior High School

What is Senior High School?

Senior High School (SHS) covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and includes Grades 11 and
12. In SHS, students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of their choice.

Will SHS mean two more years of High School?

Yes. These two additional years will equip learners with skills that will better prepare them for the
future, whether it be:



Skills Development (Further Tech-Voc training)

Higher Education (College)

Will the additional two years of High School mean additional expenses?

Not necessarily.

Senior High School completes basic education by making sure that the high school graduate is
equipped for work, entrepreneurship, or higher education. This is a step up from the 10-year cycle where high
school graduates still need further education (and expenses) to be ready for the world.

SHS will be offered free in public schools and there will be a voucher program in place for
public junior high school completers as well as ESC beneficiaries of private high schools should they choose to
take SHS in private institutions.

This means that the burden of expenses for the additional two years need not be completely
shouldered by parents.

What will I learn in SHS that the current high school curriculum doesnt include?

Senior High School covers eight (8) learning areas as part of its core curriculum, and adds specific
tracks (similar to college courses) based on four (4) disciplines:

Academic (which includes Business, Science & Engineering, Humanities & Social Science, and a
General Academic strand)

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (with highly specialized subjects with TESDA qualifications)


Arts & Design

SHS Students may pick a track based on how he or she will want to proceed after high school
graduation. You can learn more about the tracks and strands (as well as their curriculum) in the K to 12
Curriculum Guides.

Will SHS ensure employment for me?

SHS cannot guarantee employment; but it creates the following opportunities:

Standard requirements will be applied to make sure graduates know enough to be hirable.

You will now be able to apply for TESDA Certificates of Competency (COCs) and National
Certificates (NCs) to provide you with better work opportunities.

Partnerships with different companies will be offered for technical and vocational courses.

You can now get work experience while studying; and companies can even hire you after you

Entrepreneurship courses will now be included. Instead of being employed, you can choose to start
your own business after graduating, or choose to further your education by going to college.

How will SHS afect my college education?

SHS, as part of the K to 12 Basic Curriculum, was developed in line with the curriculum of the
Commission of Higher Education (CHED) the governing body for college and university education in the

This ensures that by the time you graduate from Senior High School, you will have the standard
knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to go to college.

How will students choose their Senior High School specializations?

Students will undergo assessments to determine their strengths and interests. These will include an
aptitude test, a career assessment exam, and an occupational interest inventory for high schools. Career
advocacy activities will also be conducted to help guide students in choosing their specialization or track.

How will student specializations/tracks be distributed across Senior High Schools?

Specializations or tracks to be offered will be distributed according to the resources available in the
area, the needs and interests of most students, and the opportunities and demands of the community.

Where will Senior High School be implemented? Will my school ofer SHS?

Existing public and private schools, including colleges, universities and technical institutions may offer
Senior High School.
There may also be stand-alone Senior High Schools established by DepEd or private organizations.

Will SHS modelling schools that implemented the SHS program in SY 2012-13 be allowed to implement
the SHS Program?

SHS modelling schools listed in DepEd Order No. 71, s. 2012 may implement the SHS program, but they
must go through the process of applying a provisional SHS permit, and must meet the standards and
requirements for the SHS Program.

Is SHS really necessary? Must I go to SHS?

Yes, according to the law. Beginning SY 2016-2017, you must go through Grades 11 and 12 to graduate
from High School.

If I choose not to go to SHS, what happens to me?

You will be a Grade 10 completer, but not a high school graduate. Elementary graduates are those who
finish Grade 6; high school graduates must have finished Grade 12.

Where can I find out more about SHS?

You can find out more at the K to 12 page. You can also ask your school administration (public or
private) to contact the DepEd division office to help organize an orientation seminar.

How will SHS Afect me? Will I lose my Job?

No high school teachers will be displaced.

The Department of Education (DepEd) is in constant coordination with CHED and DOLE on the actual
number of affected faculty from private higher education institutions (HEIs). The worst-case scenario is that
39,000 HEI faculty will lose their jobs over 5 years. This will only happen if none of the HEIs will put up their

own Senior High Schools, which is since we are currently processing over 1,000 SHS applications from private

DepEd is also hiring more than 30,000 new teachers in 2016 alone. The Department will prioritize
affected faculty who will apply as teachers or administrators in our SHS.

Why not just realign the K to 12 budget to increase teachers salaries?

There is no "K to 12" item in the national budget per se. The ongoing implementation of the K to 12
Program involves the provision of basic inputs such as classrooms, teacher items, textbooks, school seats, and
toilets. There are also items in the budget for computerization of classrooms, science and math equipment,
and teacher training. K to 12 is a reform in the manner and content of education; it is not a single project with
a line item budget.

There are also ongoing discussions taking place regarding a raise in the salary of public school teachers
and all other government employees.

I am a graduate of a science/math/engineering/course. Can I apply as an SHS teacher?

Yes. If you are willing to teach on a part-time basis, you will not be required to take and pass the
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

If you want a permanent position, you will need to take and pass the LET within five (5) years after your
date of hiring to remain employed full-time.

I am a hired TVI course graduate/HEI faculty/practitioner. Can I apply as an SHS teacher?

Graduates of technical-vocational courses must have the necessary certification issued by TESDA and
undergo training to be administered by DepEd or HEIs.

Faculty of colleges and universities must be full-time professors and be holders of a relevant Bachelors

DepEd and private schools may also hire practitioners with expertise in the specialized learning areas
offered by the K to 12 Program as part-time teachers.

Faculty of TVIs and HEIs will be given priority in hiring for the transition period from September 2013 until SY

I am a practitioner. Can I apply as an SHS teacher?

You may teach as part-time teacher in Senior High School under the track subjects. We encourage you
to consider this to share your valuable knowledge and experience to our SHS learners.

Curriculum Guides


Grade 1-10

Senior High School Core Curriculum Subjects

Senior High School Applied Track Subjects

Senior High School Specialized Subjects

Republic Act 10157, or "The Kindergarten Education Law" made Kindergarten the compulsory and mandatory
entry stage to basic education. Section 2 of this Act provides that all five (5)-year old children shall be given
equal opportunities for Kindergarten Education to effectively promote their physical, social, emotional and
intellectual development, including values formation so they will be ready for school. This was so since the
Department of Education (DepEd) believes that Kindergarten is the transition period from informal to formal
literacy (Grades 1-12) considering that age five (5) is within the critical years where positive experiences must
be nurtured to ascertain school readiness.
Various researches support that this is the period of greatest growth and development, when the brain develops
most rapidly and almost at its fullest. It is also the stage when self- esteem, vision of the world and moral
foundations are established. Teachers/parents/caregivers/adults should therefore be guided to facilitate
explorations of our young learners in an engaging and creative curriculum that is developmentally appropriate
which immerse them in meaningful experiences. Provision of varied play-based activities leads them to
becoming emergent literates and, helps them to naturally acquire the competencies to develop holistically. They
are able to understand the world by exploring their environment as they are encouraged to create and discover,
that eventually leads them to becoming willing risk takers and ready to tackle formal school works.

Grade 1 to 10 Subjects
Mother Tongue





Araling Panlipunan

Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP)



Physical Education


Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP)

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)




Note: This can be taken between Grades 9 to 12. Click here to view details.

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) and

Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track
Technology-Livelihood Education and Technical-Vocational Track specializations may be taken between
Grades 9 to 12. Exploratory Subjects at 40 hours per quarter are taken during Grades 7 to 8.


Number of Hours


Animal Production (NC II)

480 hours

Aquaculture (NC II)

640 hours

Artificial Insemination (Ruminants) (NC II)

160 hours

Animal Production

Artificial Insemination (Swine) (NC II)

160 hours

Animal Production

Crop Production (NC I)

320 hours

Fish Wharf Operation (NC I)

160 hours

Fish or Shrimp Grow

Out Operation


Number of Hours


Food (Fish) Processing (NC II)

640 hours

Horticulture (NC II)

640 hours

Landscape Installation and Maintenance (NC


320 hours

Crop Production

Organic Agriculture (NC II)

320 hours

Crop Production

Pest Management (NC II)

320 hours

Crop Production

Rice Machinery Operation (NC II)

320 hours

Crop Production

Slaughtering Operation (NC II)

160 hours

Animal Production


Sample Senior High School TVL Track Schedule (per semester

and the corresponding schedule per week)

Schedule per Semester

Corresponding Weekly Schedule

Example 1 - Schedule per semester

Weekly schedule for Example 1

Example 2 - Schedule per semester

Weekly schedule for Example 2

Example 3 - Schedule per semester

Weekly schedule for Example 3

Senior High School Core Curriculum Subjects

Oral Communication

Reading and Writing

Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Filipino

Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Ibat Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

Media and Information Literacy

General Mathematics

Statistics and Probability

Earth and Life Science

Physical Science

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person / Pambungad sa Pilosopiya ng Tao

Physical Education and Health

Personal Development / Pansariling Kaunlaran

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

Earth Science (taken instead of Earth and Life Science for those in the STEM Strand)

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction (taken instead of Physical Science for those in the STEM

Senior High School Applied Track Subjects

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Practical Research 1

Practical Research 2

Filipino sa Piling Larangan





Empowerment Technologies (for the Strand)


Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Academic Track
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand

Applied Economics


Business Ethics and Social Responsibility


Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1


Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 2


Business Math


Business Finance


Organization and Management


Principles of Marketing


Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity i.e. Business Enterprise


Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand


Creative Writing / Malikhaing Pagsulat


Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems


Creative Nonfiction


Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture


Philippine Politics and Governance


Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship


Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences


Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences


Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand




Basic Calculus


General Biology 1


General Biology 2


General Physics 1


General Physics 2


General Chemistry 1 and 2


Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity

General Academic Strand


Humanities 1*


Humanities 2*


Social Science 1**


Applied Economics


Organization and Management


Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction


Elective 1 (from any Track/Strand)***


Elective 2 (from any Track/Strand)***

*Select from HUMSS Strand Subjects 1 to 4.

**Select from HUMSS Strand Subjects 5 to 8.
***Schools must present/offer a range of subjects from which students can choose.

Sports Track
Suggested Scheduling of Subjects

Safety and First Aid

Human Movement

Fundamentals of Coaching

Sports Officiating and Activity Management

Fitness, Sports and Recreation Leadership

Psychosocial Aspects of Sports and Exercise

Fitness Testing and Basic Exercise Programming

Practicum (in-campus)

Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity i.e. Apprenticeship (offcampus)

Arts and Design Track

Suggested Scheduling of Subjects

Creative Industries I: Arts and Design Appreciation and Production

Creative Industries II: Performing Arts

Physical and Personal Development in the Arts

Developing Filipino Identity in the Arts

Integrating the Elements and Principles of Organization in the Arts

Leadership and Management in Different Arts Fields

Apprenticeship and Exploration of Different Arts Fields


Media Arts and Visual Arts


Literary Arts







Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity i.e. Exhibit for Arts

Production/Performing Arts Production


Performing Arts Production


Exhibit for Arts Production

Media and Visual Arts

Literary Arts

Inclusive Education

Alternative Learning System

Alternative Learning System
What is Alternative Learning System or ALS?
It is a parallel learning system in the Philippines that provides a practical option to the existing formal
instruction. When one does not have or cannot access formal education in schools, ALS is an alternate or
substitute. ALS includes both the non-formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills.

Why is there a need for Alternative Learning System in the Philippines?

Many Filipinos do not have a chance to attend and finish formal basic education (Grades 1-6 and Year 1-4) due
to many reasons. Some drop out from schools while some do not have schools in their communities. Since
every Filipino has a right to free basic education, the Government establishes ALS to provide all Filipinos the
chance to have access to and complete basic education in a mode that fits their distinct situations and needs.

What is the basis of ALS implementation in the Philippines?

The 1987 Philippine Constitution provides for the recognition and promotion of other forms of education other
than formal education. Article XIV, Section 2, Paragraph (1) declares that the State shall establish, maintain and
support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and society;
and paragraph (4) concisely encourages non-formal, informal and indigenous learning systems as well as selflearning, independent and out-of-school study programs particularly those that respond to community needs.
The Governance Act for Basic Education otherwise known as the Republic Act 9155 stipulates the
establishment of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) to provide out-of-school children, youth and adults
population with basic education.

How does ALS work?

There are two major programs on ALS that are being implemented by the Department of Education, through the
Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS). One is the Basic Literacy Program and the other is the
Continuing Education Program - Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E). Both programs are modular and
flexible. This means that learning can take place anytime and any place, depending on the convenience and
availability of the learners.

What is the difference between the Formal Education System and the Alternative Learning System (ALS)
Non-formal Education?
Formal Education system is classroom-based, managed by trained formal school teachers.
ALS Non-formal Education happens outside the classroom, community-based, usually conducted at community
learning centers, barangay multi-purpose hall, libraries or at home, managed by ALS learning facilitators, such
as mobile teachers, district ALS Coordinators, instructional managers at an agreed schedule and venue between
the learners and facilitators.

What curriculum is used in the ALS?
The ALS Curriculum reflects the set of knowledge skills and competencies that learners should develop to meet
the minimum requirements of basic education. It is comparable to the formal school curriculum. The teaching
and learning processes and resources are based on the ALS Curriculum.

Who are the target learners in the ALS?

ALS is intended for out-of-school children, youth and adults who need basic and functional literacy skills,
knowledge and values.
These people are usually located in far-flung communities with no or limited access to formal schools.

In 2008, it was estimated that 40.95 million or 45% of the total Philippine population did not complete
basic education. This population is considered the target groups of the alternative learning system.

Among the target groups, 27.53 million are 15 years old and above. Meanwhile, 6-11 years old (8.7
million) and 12-15 (4.7 million) years old are the aggregated target learners who are in-school age.

Specifically, this group of marginalized learners consists of street children, indigenous peoples, farmers,
fisherfolks, women, adolescents, solo parents, children in conflict areas not reached by the formal school
system, rebel returnees, and others.

Who delivers the ALS?

ALS is either DepEd-delivered, DepEd-procured, or DepEd Partners-delivered.

DepEd-delivered refers to the implementation arrangement where program is directly carried-out by

DepEd ALS implementers such as the ALS Mobile Teachers and District ALS Coordinators.

DepEd-procured refers to the implementation arrangement where program is contracted by DepEd to

service providers such as non-government organizations and other government organizations and literacy

DepEd Partners-delivered refers to the implementation of ALS Programs by non-DepEd organizations

such as Local Government Units (LGUs), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and other Government
Organizations (GOs), international donor agencies, church-based organizations and individuals on a voluntary
basis using their own resources.

Who are the DepEd ALS Field Implementors?

The ALS Programs are carried out by ALS Mobile Teachers and District ALS Coordinators in the 17 regions of
the country. Both are DepEd employed and hold regular teacher items.
Mobile Teachers are specialized teachers who live among the people in remote barangays of the country to
conduct the BLP for illiterate out-of-school children, youth and adults who are willing to learn basic literacy
skills and proceed to Continuing Education program: Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) for those who left
formal school system or have no access to schools.
The District ALS Coordinators are primarily designated to harmonize ALS initiatives in a district. However, just
like the Mobile Teachers, they also serve as learning facilitators in the delivery of the different ALS

How does learning intervention take place in the ALS?

The learning facilitator (Facilitator, Instructional Manager, ALS Mobile Teacher, District ALS Coordinator)
goes to a sitio or barangay with Functional Literacy Test and a set of learning materials to conduct learning
sessions until such time that the learners have become literate before going to another sitio orbarangay.
However, depending on the need of the learners, the learning facilitator goes back to a sitio or barangay for
visitation and follow-up.
Most of the time, instead of the learners going to the Community Learning Center, the learning facilitator brings
the learning materials to the learners to help them acquire basic and or functional literacy skills.
ALS programs are delivered in various modes such as face-to-face, radio-based, eSkwela/computer-based or
independent learning.

Where do learning sessions take place?

Learning sessions take place at the Community Learning Center or at any place convenient to the learners.
Teaching and learning may also take place at the homes of the learners, under the shades of trees, inside a
church or mosque, playground and any other available space and venue.

What materials are used in the ALS?

The ALS utilizes learning modules. Each module is complete in itself. It contains the description of the module,
objectives, learning activities, and pre and post tests. Modules for the basic and lower elementary level learners
come with a Facilitators Guide. Meanwhile, modules for advanced elementary and secondary levels were
designed for self-learning.

In the conduct of ALS sessions, use of supplementary learning materials is being encouraged particularly those
that are developed by the Facilitator to suit the local need and context and are locally available.
In partnership with various organizations, both local and international, the DepEd-BALS was able to adapt
and/or produce print and non-print learning materials to supplement the existing modules in the conduct of ALS
learning sessions.
Supplementary materials are important in the conduct of ALS learning sessions. Additional materials make
learning sessions more effective by reinforcing newly acquired literacy skills. They also serve as springboards
to a new lesson, thus, making learning more fun and interesting. Use of multi-media also gives both Facilitators
and learners chance to access new information and technology and activates multi-sensory learning.

What are the areas of learning in the ALS?

The learning areas in the ALS are called learning strands which are the equivalent of the subjects in the
formal school system.
These learning strands are:

Communication Skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking (numeracy and scientific thinking)

Sustainable use of Resources/Productivity (ability to earn a living through self-employment, outside

employment, entrepreneurship, sustainable use of resources and appropriate technology and productivity)

Development of Self and a Sense of Community (self-development, a sense of personal and national
history and identity, cultural pride and recognition and understanding of civil and political rights)

Expanding Ones World Vision (knowledge, respect and appreciation for diversity, peace and non-violent
resolution of conflict, and global awareness and solidarity)

Is there an entrance test in the ALS?

The potential learner in the ALS goes through a screening process to determine whatever prior learning that
he/she may have through the Functional Literacy Test (FLT). This assessment will assist the Learning Facilitator
to set-up a teaching and learning plan for a particular learner.
The FLT is composed of five (5) parts. These are 1) the Personal Information Sheet (PIS), 2) Listening and
Speaking, 3) Reading, 4) Writing, and 5) Numeracy.

What is the difference between non-formal education and informal education?

To reach this marginalized group of learners, BALS implements non-formal and informal education or
education that takes place outside the formal school system.
Republic Act 9155 defines Non-formal Education as any organized, systematic educational activity carried
outside the framework of the formal school system to provide selected types of learning to a segment of the
On the other hand, Informal Education is defined as a lifelong process of learning by which every person
acquires and accumulates knowledge, skills, attitudes and insights from daily experiences at home, at work, at
play and from life itself.
BALS carries out two Non-formal Education Programs: a) the Basic Literacy Program (BLP) for illiterates and
the b) Continuing Education: Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Program for elementary and high school
BALS has developed Informal Education courses that include self-interest and life experiences programs.
Initially, it has already developed a special curriculum for indigenous peoples (IPs). With this construct, greater
learning needs will be addressed and funneled to promote lifelong learning in all streams of education.

ALS Programs
Program for illiterates:
Basic Literacy Program (BLP)
The Basic Literacy Program (BLP) is a program aimed at eradicating illiteracy among out-of-schools youth and
adults (in extreme cases school-aged children) by developing basic literacy skills of reading, writing and

Program for dropouts of formal Elementary and Secondary Levels:

Continuing Education: Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Program
The Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Program is a program aimed at providing an alternative pathway of
learning for out-of-school children, youth and adults who are basically literate but who have not completed the
10 years of basic education mandated by the Philippine Constitution. Through this program, school dropouts are
able to complete elementary and high school education outside the formal school system.
For information on the A&E Test, go to the ALS Accreditation and Equivalency Test page.

Program for Indigenous Peoples:

Indigenous Peoples Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education is a research and development project which aims to provide basic education
support services to IP communities. This is initially implemented at the tribal communities in Dumalneg, Ilocos
Norte, Gen. Nakar, Quezon, and Botolan, Zambales.

Program for Muslim Migrants:

Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education in Alternative Learning System (ALIVE in ALS)
The Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education in Alternative Learning System (ALIVE in ALS) is
designed for the Muslim Migrants to be able to positively contribute to the peace efforts of our government in
order to improve the quality of life of Muslim OSY and adults. It has components, namely; Basic Literacy
Program + ALIVE; Accreditation & Equivalency (A&E) Program + ALIVE; Informal Education + ALIVE;
Technical Vocational Education Program + ALIVE; and Entrepreneurship Development + ALIVE.

Program for Hearing Impairment:

Alternative Learning System for Differently-Abled Persons (ALS-DAP)
The Alternative Learning System for Differently-Abled Persons (ALS-DAP) is a project which aims to deliver
Basic Literacy Program to the special/differently-abled children/OSYs/adults, e.g., hearing impaired learners
who have not availed of/have no access to the formal school system through specialized approaches, e.g., sign

Program for Adolescents:

Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH)
The Adolescent Reproductive Health is a project for out-of-school adolescents ages 9-24 years old. It is a life
skills-based education program for adolescents who are in high-risky behavior, sex-related or non-sex related

Program for Parents:

Parent Education
The Parent Education is an informal education which is a life skills short-term course that addresses the special
needs and interests of the parents to promote pride in their work and ownership of their responsibilities as
members of the family and their community.

Program for Poor Families:

Family Basic Literacy Program (FBLP)
This is a literacy service learning intervention utilizing literate family members to help non-literate members
upgrade their literacy skills and improve the educational opportunities of poor families in the depressed,
deprived and underserved (DDU) areas.

Radio-Based Instruction (RBI)

The Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) Program is an alternative learning delivery mode using radio broadcast to
deliver the ALS programs. As a form of distance learning, it is able to expand access to education by bringing it
to where the learners are. It aims to provide learning opportunities to listeners and enable them to acquire
equivalency in basic education through the broadcast of lessons.

Program for Disadvantaged Children:

Informal Education for Disadvantaged Children
This program focuses on packaging of short-term educational activity that addresses the special needs and
interests of the street and working children. It intends to use life skills active learning approaches/strategies
aimed at developing/enhancing social, civic, aesthetic, cultural, recreational physical and personal development.
The learning materials/packages may be developed/adopted/adapted or gathered from other sources and
tailored-fit to the identified needs of the said users.

ALS Accreditation and Equivalency Test

The Alternative Learning System Accreditation and Equivalency (ALS A&E) Test, formerly known as the Nonformal Education A&E Test, is a paper and pencil test designed to measure the competencies of those who have
neither attended nor finished elementary or secondary education in the formal school system.
Passers of the A&E Test are given a certificate/diploma, bearing the Department of Education (DepEd) seal and
the signature of the Secretary, certifying their competencies as comparable graduates of the formal school
system. Passers are qualified to enroll in secondary and post-secondary schools.

Philippine Educational Placement Test

The Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) is under the Accrediation and Equivalency Program
(Executive Order No. 733, s. 1981) for retrieving out-of-school youth (OSY) and placing them in the formal
school system if they so desire, and for validating and accrediting knowledge and skills in academic areas

gained through informal and non-formal means for re-entry into formal school, job promotion, entry to job
training, for employment and self-fulfillment.


Birth certificate: Issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO) or Local Civil Registrar duly
authenticated (original and two (2) photocopies)

ID pictures: Two (2) pieces of identical and recently taken (1x1" size)

School records (original and two (2) photocopies):

Elementary Level - Form 137 or Form 138

Secondary Level - Form 137

*Form 137 (Transcript of Records with school seal and signature of principal/registrar)
*Form 138 (Report Card with school seal and signature of principal/registrar)

School permit: Photocopy of School Permit to Operate/Government Recognition (for applicants from
private schools)

Registration fee (non-refundable):

Regular administration (every November) - PhP50.00

Walk-in/Special administration - PhP200.00

Principal's Test
The National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH), also known as the Principal's Test, serves as
a mechanism for selecting school heads in the public education sector. The Principal's Test is open to all
interested applicants for Principal I positions.
The National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) administers and conducts the test in coordination
with the Schools Divisions Offices (DOs) through the Regional Offices (ROs).
For more information on the Principal's Test, read DepEd Order No. 97, s. 2011, the Revised Guidelines on the
Allocation and Reclassification of School Head Positions.
. Schools Division Superintendents Examination
The Schools Division Superintendents Examination, also known as the Educational Management Test (EMT), is
a prerequisite exam for appointment to Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (ASDS) and Schools
Division Superintendent (SDS) positions.

As stated in DepEd Order No. 88, s. 2012, the EMT is taken every five (5) years unless otherwise recommended
by the DepEd Executive Committee. The National Education Testing and Research Center (NETRC), together
with the appointed Board of Examiners, is in charge of managing and conducting the EMT.

DepED Orders
DO 41, s. 2015 - Senior High School Career Guidance Program and Early Registration
The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Guidelines on the Senior High School (SHS)
Career Guidance Program (CGP) and Early Registration, which aims to guide Grade 10 students/SHS
entrants in making informed decisions regarding their choice of SHS track in view of the conduct of the SHS
Early Registration.
Posted on August 28, 2015
DO 40, s. 2015 - Guidelines on K to 12 Partnerships
To achieve the goals of the K to 12 Program, the Department of Education (DepEd) needs to enter into
partnerships with different groups in the fields of work immersion opportunities for public Senior High School
(SHS) learners, use of facilities and equipment, additional teacher training opportunities, and additional
resources in the form of donations.
Posted on August 28, 2015
DO 39, s. 2015 - Extension of the Deadline for Learner Information System (LIS) and Enhanced Basic
Education Information System (EBEIS) Updating for Beginning of School Year (BOSY) 2015-2016
In reference to DepEd Order No. 26, s. 2015 entitled Learner Information System (LIS) and Enhanced Basic
Education Information System (EBEIS) Updating for Beginning of School Year (BOSY) 2015-2016, the
Department of Education (DepEd) issues this Order.
Posted on August 28, 2015
DO 38, s. 2015 - Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for the Special Education (SPED)
The Department of Education (DepEd) through the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE) and the Bureau of
Secondary Education (BSE) issues the enclosed Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for the
Special Education (SPED) Program.
Posted on August 19, 2015
DO 37, s. 2015 - The Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) in Basic
Education Framework
The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRM) in Basic Education Framework to guide DRRM efforts in the basic education sector

towards resilience-building in offices and schools, and to ensure that quality education is continuously provided
and prioritized even during disasters and/or emergencies.
Posted on August 12, 2015
DO 36, s. 2015 - Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act. No. 10618 (An Act
Establishing Rural Farm Schools as Alternative Delivery Mode of Secondary Education and
Appropriating Funds Therefor)
For the information and guidance of all concerned, enclosed is a copy of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) No. 10618 entitled An Act Establishing Rural Farm Schools as
Alternative Delivery Mode of Secondary Education and Appropriating Funds Therefor, otherwise known
as Rural Farm Schools Act.
Posted on August 12, 2015
DO 35, s. 2015 - 2015 Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for Adopt-A-School Program (ASP)
Mandated to provide an enhanced learning environment and resources which would benefit children and youth
in public schools, the Department of Education (DepEd), through its Adopt-a-School Program (ASP), is
continuously engaged in obtaining the support from various entities, ensuring that such support contributes to
expanding access to quality education.
Posted on August 6, 2015
DO 34, s. 2015 - Revisions to DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2015 (Implementation of the School-Based Feeding
Program (SBFP) for School Year (SY) 2015-2016)
The provisions stipulated in the Enclosure of DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2015 entitled Implementation of the
School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) for School Year (SY) 2015-2016 shall remain in force and in effect,
except for the changes stated herein.
Posted on August 6, 2015
DO 33, s. 2015 - Implementation of School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) for School Year (SY) 20152016
The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Health and Nutrition Center (HNC), shall implement
the School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) for School Year (SY) 2015-2016 to address undernutrition and
short-term hunger among public school children.
Posted on July 30, 2015
DO 32, s. 2015 - Adopting the Indigenous Peoples Education Curriculum Framework
Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 62, s. 2011 entitled Adopting the National Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd)
Policy Framework and DepEd Order No. 43, s. 2013 entitled Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic
Act No. 10533 Otherwise Known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, the Department of Education
(DepEd) is adopting the enclosed Indigenous Peoples Education Curriculum Framework.

E-Class Record Templates

Grade 1 ECR Templates
Grade 1 - 1st Quarter
Grade 1 - 2nd Quarter
Grade 1 - 3rd Quarter
Grade 1 - 4th Quarter
Grade 1 Summary - Final Grades
Download all Grade 1 ECR Templates (zip)
Grade 2 ECR Templates
Grade 2 - 1st Quarter
Grade 2 - 2nd Quarter
Grade 2 - 3rd Quarter
Grade 2 - 4th Quarter
Grade 2 Summary - Final Grades
Download all Grade 2 ECR Templates (zip)
Grade 3 ECR Templates
Grade 3 - 1st Quarter
Grade 3 - 2nd Quarter
Grade 3 - 3rd Quarter
Grade 3 - 4th Quarter
Grade 3 Summary - Final Grades
Download all Grade 3 ECR Templates (zip)

The Electronic Class Record User Manual for Grades 1-3

User Manual for Basic Commands in MS Excel

Grade 4-6 ECR Templates

Grade 4-6 - Filipino
Grade 4-6 - English
Grade 4-6 - Mathematics
Grade 4-6 - Science
Grade 4-6 - Araling Panlipunan
Grade 4-6 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP)
Grade 4-6 - Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP)
Grade 4-6 Summary - Final Grades
Download all Grade 4-6 ECR Templates (zip)

The Electronic Class Record User Manual for Grades 4-6

User Manual for Basic Commands in MS Excel

Grade 7-10 ECR Templates

Grade 7-10 - Filipino
Grade 7-10 - English
Grade 7-10 - Mathematics
Grade 7-10 - Science
Grade 7-10 - Home Economics
Grade 7-10 - Araling Panlipunan
Grade 7-10 - Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP)

Grade 7-10 ECR Templates

Grade 7-10 - TLE
Grade 7-10 - MAPEH 1st Quarter
Grade 7-10 - MAPEH 2nd Quarter
Grade 7-10 - MAPEH 3rd Quarter
Grade 7-10 - MAPEH 4th Quarter
Grade 7-10 - MAPEH Final Grades
Grade 7-10 Summary - Final Grades
Download all Grade 7-10 ECR Templates (zip)

The Electronic Class Record User Manual for Grades 7-10

User Manual for Basic Commands in MS Excel

DepEd Memo








September 3,

DM 99, s. 2015 - 2015 National Teachers' Month and

Worlds Teachers' Day Celebrations


September 3,

DM 98, s. 2015 - 2015 National Literacy Conference


September 3,

DM 97, s. 2015 - Designation of Atty. Josephine G.

Maribojoc as Acting Director IV of the DepEd Legal


August 31,

DM 96, s. 2015 - Flags in Half-Mast in Honor of the

Late Undersecretary Francisco M. Varela


August 26,

DM 95, s. 2015 - Amending the Age Eligibility and

Other Requirements of Athletes in the Palarong
Pambansa in Light of the Implementation of Republic
Act (RA) No. 10533 Otherwise Known as The
Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013


August 24,

DM 94, s. 2015 - Implementation of School Building

Repair/Rehabilitation Program Under the Calendar
Years (CYs) 2015 and 2015 Basic Education Facilities


August 24,

DM 93, s. 2015 - 2013 Sanayguro National Specialized Downlo

Art Skills Training for Teachers of the Special Program ad
in the Arts (SPA)

August 20,


DM 92, s. 2015 - Dissemination of DILG Memorandum




Circular No. 2015-63 (Revitalization of the Barangay

Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) and Their Role in
Drug Clearing Operations)

August 19,

DM 91, s. 2015 - Search for the 2015 GURO NG PAGASA

August 19, 2015

DM 90, s. 2015 - Announcement on the Qualifiers in the 2015

Educational Management Test (EMT)



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