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Global Translations

We Translate!

Success…Our only language!

To Authors & Editorials

To Authors & Editorials

If you are an independent Author or an Editorial representative who wants to

expand the reach of your products, we’ll help you to:

9 Increase your market share,

9 Raise your sales volume, and

9 Enlarge your operational field in a very innovative way.

Our company is dedicated to provide translations services for the content of

your work, and also of the marketing
and advertising content for:

Our work
Is fully Guarantee
9 Authors and Editorials

9 Websites
Available 100%

9 Companies that seek international

o Spanish
9 Export companies

9 Travel agencies o English

9 Tour operators
o French
9 Airlines
o Italian
9 Hotels, hostels and lodging
And all their variations
9 Restaurants

9 Bars and Clubs

Request us more information by writing us an e-mail with your name on to
Global Translations © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
*You will be able to download more information related to our services. It won’t be use for spam or telemarketing.
Why do I need to translate the content of my work?

imple, because in the globalization era it is indispensable going out in
search of new markets in order to be more competitive and
independents. The market is global now, and it accelerates to a
vertiginous rhythm. The opportunities are out there!

- Europe spent 94.400 USD millions on Internet purchases in 2006, number

that is hope to increase in an 11 3, 2% to 201.300 millions in 2009. 1

- Asia and Latin-America are

It’s NOT necessary that you are selling in
beginning to reach the
Internet or that you will sell on Internet at
critical mass of consumers some moment.
and sales in Internet.

- The 95% of the consumers in the world live outside the United States. 2

The bigger markets and the most competitive are: Latin-America, Europe and

Global Translations helps Authors and Editorials to get international customers in

order to:

- Increase their sales and gain global market share.

- Diversify and reduce the dependence of the local markets.

- Stabilize the seasonal fluctuations of the market.

1 Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide

2 Trade Promotion Authority” ( – January 31st of 2007

Request us more information by writing us an e-mail with your name on to
Global Translations © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
*You will be able to download more information related to our services. It won’t be use for spam or telemarketing.
Therefore to catch costumer’s
We don’t use any kind of 
interest you have to offer them
software to do our work.  your products and services in their
native language.
We are a group of professionals
highly qualified and motivated!
That Simple!

Catch your costumer’s interest with the message

you really want to transmit.

e are a group of professionals highly qualified and also highly
motivated in order to offer you this service, with all the required
knowledge of every single language, so when we do our work,
this will keep its sense and the message will be received as clear
as if it had been written in its original language.

We don’t use any kind of software to do our

work. That is because all software can only Global Translations
translate textually word by word, losing the entire is the solution to
sense of a sentence in the process, and the most
reach international
important -losing the sense of the message that
markets with
one wants to transmit.

Our work is to facilitate communications. It can only be achieved by the effort

of professionals that know every single language, who are here to help you out
to communicate the message you want to transmit to your customers, with out
losing its sense when it is translated to another language.

Request us more information by writing us an e-mail with your name on to
Global Translations © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
*You will be able to download more information related to our services. It won’t be use for spam or telemarketing.

It’s time to Grow!

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