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Zion United

Methodist Church April 2010

Change in the Dakotas Conference By Pastor Jerry Bass, Dakotas Romans 12 Task Force

Over the past two years, I have served on the churches, including camping, some of
Romans 12 Task Force, a group appointed by our mission work, youth rallies, and re-
Bishop Deb Kiesey to develop a vision of the lations with the general church agen-
future for the Dakotas Conference of The United cies.
Methodist Church and to propose changes in
our programs and leadership structure to facili- • The Stewarding Link brings leader-
tate the accomplishment of that vision. ship and responsibility to the areas of
personnel, finance, and property
In November, the membership of the Annual owned by the Conference.
Conference, laity and clergy in equal propor-
tions, ratified the recommendations of the Ro- • The final link is the Visioning Link, a
mans 12 Task Force, and persons appointed by new idea that brings together a group
the Bishop have been involved in the past few of creative persons to continually re-
months with the initial actions to implement the view what we are doing as the church
changes proposed by our group. in the Dakotas and to consider ways
we can accomplish our mission in
So, I'd like to bring you up-to-date on more effective ways.
those changes as well as an addi-
tional change that may significantly The links will be supported by staff
impact us in the future. in the Conference office. Jodi
Cataldo will be returning to the Da-
The new leadership structure for the kotas this spring to assume the role
Dakotas will become operational fol- of Director of leadership Develop-
lowing our Annual Conference in ment and will be the principal staff
June. There will be five principal member for the Equipping Link.
elected bodies to oversee the work of Greg Kroger will shift from being a
the church in our two states: district superintendent to holding the
position of Assistant to the Bishop
• The Common Table will be the princi- for Connectional Ministries and will support
pal coordinating group for all of our the Connecting link. Roy Caudill, a former
work as the church in the Dakotas; in- pastor at Zion, will take Greg's place as the
cluded in that body will be the chair of district superintendent headquartered in Sioux
each of four other groups called links. Falls. Our Conference Treasurer, Jeff
Pospisil, will staff the Stewarding link.
• The Equipping Link will be responsi-
ble for organizing and overseeing the Another change approved in November reduced
work of the Annual Conference in all the number of districts in our Conference from
the ways that the Conference seeks to five to four. For some time, we have been part
equip the local congregations for the of a district that included virtually the entire
work of the church. eastern part of North Dakota, with ministry
teams centered around Devils Lake, James-
• The Connecting Link has oversight
town, Wahpeton, Fargo, and Grand Forks.
for all of the activities that are best
done beyond the control of individual (Continued on page 3)
The Sounds of Zion Page 2

From the Parish Nurse…...

Do you know your current blood pressure? How often is

your blood pressure checked? Are you concerned about
high blood pressure? Even if you are not worried about de-
veloping high blood pressure, blood pressure monitoring is
extremely important to your health. For the most part, you
can’t tell if you have high blood pressure, and most hyper-
tensive people have no symptoms. So the only way to find
out if it’s high is to have it measured.

High blood pressure is dangerous because it makes the

heart work too hard. It also makes the walls of the arteries
rigid. High blood pressure increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, the first- and third-leading
causes of death for Americans. High blood pressure can also cause other problems, such as heart
failure, kidney disease, and blindness.

What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the
arteries. Each time the heart beats (about 60-70 times a minute at rest), it pumps your blood into the
arteries. Your blood pressure is at its highest when the heart beats pumping your blood. This is the
systolic pressure (and is the top number). When the heart is at rest, between beats, your blood pres-
sure falls; this is the diastolic pressure (the lower number).

Blood pressure changes during the day. It is lowest as you sleep and it rises when you get up. It also
can rise when you are excited, nervous, or active. Still, for most of your waking hours, your blood
pressure stays pretty much the same when you are sitting or standing still. Your blood pressure level
should be lower than 120/80. When the level stays high (140/90 or higher), you have high blood
pressure (hypertension). With high blood pressure, the heart works harder, your arteries take a beat-
ing, and your chances of a stroke, heart attack, and kidney problems are greater. Persons with dia-
betes and kidney disease need to maintain a lower blood pressure.

Hypertension is an important risk factor for the development and worsening of many complications
of diabetes, including diabetic eye disease and kidney disease. It affects up to 60% of people with

If you have hypertension, you need to be evaluated by your health care provider. A diagnosis is usu-
ally made after a series of high blood pressure readings. Treatment of high blood pressure first con-
sists of lifestyle changes such as: healthy eating, reduction of salt in the diet, maintaining a healthy
weight, exercise, limiting alcohol intake, no smoking, and reducing stress. If lifestyle changes alone
are not effective in keeping your pressure controlled, it may be necessary to take blood pressure

It is recommended that you have your blood pressure checked at least every two years. A blood
pressure check should be done more often as you age, have family history of hypertension, or if
your last blood pressure reading was greater than 120/80. A blood pressure check may save your
The Sounds of Zion
Page 3

Change in the Dakotas Conference (Continued)

The final change that I want to bring to your attention will not take effect for a little over two years,
but could have a major impact on how we function.
In 2008, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church approved legislation to reduce the
number of bishops serving in the United States. In order for our jurisdiction to eliminate one such po-
sition, it has been decided that the Dakotas Annual Conference and the Minnesota Annual Confer-
ence will share a bishop, beginning in 2012. We still will function as two independent annual confer-
ences but those of us in the Dakotas will likely have less contact with a bishop who will have a pri-
mary residence in the Twin Cities and who will not get to know us as well as a bishop who resides
and works among us on a continual basis.
So, our church in the Dakotas is changing. How the changes will ultimately impact us as a confer-
ence and/or as an individual congregation remains to be seen. But I am hopeful that the new struc-
ture will provide us with greater support in our efforts to grow our membership and enhance our im-
pact on our people and our world. Let us not only be hopeful but intentionally and prayerfully com-
mitted to making this happen.

Sunday Morning, April 11th and April 18th

9:30 a.m.—12:15 p.m.

Located in the west wing, across from the Sister’s In Spirit Room.

Sunday School Classes are encouraged to stop by to:

• Take a look
• Listen to a story
• Have a treat
• Chat with the staff
• Check out a book
Page 4

4/01 Evelyn Pederson 4/16 Amelia Foltz

4/02 Dorothy Rowe 4/18 ViAnn Olson
4/03 Ed Larson 4/20 Walker Matthew
4/03 Nicholas Alston 4/21 Mike Brown
4/03 Alex Kristine Brown 4/22 Paul Drechsel
4/04 Judy Hall 4/22 Leon Krueger
4/04 Michael Holweger 4/26 Abigail Christian
4/05 Fern Yon (94) 4/27 Dawne Barwin
4/05 Don Holweger 4/28 Cheryl Loiland
4/07 Candy Clausen 4/29 Marge Bartuli
4/09 Connor Martin 4/29 Diane Cox
4/13 Lauren Carter 4/29 Joshua Carter
4/16 Ellen Myrick 4/30 Emma Jackson
4/16 Stephanie Alston

Gene & LaVonne Brown Mike & Shawna Brown

April 2nd April 21st

Roger & Carol Helland Kevin & ViAnn Olson

April 5th April 24th

David & Doreen Rubin Oscar & LaDell Sorenson

April 11th April 24th
Page 5
The Sounds of Zion

Thursday, April 1, 2010 – Holy Thursday 6:00 p.m.— “footstool” Practice

6:00 p.m.—Soup Supper & dessert at Wesley. 7:00 p.m.—Youth Group
7:00 p.m.—Holy Thursday Service at Wesley. 7:45 p.m.—Choir Practice
Friday, April 2, 2010—Good Friday Sunday, April 18, 2010—SouperSunday. Library Open House.
12:20-12:40 p.m.—Good Friday Prayer Service (Zion) 8:45 a.m.—Contemporary “footstool” Worship Service
7:00 p.m.—Good Friday Service (Zion) 9:30-12:15—Library Open House
Sunday, April 4, 2010—Easter. Holy Communion. Baptism. 9:45-11 a.m.—BP checks by UND students
7:30 a.m.—Sunrise Service 10:00 a.m.—Continental Fellowship & Sunday School
8:30 a.m.—Easter Breakfast 11:00 a.m.—Traditional Worship Service. SouperSunday
9:15 a.m.—Easter Egg Find Meal after service. Free will offering.
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School Monday, April 19, 2010
11:00 a.m.—Traditional Worship Service. Holy Sacrament of 1:00 p.m.—PEO. Fireside Room. (Joyce Groseth)
Baptism (Hayley M. Stevens) 7:30 p.m.—Evening Small Group.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010 Tuesday, April 20, 2010
6:30 a.m.—Morning Small Group 6:30 a.m.—Morning Small Group.
6:00 p.m.—New Vision Circle 3:30-5 p.m.—NAS Advisory Committee Meeting
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 7:30 p.m.—Renaissance Circle. Hostess: Bonnie Taylor.
10:30 a.m.—Zion Office Staff Meeting Wednesday, April 21, 2010
6:00 p.m.— “footstool” Practice 9:15 a.m.—Miriam Circle. Hostess: Joann Hurley.
6:30 p.m.—Decorate for UMW Salad Luncheon/Bake Sale 10:30 a.m.—Zion Office Staff Meeting
7:00 p.m.—Youth Group 6:00 p.m.— “footstool” Practice
7:45 p.m.—Choir Practice 7:00 p.m.— Youth Group
Saturday, April 10, 2010 7:45 p.m.—Choir Practice
11:00 a.m.—UMW Salad Luncheon & Bake Sale Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010—Library Open House 8:45 a.m.—Contemporary “footstool” Worship Service
8:45 a.m. – Contemporary “footstool” Worship Service 10:00 a.m.—Continental Fellowship & Sunday School
9:30-12:15—Library Open House 11:00 a.m.—Traditional Worship Service
10:00 a.m.—Continental Fellowship & Sunday School Monday, April 26, 2010
11:00 a.m.—Traditional Worship Service 7:30 p.m.—Evening Small Group
Monday, April 12, 2010 Tuesday, April 27, 2010
5:30 p.m.—United Methodist Men 6:30 a.m.—Morning Small Group
6:30 p.m.—Finance Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m.—Love Feast w/Sharon Lutheran serving.
7:30 p.m.—Administrative Council Meeting Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:30 a.m.—Zion Office Staff Meeting
6:30 a.m.—Morning Small Group 6:00 p.m.— “footstool” Practice
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 7:00 p.m.—Youth Group
10:30 a.m.—Zion Office Staff Meeting
The Sounds of Zion Page 6

Serving Group Chairs: Gerri Eck, ViAnn Olson, Dawne

Chuck/Ute Adams Steve/Cindy Arnold

Stephen/Luetta Benson Tim/LeeAnn Carlson

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sherri Collings Dwayne/Stephanie Cook
“footstool” Service —51
George/Diane Cox Paul/Carol Drechsel
Sunday School—60
Traditional Service—64 Lois Eider Chuck/Nancy Evans
Richard Felton/Eveyln Pederson Joyce Groseth
Sunday, March 14, 2010 Joann Hurley Mike Hurley
“footstool” Service—38
Cheryl Klamm Richard/Barb Larson
Sunday School—52
John/Barbara LaDuke Ed/Barb Larson
Traditional Service—81
Brian/Melissa Loehr Mike/Elaine Matthew
Sunday, March 21, 2010 Sara Medd Paul/Nancy Middleton
“footstool” Service—58 Jim/Karen Noss Ken/Violet Nygaard
Sunday School—63
Steve/Beverly Nygaard Chad/Ali Parkinson
Traditional Service—77
Roger/Lois Parkinson Paul/Annette Ray
Sunday, March 28, 2010 Glenda Rubash Ken/Mischief Sherwood
“footstool” Service—56 Lori Sprenger Kristi Swartz
Sunday School—53 Dale/Bonnie Taylor Bruce/Paulette VanderWolde
Traditional Service—123
Lloyd/Shirley Welsh Russ/Pam Whaley
Corey/Jane Wilde

“Each one should use whatever

gift he has received to serve
others, faithfully administering
God’s grace in its various
1 Peter 4:10 NIV
Page 7

Individual Volunteer Training Close to the Dakotas! (Monday’s @ Dakotas)

INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTEER - April 15-18, 2010. This training is offered once per year in our Jurisdic-
tion from the Mission Volunteer office of the General Board of Global Ministries. This year it will be at
Camp Kingswood, Mound, MN. The cost is $150.
If you ever wanted to spend more time on a mission venture than the usual 1-2 weeks, but didn't think you
were ready to become a full-time General Board of Global Ministries missionary - this is for you and those
like you! The United Methodist Church, in partnership with churches and institutions in the U.S.A. and
other countries, has identified opportunities for individual volunteers or married couples. Living in a dif-
ferent culture as Individual Volunteers presents challenges that require certain attributes:
• Maturity
• Interpersonal relationship skills
• Cross-cultural skills
• Physical & emotional health
• An active prayer life
• Interracial experience
• A great sense of humor

If you have these attributes, you are ready to be an Individual Volunteer!

The program requires that volunteers serve for 2 months or longer with host communities, complete the
application forms and attend a training/orientation weekend prior to service and be in prayer about your
calling. Volunteers will be greatly rewarded by finding joy in making new friends and relationships with
people of other cultures and growing in your faith and learning more about God's wonderful, beautiful
world and God's people who inhabit it! If your interest is piqued visit the website for all details and appli-
cation information.

We have a request for the book “The Shack” if anyone has it or others to donate.

Look for the white donation box for your contributions to the library.

Zion Library Committee

The Sounds of Zion Page 8

Souper Sunday
Following the 11 am service on April 18 there will be a feast of homemade soups
and bread for all to enjoy. The UMM are sponsoring this Souper Sunday event to
celebrate the arrival of spring and our many blessing at Zion. A free-will offering will
be taken to support a replacement computer for Buffie in the church's main office.

Don't miss the many wonderful selections of soups and breads on April 18. Bring a friend
to church and stay for our feast!

In the Spotlight…. Zion’s Administrative Council

According to the United Methodist Church’s Guidelines, the Administrative Council has “primary responsibil-
ity for creating and sustaining the congregation’s plan for discipleship.” Further, this plan has several aspects,
which include:
1. Work with the pastor to build a shared vision for discipleship
2. Plan ministries of nurture, outreach, and witness that help the congregation live its God-given vision.
3. Ensure that these ministries are aligned with the mission of disciple making
4. Allocate human and material resources for implementing the ministry plan
5. Provide an administrative infrastructure
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the ministry plan
7. Act as the administrative agency of the charge conference

Below is a list of the persons who serve on Zion’s Administrative Council, as well as the position they hold.
Cathy Perry, Chair Dale Taylor, Secretary
Don Miller, Lay Leader Ellen Myrick, Lay Member of the Annual Conference
Roger Parkinson, Chair of Staff-Parish Relations Cathy Perry, Lay Member of the Annual Conference
Lonnie Suckut, Chair of Finance and Stewardship Pam Whaley, Alternate Lay Member of Annual Conference
Rick Myrick, Chair of Trustees JoAnn White, Chair of Missions Team
Cynthia Shabb, Chair of Education Team Russ Whaley, Chair of Technology Team
Don Miller, Chair of Hospitality Team Barry Medd, Chair of Endowment Foundation
Tim Carlson, Chair of Worship Team Linda Dobson, United Methodist Women Representative
Doug Peters, United Methodist Men Representative Bette Olson, Parish Nurse
Dale Jensen, Treasurer Arlene Krueger, At-Large Member
Greg Taylor, At-Large Member

Thanks to all who volunteer their time to serve on Zion’s Administrative Council.
The Sounds of Zion Page 9

SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 2010.

Native American Ministries
Sunday recognizes and sup-
ports the contributions of Na-
tive Americans to the church
and society. Native Ameri-
can Sunday is one of 6 spe-
cial church-wide Sunday of-
ferings approved by the 1988
General Conference. The
funds collected will allow
United Methodist Churches
to partner with existing native
ministries to create programs
on behalf of Native Ameri-
cans. Money collected also
supports seminary scholar-
ships for United Methodist
Native Americans.

Fifty percent of the offering

remains in the annual confer-
ence to develop and
strengthen the local Native
American minis-
Calling All Bakers…... tries. Approximately 19,000
United Methodist identify
We need baked goods for themselves as Native Ameri-
the Bake Sale to be held can and approximately 225
on Saturday April 10th. United Methodist Churches,
Items that are especially fellowships and ministries
good sellers are home- relate to this popula-
made candies, yeast tion. Remember Native
breads and rolls and pies. American Sunday April 18,
Please have your goodies to the church by 10:00 a.m. on 2010.
Saturday April 10th. The church will also be open from 4 – 7
p.m. on Friday night, so you may bring bake sake items in Thank you,
during that time. JoAnn White , Mission Chair
The Sounds of Zion Page 10

Arlene Krueger and Bette Olson, members of

Zion’s Caring Team, had a wonderful visit at
Northwood Deaconess Health Center with
Zion member Dorothy Ollman. The caring
team would like to encourage you to stay in
touch with our shut-in’s.

The following items were discussed as possible mission projects for 2010:
• All-Church Garage Sale with possible date of Saturday, August 14th from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00
p.m. (Keep this date in mind when you are doing your spring cleaning)
• School and Health Kits. Collected throughout the summer months.
• Possible Pancake Breakfast on a Saturday morning opened to the public.
• Women's Christmas dinner - bringing gifts for those in need.
• Zion’s Pumpkin Patch is an all-church function. There was discussion of improvements and
also talk of giving an informational handout to children and families inviting them to join us for
worship. Potential delivery date: Sunday, October 3rd at noon with a possibility of receiving ¾
of a semi load of pumpkins. We will plan to unload and have a meal for everyone throughout
the afternoon. Please mark your calendars and plan to help unload the pumpkins from the
The Silent Auction is done by the youth group to support the mission trip. We will offer assistance
but leave this up to Doug Peters.

JoAnn White, Mission Chair Person

Need help with home or yard work/repairs?

UND students are hosting “The Big Event” on May 1, 2010. UND students would like to send volun-
teers to your home to help you with various jobs that you may have available for them. It is their
way to say THANK YOU to the Greater Grand Forks community for supporting the University. If you
have tasks or jobs that UND students can help you with, call 777-6468 or fill at out an application
at: Requests.htm by April 15.
The Sounds of Zion Page 11
The Sounds of Zion Page 12

Zion’s Home Committee Updates Narthex

You might have noticed a few changes in the Narthex. The bulletin board and church mail boxes
have been relocated and the sofas have been repositioned. These are just a few of the updates
that Zion’s Home Committee Members have made to our Narthex. Please take a moment to view
the updates in the Narthex and to personally thank each member of this committee for her service
to Zion.
Members include: Ellen Myrick (Chair), Annette Ray, Virginia Stewart, Jone Barnick, Elayn Cook,
and Linda Dobson.

We will be hosting Sidewalk Sonday School again this summer, with the help of Wesley
UMC, at Richard’s West Park. Dates are yet to be set. Watch for more details soon on how
you can participate. Judy Christy, from Wesley UMC, is looking for people from Zion who
are willing to help with SWSS this year. If you are interested or would like to find out more,
please contact her at or 772-1869 (Wesley office).

Don’t miss out on the fun at

Dakotas United Methodist Camps!
Zion is now offering scholarships on a first
come, first served basis that will pay a portion
of the registration costs (contact the church
office for more information). Visit Saturday, April 24th from 9 a.m.—3 p.m. for complete camp details Registration is $7.00 & lunch is included with fee.
and to register. Take advantage of early bird
registration by April 27th. The sign up sheet is in the Narthex. Please regis-
ter by Thursday, April 15th.


Zion’s Library Team

A special thanks to Zion’s Library Team for all the work that has been done to make our library look
neat, clean and organized! Please thank the members of this team as you have opportunity for
their many hours of service.
Members include: Wayne & Dorothy Rowe, Phyllis Quam and Bonnie Taylor
Zion United
Methodist Church

To Faith Evangelical Free Church for the delicious din-

1001 24th Avenue South ner they served on March 30th. There were 165 guests
Grand Forks, ND 58201

Phone: 701-772-1893
and 40 blood pressure checks.
Fax: 701-772-8391
Web address:

April 27—Sharon Lutheran Church

O u r H e Organization
arts, our Minds and
our Doors are always Open. May 25—Calvary Lutheran Church
June 29—Federated Church
July 27—Zion United Methodist Church
August 31—Our Savior Lutheran Church
September 28—Christus Rex Lutheran Campus Center
October 26—Mendenhall Presbyterian Church
November 30—University Lutheran Church

Thank you to those who serve Sunday Worship Schedule

Pastor: Russell Whaley Contemporary “footstool”
Ministers: The Congregation Worship Service
Church Secretary: Buffie Yarbrough 8:45 a.m.
Parish Nurse: Bette Olson
Continental Fellowship &
Church Custodian: Earl Olson
Sunday School
Choir Director: Ken Sherwood
10:00 a.m.
Organist: Laurie Guy
Lay Member to Annual Conference: Ellen Myrick Traditional Worship Service

Lay Leader: Don Miller 11:00 a.m.

“You do not make yourself holy by keeping yourself pure and clean from the world, but by plunging into the ministry
on behalf of the world’s hurting ones.”
– John Wesley

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