HEY SELL ABROAD!,Global Translations

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Sell Abroad!

Global Translations
We Translate!

Success…Our only language!

Increase your sales: sell abroad
It is possible that the international sale is something unknown for your business.
But with our service we can help you to reach the entire world.

Why to export?

The international market is growing

Nevertheless the grow-rate of e-commerce in the United States is rising, some
others markets are growing even faster:

- Europe spent 94.400 USD millions on Internet purchases in 2006, number

that is expected to increase to 113, 2% to 201.300 millions in 2009. 1

- Asia and Latin-America are

It’s NOT necessary that you are selling in
beginning to reach the
Internet already, or that you will sell on
critical mass of consumers Internet at a certain moment.
and sales in Internet.

- The 95% of the consumers in the world live outside the United States. 2

Global Translations helps the companies to get international customers in order


- Increase their sales and gain global market share.

- Diversify and reduce the dependence of the local markets.

- Stabilize the seasonal fluctuations of the market.

1 Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide

2 Trade Promotion Authority” (www.ustr.gov) – January 31st of 2007

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This means it is a market in full expansion in the region. If one of your business
goals is growing; this is the right time to take it to the next level. This is the market
you should point. Therefore to catch their interest you have to offer your
products and services in their native language.

That Simple!

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Global Translations is the solution to reach
international markets with success

We help the companies and business to:

9 Increase their market share,

9 Raise their sales volume, and

9 Enlarge their operational field in a very innovative way.

Our company is dedicated to provide translations services of the marketing

and advertising content for:

Our work
Is fully Guarantee
9 Companies that seek
international markets
9 Export companies languages:
9 Websites
o Spanish
9 Authors and Editorials

9 Travel agencies
o English
9 Tour operators o French
9 Airlines o Italian
9 Hotels, hostels and lodging And all their variations

9 Restaurants

9 Bars and Clubs

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Catch your costumer’s interest with the message
you really want to transmit.

We are a group of professionals highly qualified and also highly motivated in

order to offer you this service, with all the required knowledge in every single
language, so when we do our work, this will keep its sense and the message will
be received as clear as if it had been written in its original language.

We don’t use any kind of software to do our work.

That is because all software can only translate Your
textually word by word, losing the entire sense of a message
sentence in the process, and the most important - will keep
losing the sense of the message that one wants to its sense

Our work is to facilitate communications. It can only be achieved by the effort

of professionals that know every single language, who are here to help you out
to communicate the message you want to transmit to your customers, with out
losing its sense when it is translated to another language.

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Global Translations guide for international sales

Global Translations offers an innovative, practical, quick, simple and safe

solution to help merchants to attract international customers. We also invite you
to follow the essential steps to go
further the local sales and establish We don’t use any kind of 
a world wide scale e-business. software to do our work. 

We are a group of professionals
Get familiar with the public entities highly qualified and motivated!
that promote exports and support
the exporters:

- International Trade Administration – trade.gov/index.asp

- Trade Information Center – www.export.gov/exportbasics/ticredirect.asp
- Small Business Administration, Office of International Trade –

Internet has no borders and it’s not complicated to get international customers.
These are some advices to improve your website and make it more attractive:

- Highlight your will of accepting international orders.

- Make sure that your website allows to choose among several languages

- Enumerate all your products in local currency

- Offer clear information regarding shipping, costs and countries in those

that you operate

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Aspire to enlarge your current national marketing to a world audience. There
are several ways to attract international customers like local search tools and
direct mail.

Evaluate the shipping companies around
your region. The most important shipping
companies offer integrated solutions and
packages. These solutions can include
manipulation, fiscal documentation and
customs duty plus shipment calculators.
To obtain more information visit USPS Global Shipping, DHL International
Shipping, FedEx International Shipping y UPS International Shipping.

Customers support
The language could be a problem to assist international customers. It is very
probable that most of your customers understand

Make sure that all the refund policies are clear for all international transactions.
Skype could facilitate the international customers support with free phone-calls
among registered users. If your company has the intention to create a website
to attract international customers, is very important to provide international
customers support in their native language.


Customses and documentation

All the shippings should pass the customs; it is the entity that regulates the
imports and exports of a region or country. To help the customs agents
understand the content of a shipment, its value and its purpose, you should
attach customs forms at the outside of the package, in that way those can be
inspected easily. Some shipping companies offer this service. As a general rule,

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don’t declare the content of a shipment as a “gift”. It’s illegal to present in a
false way a commercial article just to avoid taxes.

To obtain more information about custom forms at UPS.com or visit the website
of the World Customs Organization, www.wcoomd.org if you want more
information about an specific customs normative around the world.

Tariff rights and taxes

It is possible tariff rights and taxes are charged to the buyer for certain articles
and these can vary depending on the country. Make sure that your customers
know that the tariff rights and taxes are the client's responsibility.

Some general guidelines are:

- Articles with value below 200 USD. The buyers wouldn’t have any trouble
when import this kind of articles. But verify the customs normative to
make sure there aren’t possible restrictions that vary depending on the

- Articles with value above 200 USD. The buyers that import articles for
personal use of a higher value would have to pay Tariff rights or taxes.
The tariff right rate, if apply -depend on the type of article and its value.
Some articles are duty free.

- Articles for commercial purposes. The clients that import articles for
commercial purposes may have to deal with shares, taxes and
documentation. The commercial articles (goods committed for sale)
could be bond to some special import requirements.

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It’s time to Grow!

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