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Patients Bill of Rights

1. You have the right to accurate and easily understood information about your health
condition, health plan, health care professionals and health care facilities. If you speak
another language, have a mental and physical disability or just dont understand something,
help should be given so you can make informed health care decision.
2. You have the right to review your medical record without charge and obtain a copy for a
reasonable reason fee. You will not be denied a copy because you cannot afford the fee.
3. You have the right to receive a written discharge plan and descriptions of medications.
4. You have the right to itemized bill, including an explanation of all charges.
5. You have the right to choose health care providers who can give you high quality health
care when you need it.
6. You have the right to refuse treatment and be informed of the effects and
consequences of refusal. You can refuse treatment, examination or observation by a
particular health practitioner, or of replacing a doctor or staff member, and can request a
replacement. We will inform you the consequences of treatment refusal or of replacing a
doctor or staff, and will provide a replacement. This right supervenes even if a previous
informed consent has been signed.
7. If you have severe pain, injury or sudden illness that makes you believe that you health
is in danger, you have the right to be screened and stabilized using emergency services.
You should be able to use these services whenever and wherever you need them, without
needing to wait for authorization and without any financial penalty.
8. You have the right to know your treatment options and take part in decisions about care
and discharge.
9. Parents, guardians, family members or others that you choose can speak for you if you
cannot make your own decisions.
10. You have the right to receive all the information you need to give informed consent for.
This includes proposed procedures or treatment that need informed consent, including
possible risks and benefits, participation in research and orders not to resuscitate.

11. You have the right to give written well-informed consent before any non-emergency
procedure begins.
12. You have the right to discuss ethical issues surrounding you care. If you or your family
member needs to discuss ethical issues related to your care, a member of Ethics and
Grievance Committee is available at all times. DGMC Ethics and Grievance Committee is
headed by our Chief of Clinics, Dr. Leonardo Lao.
13. You have the right to leave the hospital or request for a transfer of institution (in
accordance with law and hospital policies).
14. You have the right to considerate, courteous, and respectful care from your doctors,
health plan representatives, and other health care providers that does not discriminate
against you.
15. You have the right to receive safe, considerate and ethical and cost effective medical
16. You have the right to receive care and treatment in a clean and safe environment free
of unnecessary restraints and without discrimination regards to race, color, religion, sex,
nation origin, disability, sexual orientation or source of payment.
17. You have the right to have your individual cultural, spiritual, religious and psychological
needs respected.
18. You have the right to expect reasonable continuity of care and to be informed of
available and realistic care option when hospital care is no longer appropriate.
19. You have the right to be free from the use of restraints and/or seclusion unless
clinically necessary.
20. You have the right to have your privacy and personal dignity maintained.
21. You have the right to expect that information regarding your care will be treated as
22. You have the right to talk privately with health care providers and to have your health
care information protected.
23. You also have the right to read and copy your own medical record(in accordance with
the law and hospital policies).

24. You have the right to ask that your doctor change your record if it is not correct,
relevant, or complete.
25. You have the right to a fair, fast, and objective review of any complaint you have
against your health plan, doctors, hospital or others health care personnel. This includes
complaints about waiting times, operating hours, the actions of health care personnel, and
the adequacy of health care facilities.
26. Patients must provides complete and accurate information about themselves, their
health, including present condition, past illnesses and hospitalizations, medications, natural
products and vitamins, and any other matter that per taints to their health.
27. Patients are expected t o do things like treat health care workers and other patients
with respect.
28. You must ask questions when you do not understand

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