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Wake Up, it’s already late

Introduction-This is the year 2110.Earth is extremely Polluted and has become a junkyard. All
humans have left earth on a spaceship as it was impossible to live on Earth.


Young man (Raunak): What am I doing here…it’s so difficult to live here.

Old man (Karanjot): What is the matter?

Young man: I am fed up of living on this spaceship….it’s like a cage…we cannot go outside…I
want to breathe fresh air...

Old man: Yes you are absolutely right, we are like prisoners and we are prisoned over here. This
all because of our stupidity.

Young man: Why were we so stupid that we didn’t even care –we destroyed our own home…
now…look where we are…

Old man: Yes, Yes…you are right…we were stupid…living in a dream…ignoring all the signs of

I remember…how beautiful the Earth was…


Old man: In our times the Earth was so beautiful…

(The old man thinks about his childhood…)

Mother (Udita): The air is so fresh here…it’s great to outside the city…

Father (Nidaan): Yes, I can actually hear the chirping of birds…

Son (Srijan): It feels so good to take a swim in the river…the water is so cool.

Daughter (Ria) : Ma do you know…scientists have found a new species of an owl…

Son: Ma…look at me…I am flying in the air…as fast as the birds…ha…ha

(The son is running in the field pretending to be a bird)


Young man: So if everyone loved nature…How was Earth destroyed?

Old man: We all did love nature…but we just didn’t take care of it…we dumped garbage into the
rivers, killed all the animals and cut the trees…


Businessman (Pulkit): This business has so much profit…

P.A. (Malay): But sir…these plastic are banned…The waste they produce is very harmful…

Businessman: So what…go and dump all the acids in the river

P.A.: Sir! But the river will get polluted and can kill fishes…even humans

Businessman: Who cares? Profit is what is important…hurry up….do as I say…

P.A.: Yes sir


Man (Nidaan): I have everything…except the tiger skin in my drawing room…we have to go for a

P.A. (Pranit): Oh sir! Tomorrow we can go…I have heard there is a tiger near the pond…

Man: Wonderful…get my rifles ready…tomorrow early morning we shall set out…

P.A.: I will make all the arrangements, Sir

(Next day early morning the and his team set out to hunt the tiger…)

Forest Officer (Shagun): Stop! You cannot hunt here…it is illegal…

Man: You will stop us? How dare you? Do you know who I am… hunting is a royal sport…

Forest Officer: I am the forest protector…you are under arrest…

(The next day the Hunter is released due to some politician’s intervention… and the forest officer
is suspended…and the tiger is killed)


Woman (Udita): I want pure Rosewood teak in my house…

Man (Srijan): it is too expensive…and it takes 50 trees

Woman: I don’t care…

Man: Okay…

(Trees are cut to make furniture and flooring for the woman and it takes about 30 years to a
tree to be full grown)


Child (Arpit): Pa, I am going for a swim in the river

Father (Ishan): Okay, but don’t go alone…take someone

Child: Yes I am going with my friends

(After sometime the child returns scratching his skin…)

Father: Rohit what’s wrong…sit still…why are you scratching yourself

Child: Pa…it itches…

Father: Show me…oh no…it seems to be some kind of skin infection. Let’s go to the Doctor.

(In the doctor’s clinic)

Father: Good Morning! Doctor

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