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Bea Angela M.



Filipino known for their being hospitable and a good survivor. Filipinos are hospitable because when they have
a visitor they can sacrifice or make a way for the goodness of their visitor. Filipino are also good survivor
because if some Filipinos goes to other places (country) they can adapt with the culture, values and language of
that place. These two traits were the fruit that bear by the three different countries who invade us. Filipinos were
become surplus their being hospitable because when they was already colonized the Philippine some Filipinos
sacrifices their language, values, economic attitudes, way of governing our country and race even race our own
culture and identity in the field of education. Spaniard is our villain because they put Filipinos in the maze of
heinous while American serve us our hero because of helping us in gaining our freedom. The essay of Dr. Jose
Rizal entitled Filipinas Dentro de Cien Aoz stated that if there is any other colonizer of the Philippines in the
future, it would be the US, and that was came true. Filipino was mis-educated because their education become
a colonial education not a free education. American want the Filipinos to become a new type of American
using the Education. If the Spaniard uses the religion to colonize us, the American use education to colonized
us. In American time, Filipino become mis-educated in: LANGUAGE - this was the main problem of Filipinos
because Thomasites( American Soldier) mandated and taught Filipino to use foreign Language not their native
tongue. Yes it is good to use English language because this is the language of democracy that is for the people,
by the people and all the people. However, we must develop first our native tongue because a person will be
master first his/her mother tongue in order to understand immediately the others language. Language is the
barrier of democracy. An aspiring leader in society use English language in communicating masses wherein the
masses half understand and not understand English vocabulary, they just only appreciate its sound without
knowing their sense. Adoption of western Values- our national virtue of hospitality change stupid vices.
American was master on their own house but the Thomasites not educated Filipino to master and love their
country. Filipino tries to imitate their good leadership but they failed because they were mis-educated.
ECONOMIC ATTITUDES Thomasites didnt give the Filipino an idea to become an industrialized country but
they develop us to become an agricultural heaven and that was unfaired. WAY OF GOVERNING- American
hold the agency of DEPED. They never give chance the Filipino to handle/manage it because in their instinct
Filipinos will against them. Filipino race and identity- this was the starting point of mis-education of the
Filipinos because American introduces Filipino in a new World. Filipino became a mockup of American race.
The worst is, Filipino learned the American Heroes in even their songs rather than learning the Filipinos heroes
and songs. Its hurt that the Filipino neglecting the sacrifices of their own Filipino heroes in obtaining their
freedom-their motherland.
The An Uprooted Race because American removed the contribution of our Filipino heroes and writer like the
masterpiece of Dr. Jose Rizal (Noli and Fili) and Jose Palma(National Anthem) who gave inspiration and united

to other Filipino heroes to fight our freedom. As a future teacher it was infinitely applicable because it cling the
heart of Filipinos to become a good Filipino citizen. I will always impart on their mind of my student the great
contribution of our hero who gave us wings to become freefree to fly any when and anywhere. Their only
wish is we must love and respect our country. We must try to defend it like in the court, if its our right we must
defend it just always have faith in GOD.
Our present Educational system tends,in the main,to hold the students to customary,the existent,and the
common place.It makes them merely participants with the present generation.In fact,it is often so full of
dogmas,authority,and a thousand lesser cramping influences which retard progress,that is actually encourages
reaction ism.Instead it should,if it is really to lead out,launch them from the shoulders of the present
generation,passing on to them that which society has inherited or considers most contributory to its loftiest
ideals,not as an end in itself or as a highest good,but appoint of departure in a new progress of discovery and
invention Filipinos called as an uprooted race because they had to be disoriented for their national goals because
they had to become good colonials.We Filipino some Western values that we have until now.We love to hear
foreigners call our country a paradise on earth,and we never stop to think that it is a paradise only for them but
not for the millions of our countrymen.We Filipinos must realize that we can stand alone even they dont
support us because I believe that theres no impossible if we are helping each other develop our economic life
For me the strongest point of he essay is the language problem of the Filipinos.In discussing the cultural
backgrounds of Filipinos and Americans,we pointed out that although Filipinos are predominantly of one racial
stock,we speak many languages;whereas,Americans are of many ethnic backgrounds,but are predominantly
English speaking.This confusion of tongues has been a major problem in Philippine Education for many
years.The student has been required to spend precious time in learning language before we can begin to tackle
the content of basic subject matters.Because of the colonial education,we've been disoriented.Language is
important because through language,taught develops,and the development of thought leads to further devt of
This essay still applicable in our time because this essay encourage Filipino people to learn so that we are able
to know and understand the importance of high educational standards.The education of the Filipino must be a
Filipino education.We need to know the goals and need of our nation.This essay always reminds us to use and
love our native language.While child,mother must teach first the native language before he/she starts to use
foreign language.

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